Treatment of arthrosis of the ankle in the home

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  • 1How to treat arthrosis of the ankle
    • 1.1Osteoarthritis: causes
    • 1.2Symptoms of Ankle Arthrosis
    • 1.3Diagnosis of the disease
    • 1.4Ankle Arthrosis: Methods of Treatment
    • 1.5Medication
    • 1.6Massage and physical therapy
    • 1.7LFK at home
  • 2Treatment of arthrosis of the ankle in the home
    • 2.1Symptoms of the disease
    • 2.2Purpose of therapeutic exercise and massage
    • 2.3The use of folk drugs for local therapy
    • 2.4Use of special trays
    • 2.5Preparations for oral administration
  • 3How to treat arthrosis of the ankle joint at home
    • 3.1Causes of the disease
    • 3.2Efficacy of ointment treatment
    • 3.3Treatment with compresses
    • 3.4Tinctures for arthrosis
    • 3.5Available home remedies
    • 3.6Diet Features
  • 4How to recognize and defeat arthrosis of the ankle: symptoms and treatment at home
    • 4.1Symptoms of ankle arthrosis
    • 4.2Treatment options at home
    • 4.3Medication
    • 4.4Physiotherapy at home
    • 4.5Folk methods
    • 4.6Local treatment
    • 4.7Systemic treatment
  • 5Arthrosis of the Ankle - Symptoms and Treatment
    instagram viewer
    • 5.1Causes and symptoms of ankle arthrosis
    • 5.2How to treat arthrosis of the ankles?
    • 5.3Treatment of arthrosis of the ankle in the home

How to treat arthrosis of the ankle

The ankle joint is almost always in motion. Thanks to him you can move the foot in the side, unbend and bend it.

The legs are almost always under high load and it is precisely because of this that a disease such as ankle arthrosis occurs.

This disease causes cartilage deformation and, if you do not take any measures - the cartilage will collapse completely. A similar disease is most common in people with obesity of different degrees and in the elderly.

Notable symptoms begin much later than the process of cartilage deformation itself. A person can not even know about the problem for a long time. Every year, patients with arthrosis, it becomes more and more people are mostly elderly.

Osteoarthritis: causes

Absolutely every person should watch the load on the feet, so that there are no such problems. It is the load on the foot that provokes arthrosis of the ankle joint. But this is not the only cause of the disease:

  • Great stress on the feet, for example, while playing sports. Women can load their feet not only with sports exercises, but also with the usual toe of heels for a long time;
  • Frequent hypothermia of the feet;
  • The metabolism can be disturbed due to overeating, perhaps this is due to heredity or for some other reason (diabetes, gout, etc.);
  • Obesity;
  • Flat feet or other deformities of the feet (clubfoot, horse feet);
  • Hereditary predisposition to joint arthrosis;
  • Inactivity during fractures or other ankle injury;
  • Perhaps the appearance of arthrosis in other similar diseases.

Osteoarthritis of the ankle is divided into several stages. At the first stage, the person is still working and does not feel any changes.

But in the second and third stage, pain and mobility come down significantly.

If you do not take any action, inoperability can grow from temporary to full.

Symptoms of Ankle Arthrosis

As mentioned earlier, at first, the symptoms do not appear, but this does not mean that it is impossible to predict and stop the destruction of cartilage. It is very important to know all the main symptoms of arthrosis of the joints of the feet. Knowing the symptoms you can immediately go to the doctor and begin to heal.


  • The very first symptom that can appear over time is a sharp painful sensation when trying to step on the foot. Sharp pain can continue only a few subsequent steps. Pain may appear even when no load is applied to the foot. In this case, most often, pain is increasing;
  • The next symptom may be fast fatigue of the joint. This is due to the sprain of the ligaments. Also, there is a crunch and clicks during normal walking;
  • When running or even walking, there is a restriction in movement;
  • The appearance of edema (especially well you can see it under the ankles) and an increase in the joint in the volume (over time, the joint will begin to bend);
  • With the advent of the previous symptoms, a person will walk less and on the foot will not have anything to do. With this comes the hypotrophy around the joint muscles and the weakness of the ligament apparatus;
  • At the end - deformation of the joint (the last stage of arthrosis).

Diagnosis of the disease

It is very important to distinguish arthrosis of the ankle from other similar diseases.

For an accurate assessment of arthrosis, the following tests should be performed: an expanded blood test, rheumatoid tests, uric acid and a CRP test (C-reactive protein).

If you have arthrosis, the results will be in order. At the last stage of the disease, it is likely that the results will show an increased level of ESR and leukocytes.

To establish the stage of the disease, you need to get more information about the site of the inflammation. For this, patients should undergo a radiograph in two projections, ultrasound, CT or MRI of the inflamed leg.

  1. The first stage: a very slightly articular cleft is narrowed.
  2. The second stage: the gap will be narrowed by more than 40%.
  3. The third stage: at this stage, the gap may be absent altogether. In addition to the absence of a gap, you can see the destruction of the bone.

Ankle Arthrosis: Methods of Treatment

Ankle arthrosis does not differ from arthrosis in other places. When establishing the diagnosis, treatment begins immediately and is directed at:

  • Elimination of pain;
  • Removal of inflammation;
  • Restoration of cartilaginous tissue;
  • Adjustment of joint mobility by expansion;
  • Restoration and improvement of metabolism in the disease area.

Treat the disease with medicines, folk methods, therapeutic exercises, massage and, if the disease is too neglected, surgical intervention is necessary.


Treatment with medicines will not eliminate the problem completely, but will only help to anesthetize, eliminate swelling and inflammation, and also facilitate the movement of the ankle.

For the removal of inflammation using NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Some of the drugs in this category contain Analgin, Dexalgin and Reanlgan (give an analgesic effect), but if the drugs do not above listed analgesics, the drug has a more pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and contains Diclofenac, Voltaren and Movalis. NSAIDs are best used in the form of ointments and injections; these drugs have a poor effect on the gastric mucosa.

In addition to intramuscular and external use of the drug, it can also be used directly on the affected joint. Very rarely one drug is used - it is not effective.

Perhaps the best and relatively cheap combination will be the use of ointment Chondroxide and capsules of chondroitin complex. This will remove puffiness and normalize the metabolism.

In addition, microcirculation is intensified due to Pentoxifylline or Trental.

Massage and physical therapy

Without the physical procedures to cure and eliminate the symptoms does not work. However, there are many doctors who are very skeptical about physiotherapy.

These procedures will help to strengthen the effect of drugs and puffiness will decrease much faster. Fizprotsedury conducted only in the process of remission of the disease (remission).

At the end of the treatment, doctors advise you to go to a sanatorium and complete the treatment at the mud resorts.

When the massage strengthens the muscles of the foot and lower leg.


Massaging begins first with the toes, then go higher to the very foot and ankle joint, the lower leg and finally massage the thigh.


One massage session lasts 15-20 minutes. To achieve the best effect of the massage, it is worth to complete three three-week courses with interruptions for two weeks.

LFK at home

LFK (therapeutic exercise) is used for any arthrosis.

LFK shows a remarkable effect if posttraumatic arthrosis of the ankle developed.

Post-traumatic arthrosis of the ankle appears almost always when there are various ankle damage.

Before you start taking exercise therapy at home, you need to consult a specialist who will develop a set of exercises for you.

At the first stage, all exercises are performed in a supine position: circular movements of the foot and reduction-retraction.

And at the last stage you can go to a sitting position and do all the same exercises.

Treatment of ankle arthrosis can occur at home using folk remedies. During the home treatment use the following means: honey, butter, mustard, alcohol, garlic, etc.

All these products can be combined and used for baths and compresses. Treatment of posttraumatic arthrosis of the ankle joint can also occur by means of traditional medicine at home.

However, we should never forget that folk remedies are just an addition to the basic medication.

In conclusion, it is only necessary to warn that it is easiest to prevent the appearance of ankle arthrosis, than to treat it later. Avoid hypothermia, unnecessary physical exertion on your legs and watch your weight. And women are advised not to wear shoes. Avoid tight and cold shoes.

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Treatment of arthrosis of the ankle in the home

If you have arthrosis of the ankle joint, symptoms and treatment must be known. Such a disease requires intensive care, for this reason at the first sign should immediately consult a doctor.

Symptoms of the disease

Before you deal with the symptoms of the disease, you need to know what kind of classification exists. The international list of ailments distinguishes 3 degrees of pathology. The 1st appears on a healthy cartilage.

The pains are not yet too strong, and they can not restrict the movements of the patient. Unpleasant sensations become noticeable only if the joint is overloaded.

The second degree of the disease has a pronounced symptomatology:

  • creaking, crunching and other uncharacteristic sounds in the ankle with intense movements;
  • permanent dislocations, which occur due to weakening of the joints;
  • heaviness in the affected area, especially in the morning;
  • the appearance of severe pain, which depends on the form of the ailment;
  • partial or complete upset of the ankle muscles.

Symptoms of arthrosis of the ankle joint can also manifest as an inflammatory process (the affected areas swell and become hot).

Quite often there is a curvature of the axis of the shin, it can take O-shaped or X-shaped.


Painful sensations appear when a person passes from a calm state into an active state.


The main sign of arthrosis of the third degree is the presence of a significant and noticeable deformation of the metatarsophalangeal joint. In this situation, it is almost impossible to move, and the thumb of the foot is noticeably lowered downwards.

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Deforming arthrosis of the ankle joint is simply recognized by a characteristic (twisted) gait, as the patient tries to move the load to the outer edge of the foot.

Usually under the phalanx of the fingers appear corns, and unpleasant sensations excruciate not only during movements, but also when the person sits or lies.

Patients with this type of arthrosis markedly reduced the level of efficiency, they are extremely quickly tired.

A photo. Deforming arthrosis of the ankle on x-ray

Purpose of therapeutic exercise and massage

Gymnastics for arthrosis of the ankle is an obligatory component in the treatment of ailment. According to some doctors, such exercises do not bring the desired effect. In fact, this is not so.

LFK with arthrosis is aimed at helping to restore the lost muscle tone and increase the number of movements in the ankle. Begin a set of exercises with minimal load.

Most often, such physical exercises are carried out:

  1. It is recommended to lie on your back (on a firm surface) and straighten your legs. Then it is required to perform the lead / lead, perform circular exercises with the foot.
  2. You need to sit on a chair and put your lower limbs on the floor. Next, you should make a roll of the foot - supposedly walking on the spot.
  3. Then again lie on your back and stretch your legs. While in this position, you need to pull the socks on yourself and take them to the opposite position. And you need to make circular motions in accordance with the direction of the hour hand. In this case, it is recommended to maximally breed and reduce the big toes.

After several months of home gymnastics, exercises with arthrosis of the ankle are performed with the addition of a load level. To do this, use special devices that are in the rehabilitation centers.

There is one more physical therapeutic method - magnetotherapy. Only to such procedure it is necessary to address after the coordination with the doctor.

To fix the result, experts insist on treatment in sanatoriums or mud resorts.

With arthrosis for the ankle, the use of massage will be very useful. It is necessary to knead the joint, shin and thigh. Strengthening the muscles of the entire leg, you can provide a powerful counteraction to the disease.

The implementation of such manipulations begins with the fingers, then you need to smoothly move to the foot, inflamed joint, shin and thigh. It is necessary to rub and knead muscles in these zones. It takes 16-25 minutes for a massage.

To achieve maximum effect, you should hold a course consisting of 14 days, then take a break for 2 weeks and repeat the effect.

The use of folk drugs for local therapy

Osteoarthritis of the ankle (ICD-10 M15-M19) is often treated with folk recipes:

  1. A good remedy is prepared from the school chalk. Raw materials should be crushed and add a little kefir (until a uniform consistency is formed). The resulting paste is required to be applied to the sick foot at night. Due to the fact that the salt contains calcium salts, this leads to an improvement in blood flow and the removal of pain and swelling.
  2. Another way to relieve symptoms of ankle arthrosis is based on the crushed roots of the swamp saber. You need to take pre-prepared raw materials and mix it with butter (: 0). This ointment is required to rub into a sick joint at night.
  3. For the treatment of ailment it is common to use melted pork fat. Such a substance must be rubbed into sore spots, and topped with cellophane and a scarf.
  4. It is recommended to use oatmeal to treat affected foot joints. It is necessary to take 2-3 tbsp. l. flakes, pour them with water and cook. Then the product should be applied at night (as a compress). Note that it is allowed to use fresh mass, but in no case is it yesterday's.
  5. You can treat the disease and a mixture of herbs. It is necessary to take flowers of clover and St. John's wort, and even cones of hops (the components will need 2 tbsp. l.). Also to the mass you need to add 50 g of olive or sunflower oil. Obtained medication is recommended to apply to the foot at night.
  6. Quite often, they use a healing decoction, which needs to be heated up by sick joints. To prepare the drug, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. needles, pour 100 g of water and keep on low heat for 15 minutes. The broth is required to insist for half an hour, then take a cotton swab, dipped in a healing liquid and primotat to a sore spot.
  7. Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint is allowed to be treated with the help of an applique made from cabbage juice. To get it, you need to take the leaves of the vegetable and grind in a blender.
  8. Quite often use and fern. Both cultures provide an analgesic effect.
  9. Good results are achieved with therapy with dry mustard, olive oil and buckwheat honey (75 g). The mixture must be boiled and applied as an application to the affected joints. Mandatory rule - the drug should be on the foot for a maximum of 2 hours.
  10. Good tincture of onions on alcohol. It is required to take 1 vegetable, grind it and pour 100 g of vodka, then put it in a cold place for 14 days. After the specified time, the agent can be used for rubbing.

An excellent preparation is often prepared according to the following recipe:

  • you need to take 250 g of lime honey;
  • add to it 400 ml of radish juice and 120 ml of wine (preferably red);
  • components must be mixed thoroughly and pour 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt.

This mixture is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator for 14 days, after which it is allowed to rub the product into the affected ankle.

Use of special trays

There is a large number of medicinal baths with which you can get rid of pathology. The alkali solution helps effectively. It is necessary to take wood ash (5-6 kg) and pour it with water (5-6 liters).

The resulting mass should be left in a dark room for 12 hours. This time will be enough for the alkali to rise. To perform 1 procedure, you need to pour 1 liter of solution into the pelvis and dilute it with 4 liters of water.

Then you should lower your legs there and sit like that for 20-25 minutes.

Sea salt helps well. It is necessary to take 500 g of substance and add it to the basin with 5 liters of water. After this, it is required to immerse the lower limbs there and sit in this position for about half an hour. Well-established healing procedures with the addition of bran.

To prepare the bath you will need 1 kg of the substance, which is spread into a pan and boiled for 12-14 minutes. Then the mass must be filtered, placed in the pelvis and lowered there legs. The duration of the procedure is continued until the water completely cools down.

Still it is possible to make baths from leaves of a birch or coniferous needles.


You need to take 1000 g of one or the other component, then pour it 10 liters of water and leave to infuse for 30 minutes.


Then the resulting mass must be poured into the tub and immerse the lower limbs there. The duration of the procedure is about half an hour, and the course of therapy consists of 31 days.

Preparations for oral administration

Treatment of arthrosis of the ankle joint at home is often performed with the help of drugs that should be taken orally. Thanks to such medicines, it is possible to restore the circulation process and to normalize the nutrition of the joints.

  1. The drug prepared from the bark of willow, calendula (flowers), birch leaves and nettle has proved to be excellent. All components need to take 75 grams and pour water (1 L), then the product must be brought to a boil and insist for half a day. For 60 days it is required to drink this infusion for ½ cup. Multiplicity of admission is 3 times a day.
  2. To carry out treatment by folk remedies, one more prescription is possible. To do this, you need to take lemon and celery (500 g each), then you need to grind the ingredients in a blender and add to the mass of May honey (250 g). Next, you need to leave the drug for infusion (for 7 days), then use 2 tbsp. l. before eating.
  3. To get rid of the painful sensations often use infusion based on the crushed leaves of the agave. To create a healing drug you need to take such raw materials and pour alcohol (: 0). The resulting mass is required to insist for 12 days. At the end of this time, you need to take the drug for 25 drops. Be sure to do this before eating.
  4. You can treat arthrosis of the ankle and with the help of another drug. To make it, you need to take a dry field horsetail (100 g), pour 800 ml of milk and bring to a boil. You need to use such a medicine for a glass. The course consists of 31 days.
  5. Another medicine can be prepared from rye grain (1000 g), it must be cleaned and poured 7 liters of water. After this, it is required to place the drug on medium heat and bring to a boil. Then the drug needs to be insisted for 2 hours. Next, you should strain the medicine and add 1 kg of bee products to it and, art. l. barbaric root. The mass should be in a dark place for about a month, after which it is allowed to take for 6 hours. l. before the meal.
  6. A fine auxiliary is prepared from 4 hours. l. and the violet grass. It is necessary to pour the components of 500 ml of boiling water and insist for 2-3 hours. Further it is required to drink completely such drink for 3 receptions in day (in the morning, at a dinner and in the evening).
  7. Also, quite often a medicine is prepared from 2 hours. l. burdock root (crushed), it needs to be poured with 1 glass of alcohol (preferably strong alcohol) and insist for a week. Take the drug is necessary for 1 tbsp. l. up to 4 times a day.

If you were diagnosed with deforming arthrosis of the ankle, treatment should be urgent. Adhering to all the rules of therapy, you can quickly get rid of pathology.

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How to treat arthrosis of the ankle joint at home

Osteoarthritis or degenerative disorder of cartilaginous tissues with an irreversible change in the structure of the joints - this diagnosis is often heard by people of advanced age.

Even with the first symptoms should immediately contact a specialist, since.

in the form of complications, partial or complete loss of leg mobility, the onset of disability is possible.

Stop the progression of an undesirable phenomenon can treatment of ankle arthrosis at home.

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Practice shows that this disease manifests itself among young people.

In particular, they are sportsmen, people who lead an active lifestyle, who often have fractures, dislocations, bruises.

If timely use of the advice of traditional medicine, you can avoid undesirable consequences of the disease, significantly reduce the course of treatment and rehabilitation period.

Causes of the disease

The development of ankle arthrosis is preceded by the following factors:

  • obtaining different complexity of injuries due to certain professional activities;
  • regular physical exertion on lower limbs;
  • the presence of excess weight;
  • engaging in power sports;
  • formation of salts in the body;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • severe working conditions, negatively affecting the musculoskeletal system;
  • frequent wearing of tight and uncomfortable shoes;
  • predisposition at the genetic level.

In the presence of arthrosis of the ankle joint, even with the slightest movement, regular pain appears.Legs swell, muscle atrophy occurs, a crunch in the joints is clearly heard. As a result of the inflammatory process, the simplest movements become trapped.

It is accepted to distinguish three stages of the disease. Arthrosis of the first and second degree with timely detection is treated, while the patient with time completely restored the function of the damaged legs.

Efficacy of ointment treatment

When diagnosing arthrosis of the ankle, ointments should be used, based on herbs and natural products that eliminate pain and prevent the inflammatory process:

  1. Ointment on the basis of leaves comfrey is prepared at home. It is necessary to mix vegetable oil and pre-crushed plant leaves in equal proportions. The resulting mass should be kept on a slow fire for 20 - 30 minutes, cool. The finished mixture is applied several times during the day on the diseased portion of the lower limb.
  2. Ointment consisting of honey, glycerin, medical alcohol and iodine. Combine all the ingredients in the same amount and mix thoroughly, let them brew. Apply to joints affected by arthrosis, light massaging movements. To achieve a better effect, this product must be prepared daily.
  3. Another ointment based on honey is distributed. To make it, you need 3 g of mummy (pre-mix in a small amount of water), 80 - 100 g of honey. The resulting composition should be applied to the damaged area of ​​the lower limb immediately after preparation. It is worth noting that this composition effectively copes with all types of arthrosis.
  4. Birch Ointment. To get a useful tool that helps to cope with unwanted symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to lay birch buds and good butter in the heatproof capacity of the layers. Tightly sealed dishes are placed in the oven, kept on low heat for no more than 30 minutes. After cooling, the resulting mass is slightly wrung out and combined with a small amount of camphor oil. The mixture is well suited for rubbing the sick ankle joints at night. It is recommended to wrap the treated areas with a warm cloth for warming.

Treatment with compresses

If the ankle is damaged, the pain syndrome and swelling are quickly relieved, the compresses prepared at home are returned as before:

  1. A remedy based on raw potatoes. Vegetables in a raw form are ground on a small grater to the state of gruel and applied to the diseased area. After 30 - 40 minutes, wash the leg with warm water.
  2. Compress consisting of leaves of fresh burdock, warming the affected joints. Carefully washed leaves of the plant are dried, smeared with a small amount of honey, applied to the joints affected by arthrosis. As a bandage, a usual scarf, napkin, a wide bandage is used. Such compresses have no contraindications, they should be applied during the night sleep, applied until complete recovery.
  3. Compress on freshly squeezed cabbage juice copes well with the swelling of the ankle joints with arthrosis. Everything is very simple: a clean napkin is saturated with plenty of juice, applied to the leg and fixed with a convenient tool. In the morning swelling will noticeably decrease, the pain syndrome will become less pronounced.
  4. Compress on the basis of chalk, which is applied at night. Powder ground to a powdery state is mixed with low-fat kefir until a dense homogeneous mass forms. The mixture is thickly applied to the ankle joint, covered with a usual food film, washed off in the morning with water.

Tinctures for arthrosis

In the treatment of arthrosis of the ankle joints of the lower extremities, the following tools are effective:

  1. Garlic tincture consists of 1 part of this product (finely ground) and 10 parts of any vegetable oil, preferably olive. Infused 2 - 3 days, taken internally for 1 hour. l. in the morning.
  2. Accelerates the regeneration of cartilaginous tissue with arthrosis gelatinous infusion. Prepared just: 1 h. l. dry matter poured 100 ml of boiling water. In the morning, the resulting mass is diluted with 150 ml of water, mixed with 50 g of honey. Must be taken in the morning on an empty stomach at a time.
  3. Nettle and birch leaves in equal proportions are placed in a thermos, refuel with boiling water, infused for 10-12 hours. Take the resulting broth 75 ml four times a day.
  4. Tincture of radish and alcohol, used for grinding the sick ankle joints with arthrosis. Composition: 1 tbsp. l. honey liter of alcohol, 250 ml of fresh radish juice. The mixture is kept in the refrigerator for 15 to 20 days, applied to the affected areas twice a day.

Available home remedies

Often with inflammation of the joints on the lower extremities, ordinary river sand is used.

It is heated in the oven, after a light cooling, it is placed in a container, in which it is convenient to place a foot, having covered it with a warm substance.

In warm sand, the joint should be held for 1 hour, the procedure should be repeated daily. An alternative may be sea salt that retains heat for a long time.

To prevent the destruction of the ankle joint with arthrosis is capable of egg shell.In purified and powdered form it is ingested with food or with water.

They alleviate the pain, return the former mobility, relieve tension juniper tubs. Use a decoction of branches or natural essential oil of this plant.

Diet Features

With arthrosis of the ankle, a person can slow down or prevent the destruction of the articular tissue, revising and radically changing the diet.

In this case, you should follow simple rules:

  • reception of a sufficient amount of water;
  • balanced diet;
  • absolute freshness and naturalness of products;
  • frequent intake of food in small portions.

It is not recommended to eat or completely refuse spices, oily fish and meat, all fried foods, canned delicacies, coffee and strong tea.

Until recently, it was believed that Solanaceae (tomatoes), sea salt contribute to the development of arthrosis of the ankles. However, the conducted studies disprove this fact, confirming only the benefits of these products.

Passage of complex therapy in the detection of arthrosis, based on the intake of medications, folk remedies medicine, proper nutrition and appropriate regime of the day, sufficient rest are factors that will stop the development disease. These methods will help prevent the complication of the disease in the form of destruction of cartilaginous tissue, its possible relapse.

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How to recognize and defeat arthrosis of the ankle: symptoms and treatment at home

According to medical statistics, for every hundred patients surveyed there are 6 people with arthrosis of the ankle joint. The risk of developing this disease increases with age.

This is due to the natural wear of the articular cartilage, the predominance of destruction processes over the recovery processes, changes in the hormonal background, deterioration of the blood supply to the joint tissues.

Frequent causes of arthrosis of the ankle at a young age are traumas, work or hobbies associated with loading the feet, wearing uncomfortable shoes.

Every year the patient's condition worsens, so it's important to recognize the symptoms of arthrosis in time and start treatment that can be done at home.

Symptoms of ankle arthrosis

Osteoarthritis of the ankle, which is also called kruzartroz, proceeds with the symptomatology typical for arthrosis. The set of symptoms and the degree of their severity depends on the stage of the disease.

The destruction of the cartilaginous tissue with arthrosis is not accompanied by painful sensations, since there are no nerve endings in it.

Therefore, 1 degree of arthrosis often occurs asymptomatically, the patient may be concerned about increased fatigue, morning stiffness in the joints and leg pain after physical exertion.

But since the pains are mild and short-term, the doctor is rarely treated. At 2 stages the symptoms of arthrosis become more pronounced:

  • pains in the joint occur with minor loads and do not pass for a long time;
  • possible pain blockade - accompanied by acute pain jamming the joint due to falling into the joint gap of the free body;
  • movements of the foot in the affected joint are limited;
  • joints crunch;
  • possible swelling of the tissues, redness of the skin above the joint, local increase in temperature, these signs indicate a complication of arthrosis synovitis;
  • progression of muscle tissue malnutrition, lower leg circumference;
  • because of the weakening of muscles and ligaments around the joint, dislocations and subluxations may occur.

Due to the disappearance of the cushioning pad between the bones of the joint and the compaction of the bone tissue, small blood vessels are squeezed, irritation of the nerve endings. Therefore, even at rest, there is a lot of pain.

Since under the load it increases, patients with arthrosis of the ankle try to less load the aching leg, the gait becomes limp.

The lack of natural lubrication, the growth of osteophytes and muscle weakness lead to a pronounced restriction of the volume of movements in the joint.

The marginal bony growths protrude through soft tissues, the joint is deformed, the axis of the leg is bent. A pronounced impairment of the motor and supporting leg functions is diagnosed.

Treatment options at home

Treatment of arthrosis should begin with a correction of lifestyle. It is necessary to limit the load on the joint, and immediately after the relief of acute manifestations begin to exercise to strengthen the surrounding muscles.

You'll have to give up shoes with high heels, a long stay on your feet, you can not lift weights, you should get rid of excess weight.


It is recommended to use when walking with a cane, to transfer part of the load to your hands when you get up. The use of orthopedic footwear or insoles is shown.


With the weakness of the musculoskeletal system around the ankle, orthopedic products should be used to immobilize the joint, prevent dislocation, subluxation. = B45A1vlSjcQ

To effectively combat the disease should adhere to the diet. To starve with arthrosis is impossible, the body should receive enough minerals, vitamins, proteins.

The consumption of salt, fat, tea and coffee is limited, these drinks should not be strong. The need for fats is satisfied mainly due to vegetable oil and fatty fish.

It is necessary to choose such ways of thermal processing of products at which the fat is not used: cook, bake, stew, steaming.

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You need to eat porridge, dishes from legumes, vegetables and fruits, lean meat, low-fat dairy products. From the diet should be deleted:

  • fast food, chips, crackers;
  • confectionery and baking;
  • fatty meat;
  • smoked products, sausages;
  • preservation, fatty and spicy sauces, spicy seasonings;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol.

Most of the treatment for ankle arthrosis is performed by the patient at home:

  • medicamentous treatment with the use of tablets and ointments;
  • physiotherapy procedures such as compresses, baths, applications, as well as hardware physiotherapy with the use of portable instruments;
  • exercise therapy and therapeutic gymnastics;
  • treatment with folk remedies.


Osteoarthritis is treated through systemic and topical application of medications.

Injections and oral administration relate to the methods of systemic therapy, the use of ointments, creams, flour, compresses - local therapy.

For the injection of the drug should consult a doctor, especially when it comes to intra-articular injection of glucocorticoids or hyaluronic acid.

Injection chondroprotectors of 2-3 generations are administered intramuscularly, this manipulation can be carried out at home. Independently (but in accordance with the doctor's recommendations), a patient with arthrosis can:

  • take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Nimesulide) to relieve pain;
  • apply to the area of ​​the projection of the patient joint ointment, gels with NSAIDs (Fastum-gel, Voltaren), and also with warming, local irritating and vasodilating action (Apizarthron, Capsicum);
  • to drink chondroprotectors (Artra, Dona, Teraflex);
  • to carry out vitamin therapy.

Physiotherapy at home

In the broadest sense of the word, physiotherapy is all non-pharmacological methods of conservative treatment. At home, you can:

  • sessions of magnetotherapy with the use of instruments Almag, Magophone and laser therapy (Vityaz, Milta, Orion);
  • compresses with dimexide, bischofite, medical bile;
  • local baths - to immerse the sick feet in the pelvis with water, adding bischofite, sea salt;
  • applications of paraffin, ozocerite, wraps with clay, healing mud;
  • self-massage of feet;
  • doing exercises.

Folk methods

Traditional medicine for arthrosis recommends drinking herbal infusions with anti-inflammatory action, and also doing compresses, baths, rub ointment into the joint, warm it with a bag filled with hot sand or sea ​​salt. It is better to sew a narrow long bag so that it can be wrapped around the joint. Ointments, rubbers, compositions for compresses and foot baths can be prepared independently. Effective baths with a decoction of hay or pine needles. Another option is to steal pine branches and ground roots of Jerusalem artichoke, add sea salt, honey and a little turpentine. After bathing, be sure to wear warm socks.

Local treatment

The popular folk remedy for arthrosis is a tincture of a saber, for it leaves and roots of a medicinal plant are used.

The liter bank is filled with crushed raw material for a third of the volume, pour half a liter of vodka there, cover with a lid and put it in a dark place. After 21 days the tincture is ready.

It is recommended to use it in many ways:

  • take 20 drops internally;
  • Apply moistened fabric to the joint in the form of a compress, hold no more than an hour;
  • to rub joints;
  • you can prepare an ointment based on lanolin cream, adding a tablespoon tincture of saber and honey, a teaspoon of tincture of hot pepper and a few drops of vitamin E.

Other recipes for ointments and extracts from arthrosis:

  • with honey-based mummies: dilute 3 g of mummy in a small amount of water and add to honey (80 g);
  • with comfrey: the comfrey leaves are poured with the same volume of vegetable oil and are pressed on a minimal fire for half an hour. After filtering, add half the volume of beeswax and several drops of vitamin E to the oil;
  • from birch buds - heat-resistant dishes, in which layers of kidney and butter are laid, put in the oven for 30 minutes, then squeeze out the oil and add the coriander alcohol;
  • a mixture of iodine, medical alcohol, glycerin and honey in equal proportions;
  • tincture of lilac flowers on vodka or vegetable oil;

The best recipes for ankle joints:

  • grate the potatoes with green peas, add a little hot water. This mass is required to be applied in a thick layer and kept for 20-30 minutes;
  • mash the cabbage leaf, so that the juice comes out, grease it with honey, and put it on the joint. You can make a similar compress based on burdock leaves;
  • chop the white chalk and add kefir, to get a thick mass, apply a thick layer on the joint and cover with a film;
  • Rape the birch leaves and stick to the joint, you can leave for the night.

Systemic treatment

To treat inflammation and nourish the joint is necessary and from the inside. So, it is recommended to add crushed eggshells to the dishes - a source of calcium, to drink gelatin infusion, which replenishes the deficit of collagen.

If there are no contraindications, you can drink fresh aloe juice of 3 tablespoons, beet juice, take alcohol tincture of agave, golden mustache, on a teaspoon on an empty stomach take oil-garlic tincture.

To cook it, chop the garlic and pour it with any vegetable oil: 0, insist 3 days. Well relieve inflammation and pain in arthrosis herbal preparations, here is one of them.

Take equal parts of the flowers of calendula, nettle leaves and birch, willow bark, pour into a thermos and pour boiling water at the rate of 2 tablespoons of the mixture per liter. Leave for the night, drink 4 times a day for half a cup.

Most methods of treating ankle arthrosis are available at home, but apply them It is necessary only on the recommendation of the doctor or at least to coordinate with him (if it is a question of folk methods treatment).The most important component of therapy is physical exercise and gymnastics, you have to do it every day. Therapy will be more effective if the outpatient treatment is complemented by a spa treatment. In general, the treatment of arthrosis does not require hospitalization, this need may occur only at a late stage, when the only effective method is the operation on the joint.

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Arthrosis of the Ankle - Symptoms and Treatment

Degenerative changes in cartilage tissue lead to its gradual destruction.

If this process affects the ankle, there is a significant increase in size, which causes injuries to adjacent soft tissues.

This disease is called arthrosis of the ankle - symptoms and treatment of pathology can be are different for each specific case, and also depend on the factors that provoked integrity violations cartilage.

Causes and symptoms of ankle arthrosis

Some diseases of the musculoskeletal system can lead to the development of the considered disease:

  • osteodystrophy;
  • dysplasia;
  • rheumatism;
  • polyarthritis;
  • flat feet;
  • curvature of toes.

In addition, an important role in degenerative changes of cartilaginous tissue is played by heredity, individual features of the body and the structure of the joints, the presence of endocrine pathologies, inflammatory and chronic ailments.

The described disease that has arisen for the listed reasons or suddenly, without accompanying provoking factors, is primary. In medicine, it is known as chronic deforming arthrosis of the ankle joint.

Also, the mechanism of degenerative destruction of cartilage can cause its external damage.


Especially often such diagnoses are put to professional athletes, whose activities are associated with increased stress on their legs.


In such cases, there is posttraumatic arthrosis of the ankle, characterized by microcracks on the cartilage, articular bag, a decrease in the production of synovial fluid.

The main symptoms of the disease:

  • pain in the joint, usually with physical exertion;
  • stiffness of movements, palpable muscle tension of ankle;
  • the appearance of calluses on the foot and fingers;
  • deformation of the joint, which manifests itself in changes in gait, body position;
  • swelling in the area of ​​damage, redness of the skin;
  • proliferation of bone tissue (in later stages).

How to treat arthrosis of the ankles?

Disease therapy consists of a set of measures aimed at stopping inflammation, pain syndrome and restoring mobility.

Treatment of arthrosis of the ankle joint:

  1. Admission or injection of anesthetics (Diclofenac, Naproxen).
  2. Massage.
  3. Physiotherapy (phono and electrophoresis, shock wave, UHF).
  4. Performance of special gymnastics and exercise therapy.
  5. The use of chondroprotectors based on chondroitin, as well as biostimulators.
  6. At an exacerbation - nyxes of steroid medicines directly in a cartilage (Piroxicam, Indomethacinum).

If these methods of conservative therapy are ineffective, the doctor can prescribe a surgical operation (arthrodesis, prosthetics, arthroscopy).

Treatment of arthrosis of the ankle in the home

In uncomplicated form, the severity of the symptoms of the described disease can be reduced independently. This will require:

  1. It is right to choose shoes with a heel about 3-4 cm and a comfortable footbed.
  2. Every day perform simple exercises (bends, tilts of the foot).
  3. Do a joint massage, try manual therapy, working on the biologically active points of the feet.
  4. If necessary, take anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs in tablets.
  5. Fix the damaged area with an elastic bandage or a special sock in case of severe pain and swelling, leave the leg at rest.

In addition, the treatment of arthrosis of the ankle joint is widely practiced by folk remedies. They are effective only at the initial stages of development of pathology and should be used as auxiliary methods.

Excellent help from pain baths for feet with broths of mint, ledum, burdock and hay. Also recommended are compresses with mustard powder, infusion of violets, oregano, juniper.

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