Barking cough in adults

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Dry cough in an adult

Cough is a muscle reflex shortening of the chest in response to a stimulus. During the cough, the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs are cleansed of microorganisms, dust and mucus. When a person for a long time excruciates a dry cough, it can become a symptom of a serious illness. Such a cough is called unproductive, i.e. when coughing, there is no separation of sputum.

Causes of dry cough in adults

The reasons for this condition can be:

  • inflammation in the bronchi and trachea;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation of the larynx;
  • tumors of the respiratory system;
  • whooping cough;
  • pleurisy

Types of cough in adults

If you listen to a cough, you can hear its different shades and varieties. There are several types:

If he is not too intrusive, with short coughs, then he is called pharyngeal. At the same time, the pharyngeal mucosa dries up or the mucus accumulates at the entrance to the larynx.

In whooping cough are characterized by multiple coughing thrusts, which are accompanied by a deep breath with a whistling sound.

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Barking cough appears with laryngitis and tracheitis. It occurs when the inflammatory process of the vocal cords. If barking breath is added to the barking dry cough, then this is a manifestation of croup.

When you hear low tones with a gradual increase, this may be a symptom of tuberculosis.

During the catarrhal disease, there may appear a pertussis cough of an obsessive nature.

Spastic cough speaks of bronchial asthma. It is unproductive and intrusive. He appears closer to the morning. Such a condition may indicate obstructive bronchitis, but without a series of seizures.

The metallic shade of a dry cough that appears during a conversation during a meal can talk about a mental disorder, but this is only diagnosed after a serious examination.

Strong cough in an adult (dry)

Provoke a strong dry cough in an adult can various factors. These include:

  • Smoking when tobacco tar irritates the bronchi.
  • Dust, which causes perspiration in the respiratory tract.
  • The foreign body when exposed to the mucosa has an irritating effect.
  • Stressful situations and emotional experiences.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Adverse reaction to medications.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Heart failure.
  • Problems in the stomach and intestines, when a fistula of the esophageal tracheal region is formed and reflex dry cough appears after eating.

Long dry cough in an adult

Often a dry cough occurs during a cold disease, if the weakened immunity does not cope with its protective functions, and the disease passes into the bronchi. As a result, acute bronchitis appears, which, in the absence of proper treatment, goes into a chronic stage. With prolonged coughing in an adult, deformation of the bronchial walls can occur, which leads to asthma, lung abscess and pneumonia.

A long, dry throat cough and severe swallowing in the pharynx are with chronic pharyngitis. This is a serious disease that needs to be treated in a hospital.

A very long spasmodic cough accompanied by pain in the side, shortness of breath and fever can be observed with pleurisy.

Paroxysmal cough in an adult

The spasmodic nature of cough often refers to the manifestation of bronchial asthma. Usually it appears in the night and evening and appears against the background of an allergen. An attack can cause suffocation, pain in the abdomen and chest. It can last about one hour.

Paroxysmal cough characterized by inflammatory processes of the pharynx, larynx and nasopharynx. If the time is not taken to eliminate them, the painful condition passes into bronchitis, pneumonia and tracheitis.

Dry barking cough in an adult

Dry barking cough in adults is characteristic of parainfluenza. This is an acute viral disease that affects the upper respiratory tract. It is a symptom of the acute form of laryngitis and pharyngitis and manifests itself at night. In bronchial asthma, it is accompanied by attacks of suffocation. Lack of proper treatment can lead to death. When croupous pneumonia cough is accompanied by painful sensations in the chest. Pertussis in an adult is caused not only by a barking cough, but also by attacks of vomiting.

Dry suffocating cough in an adult

The emergence of a suffocating cough can be caused by a variety of factors. Often this happens when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract, and the allergen irritates the mucous membrane. More often the symptom indicates a serious disease, which include:

  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • whooping cough;
  • oncological diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • farengitotracheitis;
  • laryngitotracheitis

Such a cough is often observed in smokers with experience. The absence of treatment for chronic bronchitis can lead to secondary tuberculosis.

Dry cough in an adult at night

Coughing attacks at night often occur due to bronchial asthma. It is accompanied by wheezing, stiffness of the chest and difficulty breathing.

The cause may be heart failure, in which there is shortness of breath and heart rate increases.

Acid reflux irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract with the contents of the esophagus and stomach, causing a night cough.

Treatment of dry cough in adults

A good alternative in the treatment of dry cough in adults are medicinal herbs and doses. In the pharmacy you can buy various nursing fees. Phyto tea also helps effectively in treatment. They are easy to use and pleasant to taste. The most effective herbs are: plantain, flax seeds, lime blossom, oregano and thyme. To relieve bronchial spasms, chamomile, valerian, and aura are soothing at night.

Good help and inhalation, which can be carried out at home. Sage, chamomile, thyme and mother-and-stepmother in equal parts, pour two liters of boiling water. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil and soda. Cover yourself with a towel and breathe healing couples for ten minutes.

A tablespoon of viburnum should be cooked in half a liter of water. Then add honey and drink four times a day.

In a liter of milk, boil a finely chopped onion and three cloves of garlic. Then add the honey and drink every hour for half a glass until the dry cough disappears.

Pour a tablespoon of oat flakes with a lot of water and cook for thirty minutes. Drink honey four times a day.

In half a glass of lemon juice add two tablespoons of honey and one spoonful of glycerin. Take a teaspoon six times a day.

Spoon a tablespoon of sugar over the fire until it turns brown. Dissolve, and then drink a birch sap.

To get rid of cough, it is better to use several methods of treatment.

Dry cough in an adult medicine

For the treatment of dry cough used drugs of two types:

Means that suppress the patient's cough reflex. These include: codeine, oxeladin and ethylmorphine.

Medications that affect cough receptors. Effectively help: linkas, kodelak bronho and terpinkod.

Barking dry cough: basic symptomatology, peculiarities of leaking and treatment

As a rule, catarrhal diseases in most cases are accompanied by a cough, which can have a different character. Most unpleasant, even painful sensations, the patient brings barking dry cough. This term means a sharp cough without spitting. It carries such a name, because it resembles the sound of barking.

Causes of the disease

Most often, the appearance of a sharp dry cough is caused by the inflammatory processes in the larynx. Usually it develops against the background of laryngotracheitis, or croup, as it is still called in medicine. Laryngotracheitis is an inflammation and puffiness of the mucosa around the larynx. With severe swelling, the patient's breathing may deteriorate. Especially from barking cough the children suffer greatly, which is caused by the underdeveloped respiratory system.Moreover, its course becomes very dangerous not only for health, but for the life of the child, because it can cause blockage or blockage of the airways.The cause of development barking cough may be diphtheria or inflammation of the epiglottis. Also in medicine there are frequent cases when barking type of cough occurs in the usual cold.

The main symptomatology

Knowing the main symptoms of the disease, when it occurs, you can promptly help the patient and accelerate the process of recovery. In patients with a dry type of cough, the following symptoms are observed:

  • hoarseness of voice;
  • dyspnea;
  • elevated temperature;
  • suffocation;
  • a sore throat;
  • a sharp cough.
The slowness of the voice in a sick adult or child appears as a result of swelling of the vocal cords. For the same reason, wheezing and wheezing often occur. The face usually acquires a pale color. After a while, usually it occurs a day after the first signs of the disease, the temperature rises. It should be noted that barking cough develops rapidly rapidly, intensifying and delivering a lot of painful sensations. Suffocation occurs as a result of the accumulation of large amounts of sputum in the respiratory tract.

Concomitant symptoms are also often the appearance of lymph nodes, fever, runny nose, nausea and vomiting. In some cases, such signs of ailment as deterioration of appetite, diarrhea, bad breath, fatigue are observed.

Possible complications

A dry, violent cough can cause inflammatory processes in the body that are dangerous to human life. That's why experts recommend that if you find at least one of the characteristic symptoms for this disease, seek medical help. Only an accurate diagnosis will allow the doctor to take the necessary measures aimed at improving the patient's health.

In an adult or a child, serious and dangerous complications such as respiratory arrest, development of respiratory failure, and occlusion of the respiratory tract can occur in the course of the disease.

Features of the course of the disease in children

For a child, cough of this type is a much greater danger than for adults. This circumstance is caused by the narrowness of the airways in childhood. If there is swelling in the larynx, the mucous membrane becomes so swollen that it can close the flow of air into the lungs, which inevitably leads to suffocation.

Considering the fact that it is in the child's body that all inflammatory processes occur faster, hence - barking dry cough should be treated systematically and regularly, without missing medication or performing certain procedures.

The complexity of the disease in the child also lies in the fact that children, especially those under the age of one, are not able to cough themselves up on their own, because they can not yet have an active cough. This is the reason that infants often begin to choke with accumulated mucus.

The underdeveloped respiratory musculature of newborns is caused by the lack of the ability to exercise strong coughing thrusts, and, consequently, to clear throat normally.In this regard, the child often can vomit, because the mucus that accumulates in the nasopharynx, has an effect on the vomiting receptors. But at the same time this vomiting reflex is also a protection for the body, allowing you to remove the formed fluid and mucus.

Parents should be aware that the occurrence of dry cough in children in the morning, provided that it is not accompanied by other symptoms of the common cold, is not an indicator of pathology. After all, this process allows you to clean the upper respiratory tract of the baby.

Diseases accompanied by cough

Dry type of cough can occur not only with croup, but also is a sign of other diseases:

  1. Laryngitis- an infectious disease that accompanies a strong "barking" sound, issued by the patient. Children have subfebrile temperature and hoarseness.
  2. Whooping cough- a disease characterized by bouts of severe spasmodic cough with a subsequent whistle - a reprise.
  3. Measles- at the initial stage of the development of the disease, dry cough may occur and the temperature may rise.
  4. Laringotraheobronchitis- a very dangerous disease, for which characteristic is shortness of breath and coughing attacks, are caused by puffiness of the larynx and obstruction of the airways.
  5. Allergy- dry appearance of cough often occurs with allergic manifestations. The child may also experience lacrimation, runny nose or nasal congestion, sneezing.
  6. Tracheitis, pharyngitis- the main symptoms in these diseases is barking sound.

First aid

Hearing the dry type of cough in children, it is necessary to take measures to alleviate their condition even before the arrival of a doctor. Parents should adhere to such recommendations:

  • Ensure that the child is in an upright position;
  • fill the bathroom with steam and stay in it with the child;
  • do inhalation;
  • humidify the air;
  • give the child as much as possible a drink - milk with alkaline mineral water, tea with lemon, decoction of expectorant herbs;
  • at normal body temperature you can make warm foot baths.


Thinning drugs help to achieve sputum evasion

With dry barking cough, treatment should be directed at separating the sputum from a child. For this, it is necessary to give diluting and expectorant medications. Usually, doctors prescribe medications for mucolytic or mixed action, for example, Lazolvan or Ambrobene.

After 3 days from the date of treatment, expectorants should be prescribed.If the coughing episodes have disappeared and it has become wet, it is better to refuse the use of expectorants, the disease will pass itself. In another case, medicines will only provoke new seizures.

Effective inhalations with essential oils and anti-inflammatory herbs - chamomile, sage, eucalyptus are also considered effective. Such procedures should be carried out at least 3 times a day, after which the child is recommended to give soothing medications at night, for example, mucaltin.

Adults should understand that barking dry cough is a serious enough process that can lead to many complications that are dangerous for the human body.

Barking cough: symptoms, causes, treatment

A cough that resembles a dog's barking by sound is quite common and can occur in both adults and children. The physiological cause of this reflex action lies in the partial overlap of air access (edema of the larynx), as a result of which the vocal cords contract. This process can occur for various reasons, but the end result is always the same - the appearance of barking cough. It is rather difficult to treat this symptom, since not always the cause of its appearance is colds.

Barking cough can be different:
  • Dry or with sputum secretion.
  • Strong or weak.
  • Rare or with prolonged bouts.

Regardless of this, one symptom remains identical - the reflex action by its sound very much resembles a dog barking. In a short time after the appearance of a strong cough, the throat begins to turn red and the hoarseness appears. That is why it is very important to begin the examination as soon as possible. This will eliminate the possibility of incorrect diagnosis and quickly identify the real reasons for its occurrence.

Barking cough: causes

In fact, for the appearance of a barking cough, it is necessary that there is compression of the vocal cords with a simultaneous partial overlap of the intake of air into the human respiratory system. If this is caused by cold or infectious diseases, then, as a rule, there is a runny nose, high fever, and the voice becomes hoarse. A completely different picture is observed in the case when it comes to allergies or asthma. In this case, barking cough manifests itself without temperature.

Factors affecting the appearance of reflex action:

  • Cold or infectious diseases, including laryngitis. In the beginning, the ailment can be accompanied by a dry reflex action. The more often a person has desires to him, the more likely the appearance of laryngeal edema.
  • Allergy to pollen, household dust, food, etc. In some people, it manifests itself not only by rashes on the skin. Dr. Komarovsky notes that in children, an allergic reaction to food is often accompanied by swelling of the larynx.
  • Asthma, or rather one of its varieties, which doctors call "cough". Its main feature is the presence of a strong dry barking cough. He does not bring relief and may even be accompanied by suffocation. The face of a person begins to turn blue and if you do not allow the breather to inhale in time or another similar preparation, irreparable can happen.
  • Tumors or cystic lesions in the larynx.
  • Mechanical obstruction of the respiratory tract due to foreign objects entering them. If it is a question of children, it, more often, fine details of toys. In adults, in the frequency of cases, fish bones are in the lead. It is not recommended to perform independent extraction of foreign objects, as it is possible to damage the vocal cords.
  • After walking on the street at very low temperatures. If breathing was present with the mouth, then in almost half the cases a barking cough may begin.
  • Congenital pathologies.
  • Pulmonary cystic fibrosis. In this case, barking cough in the first stages of the disease is dry. With the progression of the disease, it begins to be accompanied by the release of viscous purulent sputum.

Than to treat barking cough

In order to quickly and effectively get rid of this ailment, you first need to establish the cause of its occurrence. All activities carried out to alleviate a person's condition can be divided into the following categories:

  • Reduction of edema with compresses.
  • Reception of medications that facilitate sputum discharge.
  • Direct surgical intervention.
  • Reception of funds that stimulate the work of the human immune system.

Treatment of barking cough for allergies

First of all, it is necessary to determine which particular allergen is the cause of its appearance. Then you need to protect the person from his impact. After that, absorbent preparations are prescribed, for example, Polysorb. Of course, it is only one component of therapeutic measures. If there is a significant laryngeal edema that impedes breathing, then it is necessary to do compresses and make an injection of prednisalone.

Treatment of barking cough for infectious or colds

In this case, the laryngeal edema is caused by strong and often repetitive reflex actions. You need an abundant warm drink: herbal infusions (chamomile, dog rose), raspberry, red currant, green tea. Of drugs prescribe mucolytics, diluting sputum, for example ACC. To fight directly with the infection itself, antibiotics are prescribed.

Treatment of barking cough with asthma

Very often reflex action has a pronounced paroxysmal character at night, or immediately after awakening. Often such a state ends in a sensation of suffocation. If you do not provide timely assistance, a fatal outcome is possible. Therefore, a sick person must necessarily carry a medicine (inhaler) with him in order to have time to inhale it immediately after the onset of an attack. An ideal treatment option is inhalation nibulizer. Its use makes it possible to deliver medicinal substances by inhalation directly into the lungs and bronchi. This means that the tool begins to act much faster. The big plus of this device is that it can be used by both adults and children.

Treatment of barking cough for tumors or cystic lesions

Such diagnoses involve the implementation of direct surgical intervention to remove neoplasms. The removal of the expressed reflex action is performed with the help of preparations "deceiving" certain parts of the brain. They completely deafen the signals transmitted by the nerve endings to the cough center.

Treatment of barking cough with mechanical closure of the respiratory tract

A specialist is required to remove a foreign object from the larynx. Moreover, the foreign body can not be visually visually observed and in order to determine its location, special equipment may be required - ultrasound or X-ray. It must be remembered that some materials can not be seen in this way, for example, glass. If the soft tissues of the larynx are damaged, antibacterial aerosols, for example, Angilex, should be used.

Treatment of barking cough caused by inhalation of icy air

This is "the simplest case. For treatment it is necessary to provide a person with an abundant warm drink. Remove the inflammation will help inhalation nebulizer or you can use home devices for the procedure. As active ingredients, not only mucolytics, but other agents can be used:

  • Hypertensive or physiological solutions.
  • Bronchodilators.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Antiallergic drugs.
  • Essential oils.
  • Weak-alkaline minerals (for example, Borjomi).

How to treat barking cough in a child without fever

A child's coughing is always a cause for concern for the parents, what can we say about dry, hysterical coughing. Most often they suffer from children under the age of five due to the peculiarities of the structure of the larynx. The lumen is much narrower than in adults, so any virus can cause laryngeal edema and difficulty breathing.

If the cough is episodic and does not last long, it does not cause any special fears. It can be the body's response to the ingress of dust or small particles of food into the pharynx. As a rule, such a cough passes by itself.


  • Dry prolonged or paroxysmal cough.
  • Increase in temperature.
  • Problems with vocal cords, frequent loss of voice.
  • Wheezing.
  • Night attacks of coughing, causing the child to wake up.
  • Lack of air and symptoms of suffocation.

In such cases, it is better not to hesitate and seek qualified help.Sometimes hospitalization is required, especially if the child is small enough.Folk methods and refusal of medical examination can aggravate the situation and lead to a tragic result, so it is better to treat such a cough with the support of doctors.

From this article you can learn how to treat a trachea cough.

In the video - tells about the causes and treatment of barking cough in a child without temperature:


  • Infections of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Allergic manifestations.
  • Cyst of the larynx.
  • Foreign object in the throat.
  • Diphtheria.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Dry air.
  • Infection with parasites.

The main rule of treatment: a cough is not a disease, but one of the symptoms of the disease, so a complete picture of what is happening is required in order to eliminate the cause and avoid consequences.

Than to treat a bronchitis and tussis at the adult, it is possible to learn or find out from the given article.

The most serious threat from this list is diphtheria and whooping cough.These infectious diseases are characterized by a complex course and a greater risk of side effects.For prevention, vaccinations are used, which must be done in infancy, and then reinforced with booster vaccination. Refusal to take vaccinations must have a weighty medical indication, and not the parent's arguments. In any case, the risk of vaccination is incomparably less than from the disease itself.

The most common cause of barking dry cough is infectious diseases, which are not always accompanied by fever and runny nose. In a number of cases, the only, but very weighty symptom is a dry paroxysmal cough.

For what reason there is a paroxysmal dry cough, it is indicated in this article.

To exclude pneumonia and bronchitis, a pediatrician usually gives directions to an X-ray examination, general blood and urine tests are also needed, which will give more complete information about possible reasons.

Special recommendations for regular air humidification. Excessively dry air can itself provoke a strong cough due to the drying out of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. Buying a moisturizer or home methods to combat this phenomenon (hang wet towels on batteries, put the pelvis with water), and if necessary, and periodic lubrication of the nasal sinuses and a plentiful drink, quickly calmed the dry cough.

For what reason there is a wheezing cough in the child, you can learn from this article.

In the case of an allergic cough, in addition to standard tests, you may need a detailed test for most known allergens. The cost of such an analysis is quite high, but sometimes this is the only way to know the cause of the allergy. If you know the "culprit" of a cough and, for example, hereditary allergy or contact with a provoking factor, you can immediately start treatment.

Why there is a cough due to mucus in the nasopharynx, indicated in the article.

How to treat

First of all, you need to know the root cause, and only then start treatment. If an allergic attack is usually taken with antihistamines (in particularly severe situations, hospitalization may be necessary). The foreign object entering the throat is also a critical situation in which the count is maintained for a second. It is better to study the algorithm of actions in advance, so as not to get confused or harm the child in inept movements.

Infectious and viral diseases are better treated with mucaltic drugs, which the doctor will write out. Sometimes it is advisable to take both antiviral or immunostimulating drugs at the same time. It is equally important to provide suitable living conditions. Regular airing, plentiful drink (a favorite compote or a tasty mors from berries will be more suitable than medicinal broths) and light food contribute to the speedy recovery of not less than medicamentous preparations.

For what reason there is a coughing runny nose in the throat without fever, you can learn from this article.

The video tells about the treatment of barking cough in a child without temperature:

Good help with dry cough and steam inhalation. You can buy a special professional inhaler, the efficiency of which is several times higher, but a conventional water inhaler will do.Traditional medicine does not exclude domestic cough treatment methods, but they are usually aimed more to alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

From this article you can find out for what reason the baby has a cough and runny nose, but without fever.

Bacteriological diseases must be treated with antibiotics, which you will be discharged after the conclusion of a laboratory study. Pertussis and diphtheria are the most serious of them, but fortunately, widespread vaccination has made these diseases less difficult. Sometimes hospitalization is required, especially if the child is younger. With a mild course of the disease and an adult enough, the patient can be treated at home.

In rare, fortunately, cases, the cause of a severe dry cough is congenital malformation of the development, when the newborn has periodic suffocation and shortness of breath. Treatment will be exclusively surgical methods, which have good statistics of positive results.

Opinion of Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician and author of many sensational methods of treating children in somewhat unconventional ways, Dr. Komarovsky also does not consider dry barking cough as a separate disease. At its core, every parent can fully determine the severity of the problem and further actions.

Than to treat a dry cough at the adult and what to apply thus medicines, it is specified in given article.

One should understand the main axiom: children suffer from even the most good and responsible parents. Instead of lamenting and blaming yourself for what happened, it is better to take measures in time and provide the baby with all possible conditions for a speedy recovery.

Prevention of diseases can be called the following measures:

  • Regular airing and humidification of air. The main guarantee of good health by Komarovsky's methods is precisely the constant access of fresh air to the room.
  • Absence of strong allergens in the house. It is desirable to avoid the accumulation of soft toys, down pillows of a hundred years ago, wall carpets and other sources of dust. It is not necessary to turn an apartment into an animal nursery, even wool from an innocuous guinea pig can provoke the strongest allergy.
  • Do not heat the room with heaters or block the room. With enough cool and moisturized air, the baby will be able to breathe and cough more easily.
  • The diet should not be forced and include heavy foods for the stomach. During illness all the body forces the organism to fight the pathogens of the infection or viruses. If you overload the stomach with dense food, you can not count on a quick recovery. The child refuses to eat? This is a normal reaction, the main task is to provide a full drink.
  • Sometimes, to get rid of an allergic cough, you should also review the child's wardrobe. Usually parents try to exclude synthetic fabrics for their child, but there are exceptions: bright pictures or inserts on clothing, which can provoke such a reaction.
  • Clean and regular wet cleaningin the house is guaranteed to get rid of the spread of infection. This will also remove the dust and slightly moisten the air.

What kind of syrup can be treated dry cough in a child can be learned from this article.

On the video - about barking cough in a child without temperature tells Komarovsky:

The main rule of Dr. Komarovsky is not to experiment with your children and not create conditions for them in which to defeat the disease will be more difficult.A short walk in the fresh air will bring more benefit than a hopeless lying in bed.Moderate physical activity also does not cause harm, in the absence of high temperature, of course. Do not over-wrap and dress your child "warmly so you can achieve the opposite effect: the child will sweat and after guaranteed supercooling from the slightest breeze.

For what reason there is a cough when cutting teeth in children, is indicated in this article.

Reasonable approach to treatment of the disease, timely consultation of a specialist and laboratory tests will help to quickly find out the cause of barking dry cough in children. An integrated approach to the treatment of the disease and the creation of comfortable conditions for the child's stay guarantee the absence of problems and undesirable consequences.

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