Diet for gout

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Gout is a disease that is characterized by excessive accumulation in the human body of products of uric acid metabolism.

The impetus to the development of the disease is a metabolic disorder.

The main method of treatment for gout is diet, which helps to reduce the level of purines in the body.


  • 1Clinical manifestations of the disease
  • 2Basic principles of gout treatment
  • 3Features of the diet for gout, combined with other diseases
      • 3.0.1Diet for gout and diabetes mellitus simultaneously
      • 3.0.2Principles of nutrition for gout and arthritis at the same time
      • 3.0.3What is the difference between therapeutic nutrition for gout of hands and feet
  • 4The basics of treating gout with a diet (what can and can not be)
      • 4.0.1Use of alkaline mineral water for gout

Clinical manifestations of the disease

There are two forms of the disease, practically not different in clinical manifestations, but having a different origin. Primary gout develops independently under the influence of an unbalanced diet and an incorrect lifestyle. Secondary gout develops against a backdrop of chronic kidney disease.

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When metabolic disorders in the soft tissues of the joints crystallized salts of uric acid are deposited, which cause the development of the inflammatory process.

Its clinical manifestations are:

  • strong, almost intolerable pain, which is strengthened when you touch the joint;
  • the sensitivity of joints to changes in the temperature regime of the environment increases;
  • development of local edema, hyperemia and hyperthermia.

Symptomatology continues to increase for several hours from the beginning of the attack, then gradually fades with the restoration of the functionality of the joint.

Basic principles of gout treatment

Complex therapy of gout should be conducted in three main directions:

  • stimulate the rate of urate excretion from the patient's body,
  • prevent their entry into the body from the outside,
  • to prevent the formation of urate in the body.

The main principles of therapeutic nutrition for gout are:

  • regular meals - the whole day diet should be divided into 3-5 meals, this will help to avoid a sharp increase in the concentration of purines in the blood;
  • Do not overeat;
  • hungry diets are inadmissible for people suffering from gout;
  • During the day it is worth maintaining the water regime (from, to 2 liters of liquid per day), it is better to drink alkaline mineral water, which contributes to the urate output;
  • if the patient is overweight, you need to gradually get rid of it (weight loss should not be more than 2 kg per month).
Therapeutic diet is aimed at reducing the number of urates entering the body with food and drink.

Features of the diet for gout, combined with other diseases

Diet for gout and diabetes mellitus simultaneously

In connection with the increase in the number of people suffering from a disruption in the functioning of the endocrine system, which provoked by obesity, there are often cases of development of gout and diabetes mellitus in one patient.

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During the treatment of these diseases it is necessary to adhere to the following principles:

  1. To lose weight - you can not use hungry diets or a diet with a high content of protein foods (the Kremlin diet, for example).
  2. To lead an active way of life - it is necessary that in the life of the patient there were physical exercises, at first, at least in the form of morning exercises, which it is desirable to spend in the fresh air.
  3. It is strictly prohibited to drink any alcoholic beverages or food.
  4. You can not drink carbonated drinks, because they contain a lot of sugar and various chemical components.
  5. It is necessary to adhere to the recommended diet for gout № 6.
  6. It is necessary to include in the diet of the patient more dishes from dairy products with reduced fat content.

Principles of nutrition for gout and arthritis at the same time

Nutrition for arthritis depends on what kind of disease the human body has struck:

  1. When osteoarthritis is recommended to include in the diet more vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C - they include citrus, broccoli, black currant, Bulgarian pepper, strawberry.
  2. With rheumatoid arthritis, it is necessary to reduce the content of fast carbohydrates in the diet of the patient and include more fruits and vegetables. Table 10 and No. 10a have been developed for this type of disease. When combining gout and rheumatoid arthritis, unloading days are not recommended.
  3. Pseudo gouty arthritis is characterized by the deposition of calcium in the joints - the diet in this case should be aimed at reducing the amount of microelement coming from food.

What is the difference between therapeutic nutrition for gout of hands and feet

The common location of the disease is the joints of the big toes, but the deposits of uric acid salts can be observed in the joints of the hands, knees and other joints of the body.Diet for gout of hands and feet is not fundamentally different, the diet includes few purines, salt and extractives.

With gout of hands and feet, drinking is necessary.

The basics of treating gout with a diet (what can and can not be)

Products that are strictly prohibited for gout:

  • fish, meat, mushroom broth - because of the high content of extractive substances;
  • various offal - brains, kidneys, liver, lungs;
  • canned meat and fish products and conservation in general;
  • spinach, sorrel and legumes;
  • spicy herbs and spices;
  • salted and dried fish, caviar;
  • alcohol-containing varieties of hard cheese;
  • animal fats, beverages;
  • salty or spicy foods.
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Products recommended for gout:

  • vegetables in boiled, stewed and baked form - squash, pumpkin, eggplant, potatoes, various varieties of cabbage and carrots;
  • boiled or baked meat - a bird and a rabbit;
  • Vegetarian soups with a little cream or butter;
  • dairy products of low fat content;
  • rye bread or bakery products with a content of bran;
  • drinks - jelly, compote, juices, alkaline mineral water.

Use of alkaline mineral water for gout

The use of alkaline (hydrocarbonate-sulfate) mineral water containing a large concentration of magnesium ions,helps to remove from the body of a sick person surplus products of the exchange of uric acid.

It is recommended to use water of the following brands - Essentuki No. 4, Narzan, Borjomi, Dilijan, Lipetsk, Jermuk, Smirnovskaya.

Rules for the reception of alkaline water:

  • drink water is recommended from 4 to 6 weeks;
  • the daily norm of the use of alkaline mineral water is 500 ml;
  • a third of water should be drunk in the morning before the first meal, it should be used warmed;
  • at lunchtime drink 100 ml. cold alkaline water;
  • before supper it is supposed to use the rest of the daily rate.

Observance of the principles of therapeutic nutrition with gout significantly speeds up the receipt of a positive result from various therapies of this disease. Before starting a diet, you need to contact a dietician for an individual diet and caloric intake calculation.