Knee Joint

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint: disability

Content 1What kind of disability group with coxarthrosis of the hip joint: examination 1.1What is coxarthrosis? 1.2Etiology of the disease 1.3Stages in coxarthrosis of the hip joint 1.4Disability in coxarthrosis of 3 degree 1.5What is medical and social expertise 1.6When 1 disability group is put 1.7Conclusion, conclusions, recommendations 2Disability in coxarthrosis of the hip joint of 2nd and 3rd degree 2.1Where is disability confirmed? 2.2Which group is used for coxarthrosi...

  • 25-Aug-2018
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Knee Joint

Dexamethasone injections: instruction

Content 1Dexamethasone, injections 1.1Price 1.2Instructions for use 1.3Description and properties 1.4Indications 1.5Dosing and Administration 1.6Contraindications 1.7Use during pregnancy and GW 1.8Side effects 1.9Other 2Dexamethasone injections - instructions for use, for which purpose eye drops and tablets are prescribed, the price 2.1Composition 2.2Forms of release 2.3Dexamethasone instructions for use 2.4Indications for use of Dexamethasone 2.5For what purpose tablets ...

  • 25-Aug-2018
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Knee Joint

Pain in chest and back: why does the chest hurt in the middle and back?

Content 1Pain in the sternum in the middle gives in the back 1.1Causes 1.2Pathologies of the spine 1.3Osteochondrosis 1.4Scoliosis 1.5Intercostal neuralgia 1.6Heart Disease 2Pain in the sternum and back 2.1Description of symptoms 2.2Stomach ulcer 2.3Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine 2.4Causes of pain in the sternum and back 2.5Conclusion 3Pain in the chest and back - possible causes, treatment 3.1What causes pain in the chest and back 3.2Pain in chest and back with ...

  • 11-Aug-2018
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Knee Joint

Acute arthritis: treatment

Content 1Acute arthritis: causes, methods of diagnosis and treatment strategies 1.1Symptoms 1.2Diagnostic Methods 1.3Features of treatment of the disease 2What is acute arthritis? Its symptoms and treatment 2.1Causes 2.2Symptoms of acute arthritis 2.3Diagnostics 2.4Treatment 2.5Medication 2.6Diet 2.7Surgical intervention 2.8Treatment with traditional medicine 3Varieties and signs of acute arthritis: treatment features 3.1Multiple lesions of joints 3.2Lesion of one joint...

  • 25-Aug-2018
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Knee Joint

Evminova board: a training device for disease prevention

Content 1Evminov's board: a simulator for treatment and restoration of the back 1.1Functions of the simulator 1.2Features simulator 1.3Operating principle 1.4Pros and cons of the device 1.5Cost of the simulator 1.6Complexes of exercises 2Evminov's prophylaxis - benefit and harm, treatment of the back 2.1Evminov's prophylactic and its universal functions 2.2How is the cooker hood performed? 2.3How is the rehabilitation at the dispensary Evminov 2.4Material and configuration of...

  • 27-Aug-2018
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Knee Joint

Orthopedic pillow with a memory effect

Content 1Details about an orthopedic pillow with a memory effect 2Pillow with memory effect - recommendations for choice 2.1"Memory effect" - what does it mean 2.2Indications and contraindications 2.3Fillers 2.4Criterias of choice 2.5TOP-10 products 2.6Relax Visco Vegetal 2.7Brener Еmbrace 2.8Magniflex "Relief" 2.9Vefer Sky Jap-53 2.10Tempur Sonata M 2.11Vefer Sky PORTOGALLO 2.12Relax Visco Element 2.13MaterLux Technogel 2 2.14MaterLux Anna - 1 2.15Tempur Millennium S 2.1...

  • 26-Aug-2018
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Knee Joint

Vodka compress on the knee joint and other types of compresses

Content 1How to make a knee compress for arthritis or arthrosis? 1.1Indications and contraindications 1.2Could there be complications? 1.3Recipes of various compresses 1.4Vodka 1.5With novocaine 1.6From dimexide 1.7Bischofite compress 1.8Phytocompressors 1.9Of medical bile 1.10Of fat 1.11Salt Compression 1.12Of oatmeal 1.13"Treating the knee with folk remedies" 2Vodka compress on the joints: vodka for the treatment of knees and elbows 2.1When using a vodka 2.2How the vod...

  • 27-Aug-2018
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Knee Joint

Gavkamen-ointment: instructions for use

Content 1Gavkamen ointment: instructions for use, analogues, reviews: 1.1Form, composition and appearance 1.2Pharmacological properties 1.3At what diseases can you apply 1.4When is it not recommended to take 1.5Gavkamen ointment: instructions for use 1.6Are there any side effects? 1.7Overdose 1.8Security measures 1.9Storage Rules 1.10Analogues 1.11What do reviews say 2What helps Geukamen Ointment: instructions for use 2.1Clinical and pharmacological group 2.2Conditions of ...

  • 10-Aug-2018
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Knee Joint

Therapeutic exercises with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Content 1Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region: we treat the spine with gymnastics 1.1What is osteochondrosis and can I fight it? 1.2Warm up 1.3Therapeutic exercises for the spine from the standing position 1.4Exercises in the acute period of osteochondrosis 1.5Therapeutic gymnastics in chronic osteochondrosis of the lumbar region 1.6LFK at remission 2Therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine: a set of video exercises 2.1The use of gymnastics in the treatment ...

  • 15-Aug-2018
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Knee Joint

Osteoarthritis of the Ankle: Symptoms, Degrees and Treatment

Content 1Ankle Osteoarthritis: Symptoms and Treatment 1.1Causes 1.2Symptoms and degrees of illness 1.3Treatment 2Osteoarthritis of the ankles: degrees, symptoms and treatment: 2.1Ankle joint - what is it? 2.2Age-related causes of the disease 2.3Other causes of osteoarthritis 2.4The main stages of the development of the disease 2.5Symptomatics of each stage 2.6How to identify the disease? 2.7Initiation of drug treatment 2.8Curative gymnastic exercises 2.9Pharmacological prep...

  • 15-Aug-2018
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