Folk Remedies

Grass shepherd's bag: contraindications, useful and medicinal properties

A shepherd's bag in the eyes of people is an inconspicuous weed that is destroyed in the kitchen gardens, homestead plots. But those who are interested in folk medicine know the healing power of the medicinal plant. The raw material is collected and dried to have a medication in the medicine cabinet from many ailments. content of the article: Quick description chemical composition Harvesting for the future Medicinal properties Traditional rec...

  • 22-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

Sore mouth ulcers in a child and an adult: treatment at home

If a child or an adult has oral mucosa inflammation and small but very painful sores appear( aphthae, erosions), then most likely it is stomatitis. Stomatitis is a general term for oral diseases in the form of a protective reaction of the body's immune system to certain stimuli. Sores in the mouth are quite common and are successfully treated at home. Contents of the article: Possible causes Characteristic symptoms of stomatitis General recommendations ...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

Hemorrhages on the sole of the foot: causes and treatment at home

Hemorrhages represent areas of coarse skin, delivering considerable discomfort and pain during walking. In the risk zone of skin growth - people suffering from mechanical injuries of the lower limbs and rheumatoid arthritis. According to statistics, the problem is 10 times more common in women than in men. Pathologies are prone to small children. If there is a problem, there is a risk of a pathology transition to the chronic stage and the probability of flatfoot and pos...

  • 19-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

Tolokno: useful properties and contraindications for use

Tolokno is a traditional food product that is made from finely ground oats or barley. Sometimes peas are used for this. The grains are pre-treated with hot steam, after which they are dried, subjected to special roasting, separated from the shell and crushed. In the old days, the grains were pumped by a mortar, from which the name "oatmeal" originated. But do not confuse oatmeal with flour, these are two different food products that differ in useful properties. Tolokno ...

  • 20-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

Lumbago: symptoms and treatment of the disease at home

Lumbago is more likely to occur suddenly with little physical effort or an awkward inclination. Acute pain forces a person to stop in a forced position, in which the pain is less pronounced. Additional manifestations confirming lumbago - puffiness and muscle tension in the affected area, numbness in the lower limbs. More common in men( 30 years of age and older), women are less likely. Article Content: Possible Causes of Symptoms of General Recommendations...

  • 23-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

Methods of treating scoliosis at home

The word scoliosis in translation from the Greek language literally means "curve." This disease is quite common, it is also called the disease of the 21st century. Scoliosis is the deformation of the spine relative to its vertical axis.The disease begins to show itself intensively during the period of increased body growth. As a rule, it arises and progresses at a young age. Why there is a curvature of the spine? There is no clear-cut reason for this question and can not be. Interesting fact...

  • 23-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

Apple cider vinegar: good and bad, how to use it correctly?

Apple vinegar is relevant in various parts of the world. Moreover, its properties were discovered a long time ago, but to this day its range of applications is only expanding. This tool can rightly be called not only multifunctional, but also potent, because it is a storehouse of useful elements. Article Content: Than is useful? Who should not be used? How is it used in folk medicine? How to use it correctly? Than useful? The composition of ap...

  • 20-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

Benefits and contraindications of mountain ash red for human health

Miraculous drugs right under our noses. So it happens with a medicinal plant of rowan red. Everyone knows the scarlet berries of this tree, many of them remember the stories of the older generation about the medicinal properties of mountain ash. In some countries, there are a lot of popular beliefs about this plant. Content of the article: Legends and beliefs Useful properties Contraindications to the use of How to drink with weight loss Recipe...

  • 19-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

What is apnea: symptoms and treatment at home

Snoring, worrying a lot of people around the world and delivering a lot of inconvenience, can indicate the presence of serious violations in the body. Apnea represents the unconscious stopping of breathing during a night's sleep for at least 10 seconds and lasting up to 3 minutes, which is expressed by the unexpected breaking of the rolling snoring and the dying breath that returns after another loud snort. The pathological syndrome is accompanied by high motor activity and ...

  • 25-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

How to deal with flatulence: the causes and treatment of folk remedies

Meteorism is the accumulation of excess gases in the intestine. It occurs because of internal diseases of the digestive system, less often from the reception of poor-quality food. This painful disease often causes discomfort not only for the patient himself, but also for others. To get rid of this pathology, you can use proven folk remedies. Article Content: Causes of Symptoms General Recommendations How to treat at home? Fennel seeds Black sal...

  • 25-Jun-2018
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