Folk Remedies

Physiotherapy exercises for children

Content 1The basics of physiotherapy for children - where to start? 1.1What are the advantages of exercise therapy? 1.2Types of loads 1.3Contraindications 1.4What are the rules to observe when exercising exercise therapy? 1.5Exercises for children of the first year of life 1.6Exercises for scoliosis and gait disorders 1.7Exercises with flat feet 2Лфк is... Лфк for children 2.1What is exercise therapy 2.2Positive aspects of exercise therapy 2.3Types of exercises 2.4Contraindi...

  • 25-Aug-2018
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Folk Remedies

Treatment of osteochondrosis folk remedies: traditional medicine

Content 1The most effective folk remedies against osteochondrosis 1.1Folk ointments from osteochondrosis 1.2Ointment based on bay leaf and juniper 1.3Ointment from hop cones 1.4Ointment with birch buds 1.5Ointment with fir and turpentine 1.6Wrapping 1.7Razirka 1.8Compresses 1.9Compress with mustard 1.10Honey pack 2Treatment of osteochondrosis with folk remedies. All the ways 2.1Symptoms of osteochondrosis 2.2Causes of osteochondrosis 2.3Recipes of traditional medicine 2.4...

  • 17-Aug-2018
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Folk Remedies

Treatment of the spine (intervertebral hernia) in China

Content 1How an intervertebral hernia is removed in China: an overview of the treatment methods 1.1Non-surgical methods of treatment 1.2Traditional Chinese Medicine 1.3Cost of treatment course 1.4Minimally invasive methods of treatment 1.5Spinal surgery 1.6Microsurgical Discectomy 2We treat a back hernia in China: unusually and effectively 2.1Gentle methods 2.2Minimally invasive methods 2.3A Radical Method 2.4Denial of responsibility 3Treatment of a hernia of the spine, ar...

  • 10-Aug-2018
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Folk Remedies

How to remove lice and nits with folk remedies at home in children and adults

Even the most clean and squeamish person can not be 100% sure that lice do not appear in his house. These bloodsuckers are tempered by evolution and know how to poison your existence. How to get rid of them at home with folk remedies, we'll tell you later. content of the article: Insects and their offspring Display the pubic lice Getting rid of lice liquidate head parasites oils against head lice acids and volatile infusions and decoc...

  • 22-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

The causes of vasomotor rhinitis and treatment of the disease in the home

Vasomotor rhinitis is a kind of inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa( rhinitis) caused by violation of the blood filling of vessels feeding the nasal concha. The parallel name of the disease is a vasomotor runny nose. With vasomotor rhinitis, the nervous reflex mechanisms of reaction to characteristic stimuli( sharp smells, etc.) fail. Contents of the article: Possible causes Characteristic symptoms General recommendations What folk remedies exist ...

  • 22-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

Herbage Leonurus: medicinal properties and contraindications for women, men and children

Motherwort is a perennial or biennial plant of the family. Several of its species belong to valuable medicinal plants and are used in medical practice. This motherwort and motherwort puffy hairy or five-lobed. In people, the plant is called a "core" or "heart grass". content of the article: chemical composition Useful properties use of traditional medicine Recipes for home use With increased pressure soothing tea In diseases pancr...

  • 24-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

Corn and potato starch - good and bad for the human body

Potato starch is a valuable element of healthy nutrition, regulating the carbohydrate balance and replenishing energy costs, but only if it comes to its natural forms. According to the chemical formula, starch refers to rapidly digestible carbohydrates and consists of amylopectin with amylose. It is useful or harmful for the human body, we will tell below. Potato and not only Use of natural product Harm of refined Reviews of naturopathic physicians ...

  • 21-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

What distinguishes coriander and coriander: useful properties and contraindications, recipes

Many people think that coriander and coriander are different plants and are mistaken in this. In fact, it is one and the same plant, but different parts of it, which smell differently. Coriander is called seeds, and coriander is the greenery of the same plant Coriandrum sativum. The chemical composition of The medical properties of The healing properties of The use in cooking When to buy coriander and how to choose it To whom can not Ci...

  • 25-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

Fish oil: benefits for women and its use in folk medicine

The unique properties of fish oil women discovered for themselves many centuries ago. For a long time this valuable product was one of the secrets of Scandinavian beauties, amazing with the smoothness of the skin, the shine of hair, health, endurance, the ability to grow children in harsh conditions. Then fish oil served as a guarantee of survival and today it has not lost its useful properties. Article content: Why is it useful for women? Are there any harm a...

  • 19-Jun-2018
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Folk Remedies

Useful properties and contraindications of black currant leaves: a recipe for tinctures of berries on vodka

Black currant is for sure known to everyone living in the middle band of Russia. This berry has been loved by us since childhood and has often become a favorite treat in the summer. What to say, even some manufacturers of edible delicacies use blackcurrant in the filling in their desserts, which increases the interest of consumers in the products. Contents of the article: Introduction to black currant Useful substances In combating diseases About l...

  • 20-Jun-2018
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