Diseases Of Blood Vessels

Timing and the program for recovery after a stroke: about everything in detail

Stroke at any age requires restoration, much depends on its type, vastness and localization. After a stroke, the patient often experiences memory problems. His vision is deteriorating, his ability to navigate and move around is lost. We bring to your attention an article about the timing and measures for recovery after a stroke, how rehabilitation goes on in the hospital and at home, and how long it takes. Contents for Contents for How to recover 2 How...

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Diseases Of Blood Vessels

Possible consequences of ischemic stroke and their prevention

Ischemic stroke is a disorder of brain activity due to insufficient or missing blood supply to a specific area of ​​the brain. Occurs in the background of blockage of feeding vessels both in the head itself and, for example, in the carotid artery. Your attention is an article about the symptoms and consequences of ischemic stroke of the brain. Contents 1 General information 2 General information 2 Features of the course of the disease on the left and...

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Diseases Of Blood Vessels

Stroke cerebellum: symptomatology, therapy tactics and consequences

Acute circulatory disturbance, in which the cerebellum suffers, is considered dangerous. It is this part of the brain that is responsible for the coordination, the work of the optic nerves and the vestibular apparatus. After a stroke in this area in severe situations, the mind is depressed, sometimes a person will fall into a coma. Anatomy and features 1 Anatomy and features of 2 Development and prevalence of 3 Types and stages of 4 Causes of...

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Diseases Of Blood Vessels

Infarction of the brain - what is it and how dangerous, how to identify and cure in a short time

The human brain is a truly unique organ. All life processes are controlled by them. But, unfortunately, the brain is very vulnerable to all kinds of damage and even seemingly insignificant changes in its work can lead to serious and irreversible consequences. Let's talk about a cerebral infarction - what is it and how is ischemic stroke manifested. Content 1 Description 2 prevalence 3 Classification and differences 3.1 atherothrombotic ...

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Diseases Of Blood Vessels

Cardiogenic pulmonary edema: who is at risk, how to recognize and help

In the human body, everything is interconnected: therefore it is not surprising that a serious pathology of the heart entails serious complications from the respiratory system. Cardiogenic( or hemodynamic) pulmonary edema occurs precisely as a result of a malfunction in the cardiovascular system. This pathological condition with a high risk of death, but not hopeless - the main thing in time to identify it and if possible to prevent the inevitable consequences. 4 Contents ...

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Diseases Of Blood Vessels

Effective ways to treat thrombophlebitis of lower extremities at home

Thrombophlebitis is a vascular disease that causes venous inflammation. When the disease is observed a strong coagulability of blood, blood circulation is disrupted and edema of the extremities arises. Inflammation of blood vessels is due to a blood clot that clogs the vessel. Can this disease be cured at home by folk remedies? Is it dangerous? What do doctors allow? Contents of 1 Will it help? 2 Possible Risks 3 Safe Recipes 3.1 Diet 3.2...

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Diseases Of Blood Vessels

Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities: symptoms, photos, detection and treatment

Statistics say that women with thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities are more likely to suffer. High heels, short skirts even in frost, taking hormonal contraceptives - all this can cause inflammation of the venous walls on the legs. Thrombophlebitis has serious consequences for the body, the most dangerous of them are thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery and sepsis. What to look for and how to prevent complications? Consider all the symptoms of thrombophlebitis of the lower extre...

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Diseases Of Blood Vessels

Ischemic stroke of the left side - how many live, consequences and treatment

Ischemic stroke, otherwise( acute disturbance of cerebral circulation of the ONMC) is a pathological condition that develops as a result of circulatory disorders in the vessels of the brain. Blood flow disorder can be caused by vessel thrombosis, atherosclerotic lesion, spasm. Stroke - one of the most dangerous complications of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Let's figure out what is the ischemic stroke of the left side, what are the symptoms and consequences of damage to this ...

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Diseases Of Blood Vessels

Diet after stroke - features and general rules of nutrition at home

Rehabilitation after a stroke is a long and difficult process. Proper nutrition plays a key role in the recovery period, along with drug therapy and exercise. Patients are to revise their diet, eliminate fatty, fried, smoked food, abandon bad habits. Proper nutrition can reduce the risk of recurrent stroke by 30 percent. Those who are interested in what diet should be followed by patients after a stroke, and what is the proper nutrition in this disease at home, we suggest reading this...

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Diseases Of Blood Vessels

Microinsult in men - how is it different from a stroke, symptoms and first signs

The concept of a micro-insult in medical terminology is absent, this term refers to a transient ischemic attack. There is a stereotype that the disease affects mainly elderly patients with worn out blood vessels. This is not true - a microinsult can occur even in the thirties. Next, in the article we will tell you about the symptoms and the first signs of a micro stroke of the brain, how it manifests itself in men and what is the first aid and treatment in case of an attack. C...

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