Analyzes And Diagnostics

Why is the blood elevated in creatinine, what does it mean?

Creatinine is the product of a creatine-phosphate reaction. This substance involved in the energy metabolism of tissues is formed in the muscles and partially released into the circulatory system. It is excreted from the body with urine. Violation of the exchange of creatinine - a violation of the kidneys. A high degree of creatinine in the blood - a sign of renal insufficiency of different stages, as well as hormonal disorders, diseases of various organs. To determine the state of creatinin...

  • 10-Jul-2018
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Analyzes And Diagnostics

In the urine found nitrite, what does it mean?

Usually doctors do not advise to decipher urinalysis by themselves. First, any business should be done by an expert, and secondly, it is important to evaluate all the indicators in a complex. But all the rules, as you know, there are exceptions. And when the analysis of the urine of a child or adult showed the presence of nitrites, then almost certainly one should expect a bacterial infection of the urinary tract. The causative agents may be the following bacteria: Priotus, Klebsiella, Esche...

  • 10-Jul-2018
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Analyzes And Diagnostics

What does elevated uric acid in the blood say?

Uric acid is one of the substances naturally produced by the body.It occurs as a result of the breakdown of purine molecules contained in many products, under the action of an enzyme called xanthine oxidase. After use, purines are degraded to uric acid and processed. Some of them remain in the blood, and the remainder is eliminated by the kidneys. Deviations in the level of uric acid in the blood can be due to relatively harmless factors, and even daily fluctuations (in the evenings its conc...

  • 10-Jul-2018
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Analyzes And Diagnostics

Why is the blood raised in the blood, what does it mean?

Blood test AST - biochemical blood test, which determines the amount of intracellular enzyme aspartate aminotransferase. This method of analysis is used to diagnose diseases of the myocardium, the liver and musculoskeletal disorders, it is usually prescribed concomitantly with the analysis of blood ALT, as well as analysis for bilirubin. The given analysis allows to reveal quantity of a cellular enzyme of ACT in tissues of a liver, kidneys, heart, skeletal musculature, nervous system and oth...

  • 26-Jun-2018
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Analyzes And Diagnostics

Increased salt in urine, what does it mean?

The value of most medical tests for people unfamiliar with medical science is a "dark forest".Not an exception and a general analysis of urine. In particular, indicators of the level of salts, because it, in fact, should be present in this biological fluid. What, then, is bad if in analysis there are three or four pluses opposite the corresponding parameter, at the rate of 1-2? In principle, nothing bad, if the pros appeared once. If, in repeated analyzes, the salts in urine are in the same ...

  • 02-Jul-2018
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Analyzes And Diagnostics

Why in the blood ALT and AST are increased, what does it mean?

The abbreviation ALT stands for the blood index of enzymes alanine aminotransferase, AsAT - asparagine aminotransferase. The indicators of AST and ALT are included in the biochemical blood test. They were discovered in medicine relatively recently. The blood test for AST and ALT is carried out jointly and, accordingly, their norm should be the same, and fully dependent on each other. Such an indicator of tests, like an increase in ALT and AST in the blood 2 and more times, should make you th...

  • 26-Jun-2018
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Analyzes And Diagnostics

Why is protein increased in blood, what does it mean?

By the term "total protein" is meant the total concentration of albumin and globulin in serum. In the body, the total protein performs a number of functions: participation in blood clotting, participation in immune processes, transport function of blood and others. This type of protein reflects the well-being of homeostasis, because due to proteins, the blood has a certain viscosity, fluidity and accordingly a certain volume of blood is formed in the vascular bed. Directly with these importa...

  • 26-Jun-2018
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Analyzes And Diagnostics

Why are eosinophils lowered in the blood, what does it say?

Ezinophils are blood cells that belong to leukocytes and perform an extremely important function of protecting the human body.Immediately after the formation in the bone marrow, the ezinophils enter the bloodstream, and after a few hours they pass to the tissues where they function If there is an infection or a source of inflammation in the body, the ezinophils penetrate to it and activate the special receptors in the cells responsible for immunity. What does it mean? The situation, when in ...

  • 26-Jun-2018
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Analyzes And Diagnostics

Why is basophils lowered in blood, what does it say?

Basophils are blood cells, the formation of which is carried out in the bone marrow, then they go into the blood, circulating in it for several hours, and then sent to the tissues, where they stay for 8-12 days. This is the smallest leukocyte group, which is mainly involved in allergic reactions of the immediate type. When the basophils in the blood are lowered in an adult, it indicates the presence of a disease - a basification. Such a condition can be diagnosed when the content of basophil...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Analyzes And Diagnostics

Why is the hematocrit lowered in the blood, what does it mean?

Hematocrit is an indicator that determines the content of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in its total volume.It is measured in percent. It is determined by a general blood test. By the indicator of hematocrit, the ability of the blood to transfer oxygen to the tissues of the body is determined. In adults, low hematocrit indicates that there is a risk of anemia. When the hematocrit is lower, extreme caution and attention to one's health is imperative - the reasons are ambiguous. To establish ...

  • 26-Jun-2018
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