Stages of ARVI

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And what tablets zahavat at an initial stage ORVI.





drink a terafl... and sleep! Helps well


Interferon is an antiviral drug

The best

You can drink koldreks, there are powders here... if the throat starts to hurt, you can buy strepsils

Be careful, poison

4ay gorya4iy s malinkoy i medom (esli gorlo bolit - moloko s medom i maslom) pod 3 odeyalo i potet vsyu no4)

Olga K.

The best tablet is to cut the lemon, pour it with honey, and after 15 minutes, eat together with the skins and saucer lick. You can repeat it in the evening!
If there is no lemon, and there are vitamins C, then it is recommended 3 days in a row in the evening to take a shock dose, 1 g.
If in vitamins 500mg, then 2 vitamins.
Well, the worst end is Paracetamol.

[email protected]

you can certainly try without anti-diarrhea, but with them you will certainly get rid... biseptol, for example, + hot tea with jam lemon and, cover with an asterisk and sleep


Radical means: olka lemon, e sugar, streptocid tablets and a cup of warm water with a tablespoon of honey. In the morning, you're a hound !!!

instagram viewer


Bathhouse and vodka 50-100. It is better to immediately drink 3 tabla. Sumamed... raises the dead.


The best Coldrex!

Man - you are Peace, you are Eternity.

Only not chemistry. The organism fights, immunity takes out foreign cells of the virus, bacteria through the excretory systems of the body, through the skin-sweat, through the nose-flowing lymph, intoxication is eliminated, it is impossible to lower the temperature. If the heat is wiped away with dilute table vinegar. The body is dehydrated by cleansing. You can not drink, there can be convulsions, this is when the neurons of the brain die. But we must not eat without hindering the processes of purification. You can have a frozen berry, smash in blendor, energy products-microhydrin, co-enzyme Q10, the process of purification will be faster.
Refuse to eat. Abundant drink with lemon, cowberry, 2 liters of clean, warm, structured water. Treat throat with colloidal silver.
Tea with echinocice, licorice. Sorbents-protection of the kidneys from intoxication
10t of coal or 1t of an aggregate, any others. And then strengthen the immune system.
Brush the body systematically, restore the homeostasis of the whole organism. There is a unique balanced program Kolo Vada plus. All the problems in the body depend on the psychology and "purity" of the intestine. The body needs to be cleaned 2 times a year from poisons and toxins. Then, to strengthen immunity, there is a unique product modeling immunity Molozevo, Shark liver fat, Bark of ant tree. Mega acidophilus is a friendly bacteria.

The incubation period of ARVI

Influenza virus, penetrating the human body, does not immediately make itself felt. Therefore, for the timely detection of the first symptoms and the beginning of treatment, it is desirable to understand how much The incubation period of acute respiratory viral infection, how to determine this condition and what measures can be taken at the very beginning infection. In addition, it will help prevent the infection of surrounding people.

What is the incubation period for influenza and ARVI in adults?

It should be noted that there are many varieties of acute respiratory-viral infections, the type of which depends on the etiology and timing of the development of clinical symptoms. The most common among them:

  • flu;
  • reovirus;
  • respiratory syncytial virus;
  • coronavirus;
  • adenovirus;
  • paragripp;
  • rhinovirus;
  • Coxsackie virus;
  • ECHO virus.

As a rule, all these subtypes of the disease under consideration are similar in features that characterize the acute intoxication of the organism:

  • cough;
  • coryza;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • hyperemia of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • temperature increase.

But often there is a mixture of various clinical manifestations, which further provokes the emergence of secondary infectious complications in the form of catarrhalic tonsillitis, pneumonia, bronchitis. Moreover, the development of these diseases can occur directly during the incubation period of acute respiratory infections. In such cases, it is believed that immediately after infection with the virus in the body, intensive multiplication of pathogenic aerobic and anaerobic bacteria began.

How many days is infected with ARVI?

Since the virus enters the body, the person is its carrier, respectively, can infect others, even if the obvious symptoms have not yet appeared. Usually, the flu and other types of described ailment begin quickly and acutely, within 1-3 days, but with strong immunity defenses the incubation can last about a week.

It is worth noting that a patient with acute respiratory infections is contagious throughout the course of the course of the pathology until all cells of the virus in his body die. This means that even with persistent improvements, lowering body temperature to normal values ​​and eliminating external flu symptoms a person still remains a carrier of the disease and can pose a danger to others, because SARS is transmitted easily - airborne by way of.

How long does the incubation period of ARI and ARVI last?

First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand the difference between these two diseases.

In acute respiratory infections, there is a local lesion, most often - the respiratory tract, without a significant increase in temperature (rarely exceeds 38 degrees). The disease progresses slowly and does not spread to other organs, the symptoms of intoxication are either weak or not pronounced at all.

Influenza and SARS are characterized by a sharp, intense onset, with a rapid onset of signs of ailment. In addition, these pathologies cause several groups of clinical manifestations at once:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, nausea);
  • upper respiratory tract (cough, sore throat, nasal congestion);
  • nervous system (migraine, insomnia).

The main difference between the considered respiratory diseases is that the cause of ARVI is mandatory is a viral infection, and the patient is infectious for a long period of time, whereas ARI does not have these qualities are inherent.

The incubation period of influenza, as already indicated, is short, and in ARI it can be up to 14 days. In this case, the condition of the victim is relatively normal, and the temperature increase is sometimes or completely absent, or reaches a low-grade value.

What is ARVI?



Under this abbreviation lies an acute respiratory viral infection, i.e., an infection of the respiratory tract caused by viruses.
There are about two hundred varieties of viruses that cause ARVI (the most famous is the influenza virus). All of them are united by the fact that they are very contagious, because they are transmitted by airborne droplets, cause similar symptoms, are not treated with antibiotics.
Symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection are known to all. This is any combination of the following:
temperature increase
runny nose
bronchitis or tracheitis (or both)
Treatment of acute respiratory viral infection consists of treatment of these manifestations. The temperature can be knocked down by febrifugal, but do not abuse them, as in ARVI temperature is a protective reaction that helps the body fight infection. In addition, the duration of fever more than 3 days at 38 degrees and above can talk about joining dangerous bacterial complications of ARVI (acute sinusitis, acute otitis media, pneumonia) then another treatment is needed, and if the temperature is constantly lowered with the help of medications, this treatment can be late.
Treatment for a cough is described in the section "Bronchitis."
Treatment of the common cold is described in the section called "Runny nose".

Daria ***

Acute Respiratory Viral Infection

Natalya Anatolyevna

acute respiratory viral infection-drink medicines, it's a cold

Daria Zhuravlyova

acute respiratory viral infection, so what?
I was usually treated, as with an ordinary cold


Acute Respiratory-viral Infection, treated like an acute respiratory disease, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids and vitamin "C"


Acute respiratory viral disease. Antibacterial therapy does not require, it is treated with symptomatic drugs - antipyretic, decongestants, painkillers (with headache), vitamins A and C, plenty of drink, well, and rest.

Adela Kozakova

swill a cold or a disease


Acute Respiratory-Viral Infection!

Inna Grigoryan

Acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) is a group of viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In the process of development, a viral disease can be complicated by a bacterial infection. The main symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections are a runny nose, coughing, sneezing, headache, sore throat, eyeballs, vomiting, loose stools, a feeling of weakness.
In everyday life the word "cold" sometimes refers to the manifestations of herpes simplex on the lips, and not to the disease of the respiratory tract.

Dmitry Borisov

Acute Respiratory Viral Infection

Lysha Khusainov

it's a virus

Vyacheslav Koledin

but if it does not last long

Snezana Antipova

Acute respiratory viral infection (Orvi) - a group of clinically and morphologically similar acute inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, the causative agents of which are pneumotrophic viruses

Valery Zhukov

It's a virus, in general when you catch a cold-tempo and runny nose. Usually, if you start treatment right away, complications do not arise. It is important to choose the right medications, but then these trendy teraflyu, yes, the heart of the rifle is crushed. There phenylephrine is contained, and it forces the heart to wear out to work. I usually drink Antigrippin from a natural product, there is a good composition and it becomes easier quite quickly after it.

Oksana Vasilievna

I like to experiment, I tried the barrier reef for prevention, I liked it. And the price only seems high - if you count how much we are treating the common cold for treatment, it is clear that it is more profitable. At least on the epidemic, I think it makes sense to carry it with you.

SARS is... Acute respiratory viral infection: prevention, treatment

Acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) is a disease that affects the human respiratory system. The main cause of the disease is contact with viruses. The path of transmission of viruses is airborne.

Prevalence of ARVI

Disease of ARVI is widespread everywhere, especially in kindergartens and schools, work collectives. Increased risk of infection have young children, the elderly and people with a weakened immune system.

The source of infection is an infected person. The high susceptibility of people to viruses leads to a rapid spread of the disease, the SARS epidemic is quite a frequent phenomenon all over the world. Untimely treatment of the disease can lead to various complications.

Outbreaks of respiratory-viral infections occur all year round, but the ARVI epidemic is more often observed in autumn and winter, especially in the absence of quality prevention and quarantine measures to identify cases infection.

Causes of ARVI

The cause of the development of the disease is respiratory viruses, which differ in a short incubation period and rapid spread. The source of the infection is a sick person.

The virus of ARVI is afraid of disinfectants, ultraviolet rays.

The mechanism of development

Getting into the body through the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract or the conjunctiva of the eyes, the viruses, penetrating into the epithelial cells, begin to multiply and destroy them. In places where viruses are introduced, inflammation occurs.

Through damaged blood vessels, getting into the bloodstream, viruses are carried throughout the body. In this case, the body secretes protective substances, the manifestation of which are signs of intoxication. If immunity is weakened, it is possible to attach a bacterial infection.


All respiratory-viral diseases have similar symptoms. At the beginning of the disease a person has a runny nose, sneezing, pershit in the throat, body aches, the temperature rises, appetite disappears, a liquid stool appears.

Symptoms of SARS in a child can develop rapidly. Quickly increases intoxication, the baby is shivering, vomiting, pronounced hyperthermia. Treatment should be started immediately to avoid possible complications.

Signs of individual viral infections

Determine parainfluenza can be on mucous discharge from the nose, the appearance of a dry "barking" cough, hoarseness of the voice. The temperature does not exceed 38 ° C.

Adenovirus infection is accompanied by conjunctivitis. In addition, the patient may experience rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis.

With rhinovirus infection, the symptoms of intoxication are pronounced, the temperature may not rise. The disease is accompanied by abundant mucous discharge from the nose.

For respiratory syncytial viral infection, not pronounced catarrhal symptoms or bronchitis, strong intoxication are characteristic. Body temperature remains normal.

What is the difference between the flu and ARVI?

ARVI begins gradually, the development of the flu is rapid, a person can even indicate the time when he felt ill.

In acute respiratory viral infections, body temperature rises slightly, no higher than 3, C⁰. The flu is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature to 39-40 C⁰. The temperature in this case is maintained for three to four days.

In acute respiratory infections, the symptoms of intoxication are practically non-existent, the person does not shiver and does not throw in sweat, there is no severe headache, eye pain, photophobia, dizziness, body aches, persists operability.

With flu, a strong runny nose and nasal congestion are absent, this is the main symptom of ARVI. The disease is accompanied by reddening of the throat, with a flu such a symptom is not always observed.

In ARVI cough, discomfort in the chest occur at the very beginning of the disease, may be mild or moderately pronounced. The flu is characterized by a painful cough and chest pain that appear on the second day of the disease.

Sneezing is typical for the common cold, there is no such symptom in the flu, but there is redness in the eyes.

After a flu, a person can feel a weakness, a headache, and fast fatigue for another two to three weeks, after such an infection, such symptoms are not preserved.

Knowledge of how the flu differs from ARVI will help a person to assess their condition and take the necessary measures in time to help quickly get rid of the disease and avoid complications.

What are the symptoms of ARVI should alert

Immediately you need to see a doctor when the temperature rises to 40 ° C or more, which does not get knocked off by antipyretic drugs, in cases of mental disorders, intense headache and the inability to bend the neck, the appearance of rashes on the body, shortness of breath, cough with colored sputum (especially with a trace of blood), prolonged fever, edema.

An appeal to a doctor is also necessary if the symptoms of acute respiratory infections do not disappear after 7-10 days. Symptoms of acute respiratory infections in the child require special attention. If any suspicious symptoms occur, you should immediately seek medical help.


The diagnosis is made by the attending physician after examining the nasopharynx and examining the symptoms. In some cases, complications may require additional research, for example, chest X-ray. This helps to eliminate pneumonia.


A frequent complication of acute respiratory viral infection is the attachment of a bacterial infection, which provokes the development of inflammatory processes: bronchitis, otitis, sinusitis, pneumonia. The disease can be complicated by the attachment of a urinary tract infection, pancreatitis, cholangitis.

If the disease occurs with pronounced intoxication, the result may be the development of convulsive or meningeal syndromes, myocarditis. Possible neurological problems, such as meningitis, neuritis, meningoencephalitis. After the transfer of acute respiratory viral infections, complications can manifest themselves exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In children, a frequent complication is a false cereal.

To minimize the risk of complications, treatment should begin on time, performing all the doctor's prescriptions.

How to treat

The treatment mostly takes place at home. The patient should adhere to the semi-post regimen, observe the milky-vegetable fortified diet, use a lot of fluids to dilute sputum, stimulate sweating, reduce levels toxins.

But in a furious modern pace, few people follow this rule, preferring to tolerate a cold "on their feet and relieve unpleasant symptoms with symptomatic means. The danger of this approach to treatment is that often symptomatic preparations for cold contain phenylephrine - a substance that increases blood pressure and causes the heart to work for wear. In order to avoid complications of colds, you need to choose medicines without components of this kind. For example, "Antigrippin" (better from "Natur-product") is a preparation for cold without phenylephrine, which eliminates unpleasant symptoms of ARVI, without provoking an increase in pressure and without harming the cardiac muscle.

In the treatment of antiviral drugs, drugs to increase immunity, antipyretic, antihistamines, drugs that help to sputum, vitamins. Locally used vasoconstrictor, which prevents the reproduction of the virus on the mucosa of the nasopharynx. Such treatment is important to carry out at the initial stage of the disease.

Preparations for ARVI treatment

In the fight against the causative agent of the disease, antiviral drugs are effective: Remantadin Amizon Arbidol Amiksin.

Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is necessary to reduce body temperature and reduce pain. These drugs include "Paracetamol" Ibuprofen "Panadol". It must be remembered that the temperature below 38 ° C does not get off, because at this temperature the body activates its protective forces.

Antihistamines are needed to reduce signs of inflammation: congestion of the nose, edema of the mucous. It is recommended to take "Loratidin" Fenistila "Zirteka". Unlike first-generation drugs, they do not cause drowsiness.

Nasal drops are necessary to reduce swelling, eliminate nasal congestion. It is worth remembering that it is not possible to use such drops for a long time, since this can provoke the development of chronic rhinitis. Drops are used no more than 7 days, 2-3 times a day. For long-term treatment it is possible to use preparations based on essential oils.

Remedies for sore throat. It is best in this case to help rinse the throat with the use of disinfectant solutions. For these purposes, you can use sage, chamomile. Rinse often, every two hours. Effective use of disinfectant sprays - "Geksoraal" Bioparox etc.

Cough medicines are needed to dilute sputum. This is helped by the use of the "ACC" Mukaltina "Bronholitin" and others. It is important at the same time to drink a lot of fluid, which also contributes to the dilution of phlegm. The remedies that suppress coughing can not be used without prescribing a doctor.

Antibiotics are not used in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, it is necessary only when the bacterial infection is attached.

In addition to medicines, the effective use of physiotherapy, inhalation, massage techniques, foot baths.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are very effective in treating ARVI. This can be a supplement to the basic treatment and helps to cope faster with the disease. You can use the following recipes.

Not bad helps infusion of fruits of viburnum and linden flowers, which must be crushed and mixed. Two tablespoons of the collection should be poured in 500 ml of boiling water, insist for an hour. The obtained infusion is consumed before going to sleep.

The onion and garlic can be cope well with the disease, which you can simply eat. Both in prophylaxis and in treatment it is useful such a remedy: several cloves of garlic and half a teaspoon of juice are consumed after a meal. You can arrange in the room cut onions and garlic and inhale their vapors.

Very effective remedy for honey and lemon juice. To make it, bee honey (100 g) is mixed with the juice of one lemon and diluted with boiled water (800 ml). The product must be drunk throughout the day.


What is the prevention of ARVI in adults and children? To strengthen the defenses of the body you need to temper, lead an active lifestyle, walk in the fresh air, do not disregard rest, avoid stress, and also observe hygiene (wash hands, vegetables, regularly do wet cleaning in room).

Prevention of Orvi in ​​adults requires adherence to the correct diet. The menu should be dominated by natural products. To maintain the intestinal microflora and strengthen the immune system, dairy products are useful. In addition, the diet should be present fiber.

For prophylaxis, you can take antiviral drugs or get vaccinated. Although it is impossible to completely protect yourself with vaccination, as the viruses constantly mutate. Vaccination is recommended for children who attend kindergartens and schools, employees of medical institutions.

In the period of epidemics, it is recommended to limit visits to public places, to strengthen the immunity to take natural remedies or antiviral drugs at the recommended dosage.

If preventive measures have not helped you avoid infection, take care of your recovery, as well as the people around you. Since ARVI is contagious, do not forget to cover your mouth and nose, coughing and sneezing, airing the room, if necessary, wear a gauze bandage. If you follow these measures, the disease will quickly leave your home.

Basic principles of ARVI treatment

ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections) occur very often, especially in autumn and winter. According to statistical data, almost every person carries the disease, which affects the upper respiratory tract once a year. Unfortunately, many people who do not have medical education are firmly convinced that they know how to treat ARVI.

Therefore, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, they begin to take various medications independently, which often leads only to an aggravation of the condition and the development of complications. While properly selected by the doctor therapy can only put the patient on his feet in a few days.

What to do with increased body temperature?

One of the main symptoms of ARVI is a rise in temperature, which, for example, can be very significant in case of influenza. Thus it is necessary to provide such conditions, that the patient could lose heat, sweating or warming the inhaled air.

For this, the patient needs a rich vitaminized drink, for example, cranberry juice, and also a little cool air in the room (for this, it must be regularly ventilated and held in it damp cleaning).

It should be noted that when the skin is exposed to cold (for example, with ice), there is a spasm vessels of the skin, so its temperature decreases, but the temperature of the internal organs continues grow. This state is considered extremely dangerous, so do not use physical methods of cooling (wet sheets, ice bubbles) without the advice of a doctor. Before applying such techniques, the patient is prescribed special drugs that eliminate vasospasm.

Some patients with acute respiratory viral infections do not tolerate high temperature. For example, in people suffering from pathologies of the nervous system, hyperthermia can lead to seizures. Therefore, doctors for treatment at home prescribe antipyretic drugs, which can be taken when the temperature rises above 3 degrees. The most popular is paracetamol (Panadol) and acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). Paracetamol is considered one of the safest medicines for fever, but it is effective only for non-serious infections.

What to do with a cold?

As in children, and in adults very often there is a strong cold, which can significantly worsen the state of health. The fact is that the mucosa of the nasal passages secrete a large amount of mucus containing special substances that neutralize the viruses.

The main task in this period is to prevent the drying of mucus and the formation of crusts, otherwise the patient will have to breathe through the mouth. Therefore, the nose should be cleaned regularly, and also to ensure that the air in the room is clean and slightly moist.

Rhinitis in ARVI can not be treated with vasoconstrictive drops (nasol, sanorin, naphthyzine), because they only for a while facilitate the patient's condition, removing the swelling and stuffiness of the nose. If you use such drugs for a long time, the patient will develop chronic rhinitis. Such drugs can be prescribed only for the prevention of sinusitis, but the course should not last more than a week.

To get rid of the cold, antihistamines are sometimes used, for example, suprastin and diazolin. Also, sometimes doctors prescribe homeopathic medicines, which practically do not have side effects, for example, Edas-131.

What to do with sore throat and cough?

For many varieties of ARVI, for example, for influenza, a strong pain in the throat is characteristic. The most effective treatment in this case will be rinsing with various solutions, for example, furatsilinom or infusion of chamomile. Gargle should be rinsed as often as possible, at least every half hour. According to the doctor's prescription, you can use various lollipops, lozenges and sprays, for example, septothete, bioparox or hexoral.

In order to cure a cough, the patient should drink more, and the drinks should be warm. This will allow the phlegm to dilute and remove it from the body as soon as possible. You can also use medicines, for example, Mucaltin, broncholitin, ATSTS.

In order to accelerate recovery, antiviral drugs (interferon, kagocel) are used that reduce the sensitivity of human cells to viruses. Faster cough and other unpleasant symptoms will be helped by multivitamin complexes, which include ascorbic acid, B vitamins and rutin.

Do I need to take antibiotics for ARVI?

Many people do not realize that ARVI has a viral origin, therefore antibacterial drugs against it are not effective. In the treatment of antibiotics, the patient develops a dysbacteriosis, which is manifested by diarrhea, constipation, bloating and thrush.

And also with the uncontrolled intake of these drugs, the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics is formed, which is why if necessary (for example, in the case of pneumonia), the effective drug will be selected extremely complicated. And the fascination with antibiotics often leads to the development of allergies, especially in children.

Therefore, uncomplicated ARVI antibiotics can be treated only in exceptional cases:

  • in the presence of signs of immunodeficiency (HIV, cancer and autoimmune pathologies, birth defects of the immune system, fungal diseases, etc.);
  • in children, whose age is less than 6 months, if they have unfavorable background pathologies (rickets, severe lack of weight, malformations, etc.);
  • if there is a history of recurrent otitis media.

With the help of antibiotics, ARVI treatment is performed in the following cases:

  • with the development of angina (anaerobic or streptococcal);
  • with the development of acute otitis media;
  • in the presence of various purulent complications (descending laryngotracheitis, paratonsillar abscess, purulent lymphadenitis, purulent sinusitis);
  • with the development of pneumonia;
  • in the presence of sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses).

If the patient's condition is not too severe and ARVI treatment is carried out at home, antibiotics are prescribed for oral administration. Usually only one drug is used, the criterion of effectiveness of which will be a decrease in temperature below 38 degrees in the first 36-48 hours after the initiation of therapy. If this does not happen, the doctor picks up another antibiotic.

Features of pregnancy treatment

Begin the treatment of a woman should only after consulting a doctor, because many drugs and even folk remedies can harm the fetus. From the cold will help instill in the nasal passages of salt water, which you can prepare yourself or buy at a pharmacy. It will also help the inhalation of essential oils of orange, eucalyptus or sage. You can dig in the nose drops, made from natural ingredients (Aqua Maris, Pinosol).

With sore throat, you can rinse it with saline solution, infusion of chamomile and sage. It is recommended to drink warm milk with a small amount of honey, but you can not soar your legs. And coughing will help inhalation with essential oils. When the temperature rises above 38 degrees, you can take a medicine based on paracetamol, prescribed by your doctor. If there is no edema, then you can drink more, for example, green tea with honey.

Features of treatment in the elderly

For elderly people, acute respiratory viral infections are especially dangerous, so it is worth treating them carefully. First of all, you need to ensure that the patient has enough sleep and a balanced diet. If a person has a dysbiosis of intestinal flora, then he is prescribed eubiotics (lactobacterin, bifidobacterin). It is necessary to take microelements and vitamins, because during illness the body needs them especially acutely.

Elderly, drugs for the treatment of acute respiratory infections can be selected only by a doctor, taking into account the severity of their condition and the presence of accompanying pathologies. Most often used drugs of plant origin, which have the least side effects. Older people taking drugs for the treatment of chronic pathologies are usually not prescribed antibiotics and potent agents because of the high risk of unwanted side-effects effects.

Treatment and prevention of ARVI includes the use of drugs that stimulate the formation of interferon. For moderate and mild forms of influenza, for example, arbidol is used. Correctly selected therapy can prevent the development of severe complications and lead to an early recovery of the patient.

Features of treatment in children

Children often suffer from ARVI, so pediatricians have certain standards for the treatment of these diseases, which they try to adhere to. Trying to cope independently with the infection is not worth it, because inadequate therapy, most likely, will lead to the development of complications.

In addition to the medicines prescribed by the doctor, proper care is very important. The child needs to be put in bed, to provide him with a balanced diet and fresh clean air. At elevated temperature, you can not only use medicines, but also apply physical methods of cooling. For example, you can wipe the baby's skin with a napkin, which is moistened with a solution prepared from water, vinegar and vodka, which were mixed in equal proportions. In this case, the child should be covered with a warm blanket.

With fever, a warm vitaminized drink, for example cranberry or cranberry juice, will also help. If the temperature does not go down and the drugs are not effective, you should call an ambulance.

Folk methods

Treatment with various folk remedies is only used as an auxiliary method and only after consulting a specialist. The fact is that such drugs are not always effective and often lead to the occurrence of side effects, for example, to allergies.

Many people with ORVI help tea made of lime color. If the disease is accompanied by high fever, it is necessary to include red currant berries or fresh juice made from them in the diet. And with sore throat it is recommended to add a couple of tablespoons of natural honey to a glass of hot milk and drink this solution in small sips during the day.

If the patient is troubled by a runny nose, tom it is possible to drink a decoction prepared from raspberries or wild strawberries. It is recommended to take one glass 3 times a day after meals.

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