Skin Diseases

Effective treatment of furunculosis at home

The furuncle is a purulent-necrotic inflammation in the hair follicle that extends to the surrounding small area of ​​the infected tissue and causes severe pain and discomfort to the person. A red tubercle occurs when the hair follicle and associated sebaceous gland are inflamed. When several furuncles, usually located side by side, appear on the skin, "furunculosis" is diagnosed. People with different sex, age and social status may face a delicate problem of boils. The ...

  • 04-Jul-2018
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Skin Diseases

Psoriasis on the head: effective treatment at home

Psoriasis gives a person inconvenience: on the skin there are itchy scaly plaques, the appearance of which creates problems in dealing with others. The patient has to follow a strict diet throughout his life, to acquire special detergents for the care of the scalp and body. The disease is characterized by a recurrent course( periods of calm alternate with exacerbations).Psoriasis is not transmitted to others even during periods of exacerbation or blood transfusion. Cont...

  • 23-Jun-2018
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Skin Diseases

Abnormal lichen: signs and treatment at home

Peregrine lichen refers to the category of rare skin diseases. The main feature of microbes, which are its causative agents, is considered active reproduction under the influence of heat. Because of this nuance, the disease manifests itself only in the summer. Often this form of lichen is called a "sun fungus".Treatment of the disease is not difficult, but you need to start the course as early as possible. Otherwise, there will be a chronic form. You can get rid of the dis...

  • 01-Jul-2018
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Skin Diseases

Methods for treating blisters after burns at home

Burn-skin damage due to thermal, chemical, electrical impact. Damage to the epidermis and deeper layers of the skin is accompanied by the formation of blisters( one or several), depending on the degree of burn. Blistering of the skin( blister) is noted with second-degree burns( immediately or after a while), inside them is plasma. It is not recommended to open them, because after their mechanical removal, the healing process deteriorates as a result of infection on the wound ...

  • 06-Jul-2018
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Skin Diseases

Treatment of plantar warts at home: the best folk remedies

Plantar wart is a special lesion on the foot or between the toes. It can be slightly light or normal skin color. If you feel pain when walking or pressing on the appearance of a build up, you should definitely start treatment. Plantar warts can spread quickly and affect other parts of the body. Article content: Reasons for General recommendations How to get rid of them with the help of folk remedies? Purity Redwood Rowan Salicylic Acid Onio...

  • 22-Jun-2018
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Skin Diseases

Use of folk remedies with demodex: effective treatment at home

In adolescence, adolescents often have acne on the skin and acne. The reason can be covered not only in the changing hormonal background of the body, but also in a skin disease called "Demodecosis." If problems with the skin do not leave the girl or boy after the transition years, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist. Article content: Reasons for Symptoms General recommendations Medication How to cure folk remedies? Gadgets Masks ...

  • 01-Jul-2018
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Skin Diseases

Burn with boiling water: fast and effective treatment at home

Burns are of different origin and varying severity. Depending on the type of burn, the medic prescribes treatment. First aid also depends on where the thermal injury came from. Let's talk today about the most popular kind of household burn - about scalding with boiling water. Burns with boiling water cause severe pain, blisters appear on the site of injury. When they burst, fluid flows out of them. The burst blister forms a aching wound. Those who have at least once spille...

  • 06-Jul-2018
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Skin Diseases

Thermal burn: degrees, first aid and treatment at home

Thanks to popular beliefs, such methods have been developed for the treatment of burns, which can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous for health. To provide correct first aid and further treatment it is important to treat the injury from a medical point of view. Thermal damage to tissues is termed thermal burn, which has different severity levels : To 1 degree, surface skin lesions affecting a small area are considered. 2 degree is manifested by the formati...

  • 05-Jul-2018
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Skin Diseases

Treatment of scabies in the home: the best folk remedies

Scabies are a parasitic infectious skin disease that is provoked by an itch mite. The human eye can discern it only as a white point, measuring with a poppy seed. Infection with scabies often occurs as a result of close contact with the patient. Article Contents: Possible Causes of Symptoms of General Recommendations of How to treat folk remedies? What is not recommended? Prophylaxis Possible causes of People from all over the world are...

  • 23-Jun-2018
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Skin Diseases

Neurodermatitis: the causes and treatment of the disease in the home

Chronic skin disease of the neurodermatitis has a neurogenic-allergic character. Also known as atopic dermatitis, in childhood - diathesis. occurs frequently, accompanied by constant exacerbations. Article content: Possible causes Symptoms General recommendations How to treat folk remedies? What is not recommended? Prevention measures Possible causes of Until now, the causes of neurodermatitis have not been fully studied. To provoke...

  • 02-Jul-2018
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