What is the norm of hemoglobin in children - see the table by age

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Hemoglobin is a complex protein complex that forms the basis of erythrocytes, it participates in the transportation of oxygen through the body and a number of other important processes. Its insufficient or excessive amount can lead to various disorders, some of them can be quite serious pathologies. It is worth knowing about the norm of hemoglobin in children by age, the table will make it easier to navigate in the indicators.

  • What is the danger of low hemoglobin?
  • Than high hemoglobin is dangerous
  • What hemoglobin in children is normal
  • Causes of low hemoglobin in children
  • Preparations for increasing hemoglobin in children
  • Products that increase hemoglobin in children
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In children and adults, the hemoglobin content in the blood constantly changes depending on the age. In children, it usually does not matter what sex the child is. In boys and girls, normal indices are the same, they begin to differ after the transition years.

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The level of hemoglobin affects a number of factors, in addition to age. It depends on the condition of the body, the presence of any pathologies, nutrition, level of physical activity in the child. In this case, anemia - a condition when there is a shortage of hemoglobin - occurs more often than its too high level.

What is the danger of low hemoglobin?

Low hemoglobin is usually called anemia, a condition that is common enough in children and adults. Usually it manifests a constant weakness, a decline in strength, in patients often there is a headache and dizziness. In addition, the skin condition worsens, working capacity decreases.

Anemia is a very dangerous condition.

  1. There is an asthenovegetative syndrome: weakness, deterioration of health, a sense of weakness.
  2. A child with anemia quickly becomes tired, his memory worsens.
  3. Disturbance of nourishment of the skin, hair and nails - the hair becomes dull and brittle, the nails are exfoliated, the skin is flaky.
  4. Digestive disorders: dyspepsia, violation of absorption processes in the intestine.
  5. A perversion of taste and smell.
  6. Decreased immunity. Adults and children are more likely to suffer from colds and are worse tolerated.
  7. Cardiovascular syndrome. Severe iron deficiency is characterized by a violation of the heart rate, a decrease in blood pressure
  8. In patients with iron deficiency anemia, the liver and spleen increase.

In addition, in a number of cases, hemoglobin is lowered due to various diseases of the cardiovascular system, the digestive tract, with endocrine disorders, so if you do not treat anemia and do not find out the cause that caused it, you can miss a serious enough pathology.

Important! At a low hemoglobin far not always at once appoint preparations with the maintenance or contents of iron, usually try to consult at first with the help of a diet if a deviation from norm or rate insignificant.

Than high hemoglobin is dangerous

With a high content of hemoglobin, the blood becomes more viscous, which leads to a high probability of thrombus formation. This can lead to blood clots, many other diseases. In addition, greatly overestimated indicators can talk about the development of serious pathology in children, so you can not ignore them in any case.

What hemoglobin in children is normal

At the child the level of the given protein constantly changes, it is necessary to pay attention to the table on age. Any, even minor deviations from these values ​​may indicate a disease or disorder.

Age Hemoglobin level
1 - 4 days after birth 145 - 225
1 week after birth 135 - 215
1 month 100 - 180
7 months 95 - 135
In children under one year of age 100 - 140
Up to two years 105 - 145
3 years - 6 years 110 - 150
6 - 12 years 115 - 150
12 - 15 years 115 - 150
16 - 18 years old 120 - 160

It is these values ​​that are usually advised to orientate when analyzing the results of a baby's blood test. If the child's indicators deviate in one direction or another, it is necessary to find out the cause of this condition. Hemoglobin in premature infants is usually below normal, but there may be exceptions. Everything will depend on the weight of the child and the health of the mother as a whole.

Important! The hemoglobin in a baby's blood immediately after birth is usually more affected by the health of the mother. If during pregnancy mother developed beriberi, there was anemia, chances are that the baby will be born with the same problems.

Glycated hemoglobin in children is usually not investigated without good reasons. Usually, this analysis is required for suspected diabetes, then this analysis may be required, which allows you to see the picture of blood sugar more accurately.

Causes of low hemoglobin in children

The reasons for this condition can be many, the most common cause is a lack of iron and some other necessary for the normal absorption of vitamins minerals. Avitaminosis and a lack of important trace elements are a fairly common problem in children. It is important for the growing organism that all necessary substances are constantly present in full.

In addition, hemoglobin may decrease due to high blood loss. For example, in older children, blood loss can occur as a result of various injuries, in girls the hemoglobin may decrease with the onset of menstruation in adolescence.

Also, the level of hemoglobin can be affected by an incorrect lifestyle. If the child does not move enough, the work and rest regime is not built correctly, the child breathes little fresh air, the probability of anemia increases.

Preparations for increasing hemoglobin in children

Usually, if the indicators are in the range of 70 to 90, at the lower markers, when urgent medical intervention is not yet required, they try to cope with reduced hemoglobin using a suitable diet and some preparations containing iron to increase the amount of hemoglobin. Such drugs can be in the form of syrups, solutions for injections and tablets. Children suitable is selected according to age.

It is worth noting that such medications can be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, it is not necessary to treat the baby with their help alone. If the lack of iron is so great, it is important to find out if the baby has any dangerous pathologies that can so affect the hemoglobin level. If no other diseases are detected, the rates are raised with the help of drugs.

  1. The most common drugs that are prescribed for children at different ages include Ferrum Lek, Tardiferone and other similar drugs. They can be prescribed together with other drugs to treat beriberi, improve the level of other microelements.
  2. For example, for normal assimilation of iron, vitamin C is needed, with its lack of intake of drugs with iron will not be so effective.
  3. In addition, do not forget about the existence of Hematogen. Such bars help to fight with anemia, while practically have no contraindications and do not harm the child's body. They can be introduced into the diet of the child, if the lack of iron is not so great as to take specialized drugs.

Important! Dr. Komarovsky warns that self-medication with the help of special drugs can harm the baby's health.

Products that increase hemoglobin in children

Increase the amount of iron can also be using a properly selected food. More of this substance is found in meat, especially in pork and beef, in the liver, heart, they are advised to introduce in the diet of the child, if there are no contraindications.

In addition, in case of anemia, cereals, for example, millet, buckwheat and others, have a positive effect on the state of the organism. Bean and nuts will also be useful. In general, more food is recommended with slow carbohydrates, with a high content of minerals. It will help in a natural way to gradually increase the level of hemoglobin in anemia.

Also advise products with a high content of vitamin C. So iron will be better absorbed in the body. Therefore, children are advised to drink more citrus fruit, berry fruit, and a decoction of rose hips. During the treatment of anemia, regardless of the methods chosen, periodically it is necessary to take tests for the hemoglobin content in order to constantly monitor the dynamics of changes.

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