Red Bulgarian pepper: benefit and harm to the human body

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"Blessed cool flower garden" or "herbalist" - under such poetic names Bulgarian pepper is mentioned in Old Slavic manuscripts.

This bright and tasty vegetable, contrary to the saying name, was born far from sunny Bulgaria.

But this does not change its useful properties for the recovery of the human body.

Contents of the article:

Contents of the article:

Coming from the United States

  • Under different names
  • Composition and nutritional value
  • Useful properties
  • Harm and contraindications
  • Application in cooking
  • Choose the one that you need
  • Originally from America

    There grew the first sweet pepper - a variety of peppers with sugarfruits.

    Today, a wild plant is found in Central America, Colombia and Mexico.

    Sweet pepper 9 thousand years old.

    He emigrated from the American continent to Europe at the end of the XV century: the first country that sheltered the cheerful "fugitive" was Spain.

    Then he was appreciated by Portugal, from it he migrated to Turkey, and only then "made his way" to the lands of Bulgaria.

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    Two hypotheses of the origin of the name are known. The first says that the Bulgarians delivered sweet pepper to Moldova, Ukraine and southern regions of Russia. It happened at the end of the XVII century.

    Adherents of the second hypothesis believe that for the name of pepper should thank the Bulgarian breeders who managed to get its large-bodied varieties.

    And what you know about the benefit and harm of kefir for the human body? On the properties of a fermented milk product is written in a useful article.

    What is the health benefits of a man's mushroom on this page.

    Each country has its own vegetable, which its inhabitants are proud of, know how and love to grow it.

    1. In Russia it is potatoes,
    2. in Romania - corn,
    3. in Denmark - onions,
    4. in Bulgaria, of course, Bulgarian pepper, which the aborigines themselves call sweet.20 thousand tons - this is the annual autumn harvest.

    Under different names

    According to scientific classification, sweet, it's vegetable pepper is a broader concept than Bulgarian pepper, attributed to one of the varieties.

    In Russia, all names are used in equal terms. Our gardeners call sweet any large-pepper, growing on their beds:

    • Bulgarian.
    • Cylindrical.
    • Bell-shaped.
    • Conical.
    • Tomato-like.

    The most popular variety of vegetable pepper is Bulgarian , giving a large, fleshy, short fruit in the form of a rounded tetrahedron.

    The color of the fruit speaks more about the degree of its maturity than about belonging to different grades.

    When rushing, the pepper becomes white, yellow or bright scarlet, but harvesters prefer to pick green fruits to use it for canning.

    Composition and nutritional value

    Bulgarian pepper is low in calories:

    • in 100 g of green fruit - 25 kcal, and 2 kcal more - in the same amount of red;
    • is dominated by carbohydrates - 5.3 g,
    • much less fiber - 1.9 g,
    • even less protein - 1,3 g,
    • closes the list of fats - 0.1 g.

    Because of the low caloric content, he is loved by nutritionists, which include a vegetable in the composition of diets for slimming.

    Having eaten one Bulgarian pepper, a person will overfulfill the daily rate for ascorbic acid several times.

    And do you know that there are folk remedies for lice and nits? How to quickly remove parasites from your body read in the current article.

    How to drink the Riga balsam is written here.

    On the page: http: // uhod-za-kozhej / ryzhikovoe-maslo.html written about the benefit and harm of redhead oil for the face.

    Vegetables detected:

    • vitamins A, E, K,
    • thiamine,
    • riboflavin,
    • pyridoxine,
    • niacin,
    • folic acid.

    On paprika, due to the high concentration of potassium( 211 mg), everyone who cares about their muscles and the health of the cardiovascular system should pay attention.

    Along with potassium, in multi-colored fruits there are:

    • calcium,
    • iron,
    • sodium,
    • magnesium,
    • selenium,
    • manganese,
    • zinc,
    • phosphorus,
    • copper.

    Useful properties

    The gastronomic qualities of Bulgarian pepper were evaluated later than the medical options. And first they were treated with dizziness, anemia and asthma.

    And now, anemia caused by lack of iron , win, including in the diet of pepper. He acts in a company with products( benefits and harm to the health of cucumbers), in which there is a lot of iron, accelerating his absorption from the intestine.

    The main role in this process is assigned to ascorbic acid, which controls the correct assimilation of the microelement.

    Vitamin C resists infections , tightens wounds and refers to antioxidants, "fighting" with dangerous free radicals.

    This vitamin keeps the skin( the use of grapefruit) in tone and is involved in the production of collagen, which provides health of the gums and bone tissue, including teeth.

    Vitamin P acts as an ascorbic ally, helping to reduce sugar levels and strengthen blood vessels.

    The healing power is not seen behind the seeds of Bulgarian pepper, but they are located close to the fetal areas, where its useful elements "live".

    Sweet paprika is eaten regardless of the degree of its ripeness, but the maximum of active ingredients is in the red .

    Red pepper

    Another natural antioxidant is responsible for its coloration - lycopene, which protects against oxidative stress. It prevents malignant tumors: the pancreatic

    • ( than the fennel seeds are useful here),
    • of the prostate,
    • of the ovaries,
    • of the lung,
    • supports the cardiac muscle.

    Red fetus is a catalyst for thermogenesis and metabolism:

    • capsaicin contained in its pulp is a natural fat burner.

    Compared with hot pepper, red is not ready to boast a shock dose of capsaicin:

    • it is more gentle on the body, and the metabolism improves without increasing pressure and increasing heart rate.

    Capsaicin has even more important tasks:

    • to regulate the digestive tract,
    • to reduce blood pressure( about the treatment of high blood pressure folk remedies read in this article),
    • to fight with blood clots. The red fruit fetus quickly absorbs harmful components from food, removing them from the body. In fully ripened pepper, there is a lot of zinc, stimulating brain activity and sexual activity.

      Red paprika is a depository of beta-carotene , which is seven times more than in fruits of green and yellow color.

      That's why red pepper should be on the table of inveterate smokers suffering from a lack of beta-carotene.


      This vegetable overpowers its purple fellow with ascorbic acid:

      • of one fetus is enough to not have five days of vitamin C.

      In the yellow pulp, there is practically no lycopene, but with interest - carotene, which is responsible for the rich yellowness.

      These vegetables contain a lot of iron and potassium. He:

      • supports the heart,
      • calms nerves,
      • monitors the locomotor apparatus.

      Iron protects the body from the penetration of bacteria, produces the thyroid hormone and hemoglobin.

      Since yellow capsicum contains a lot of B vitamins, pepper preserves vascular youth and protects against stroke and heart attack.

      Lutein, contained in variegated fruits, protects the eyes from cataracts and improves eyesight.


      It has a bitter-sour taste that does not prevent it from being the main ingredient of dietary dishes.

      A reputation among nutritionists, he earned a low calorie and phytosterols( fat metabolism regulators) which:

      • reduce the amount of cholesterol,
      • improve the elasticity of blood vessels,
      • trigger metabolic processes.

      The flesh does not contain fat , but is saturated with vitamins and minerals.

      People with kidney disease should better give up red peppers in favor of green, because they have less sodium.

      Chlorogenic and p-coumaric acids relieve the body of carcinogens.

      The green paprika( on the background of red) has minuses - in it.twice less than ascorbic acid and 10 times less than vitamin A.

      Harm and contraindications

      Bulgarian pepper contains phytoncides and alkaloids, which irritatively affect the sick stomach, therefore, in gastritis with high acidity, the vegetable is contraindicated.

      Paprika with caution( in small doses) are included in the diet of patients suffering from:

      • Epilepsy( indications and contraindications of the medicinal honeycomb).
      • Ischemia.
      • Ulcer.
      • Hypertension.
      • Increased excitability of the central nervous system.

      If the pepper does not grow on your , but is bought on the market, you risk accidentally eating pesticides or nitrates.

      They are removed by thoroughly washing the fruit under running water or soaking for half an hour, in a weak soda solution.

      Cooking application

      This product is popular in all world cuisines. It is advised to bake, stew, fry, cook and prepare for the winter, including in the form of lecho.

      But a high temperature deprives the pepper of useful qualities. Therefore, the apologists of healthy eating prefer to blanch the vegetable or eat fresh.

      There are products with which pepper is friendly. These are:

      • tomatoes,
      • cucumbers,
      • eggplants,
      • onion,
      • pumpkin,
      • zucchini,
      • cabbage( useful properties and contraindications to broccoli),
      • carrots,
      • greens;parsley, tarragon, spinach( benefits, harm, recipes), dill and basil.

      Pepper is added to milk and its derivatives: cottage cheese, mayonnaise, sour cream, cheese and yogurt.

      Paprika is combined with eggs and meat( beef, lamb, pork, chicken and turkey), with pasta and cereals( rice, buckwheat and pearl barley).

      Sweet peppers are in harmony with:

      • pineapple,
      • apples,
      • with walnut( about benefits and harm with honey read here),
      • almonds,
      • hazelnut( about useful properties for women written in this article),
      • peas,
      • beans,
      • is revealed in the presence of black pepper and chili.

      Choose the one you need

      Purchase unripened vegetables if you do not intend to immediately put them under the knife.

      The choice of color depends on the therapeutic qualities in which you are most interested. Whichever color is the fruit, it must be firm and bright.

      Vegetables are placed in a plastic bag and stored in the refrigerator for 4 days. Remember that every day peppers lose part of their vitamins.

      Based on the recommended dose of ascorbic acid, 150 g of Bulgarian pepper are eaten per day.

      If you are not afraid of allergic reactions to active ingredients of paprika, eat it without restrictions: for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

      How to properly prepare the Bulgarian pepper in order to preserve the most useful substances and vitamins, look in the video.