Breastfeeding: advice to nursing mothers

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The main source of nutrition for a newborn baby is breast milk, so pediatricians recommend breastfeeding a child up to one and a half to two years of age. Breastfeeding provides the baby with a complex of vitamins and microelements, necessary for full development.

It's no secret that there are many women who face problems with breastfeeding after the birth of the baby. Therefore, here we will consider the answers to the most exciting questions related to breastfeeding. Here are the recommendations of specialists on how to initiate breastfeeding will help women longer to maintain lactation and ensure proper nutrition of the child, as well as learn how to effectively care for the baby and mother.



When applying the baby to the chest

The first attachment to the baby's breast is best done immediately after childbirth. This physical contact of mother and child will speed up the milk supply for the mother, and the baby will quickly learn to suck. The earlier the baby was first applied to the breast, the more effective the lactation will be, in cases where it is not possible to immediately apply the newborn to the breast, at least ensure a permanent contact of the mother and the baby.

Feeding children better on their request

If feeding is done according to the regime - this will not be right. Doctors-pediatricians advise to feed the child every two hours during the day and at least four times at night. Give the baby as much milk as he will require, do not interrupt feeding until the baby himself releases the nipple or until he falls asleep. Night feeding is an important aspect of lactation support, so do not give up on them.

Do not Forced to Eat Baby

When a child does not take a breast, do not force to do so. This will scare off the baby, and he may even give up breast milk at all. So just offer the baby a breast.

The baby's breast needs to be attached correctly

The baby should grasp the nipple immediately with the areola. His chin and spout rest against his chest, but do not sink into it. The child should not swallow with food a lot of air, his mouth is wide open, the lower lip is turned outward.

Make sure that the posture during feeding is comfortable for you and the baby. The process of feeding is correct, when you do not experience pain in the chest and nipples and hear the baby swallow milk.

When a child incorrectly grasps the chest

In this case, a woman experiences chest or nipple pain. You need to insert the little finger lightly into the baby's mouth and take out the nipple. Then put it in his mouth again.

It happens that the child chokes on feeding

Check if it holds the nipple correctly or not. It may be necessary to change the position when feeding. To prevent choking with milk, sit straight with a flat back, and keep your baby's head higher. Often, the baby can choke on the milk overabundance, then before the beginning of feeding a little, decant the liquid.

Try not to change often the chest

Let the baby completely suck all the milk from one breast to offer him another. The child should receive from each breast the front and back milk. This food will be as full as possible. Because the lack of back milk can lead to problems in the work of the baby's bowels and weight loss.

Do not enter early lure and add formula

Doctors-pediatricians adhere to the recommendation to support breastfeeding as long as possible - in full the first six months after childbirth. And the very first feeding of the baby is desirable to enter in the sixth to seventh month. Feeding the formula only as a last resort, if the child actually lacks breast milk, and the mother has serious problems with lactation. In cases where you may think that a baby needs supplementation - consult a pediatrician.

Docking is necessary in cases:

  1. There is not enough milk, or it is gone completely, and methods of increasing lactation do not help;
  2. When the baby was born prematurely;
  3. If the baby does not gain or lose weight;
  4. With a long separation of mother and child( you need to go to work, make a departure);
  5. Disease of the mother and taking medications that make breastfeeding dangerous to the baby.

How to properly feed a baby: with a small amount of food you can use a syringe or a pipette for feeding, with a large volume, try to feed the child with a cup or a teaspoon.

Do I get water by the baby?

Breast milk itself consists of 85% water. The front milk is more watery, it is able to quench the toddler's thirst completely. Therefore, pediatricians, in general, do not recommend the baby in the first six months of life, and the period of breastfeeding. In cases of heat and when the child sweats, it is advised to wipe his skin with wet napkins, bathing and washing with water.

How often do I use a dummy?

The fact is that lactation is noticeably reduced when a pacifier is replaced by a breast. Yes, and wean the baby from the nipple in the future is quite difficult. On the other hand, it is not rational to use a pacifier at all. The very fact of sucking satisfies the sucking reflex and soothes the baby. This helps the child to distract from unpleasant sensations. Then, with the right selection of nipples, the bite is well formed and helps with the eruption of the first teeth. So a pacifier can sometimes be used, but less often and not for a long time.

Express milk as needed

Often do not need to decant. Specialists recommend this procedure to be used only when the chest is full, and a strong rush of milk in the mammary glands expands, creates discomfort. Expressing is necessary when the mother is unable to feed from the breast. This happens when you are separated from the baby, when taking antibiotics, with mastitis and lactostasis.

Keep the expressed milk properly : milk can be decanted into sterile dishes, and with long-term storage frozen, use plastic tight bags. Expressed unfrozen milk can be stored for 2 days or slightly longer.

Nursing for a nursing mother

Do not sit on a rigid diet

After all, before and after childbirth, a woman loses a lot of vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients. This shortage must necessarily be filled. In parallel, that the baby should also receive the necessary nutritional elements - on this depends its full growth and development. When breastfeeding, let the diet be varied. Tight restrictions lead to problems of maternal and child health.

Do not overeat

Problems in the digestion of the baby appear with the abuse of food, overeating leads to constipation, diarrhea, stomach disorders, and sometimes to poisoning. Overabundance of food increases gas formation, increases colic in the tummy of a baby, consequently worsens his well-being, will cause anxiety.

Gradually introduce new products into the diet

We know that the first three months of the baby organism adapts to new conditions for it. In this regard, enter adult food should be extremely prudent. Do not try two new products at the same time, but take breaks in three to five days. After the first test, follow the child's reaction. If there are no stomach problems and allergies, the product can be given further. When the child's state of health suddenly deteriorates, then postpone the innovation for one month.

It is important to adhere to the hypoallergenic diet in the first month of

. The first weeks of life, the body of the newborn is more vulnerable, and the nursing mother needs to strictly limit the diet. It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that are high in allergen: citrus fruits, vegetables, berries, sweets, flour products, cocoa. Bananas can be used in food.

Feeding the nursing mother in the first month

  1. buckwheat and rice porridge on the water;
  2. green apples and bananas in heat treatment;
  3. sour-milk products, except kefir;
  4. light soups and broths;
  5. low-fat sour cream and cottage cheese, hard cheeses;
  6. puree from cauliflower and broccoli, potatoes and zucchini;
  7. braised or cooked beef, rabbit or turkey in a crushed form.

Take food in heat treatment, be careful that you eat

. Eat food in stewed, boiled, baked form. Introduce fresh vegetables and fruits into the diet for the second or third month of lactation. Try not to eat much fried, fatty, spicy or salty foods. Do not add food seasonings, spices, sauces, mayonnaise and ketchup. It is better to take sour cream, lemon juice and vegetable oil for refueling. Remove from the diet seafood and semi-finished products, canned products.

Adhere to drinking regimen

Favorably affects the health of the mother and maintains a lactated warm abundant drink. The rate of consumed fluid per day for breastfeeding, somewhere between two and three liters, and half of this amount is ordinary drinking water. Lactating mum is good to drink weak black and green teas, natural juices and compotes, sour-milk products. Six months after the birth of the baby, the nursing mother can drink cocoa and coffee.

To enter into your diet, cow's milk should be taken carefully and not earlier than four to six months of baby breastfeeding, and drink in the least amount, since cow's milk often causes allergy in children.

Forget about alcohol

Alcoholic drinks poison the body of the baby and mom, inhibit the development of the child and provoke serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels, nerve cells. In the people it is believed that a small portion of wine helps to quickly fall asleep to a child, but his sleep will still be restless and bad. He will often wake up. Even a small dose of alcohol can adversely affect the health and well-being of the baby.

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