Heartburn: how to quickly get rid of at home

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Hello dear readers! Today we will consider such trouble as heartburn and how to quickly get rid of it at home using simple but effective folk remedies, tips and recommendations. When a person tests it, it is tormented by a burning sensation and heat in the lower chest and epigastric region. This happens in connection with the penetration of secretion products from the stomach into the esophagus. The strategy for rapidly overcoming heartburn

is based on a decrease in the aggressive environment in the stomach - that is, in lowering the acidity of gastric juice, protecting the gastric mucosa from irritation and neutralizing the harmful effect of hydrochloric acid on the esophagus. But. .. before you treat it, you need to establish the cause of the trouble!


When and howWhat occurs heartburn

«Heartburn - a state of discomfort or a burning sensation behind the breastbone, which extends upwards from the upper abdominal( epigastric) region, sometimes give in the neck"( Wikipedia).

The cause of heartburn is the effect of acid gastric juice on the mucosa of the esophagus as a result of gastroesophageal reflux. In other words, this is the casting of gastric juice from the stomach back into the esophagus. The causes of heartburn can be such conditions:

  1. improper eating habits - eating large amounts of fatty, sweet and spicy food, onions or garlic, baked goods, tomatoes, chocolate, soda, mayonnaise, coffee;
  2. food on the go, insufficient chewing food;
  3. bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol;
  4. tight clothing - jeans or tight belts that press on the abdominal cavity and prevent free slopes forward or lifting weights;
  5. stress;
  6. taking certain medications, the side effect of which is heartburn( acetylsalicylic acid, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines, vitamins, antispasmodics, hormonal contraceptives, drugs for the treatment of bronchial asthma or heart disease);
  7. is overweight;
  8. pregnancy.

Warning! !!

It should be noted that an unpleasant burning sensation may be a symptom of a hernia of the diaphragm nutritional opening, with a weakness of the esophageal sphincter, also a symptom of gastritis or stomach ulcer.

If heartburn always pains, be sure to see a doctor. Probably, an additional examination will be needed to pinpoint the cause, especially when heartburn is accompanied by a feeling of fatigue and loss of appetite.

But! !!If there is still blood vomiting, which increases pain in the stomach, nausea, weakness and sweating, then an urgent call in the ambulance. Here you need urgent help.

What can help quickly get rid of heartburn

If heartburn is not a symptom of a serious illness, but the result of improper eating, taking medications or other physical factors, then it is possible to try home remedies without medication.

You can get rid of heartburn at home with salt, freshly squeezed juices, mineral water, activated carbon, infusions and medicinal herbs, known for their curative properties of food products like honey, apples and processed products. Well-proven effectiveness and safety of sunflower seeds, buckwheat grains and peas. There are remedies that should be taken with caution to remove the symptoms of heartburn, they include soda, cigarette ash, mummies. But each of them can help with a sharp attack of malaise, so their properties, mode of action, prescriptions for use, contraindications, you can read below.

Folk remedies and prescriptions for heartburn

Help in getting rid of signs of heartburn and have a beneficial effect on the body are capable of fresh vegetable juices. They can be drunk both separately and in a mixture with each other. Freshly squeezed carrot, beet, cabbage juice in the amount of 2-3 tablespoons has a preventive effect on the digestive system and helps to cope with heartburn. Take this remedy before eating.

Potato juice

Potato juice is one of the most effective. With internal use, it quickly removes unpleasant burning symptoms. In addition, freshly squeezed potato juice improves the general condition of gastritis with increased acidity, which is often the root cause of heartburn. The naturalness and safety for the health of this remedy makes it possible to use it even for pregnant women, who, at later periods, face symptoms of malaise.

Potato juice is prepared immediately before use. To do this, take 3 large tubers, it is advisable to stop picking on specimens of elongated shape with a slight pinkish tint, as they are high in vitamins. Murphy must be thoroughly rinsed, remove eyes, if desired, clean, and then rub. The resulting mass should be squeezed through gauze, folded into several layers.

Freshly squeezed juice will be saturated with starch, so you need to allow it to settle, but not more than 3 minutes, as long as in the air, organic compounds of potatoes begin to oxidize and break down, causing the substance to darken, and after 10 minutes to use it for medicinal purposes does not make sense.

Squeezed potatoes are drunk in pure form or mixed with other juices to improve taste and efficiency.

To get rid of frequent attacks of heartburn take 1 cup on an empty stomach. After that, they lie for half an hour, and after an hour they start breakfast. The course of treatment is 10 days, followed by a similar break in duration. The full curative program consists of 3 courses, but a significant improvement is observed after a few days of admission.

Contraindications. Potato juice is not recommended for patients with low acidity and severe forms of diabetes mellitus. In addition, you can not exceed the specified duration of juice therapy, as long-term intake of potato juice adversely affects the pancreas.

An important point is the selection of suitable tubers. For healing purposes, sprouted or greenish specimens are strictly not suitable. The best time to undergo the treatment course is July - February, when the potatoes are fresh enough, later, solanine accumulates in it, capable of causing poisoning.

Medicinal herbs

In folk medicine, various herbal preparations, decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants are successfully used to treat the manifestations of heartburn. Here are a few recipes from them:

Root of the ara

You can just chew and drink with water, but this way of taking can provoke vomiting, so it's worth spending more time and rubbing a piece of the root of a bog plant to a dusty state and swallowing a pinch of substance with a liquid. This will instantly relieve heartburn after eating. Air is not recommended for people suffering from acute inflammation of the kidneys, but in small doses it is safe.


It is used in the form of infusion, which helps to reduce the acidity of the stomach. It is made from 3 tablespoons of dry grass, filled with a glass of boiling water. The agent is insisted for about 20 minutes, filtered and drunk in small sips. The daily norm is 3 glasses of infusion, the treatment course is 3 weeks.


A tablespoon of dried and shredded cudweed is poured with a glass of boiling water, covered, wrapped and insisted in the heat for more than 2 hours. The received medicine is used 5 times a day on a tablespoon.

Angelica of the forest

Seeds and leaves of the wood angelica are crushed with a grinder, brew the resulting powder as regular tea and drink three times a day.

A mixture of herbs

  1. A recipe from a mixture of herbs: in a glass jar, where the remedy will be stored in the future, mix half a tablespoon of chopped chamomile flowers and a spoonful of plantain leaves and dried St. John's wort. Then a half spoon of the resulting mixture pour a liter of boiling water, close and insist 15 minutes in the heat. The dose of intake is 1 tbsp.l.means before meals three times a day.
  2. A mixture of one tablespoon herbs dried cucumbers, yarrow and St. John's wort is poured with a liter of boiling water and insists for 2 hours in the heat. The product is filtered through a folded in several layers of gauze and take half the glass before meals 5 times a day. Strengthen the effect of the drug will help take before him a teaspoon of liquid honey.

Gentian yellow

Get rid of burning and prevent the re-occurrence of heartburn will help the rhizome of the gentian yellow, taken in the amount of 20 g and steamed a glass of boiling water. It is taken on a tablespoon half an hour before meals.


In the enameled container put a tablespoon of preliminarily chopped a hundred thousandths and brew it with 2 cups of boiling water. The mixture is insisted for 30 minutes to an hour, and then boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes.5 minutes before switching off, 2 spoons of honey are added to the medicine. Take the drug for half a glass a day.


When signs of heartburn occur, you can brew a teaspoon of dried mint with a glass of boiling water and drink a small sip of warm liquid.

Seeds of plants

Take a pinch of seeds of anise, fennel and dill, pour a glass of boiling water and slowly drink at attacks of a heartburn with a teaspoon before burning disappears. Drink can not drink more than 6 weeks.

Home Remedies for Heartburn

Drinking Soda

Option 1

Sodium bicarbonate is found in every kitchen, this is the usual baking soda. It is often used to neutralize the symptoms of heartburn - burning sensations, heat in the chest after eating.

The recipe for an aqueous solution of soda is very simple - you need to take a quarter or a half teaspoon of soda and stir it in a glass of warm water. The resulting liquid must be drunk in small sips. It is desirable that the temperature of the drink does not have time to significantly decrease. Drink to the end is not recommended, the remainder should be poured. To achieve the effect faster, after using the soda solution, take a half-lying position with a high raised head and loosen the clothing belt. Signs of heartburn should go away within 10 minutes. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. But it is worth considering that the maximum daily dose does not exceed 200 grams of soda solution.

Soda with vinegar from heartburn as a tool in the form of a pop. Here is the recipe for its creation: in a glass of water, dissolve half the teaspoon of soda drinking and natural table-top apple cider vinegar. When the mixture begins to foam and bubbles appear, it should be drunk with a few small sips.

A pop of soda from heartburn quickly cures the symptoms of ailment and is a powerful tool that is used in cases where unpleasant manifestations of ailment are very troubling to a person. If apple cider vinegar is not at hand, you can use the second version of the recipe for a foam mixture, which includes lemon juice or acid.

Option 2

How to make a pop for heartburn? To do this, take 2/3 cup of boiled and chilled water, dissolve in it a quarter teaspoon of citric acid crystals and add half a teaspoon of soda. In the process of stirring, the mixture begins to foam, then it should be drunk. The ratio of constituents can be varied according to one's own taste, but the amount of acid should not be large.

You can use lemon juice instead of citric acid. In this case, half the glass of water is dissolved in half a teaspoon of juice and soda. To improve the taste, you can use a small amount of sugar. With the onset of the reaction and the appearance of vesicles, the drug is drunk in small sips.

Take soda in any of the listed species with caution and only if a person rarely encounters heartburn. Frequent emergence of symptoms of such a malaise( more than once a week) indicate a disturbance of the digestive system and talk about the need to contact specialists.

Soda affects only the signs of heartburn, removing unpleasant sensations from it, but does not cure the root cause. Getting into the body, sodium hydrogencarbonate due to its alkaline properties neutralizes hydrochloric acid, which has penetrated into the esophagus from the stomach. The result of using soda-based products is immediately noticeable, just a few sips. But after a short time, signs of malaise can return with even greater intensity. This is due to the fact that when the acid is neutralized, carbonic acid is released, which exerts a stimulating effect on the gastric mucosa. The result is an intensive production of gastric juice and a second increase in acidity.

Caution: soda is harmful!

The harm of soda is associated with its effect on the state of the body as a whole. The sodium contained in it, released during the reaction, is instantly absorbed into the blood and increases the level of its concentration in the human body. This is bad for the condition of the blood vessels: their walls lose their elasticity, they become more brittle. A high sodium content disrupts the kidneys, leads to accumulation of fluid in the tissues, excretion of potassium and an increase in blood pressure, thereby damaging the cardiovascular system.

Frequent use of baking soda inside leads to alkalosis, alkalization of blood, which is manifested by a decrease in appetite, frequent vomiting, nausea and spastic pain in the abdominal region. Symptoms gradually increase and worsen overall well-being.

Nervous system for large doses of soda reacts with the appearance of signs of nervousness, anxiety, frequent headaches. In some cases, prolonged spontaneous contractions of the muscles of the internal organs may occur-tetanic convulsions.

Consumption of soda can lead to rumbling in the abdomen, bloating, diarrhea and the appearance of irritation sites on the mucous membranes.

Absolutely contraindicated in soda for pregnant and nursing mothers, patients with arterial hypertension and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of heartburn with soda temporarily, and only apply in exceptional cases.

Sunflower and pumpkin seeds

Fresh or slightly dried, but in no case fried pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds - this is a good tool to combat the signs of heartburn, which you can always carry with you. In the mornings it is necessary to chew about 20 pumpkin seeds or an equal amount of sunflower seeds, the same amount is eaten during the day when a characteristic burning occurs.

Excellent flaking and soothing properties are flax seeds, 100 gr.which are ground and placed in glass containers.3 tsp. The resulting powder is poured into a glass of hot water and insisted overnight. In the morning the mixture will turn into a kissel, which is consumed on the throat before and after eating. The rest of the drink is drunk before bedtime.

But you can not use the products of flax, if there is severe diarrhea, exacerbation of cholecystitis or inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye.

Activated carbon

The effectiveness of activated charcoal in the fight against heartburn is explained by its ability to absorb the excess of that acid that is formed in the stomach. In addition, this drug is absolutely safe and does not irritate the intestinal mucosa, so it is recommended for taking even pregnant women.

When the first signs of heartburn occur, it is enough to eat a couple of activated carbon tablets and drink them with water. For a more powerful effect, rasstolkite 10 tablets, stir in a 0.5 glass of milk and drink all at once.

On the basis of this medicine, an effective mixture is also prepared against the symptoms of malaise: the activated carbon is ground to a powdery state and 16 g.of the obtained powder mixed with 6.5 gr.ground root of basil, ginger or root of calamus. Form the mixture take a teaspoon three times a day, washing down a glass of water.

Side effects of activated charcoal can occur only in the event of a serious overdose. The rate of consumption is a tablet for 10 kg of weight. Unpleasant consequences include diarrhea, constipation, black stool color. But the constant consumption of the drug in small doses is fraught with a change in the microflora of the intestine and stomach.


The healing properties of honey are explained by its calming effect and the ability to eliminate discomfort in the stomach. In its pure form, this healing drug in the fight against heartburn is rarely used, much greater effect is achieved by combining it with other medicinal substances.

Option 1

With mild heartburn. If signs of malaise are rare and they are poorly expressed, it is enough to dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water and take it half an hour before meals in the morning and in the evening. Unpleasant feelings will pass, and after a month such therapeutic measures will cease to manifest at all. Instead of regular water, mineral can be used with a high level of alkali concentration, this will increase the healing effect of the drink.

Option 2

For severe heartburn. More persistent heartburn is blocked by a mixture of aloe and honey. This mixture has a mild taste and quick action, effectively relieving pain in the stomach and bitterness in the mouth. For its preparation use 100 grams of natural honey and aloe juice. Take 40 minutes before eating.

A tablespoon of honey, dissolved in a glass of warm milk, will help with heartburn. The mixture is drunk an hour before meals, as well as when unpleasant symptoms appear.


One of the safest, most effective and affordable remedies for heartburn symptoms is buckwheat. As a therapeutic substance, use grits, calcined in a dry skillet with a thick bottom before the acquisition of grains of dark brown color. Then buckwheat must be ground in a mortar or grind with a coffee grinder. The received powder is taken three times a day half an hour before a meal, washed down with water. Enough is the dose that fits at the tip of the knife.

You can take buckwheat for medicinal purposes in any form, so people suffering from heartburn, it is recommended to supplement the diet with dishes from this grocery: for example, porridges and buckwheat soups. It is especially useful to eat them in the morning and on an empty stomach.


In the fight against the manifestations of heartburn, peas are good both fresh and dried. Fresh peas are very simple to use, you need to take 3-4 peas and chew to get rid of unpleasant sensations.

The dry product requires a longer cooking time. A handful of dry peas are poured over with boiling water and left for several hours to be steamed, and then take 3-4 pieces in the mouth and chew for several minutes. The rest of the peas can be stored in the refrigerator for a day if you pre-drain the liquid and use it as needed.

Attention: canned or boiled peas will not give effect.


Even if heartburn for a long time causes a person inconvenience, you can cope with it with the help of viburnum. This is not only effective, but in some uses also a tasty remedy.

Proven efficiency is characterized by cold decoction, made on the basis of the bark of the Kalina. Prepare it as follows: a tablespoon of the crushed bark of this tree is poured with a liter of water. Use half a cup three times a day.

A delicious cure for heartburn - a kalinovye jam. You can use a purchased jam or own preparation. Apply it, dissolving a tablespoon of therapeutic sweetness in a glass of boiled water. You can drink such a drink without restrictions, the more you drink it, the faster the heartburn ceases to declare itself.

Prescription of medicinal jam

For preparation of medicinal jam it is necessary to collect a Kalina in the late autumn, bunches to rinse thoroughly, bones to get, and berries to put in metal container and to send in an oven together with a bowl of water. After an hour of longing in the oven, the calyx skin will become soft and can be passed through a sieve. In the mashed berries add sugar, water in a proportion of 1: 5 to taste and boil on fire. It is the freshly prepared jam that is most effective.

Mineral water

One of the medicinal properties of mineral water is its ability to safely eliminate the irritating effect of acids on the esophageal mucosa and help reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

In case of heartburn, it is recommended to drink only alkaline and bicarbonate( weakly alkaline) drinks, for example, Borjomi, Sa-irme, Essentuki-4, Smirnovskaya, Gilizhan, Kislovodskiy Narzan, Slavyanovskaya andJermuk ".You can buy them in the pharmacy chain. It should be taken into account that plastic containers are not suitable for storing alkali, therefore such mineral water must necessarily be in glass bottles.

Principles of use:

  1. To combat heartburn drink mineral water heated to 40C, so the prepared product must be stored in a thermos so that it does not heat up again, risking the loss of medicinal properties.
  2. Before use, the water must be degassed. To this end, it is poured into a container with a wide neck, stirred and allowed to stand for several hours.
  3. To neutralize the manifestations of heartburn, you should drink from a quarter to a cup of water three times a day in small sips for about 5 minutes. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.
  4. For medicinal purposes, mineral water is consumed half an hour after a meal in order to reduce acidity in the esophagus and stomach. But if a person suffers from increased acidity, the drink should be used an hour before meals to normalize the secretion of gastric juice.
  5. Before using mineral water, it is necessary to read the contraindications indicated on its label.

Sodium salt

The first remedy for symptoms of heartburn may be salt, which can cause the release of acidic enzymes that help to neutralize the effect of bile. Use this remedy as follows: a small pinch of large table salt is put in the mouth and slowly dissolves, constantly swallowing the saliva.


Biologically active substances that make up the mummy make it an effective remedy for heartburn. Apply it like this: 0.2 gr.therapeutic tar diluted with a tablespoon of boiled water, honey or milk and drink 4 weeks in the morning and at bedtime. Then take a break for at least 2 weeks to reduce the body's addiction to artificial stimulation.

Mumiye has a number of contraindications that should be remembered. It should not be taken to children under 3 years old, pregnant and lactating. This is a low-toxic agent that does not have undesirable effects on the body, but how any biostimulator can cause a rise in blood pressure and a decrease in blood coagulability, so it is not recommended for people suffering from hemophilia, strong palpitations, any kind of bleeding. Patients with oncological diseases, its use is permitted only by agreement with the doctor, because it is impossible to predict the effect of its effect on the body in advance.

In the fight against heartburn should choose the most safe, affordable and effective means, to identify which of the list of recipes will allow only personal experience, because the causes and extent of the manifestation of the disease are individual. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that frequent manifestations of the symptoms of this ailment can indicate the presence of serious disorders in the work of the body, therefore, the reference to a specialist for preventive and curative purposes is necessary. With him, it is worth discussing those methods of traditional medicine, which are planned to be used when there are signs of ailment.

Other ways to get rid of heartburn

Ordinary water and cow's milk

The easiest and most affordable method to get rid of heartburn. It is enough to drink 1 glass of warm water, it will dilute naturally hydrochloric acid for a while. When taking water, several things should be considered:

  • drink water while standing and sitting, but after this you can not lie down,
  • water should not be hot sweet tea or sour drinks.

If you have non-carbonated mineral water, it will be better. Due to the salt contained in it, surpluses of hydrochloric acid are neutralized and cease to aggressively affect the gastric mucosa.

Similar action of neutralization of hydrochloric acid is provided by warm milk. But it should be borne in mind that after 20 years of age, milk does not break down in everyone in the body, dairy intolerance develops.

Chewing gum

It turns out that chewing gum produces excessive salivation, which reduces the concentration of hydrochloric acid. One condition: the chewing gum should be necessarily fruit, mint, on the contrary, relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter, and heartburn can become even stronger.

The effect of chewing may not be long-lasting, so later you should refer to other methods.

Just eat

The main rule for quickly getting rid of heartburn is a full stomach!

If there are no drugs at hand, or the means described above, just eat. Excess hydrochloric acid will contact food and heartburn will retreat for some time. But the food should be sparing - fried, fatty, spicy is prohibited. As such a meal, dairy soups or cereals are ideal, and soup is puree. Borscht, soup, saltwort and vegetable soups are contraindicated for this purpose. The main thing is that there would not be overcooked products in the soup.

If there is no soup - eat a few spoons of sour cream or yogurt, and then drink warm water with honey.

How to quickly relieve heartburn with aloe juice

Aloe juice is a quick relief from heartburn. If you have aloe on the windowsill, then half the tea spoon of this plant's juice will quickly and effectively help to cope with heartburn.

Aloe juice is a very effective remedy for heartburn, so if it periodically visits you, then having such a plant at home on the windowsill is very far-sighted and beneficial, given the cost of the medications for heartburn.

The only negative - aloe juice is very bitter, so before drinking, it can be diluted in half a glass of warm water.


Everyone knows that it is better to fight with heartburn with the help of medical devices. It is safe to be practically harmless and effective. But the pharmacy does not always work all night, and the medications at home can end unexpectedly. In this case, do not despair, you can safely use one of the suggestions above, because knowing how to cope with the problem is already half the battle!

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Sources of publication:

  • Website: http: //izzhoga.com/ kak-bystro-snyat-izzhogu /
  • Blog of Taisiya Filippova: http: //taiafilippova.ru/ kak-bystro-izbavit-sya-ot-izzhogi-v-domashnih-usloviyah
  • Internet portal: http: //www.ayzdorov.ru/ lechenie_izzhoga_doma.php
  • Video hosting: HTTPS: //YOUTU.BE/
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