The fight against alcohol and drug addiction: official and popular treatment

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Fighting Alcoholismanddrug addiction- the primary, necessary task in our present, difficult time. We see how many people who have fallen into alcohol and drug addiction can not realize themselves in positive aspects and deprive themselves of the opportunity to go through a happy life from the moment of adulthood to old age.

Alcohol-and-drugsAlcohol and drugs

Alcohol and drugs take away from a person who falls under their influence, literally everything - mood, health, friendship, life, family, all material and spiritual resources, all abilities and talents. ANDstruggle against alcoholism and drug addiction(with alcohol, or drug addiction) should begin with each of us: healthy - the first, never start the path to the abyss and help the dependent - the second. And the second is to find the strength, to change your life for the better and not to resist the help of the first.

Alcohol and drugs are such psychoactive substances, having got used to the use of which, is very painful, and sometimes even unbearably do without them. To stop drinking and taking drugs is very difficult, and frivolity in these matters opens a wide path for those for whom narcotics and alcoholic substances are the most profitable and profitable commodity. There is no soul for the one for whom money is above all.

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In this article we will talk more aboutalcoholism and the fight against it. You can download here the presentation devoted to the fight against alcoholism in the .pptx format.


Methods, ways and means of combating alcoholism and drug addiction

Methods-struggle-against-alcoholismMethods of fighting alcoholism

Methods of struggle against alcoholism - a complex of measures aimed at the prevention and treatment of alcoholism, in other words - avoidance of disaster, and if it already exists - its elimination. The methods of combating alcoholism that are applied in a complex way should complement each other harmoniously, if they are, of course, compatible with each other.

At the present stage of development of official medicine, along with existing national methods, there is a large arsenal of methods for combating alcoholism.

Preventive methods

Methods of preventionPrevention of alcoholism

This, of course, is prevention. Prevention of alcoholism can be primary - primary, that is, for non-drinkers. And for those who have already been treated, prevention is carried out to prevent relapse.

Here, lectures and talks about the dangers of alcoholism, photographs and pictures of alcoholism outcomes in educational institutions, organizational collectives are used. They hold an annual action - World Day Against Alcoholism. One day of struggle can be gradually stretched every year for two or three days, a whole week, etc.

It is necessary to eliminate advertising of alcoholic beverages from television, streets, shops. To redirect our humorists, especially Yevgeny Petrosyan's theater, to good texts with a healthy sense of humor. For the present they chew on jokes on the basis of alcoholism on the stage.

Television has a very big impact on people. Therefore, it is better to demonstrate something healthy, balanced, harmonious, that we would like to instill in people and ourselves.

Treatment methods

Methods-therapeutic-for-struggle-with-alcoholismTherapeutic methods of fighting alcoholism

When the disease is started, you need psychotherapy and drug therapy. Here you can distinguish all sorts of directions: from coding from alcoholism, activities, on the removal of alcohol intoxication, to general restorative therapy, auto-training, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, etc.

Methods-and-means-for-struggle-with-alcoholismWays and means against alcoholism

Methods and means

Let's note at once that whatever methods are used, the most effective will be those that are used in an integrated way and the involved means do not contradict and do not conflict with each other.

Simply put, the ways and means of combating alcoholism are divided into two broad categories, some of which relate to official methods of combating alcoholism, and others to the people's methods.

Doctors, drug addicts, really and tightly approach the problems of fighting alcoholism, as their professional activity has proven to them many times that curing alcoholism is a complex and lengthy process. The narcologist with solid experience (business not in duration, and in saturation of medical practice), who has taken on the arsenal of traditional medicine, can render a very big help to a patient with alcoholism

Treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction: official medicine

Official medicineTreatment is divided into three stages

Treatment is divided into three stages

The first one uses methods of removing the toxic effect of alcohol on the patient's body, using calming, vitamin, restorative drugs, as well as methods of psychotherapeutic influence with the help of inspiring, self-suggesting and relaxing words and other influences. The duration of the first stage is about a week - ten days.

The second stage is carried out, if necessary, by the most powerful methods of apomorphine therapy, pyrotherapy, hypoglycemic insulin therapy. From psychotherapy, use options for impact - family and group, as well as real deep hypnosis.

The third stage is the support of the previous one. Lasts about 1.5 months. Used: lithium salts, tranquilizers, placebo effect, coding of alcohol dependence, psychotherapeutic effect.

Traditional medicine in the fight against alcohol and drug addiction

EthnoscienceMethods of Traditional Medicine

In this category, apply against alcoholic foods: vegetables, fruits, cereals are used to make up vitamins (especially vitamins B and E), energy capacity and body cleansing. Apply funds with a cleansing effect on the blood, intestines, liver, kidneys, blood vessels. These are plants: celandine, tansy, wormwood marigold, clove food, cranberry, lemon, apples (incl. apple vinegar), pumpkin seeds, bark of buckthorn alder, needles, etc.

In folk medicine, there are ways to combat alcohol dependence, that is, plants that have some sort of coding properties: thyme, St. John's wort, gold-thousander, baranet, etc.

There are also directions for restoring the body with the help of products of beekeeping: pollen (pergus), honey, propolis, bee pollock. They also treat juices, harden the body with ice water, soak in the bath, treat with prayer and physical exertion.