Nasal drops from the cold

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Which drops in the nose are better among vasoconstrictive drugs

As soon as a runny nose appears, the question also appears - and what drops from a cold in the nose are better? The question "to drip or not to drip" depends on whether you want to cure a runny nose or not, because if not treated, the disease can give a complication in the form of sinusitis.

As a rule, they struggle with a cold to resort to vasoconstrictive drugs for the nose, they are also called nasal decongestants. These drops narrow the vessels inside the nose, which reduces the swelling of the mucous membrane and improves nasal breathing.

Depending on the main component, four groups of vasodilating vasoconstrictive drops are allocated into the nose, the names of representatives of each group in the list below:

  • containing phenylephrine(Vibrocil, Nazol Kids, Nazol Baby);
  • containing xylometazoline(Galazolin, Otrivin, Pharmazoline);
  • containing oxymetazoline(Nazivin, Nazol, Knoxprey, Rinazolin);
  • containing naphazoline(Sanorin, Naphthysine).
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Often we resort to these drops in the nose as a panacea, but we must remember that they only relieve the symptoms and do not cure the common cold. Since the effect of these drugs has a short-term effect (for example, for drugs based on xylometazoline and oxymetazoline, the difference small), taking them uncontrollably, you can get a side effect in the form of addiction, which can lead to the emergence of chronic vasomotor rhinitis.

If you talk about the price, then cheap and effective drops in the nose can include Naphthyzin, Galazolin and drops in the nose Xilen. Inexpensive option is also Ximelin and Tizin.

It is important to know

Vasoconstrictors are not recommended for use for more than 3 days for infants and 7 days for adults!

The best drops from the common cold: a review of drops, their advantages and disadvantages

In addition to vasoconstrictive drugs,moisturizing drops.

These means on the basis of sea water include Aquamaris for washing the nose, the price is from 430 to 570 rubles, Humer, Salin. They do not overdry the mucous membrane, but rather moisturize it and allow to clean the nasal cavity of the discharge.

From moistening drops, one should not expect a lightning result, but they effectively fight with the common cold.

In addition, you can prepare a remedy for a cold in the home, using the usual table salt. For cooking, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt on a glass of warm water. This solution should be washed with nasal sinuses, which will quickly get rid of mucus. Drops on the basis of salt pediatricians are considered the best drops from the common cold for babies, because they do not have contraindications and overdose these drugs very hard.

If you want to narrow the vessels in the nose without the use of drops, you should turn to folk remedies.

It is important to know

Like vasoconstrictive drops, moisturizers do not cure a common cold, but only relieve symptoms.

His choice in the treatment of the common cold can be done onmedicines of natural origin- broths and infusions of herbs of calendula, St. John's wort, sage. The duration of action of such drops is small, but at the same time they are natural and have no side effects.

Often, for the effectiveness of vasoconstrictors, antihistamine components are added to them to relieve edema to avoid itching and sneezing. itcombined preparations. As an example - Sanorin-Anhallergin, which is used, as a rule, for allergic rhinitis and cold.

Combination of several components allows to achieve a good therapeutic effect, since these drops have vasoconstrictive, anti-allergic properties, well anesthetize and disinfect the focus infection. They are made, usually on the basis of furatsilina or other antiseptic. Representatives of such combined preparations are Collargol and Protargol (Composition). They treat protracted rhinitis.

In the case of a viral disease, Interferon and Grippferon are considered the best agents for the common cold and nasal congestion in adults. They are antiviral drugs for a wide range of activities. Drops in the nose with Interferon before use should be diluted with boiled water, Grippferon is already sold ready. You can apply these drops in the nose during pregnancy and newborns.

For preventive maintenance of a rhinitis it is possible to address tobacterial vaccines. They "train" immunity, speeding up the body's response to a viral infection. The most common vaccines in the form of drops - Poludan and Derinat spray. With a strong runny nose, they do not work, but are good as prevention and at the initial stage of the disease.

There is another group of drugs from the common cold, which has its popularity thanks to natural ingredients - it'sphytoplasm in the nose. Often among them there are drops on an oil basis (as they are also called, oil). But the only drug in this group that treats the common cold is Pinosol. In addition to herbal components, it contains thymol, which is due to its good anti-inflammatory effect.

The advantage of Pinosol over other drugs is that it helps restore the nasal mucosa, does not cause sensation of dryness and burning in the nose, you do not get used to this drug and it has antiviral and antibacterial properties.

A special attention should be paid tohomeopathic dropsin the nose with a cold for adults and children. These drops effectively combat swelling of the nasal mucosa, have anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunostimulating properties.

Plus homeopathic remedies are that they do not cause side effects and have no contraindications, although their effectiveness is slightly lower than the vasoconstrictor drops. Use homeopathic drops should be strictly according to the scheme. The best in this group of medicines are Edas-131, Delufen and Euphorbium compositum.

The best drops from sinusitis - which drops are on the market and how they act

When a runny nose is started, there is a risk of getting complications in the form of sinusitis. When treating sinusitis, you need to see a doctor to get an effective treatment, otherwise you can start the disease and then the only solution is a puncture.

As a rule, the best drops from sinusitis are drops on the basis of antibiotics - antibacterial drugs.

The use of antibiotics in the form of drops from sinusitis has its advantages in comparison with other drugs:

  • They do not affect immunity.
  • Do not affect the tone of blood vessels (as do vasoconstrictive drugs).
  • Do not affect the intestinal microflora (as compared to taking antibiotics tablets).
Antibacterial drugs are represented by the drugPolidex. It contains the vasoconstrictor phenylephrine.

These drops from the cold are safe enough and are well suited for treating children, starting from the age of 3.

Polidexa is popular due to its complex action - it helps to reduce the inflammatory process, narrows the vessels and fights against active pathogens.

Already on the third day of using this drug, you will get rid of the headache, and the discharge from the nose will not be so abundant. It is thanks to its properties that Polidex acquired the reputation of the best children's vasoconstrictive drops in the nose from the common cold.

This drug is used to treat the acute form of sinusitis, because it has an antibiotic in it - neomycin, which successfully fights most of the dangerous microorganisms of the mucous membrane of the cavity nose. Also, the drug strengthens the walls of the vessels and effectively removes the swelling of the nasal mucosa.

In addition to polideksy popular antibacterial agents in the treatment of sinusitis areBioparoxand drugIsofra.

Among the preparations of natural content, a separate place belongs toSinuphorte. This is quite expensive, but at the same time, a quality product. It is completely natural, not absorbed into the blood and does not have a negative effect on the body. The manufacturer guarantees recovery from sinusitis in a week after the start of treatment.

How to determine which drops are better from the common cold and how to take them?

What drops are better from a cold? This question is asked very many with the onset of cold snaps and the appearance of the first signs of a cold.

Colds and the fight against it

Every year, with the advent of autumn or spring, the human body weakens. And it's natural, because the summer ends, fresh fruit disappears with them, the body lacks vitamins and it gets sick. Along with cold weather, colds, runny nose, cough and other traditional attributes of cold autumn come.
There are no people who are not sick. The human body is very fragile, despite the external strength. And at one point he just stops fighting.

What are the drops?

Nasal drops can be of three types:

  • traditional drops - those that sell in pharmacies
  • folk remedies: Kalanchoe juices, aloe, all the drops that you can prepare yourself
  • Combined drops - cooked at home, using drugs purchased at the pharmacy.

In addition, drops from the common cold differ in the effects that they have on the body.For example, traditional, bought in the pharmacy drops are divided into: vasoconstrictive, moisturizing, antibacterial, antiviral, immunomodulating, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic.

  1. Vasoconstrictor drops are necessary at the first stage, when a large amount of clear mucus is released. Used to combat inflammation and narrowing of blood vessels. Effective drops are enough. Pros: Best help. For some time.
    Cons: headache, worsening of sleep, increased blood pressure. Not intended for treatment. More suitable in emergency situations to facilitate breathing. A strict dosage is required. Examples: Naphthysine, Galazoline, Nasone, Tysin, Rhinorus, Nazivin, Ximelin.
  2. Humidifying drops - as well as vasoconstrictors - do not carry medicinal properties. Clears the nasal mucosa longer than the previous ones, but harm from them is less, because they consist of relatively natural components, such as sea salt. Pros: It's hard to overdo with the dosage. When using these drops, the runny nose passes by itself. As people say: "If you treat - passes for a week, do not treat - for 7 days."
    Cons: Runny nose as it was, so it is. Faster than a week, will not work. Examples: Aqua Maris.
  3. Antibacterial drops - contain antibiotics. Kill microbes at all, but reduce immunity. They are used for sinusitis, sinusitis and allergic rhinitis. Pros: Helps in cases where other drugs are powerless.
    Cons: Like any antibiotics, they kill everything in their path: both viruses and beneficial microorganisms. Examples: Polydex.
    Suitable for children from 3 years old.
  4. Antiviral agents - used in ARVI. They are considered safer than all others. Pros: Treat the runny nose. Do not have contraindications. It is shown to people who have a runny nose - a state of mind. If every autumn and spring you have a nose, then this category of drops for you. Suitable for everyone, except people, with hypersensitivity to a certain type of protein. Before using, take tests for allergies to your protein. Cons: They need time to act and clear their noses. Examples: Gripferon, Interferon.
  5. Immunomodulating drops are used to strengthen immunity and to give your body the strength to fight microbes against itself. Pros: All people, including newborns, are indicated for use. Can be used as a preventive measure. They are considered one of the safest.
    Cons: The results of their impact are visible only on the fourth day. All the rest of the time before you have to suffer a runny nose. More suitable for the prevention of disease than for treatment. Examples: Derinat, Irs 19
  6. Anti-inflammatory drops are an ambiguous category of drops. It is highly discouraged to independently prescribe them and, moreover, choose the first anti-inflammatory drops that are in the pharmacy. Pros: Operate promptly. Like vasoconstrictors. Remove the inflammation of the nasal mucosa.
    Cons: Do not treat the common cold, but only facilitate the course of the disease. After a while, the rhinitis will pass by itself, but can at any time resume again, since human immunity is still weakened and not stimulated by immunomodulating medications.
  7. Antiallergic drops. This group will be considered in more detail than the rest, since an increasing number of people annually acquire allergic reactions to various components that make up medicines. Whether the environment is changing, whether this is due to fast and not always the right food, nevertheless the fact remains. According to statistics, every 5 people in Russia suffer from chronic allergies.
So. Antiallergic drops, as is clear even from the name - relieve us of allergies that can manifest as a reaction of the organism to flowering plants, dust in the house, household detergents, and others pathogens. Well relieve the investigation, but do not treat the root cause.

Pros: Affect the symptoms of the disease. After using them for 3-4 days, a runny nose passes.

Cons: Help only with allergies. Not used to improve immunity. If you, at your discretion, without resorting to a consultation with a doctor, bought drops in the nose for treatment allergies, and you have a cold of another type, for example - cold, then you just do not have such drops will help. Examples: Vilozen, Allergodil, Fenistil, Levocabastin, Exxagxal, Zirtek.

Which medications are the most effective?

  1. Vilozen.
  2. Allergodyl - relieve inflammation and itching. Powerfully act. It is recommended to use not more than once a day. They are prescribed, as a rule, for chronic rhinitis. Are accepted within half a year. Then they change to similar ones. Eliminates the symptoms of allergies within 5 minutes. Contraindications: Pregnant women and children up to 4 years are not allowed.
  3. Fenistil - less powerful drops in the rhinitis than Allergodyl, nevertheless, also relieve swelling and inflammation, but for a longer period of time. Suitable for everyone, including babies and pregnant women. Relieves symptoms within 15 minutes.
  4. Levokabastin - as well as allergodyl, is prescribed for chronic rhinitis. It is used for half a year, then it is replaced by a similar one. It goes well with Allergodol when moving from one to another. Contraindicated in children under 6 years. The drug Levocabastine is part of the known vasoconstrictor drops Tizin Alerji.
  5. Aparthexal - appointed from 5 years. Can be used for preventive purposes. The period of use is not less than a month. With prolonged use, there is an improvement in the state of health and blocking of allergic receptors, which will slow down the allergic reactions in the body, will not help you get sick. Does not help in advanced cases and with chronic rhinitis.
  6. Zirtek - antihistamine drops with a cold. It is used for: cold allergies, seasonal rhinitis, hives, angioedema and atopic dermatitis. Can be used for children from a year, relieves symptoms for 24 hours.

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine is famous for the fact that in most cases, it has no contraindications either in children or in adults. The list of these drugs is very wide:

  1. Lemon. Effective with rhinitis. Mix the lemon juice with water, pull it into the nose and then blow it back. We do it several times. Then take half a glass of warm water and 1 tablespoon. soda, mix, wet in a solution of 2 cotton swabs tampon and insert it into each nostril. Repeat several times during the day and the runny nose passes very quickly. Important: the method is suitable only for adults, babies are very painful, in view of the hypersensitivity of the mucosa.
  2. Iodine against the common cold. We spread foot for the night with iodine, we put on woolen socks and we go to bed. A couple of days and a rhinitis capitulate. Suitable for children and adults. The procedure does not cause pain.
  3. Bow. We clean the onion, remove the transparent film, cut two pieces and put them into the nose, but not deep. We repeat the procedure every 2 hours. Within 2-3 days, the runny nose disappears. This is due to the inhalation of onion vapors that kill bacteria. Suitable for adults and children.
  4. Kalanchoe. If you have a growing bush of Kalanchoe on the window, tear off the leaf and harvest the juice of the leaf in a small container. Take a pipette and drip your nose 3 times a day. Helps well and quickly at any stage of the common cold. He burns a little, but is tolerant. Such drops are very good and effective.
  5. Aloe. The same case as the Kalanchoe. We tear off the sheet, do drops, do not mix and drip with anything. Runny nose goes.
  6. Inhalations. We rub the horseradish on the grater. Carefully place in a jar. Leave it for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, open the lid and breathe over this jar. Repeat the procedure more often, the better. From 3 times a day. Vapors penetrate the body. The result: a healthy nose and a good mood. Suitable for children and adults.
  7. Mixed medical drops. You mix them yourself at home using drugs purchased at the pharmacy. They can be quite effective at an accurate dosage, which is very difficult to calculate without the help of a specialist.

Independently choose the drops that suit you - the task is not easy, so if you have the first symptoms of the disease, we advise nevertheless to consult a doctor.

But if, for some reason, it's impossible, after reading this note, you already know which drops from the cold are better.

How to choose a drop in the nose from the cold

Droplets in the nose from the common cold should be used only according to the prescription of the treating doctor. Self-medication here is unacceptable, otherwise you can aggravate the ailment. Drops from the common cold are produced by many manufacturers, so there are so many drugs on the market with a variety of names that people sometimes do not know what to choose. In order to correctly pick up the drops from the common cold, you need to know in which order and how to apply them for this or that kind of rhinitis.

Medications restricting blood vessels in case of disease

Vasoconstrictors are the most effective drops from the common cold for adults. They can be used to treat children, but this must be done with caution. They allow to restrain the disease for a while, since they do not treat the very cause of the disease, but only relieve swelling on the mucous membranes of the nose, eliminating its stuffiness.

It should be remembered that medications of this type can raise blood pressure, lead to tachycardia, affect the eyes. If they are used for a long time, they can cause swelling of the nasal mucosa and aggravate the disease. Therefore, they should not be taken more than 5-6 days. Before using, consult a doctor.

Vasoconstrictor drops greatly impede the absorption of the main drug, which is intended to fight the common cold itself, so it is undesirable to use them together. The interval between them should be ¾ hours. In the composition of these drops against the common cold, substances such as oxymetazoline and others are usually used.

W the most popular drops against the common cold:

  1. Xylometazoline is included as the main substance in such drugs as Rhinostop, Briisolin, Galazolin, Nosolin, Eucazoline, Rhinomaris Ximelin., Tizin. The effect of drops can last 5-6 hours. Many of these drugs have a moisturizing effect.
  2. Nafazolin is included in medicines called Sanorin, Naphthyzin, and is available under its own name. The action of active substances occurs within four hours. Since the drug well dries the nasal mucosa, it can cause the patient in some cases, pain.
  3. Oxymetazoline may affect the vessels of the nose for more than 11 hours, but moisturizing drops should also be used. This substance is included as a major component in such drugs as: Nazivin, Noxprey, Nazol.

To select the right drops from the above, it is best to consult your doctor. The doctor will advise you with which medicines you can use them together to quickly get rid of the common cold.

Moisturizing medicament preparations

Against rhinitis must be used drops to moisturize. Almost all such remedies are based on sea salt. These drugs produce moisturizing of mucous structures of the nasal cavity, reduce swelling, reduce the level of inflammation, well dilute mucus discharge.

They do not act too fast, but accelerate the process of recovery.

There are no side effects of such drops. They are ideal for the treatment of children and adolescents. List of effective drugs:

  1. Aquamaris. The drug is based on sea salt.
  2. Physiomer. A solution of sodium chloride.
  3. SALIN.
  4. Akvalor. The composition resembles Aquamaris.

If they are not, then you can use a physiological saline solution based on sodium chloride. It is somewhat inferior to sea water in its properties, but still has the right effect, while the duration of therapy is slightly longer.

Antiviral medications for the elimination of the common cold

This kind of drops for the common cold is effective in the initial stage of the disease at the first symptoms of the disease. With regular use and careful observance of instructions, they can save a person from a cold in 3-4 days. But to choose the right type of such drops, you should consult a doctor.

The main active substance that is in such medicines is interferon. It is produced by the human body to protect against infectious lesions, so the presence of this component in the drops makes them particularly effective in eliminating the common cold.

Such drugs are available under the trade names Nazoferon or Grippferon. You can also use dry interferon, it is sold in the pharmacy network in the form of ampoules.

This medicine is bred in water and in this form is buried in the nose. All of the above drugs have virtually no side effects, so they can be used for improvement of children, if the drops do not use synthetic interferon, which can cause skin rashes.

Medicines of vegetable origin against the common cold

Many manufacturers produce drops based on medicinal plants. The extracts of herbs used in such medicines very effectively eliminate the symptoms of the disease: eliminate infectious lesions, stop and eliminate inflammatory processes, moisturize nasal mucosa. Of the many medicines of this kind, the most popular is Pinosol.

It is produced in two forms - in the form of drops and in the form of a cream. You need to know that he has contraindications in the form of allergic reactions.This is because in the composition of this medicine there are essential oils, and they are categorically contraindicated to children under 3 years old.

Various combined agents

To eliminate the common cold, complex medicines composed of preparations of different treatment groups are well suited. Most often they have a fairly complex composition of several components. Combined drugs can be with an antibiotic, which is needed for bacterial and viral forms of the disease. In their composition there are also antihistaminic components that remove the effects of allergens.


The most popular drug from this group is Vibrocil. He is able to cope with a runny nose of any complexity, even with an allergic type. But such medicines are best used only after consultation with the attending physician, so as they have relatively many side effects and contraindications that can cause complications.

Drops to eliminate bacterial cold and homeopathic remedies

Antibacterial drugs in droplet form contain antibiotics that have a lot of side effects, so to use these tools you need to consult a specialist. However, one must take into account that such drugs can not always defeat the disease, since the common cold is usually caused by the activity of viruses, and antibiotics against them are powerless. But if the disease is bacterial, then antibiotics help cope with the disease. The most effective are Polydex, Isofra, Bioparox.

These drugs are often recommended for sinusitis.

To eliminate the common cold, you can use homeopathic remedies. Their impact on the disease is complex, as they treat complex: they remove swelling on the mucous structures of the nose (although not so effectively, as vasoconstrictors), stimulate the patient's immunity, fight inflammatory processes, suppress activity viruses. These homeopathic remedies have no side effects and have very contraindications. But in order to properly apply them, you should periodically consult a doctor - a homeopath. The most popular among such drops are the following: Euphorbium kmopitum, Edas-131, Delufen.


In any case, whatever medications the patient chooses to treat the cold, it is advisable to consult with specialists so that there are no side effects. Unauthorized use of any drug can lead to an aggravation of the disease, and then, instead of the desired recovery, serious complications can be obtained.

A good remedy for the common cold. The most effective remedy for colds

If you treat a cold, then it passes for 7 days. If the cold does not heal, it takes a week. It's heard by everyone. But this opinion is erroneous. Many people let the situation slide, but the runny nose needs to be treated. Sleepless nights, lack of appetite, headache, sneezing, dryness and sensitivity of the nasal mucosa are the most harmless manifestations of acute rhinitis. In the absence of treatment, complications are possible: otitis media, sinusitis, frontalitis and the transition of the common cold into a chronic form.

Most often, the appearance of the common cold is promoted by viruses, bacteria, hypothermia. Itching in the nasopharynx, nasal congestion, frequent sneezing, headache - if you have these symptoms you need to start treatment as soon as possible.

Many pharmacy products for the treatment of cold are released without a doctor's prescription. But consultation with a specialist is never superfluous. And taking antibiotics with a beginning rhinitis is not justified. They can not cure rhinitis, but they can harm the body.

With a beginning cold and runny nose, folk remedies are good. Hot foot baths with mustard powder and tea with raspberries are the best home remedies for the common cold. Beet juice, aloe is also effective if the rhinitis has just begun. The advantages of traditional medicine are that the risk of side effects is minimized, unlike medicines. But folk remedies do not always help.

The funds used to treat rhinitis, a lot in the pharmacy range, consider the main.

Drops with vasoconstrictive effect

The most popular and effective group of medicines. Dripped in the morning a good remedy for

Coryza, and all the day the nose is breathing. However, from the heaviness in the head, sneezing and itching, these medicines do not help. After a while, the cold begins again. Vasoconstrictive medications do not treat rhinitis. They relieve nasal congestion and mucosal edema. Use with a runny nose such drops are needed, this will help reduce the risk of otitis.

If you take more than 7 days, the drugs cause the opposite phenomenon (tachyphylaxis), and the nasal mucosa swells again. Often people have to drip vasoconstrictive drops for many years, without them the nose does not breathe. It's addictive, and getting rid of it is very difficult.

Drugs of this group can cause hypertension, increased intraocular pressure and tachycardia. It is impossible to simultaneously use vasoconstrictors and drops with therapeutic effect. The minimum interval between their instillation is 40 minutes. Otherwise, the drug will not work, the vasoconstrictor drops will not let it suck.

If the rhinitis lasts more than 7 days, you need to see a doctor.

Groups of vasoconstrictive drops

1. Preparations containing naphazoline. Medications "Naftizin "Sanorin" - representatives of this group. The action time is about 4 hours. Of all the groups, the shortest. Strongly dry the mucous membrane of the nose. Now they are rarely used.

2. Preparations of xylometazoline. Means "Galazolin "Rinonorm "Ximelin "Tizin "Rinostop" - representatives of this group. There are approximately 6 hours, a more gentle effect on the mucosa. Many representatives of this group contain sea water and other substances for moistening the mucosa.

3. The active ingredient is oxymetazoline. Preparations "Nazivin "Otritin "Nazol" - the main representatives of this group. The duration of action can be up to 12 hours. The least irritating to the nasal mucosa, therefore, any of them is the best remedy for the common cold among the vasoconstrictors.

Drops with sea water

All drops and sprays for moisturizing the nasal mucosa contain a solution of sea salt. "Aquamaris "Akvalor "Salin "Morenazal "Physiomer "Marimer" - these are preparations that moisturize and soften the mucous membranes. A similar remedy for the cold, reviews of which are always positive, relieves swelling. Preparations based on sea water treat inflammation and dilute purulent separable.

A good remedy for the common cold does not remove the stuffiness of the nose instantly. It cures the runny nose and reduces the risk of complications. Medicines in this group have no side effects. They are allowed for small children and pregnant women.

If there is no possibility to purchase drops with sea water, you can use simple saline solution. This is a common salt solution, it is also effective for the treatment of rhinitis.

Antiviral drugs

A good remedy for the common cold is a drop with an antiviral effect, but they are effective only at the first stages of the disease. Apply antiviral drugs strictly according to the instructions, otherwise they will not help. Timely reception and exact dosages will cure a cold in 3 days.

Antiviral drops "Grippferon "Nasoferon" contain interferon. Interferon is produced in the body. He is responsible for immunity and attacks the virus. Interferon is available in droplets and in dry powder. This is an effective remedy for the common cold. Ampules with dry interferon can be used from birth. They just get divorced by water. The drug has no side effects, only individual intolerance is possible.

There are other antiviral drops in the nose - Derinat. This is an excellent remedy for cold and colds. They stimulate the production of interferon. Spray "IRS-19" contains bacterial lysates. He fights with a cold and bronchitis. When using drops with immunomodulating effect in the epidemic period, the probability of "catching" a runny nose decreases.


Plant extracts in drops are good for the common cold. They well moisturize and soften the nasal mucosa, treat inflammation. The drug "Pinosol" is the leader of this group, the most effective remedy for the common cold. It is available in the form of drops, ointments and cream. Essential oils are included in the medicine "Pinosol so it can cause allergies. Contraindicated in children under 3 years. All drops that contain essential oils can not be used in this age category, they can cause bronchospasm.

There are pencils-inhalers "Doctor MOM "Gold Star". They contain essential oils that can be inhaled. The nose begins to work reflexively. You can use this remedy for a cold in pregnancy.

Combined preparations

They contain several components. Drops may include an antibiotic. They are designed to treat rhinitis of bacterial nature. The drug "Polidex" contains an antibiotic, which quickly treats the infection. There is also an anti-allergic component - dexamethasone. It removes the swelling of the mucosa. Choosing the best remedy for the common cold, it is worth considering and this medicine.

Some drops, in addition to the vasoconstrictor component, contain an antiallergic substance. They help with allergic rhinitis. Preparations "Vibrocil "Sanorin-analgesin" well relieve the swelling of the nose for allergies. "Vibrocil" in the drops can be used for children from 1 year. In addition, you can use this remedy for a cold in pregnancy.

Many drops contain a vasoconstrictor and seawater. They prevent dryness and relieve swelling. The drug "Snoop" in adult and pediatric form of release well softens mucous and eliminates nasal congestion.

Antibacterial drugs

Such drugs as "Bioparox "Isofra contain powerful antibiotics. They are appointed by a doctor. With sinusitis, frontal sinuses and lingering rhinitis, this is the most effective remedy for the common cold. With the beginning of the disease, the use of these drugs is unjustified. Plus these funds are that they are not absorbed into the blood. Therefore, side effects inherent in antibiotics, they are not peculiar.


Homeopathic remedies are good because they do not have side effects. They act at a runny nose at any stage. The main rule of homeopathy reads: "You can not deviate from the instruction". If you miss the time of instillation and do not follow the multiplicity - homeopathy will not help. Preparations "Edas-131 "Delufen "Euforbium-compositum" will remove the edema of the nasal mucosa, have an anti-inflammatory effect, raise immunity. Safe and effective drops are suitable for adults and children. In complex therapy significantly improve recovery. Treated homeopathy for a long time. It has a cumulative effect and on the first day still does not heal.

Nebulizer - a modern solution for the treatment of a cold

Use a nebulizer with a cold is very convenient. This is an ultrasound device, through which inhalations are carried out.

Treatment of the common cold with a nebulizer can not be compared with the use of pills and tablets that pass a long path through the body until they reach the diseased organ. Similar medications, in contrast to inhalers, often leave an unfavorable trace in the form of a variety of side effects.

Folk remedies

Rhinitis is the most common disease. Many people suffer from it. Runny nose may appear several times a year. That's why there are a lot of folk recipes. Here are some examples of them:

1. Fir and eucalyptus oil. A few drops of essential oil drip into the vegetable oil (about 25 ml). Drip in the nose in the morning and at night. Such a mixture instantly facilitates breathing, has a bactericidal effect, softens the mucous membrane and relieves swelling.

2. Beetroot juice relieves inflammation and swelling. Drip it several times a day or make tampons (for 10 minutes). A weak solution of beet juice can be dripped to babies from the common cold.

3. Honey drops. Dilute honey with water in equal proportions. A little warm up and drip up to 6 times a day. Do not use if you are allergic to this product. Honey is a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent.

4. Aloe vera increases immunity and relieves inflammation. You can drip in its purest form. You can dilute with vegetable oil.

5. The Kalanchoe juice is an irritant. When it is instilled, intensive separation of mucus begins, swelling rapidly and inflammation is removed.

Washing your nose at home

In the hospital, in the ENT departments, there is a special device for washing the nose. It creates pressure and rinses the nose with medicine, washing out pus and mucus. A similar procedure can be done at home. Rinsing the nose brings relief to the patient and helps cure the runny nose. The medicinal solution is taken up in a container and inhaled with a nose, spit out the solution with the mouth. The procedure is carried out in the morning and at night.

How to prepare a solution

  • In one glass with a little salt water pour a teaspoon of tincture of eucalyptus or marigold. The solution has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action.
  • 2 filter bags of chamomile or sage brew a glass of boiling water. When the solution becomes slightly warm, wash the nose. The solution has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
  • 3 drops of iodine per glass of warm water. The bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of iodine cure the common cold. It is not recommended for purulent sinusitis.
  • You can wash your nose with a simple saline solution. This procedure dilutes the mucus and removes the swelling from the nasal mucosa.
After rinsing, all medicines will be absorbed better. The effect of vasoconstricting, combined and homeopathic drops increases several times.

From the cold helps infusions of herbs, which are drunk inside. You can mix fruits of raspberries, herb of oregano, a leaf of a birch and mother-and-stepmother. Brew the mixture and drink several times a day. Very good for the cold helps the flowers of linden, chamomile. Herbs help cure cold and colds. Rosehips and mountain ash will increase immunity and accelerate recovery.

Treatment of any disease should begin with a consultation with a specialist. Not all patients can use drops. Many people have vasoconstrictive drugs. With genyantritis, therapy without antibiotics is most often ineffective. People with curvature of the nasal septum can not help the drop. All these nuances are taken into account by the doctor.

A prolonged runny nose can give many serious complications. Inadequate therapy can make the ailment chronic. Rhinitis is a disease that should be treated. We have presented you many options for its therapy. Choose the most effective remedy for the common cold is only for you, and it is better to do this after consulting a doctor.

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