Kagocel instructions for the use of a pill for colds

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Tip 1: "Kagocel instructions for use

"Kagocel" is an antiviral and immunomodulating medication, which is available in tablet form. The drug is used to prevent and treat influenza and ARVI in adults and children, as well as for the treatment of herpes. The active component of "Kagocel" stimulates the production of interferon, which possesses high antiviral activity and forms the immune defense of the organism.


  1. When treating influenza and ARVI, the dose of "Kagocel" tablets for adults in the first 2 days is 24 mg (2 tablets) 3 times a day. In the next 2 days, 1 tablet is prescribed 3 times a day. The dose of the drug in the treatment of influenza and SARS in children aged 3 to 6 years in the first 2 days is 1 tablet 2 times a day. In the next 2 days, take 1 tablet 1 time per day. Children aged 6 years and older are prescribed 1 tablet of "Kagocel" 3 times a day for the first 2 days of treatment and the same dose of the drug for the next 2 days, but with a reduction in the number of doses to 2 times a day.
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  3. Preventive reception of "Kagotsel" in the period of increased risk of infection with respiratory-viral infections, influenza and ARVI is carried out by seven-day cycles. Scheme of application of the drug for adults - 2 tablets once a day for two days, then a five-day break, then, if necessary, the cycle of reception is repeated. Children "Kagocel" appoint a similar scheme, but in a smaller dose: 1 tablet 1 time per day. The preventive course of taking the drug can last from a week to several months.
  4. The dose of "Kagotsela" in the treatment of herpes is 2 tablets 3 times a day. Treatment is carried out for 5 days. For reception of the best medical effect reception of a preparation is recommended to begin as soon as possible (not later than the fourth day from the moment of the beginning of disease). During the application of Kagocel, other antiviral and immunomodulating drugs, as well as antibiotics, are allowed.
  5. "Kagocel" is contraindicated for individual intolerance of components, treatment of pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 3 years of age. Children under the age of 6 years of age should be prescribed with caution. Since the preparation contains lactose monohydrate, it is contraindicated in individuals with lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency and impaired absorption of glucose and galactose.
  6. "Kagocel" is well tolerated by patients and rarely causes side effects when taken at therapeutic doses. When the drug is used in the recommended doses, the toxic effect on the body is minimal. However, in cases of hypersensitivity to components, the side effects of "Kagocel" may manifest as allergic reactions of varying severity. If skin pruritus, rash, or other symptoms of an allergy occur during taking the drug, discontinue treatment and seek medical advice. In case of accidental overdose, it is necessary to induce vomiting and prescribe an abundant drink.


How to take Kagocel tablets for children and adults for prevention and treatment

/Kagocel tablets are a well-known antiviral drug of the new generation. They have a powerful therapeutic effect not only in respect of the viral pathogenic microflora, but also stimulate the immune defense of the human body. With proper use, it can increase the immune status and accelerate the process of regeneration and regeneration of tissues damaged by bacterial infectious agents. This action is possible due to the fact that the active substance, which is part of the drug, can enhance the production of natural alpha and gamma interferons. These natural substances provide unique protection of the body from various pathogenic agents.

The article tells about how to take "Kagotsel" for children and adults with the purpose of treatment and prevention of colds, influenza and herpetic infection. You can also find out about indications and contraindications, conditions of use in early childhood, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

"Kagocel" preparation: composition and therapeutic properties

The chemical composition of "Kagocel" is quite simple, which facilitates the full assimilation of the active substance and the almost complete absence of side effects. The basis is the same substance kagocel, which is a synthetic compound that affects certain cells of the human body. As auxiliary components, the composition of the tablets includes an emulsifier, starch, stearates and food coloring for the film shell.

The drug "Kagocel" is manufactured by the pharmacological industry in the form of tablets with a dosage of 12 mg, coated with a film membrane, soluble in the small intestine. Such a degree of protection makes it possible to prevent the destruction of the active substance under the influence of the acidic environment of the contents of the stomach. Standard packaging - 10 pieces, this amount is enough for a single course of treatment for a cold or flu without concomitant complications.

The therapeutic effect is based on the chemical properties of the original components of the active substance. It is produced by a complex multi-step synthesis of carmoxymethyl cellulose and polyphenol, obtained from cotton seeds. The resulting component is precipitated as the sodium organic salt. According to the combination of therapeutic effect the preparation has no analogues in measure of modern antiviral means, because for the most part its therapeutic effect is based on the use of natural components.

As a result of proper use, the following therapeutic effects of influence are achieved:

  1. the damaged immune status is restored;
  2. strengthen the body's defenses;
  3. the production of interferons that can recognize a pathogenic microflora and react to its presence with an immune response is resumed;
  4. accelerates the process of destruction and elimination of pathogenic microbial flora;
  5. the replication (reproduction) of viruses that are sensitive to this drug is disrupted;
  6. Inactivation and removal of free radicals, capable of provoking the development of cancer tumors, occurs.

All these types of influence are based on the ability of the drug "Kagocel" to accelerate the synthesis of interferon and to increase the level of mature forms of proteins responsible for the reproduction of mucosal tissues. In addition, after a single administration of the active substance, the activity of T-lymphocytes, macrophages, helper cells of humoral immunity and granulocytes significantly increases. The regeneration is accelerated and by increasing the production of fibrin cells.

Another unique property lies in the ability of this drug to withstand cancer. This occurs against the background of suppression of the activity of altered cells, which are blocked by interferons at the stage of their onset. This creates a powerful and long-term protection against cancer.

The drug penetrates into all tissues and physiological fluids and accumulates in them until the moment when the therapeutic effect is no longer needed. In particular, when studying the tissues of the brain, lungs, heart, bone and spinal cord, spleen and liver, the active substance was in the cells even 72 hours after the end treatment. High concentration is determined in the thymus and lymphatic system, ciliated epithelium of the small intestine. Absolutely not available for the active substance fatty tissue.

The maximum therapeutic effect develops after two days from the beginning of treatment. The titer of presence of interferons increases smoothly and gives the effect of a sharp deterioration of the patient's condition against the background of the total death of the pathogenic microflora. The cells of the small intestinal mucosa react first to the administration. Then, an hour after taking the pill, there is an increased activity of antiviral proteins that can reach the focus of infection with blood flow. A secondary immune response is observed after the transportation of the components to the structures of the bone marrow, spleen, lymphoid tissue and thymus. In response, the body begins to actively produce mature forms of leukocytes.

The effect lasts for seven days after the last administration of the drug. Therefore, for prevention, you can take 1 tablet 1 time in 5-6 days. Treatment of catarrhal viral diseases and influenza should begin no later than the 4th day after the appearance of clinical signs of intoxication.

How to drink antiviral medication "Kagocel" for prophylaxis and with angina (before or after eating)?

/Kagocel is prescribed not only for viral infections, it is widely used with combined treatment regimens for bacterial pathologies. In particular, "Kagotsel" with angina staphylococcal and streptococcal etiology is proven to accelerate the process of recovery for 4-5 days. At the same time during clinical and practical tests it was found that this method of treatment is almost completely excludes the risk of developing secondary pathologies, such as rheumatism, heart disease, kidney failure and amyloidosis kidney.

"Kagocel" for the prevention of colds and flu is applied once a week or immediately after contact with a sick person with severe signs of a viral disease. During epidemic outbreaks, it is recommended to take a certain schedule. For this, the drug is taken 2 consecutive days for 1 tablet in the morning. Then 5 days are skipped. And so until the end of the period of increased viral activity.

Before you drink "Kagotsel you need to clarify the testimony to its purpose and get acquainted with a list of possible contraindications.

In particular, the antiviral "Kagocel" is recommended for the following pathologies:

  • influenza caused by a virus of any type;
  • ARI and ARVI, including adenovirus and respiratory syncytial infections, coronavirus;
  • herpes of any type;
  • predisposition to tumoral processes;
  • long-lasting bacterial lesions against weakened immunity;
  • generalized forms of candidal infection (with the aim of increasing the immune status).

Take the pill should be in the morning, on an empty stomach, drinking them with a sufficient amount of clean drinking water (at least 200 ml). You can take food after 30 - 40 minutes. Thus, the answer to the question of whether to take "Kagocel" before or after a meal becomes quite obvious, it is necessary to do this on an empty stomach.

How to take Kagocel for children and adults: dosage and recommendations

It is worth talking about how to take "Kagotsel" under various conditions, which require strengthening of immune defense and antiviral action. Tablets take only inside, no other ways of using the manufacturer is provided. Before taking the pill, you can not break it, release it from the film shell, divide it into parts, grind it.

/Separately, it will be told how to take Kagocel to children, because for this age group there are a number of practical limitations. First of all, it is worth knowing that "Kagotsel" children can be given for preventive and curative purposes after reaching the age of 3 years. A special dosage form is not available for this, the standard dosage of the drug is used, taking into account the difference in the amount taken per day and the course of treatment of tablets.

"Kagocel" adults are initially recommended for admission in accordance with the manufacturer's proposed therapeutic regimens. However, in the absence of positive dynamics in the patient's condition for 3 days, the dosage of "Kagocella" is selected individually taking into account the parameters of the general state of the body, body weight, age and other factors.

Dosage of "Kagotsel" for adults and children

Treatment of ARVI, ARI and influenza in adults

It begins no later than 4 days after the onset of the disease. The first 2 days - 2 tablets 3 times at regular intervals. 3- and 4-th day for 1 tablet 3 times a day

Prevention of viral infections in adults

1st and 2nd day of 2 tablets once a day, then 5 days the drug is not taken

Treatment of viral infections in children aged 3 to 6 years

The first 2 days for 1 tablet 2 times a day, the next 2 days for 1 tablet 1 time per day

Treatment of viral infections in children aged 6 to 13 years

The first 2 days for 1 tablet 3 times a day, the next 2 days for 1 tablet 2 times a day

Prophylactic drug in children from 3 to 12 years

The 1st and 2nd day of 1 tablet once a day, then 5 days the drug is not taken

For treatment of herpetic and bacterial forms of infections, a longer duration is prescribed - for 5 days 2 tablets 3 times a day.

Can I take Kagocel during pregnancy and with alcohol?

Many patients are interested in how "Kagocel" and alcohol are combined, because it is not uncommon for a drug to be taken with a preventive purpose and for this period various celebrations fall out. Also, some women think that it is possible to use Kagocel during pregnancy to prevent and treat viral infections. And these two questions sometimes become cornerstones, so we will understand them in more detail.

/So, is it possible to take "Kagocel" during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, are similar methods of therapy justified? The overwhelming majority of doctors, based on the recommendations of researchers and manufacturers of the drug, recommend that future mothers, if possible, refrain from taking this drug. There is a risk of detrimental effects on the developing fetal tissue, and provoke the child's immune disorders, which in the future can lead to serious enough pathologies. This is due to the possibility of the active substance to freely penetrate through the placental barrier.

As shown by clinical and laboratory studies, the concentration of the drug in breast milk is also sufficient is great for the possibility of causing potential harm to the developing immune system of the infant.

In connection with this, during pregnancy it is necessary to exclude such methods of treatment, and during the period of breastfeeding with the need to take the drug should be weaned from the breast for a period of time from the start of therapy and up to 7 days after taking the last dose.

"Kagotsel" and alcohol at the same time is also strictly prohibited. Stimulated production of interferons under the influence of ethyl alcohol can cause severe forms of retinopathy (blindness), neuropathy (lameness), depressive syndrome with severe insomnia. In a number of cases, such changes are irreversible.

Take alcoholic beverages only 7 days after the completion of the full course of treatment.

Side effects of Kagotsel and contraindications for use

If the recommendations of the doctor "Kagocel" are observed, the side effects are very rare and they are not expressed so intensely that they worsen the patient's condition.

/Usually, all symptoms occur immediately after the drug is discontinued or the course is completed. Skin allergic reactions, atopic rhinitis, slight irritability, mild muscle weakness can develop.

There are contraindications for "Kagotsel which should be taken into account before starting therapy.

The list of contraindications for the use of this medication includes:

  • individual intolerance of the main components;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • early childhood to 3 years.

With caution should be used in persons with a deficiency of body weight, individually select the daily and the course dosage.


Kagocel: instructions for use


Kagocel is a preparation that is an antiviral agent that is used to prevent and treat ARVI, influenza and herpes in adults. The active substance of the drug is included in the group of interferons, which, when applied, promotes the formation of its own interferon in the body.

Instructions for use

Doctors prescribe Kagocel for colds caused by the virus. Adults are recommended to drink the drug for herpes. "Kagocel" is also effective as a preventative against ARVI and influenza.

The drug is contraindicated for children under 3 years old, pregnant women, with individual intolerance. Also, "Kagocel" should not be taken to people with lactase deficiency, intolerance to lactose.

The medication is released only in the form of tablets of 12 mg. Shelf life of Kagocel is 2 years. From pharmacies is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. It is well combined with other antibiotics, antiviral drugs and immunomodulators. In order for the remedy to show its therapeutic effect, it should be drunk the first four days from the onset of the illness.

When an overdose of "Kagocel" is recommended to induce vomiting and drink a lot of fluids. When used in therapeutic doses, the drug does not cause any harm to the body. It is non-toxic, does not have teratogenic and mutagenic properties, does not have an embryo effect, is not carcinogenic, does not accumulate in the liver and kidneys. Of the side effects, it is rarely possible to have allergic reactions like urticaria and pruritus. The average price of the drug is 235 rubles. You can buy it at any nearby pharmacy.

Dosage of "Kagotsel"

For the treatment of colds and flu, adults are advised to take the first days of the disease 2 tablets three times a day, the next 2 days, 1 tablet three times a day. The course of therapy consists of 18 tablets and four days. For preventive purposes, 2 tablets of "Kagocella" are prescribed once a day for a week, then a break for 5 days. The duration of the course depends on the complexity of the disease and can reach up to 2-3 months. The effect of the drug is not related to the time of day and food intake.

For the treatment of diseases of acute respiratory infections and influenza in children from 3 to 6 years, it is recommended to drink one tablet twice a day for the first two days of the disease, and the next 2 days - 1 tablet. The duration of the course is 4 days from 6 tablets. For children from 6 years, apply one tablet 2 times a day for the first 2 days, and the next days - one tablet 2 times a day.

Seven-day cycles are carried out for the prevention of influenza and ARVI in children. Two days should be taken one tablet once a day, then five days off.

With herpes, adults are recommended to use two tablets "Kagocel" 3 times a day for 5 days.


"Kagocel reviews of specialists and patients

The human immune system has been improving for many centuries. Its task is to resist the aggressive influences of the environment, to provide the defenses of the organism. Unfortunately, today, under the influence of stress, environmental pollution, the accelerated pace of life, our immunity often fails to cope with its task. In the case when immunity weakens, the body begins to attack hundreds of pathogens that adversely affect health, changing the quality of life for the worse.

Especially in order to maintain immunity, to help a person resist negative influence, a number of immunomodulators have been created.

One of them is Kagotsel. Experts' reviews of the drug emphasize its high activity in the field of herpes treatment, treatment or prevention of acute viral respiratory diseases in children and adults. The action of the drug is provided by the basic substance kagocel (sodium salt of the copolymer) and auxiliary lactose, crospovidone and povidone.

Under the influence of these substances in the body begins to intensively develop "late" interferon. This substance, consisting of a mixture of alpha and beta interferons has a very high ability to suppress viruses. Interferon under its influence begins to be developed inside macrophages, lymphocytes, other cellular formations. Two days after taking one pill, interferon produced under its influence begins to circulate within the body, which lasts up to 5 days. It is for this reason that the drug "Kagocel the experts' reviews about which are very encouraging, is gaining popularity. Productivity of the drug is ensured by the fact that, accumulating within the cells for 48 hours, inside the intestine its maximum value is reached after 4 hours. This means that the action of the drug begins after 4 hours.

Another advantage of the drug "Kagocel the researchers' reviews confirm this, is the complete nontoxicity of the drug. It is completely excreted from the body, does not cause mutations, is addictive, not carcinogenic.

When to take

The human immune system has been improving for many centuries. Its task is to resist the aggressive influences of the environment, to provide the defenses of the organism. Unfortunately, today, under the influence of stress, environmental pollution, the accelerated pace of life, our immunity often fails to cope with its task. In the case when immunity weakens, the body begins to attack hundreds of pathogens that adversely affect health, changing the quality of life for the worse.

Especially in order to maintain immunity, to help a person resist negative influence, a number of immunomodulators have been created.

One of them is Kagotsel. Experts' reviews of the drug emphasize its high activity in the field of herpes treatment, treatment or prevention of acute viral respiratory diseases in children and adults. The action of the drug is provided by the basic substance kagocel (sodium salt of the copolymer) and auxiliary lactose, crospovidone and povidone.

Under the influence of these substances in the body begins to intensively develop "late" interferon. This substance, consisting of a mixture of alpha and beta interferons has a very high ability to suppress viruses. Interferon under its influence begins to be developed inside macrophages, lymphocytes, other cellular formations. Two days after taking one pill, interferon produced under its influence begins to circulate within the body, which lasts up to 5 days. It is for this reason that the drug "Kagocel the experts' reviews about which are very encouraging, is gaining popularity. Productivity of the drug is ensured by the fact that accumulating within the cells for 48 hours, within the intestine, its maximum value is reached after 4 hours. This means that the action of the drug begins after 4 hours.

Another advantage of the drug "Kagocel the researchers' reviews confirm this, is the complete nontoxicity of the drug. It is completely excreted from the body, does not cause mutations, is addictive, not carcinogenic.

When should I take Kagocel? The doctors' comments indicate that the drug is recommended for adults 4 days three times a day to treat influenza and ARVI. And in the first two days it is recommended to take 2 tablets per reception, on the remaining days - one tablet. In this case, the drug "Kagotsel" will quickly and successfully cope with the disease.

The drug can be taken for the prevention of diseases, especially in the off-season. For this purpose it is enough to take 2 tablets daily for a week. Preventive course depending on the state of the immune system can last from a week to several months.

To get rid of herpes, the treatment regimen will be different. "Kagocel reviews of specialists are unanimous, it is necessary for 5 days to take 30 tablets.

Very often the drug becomes popular not when it is recommended by doctors, but when patients begin to notice the undoubted benefits of the drug.

"Kagocel" reviews from the patients received the highest. Most of those who took the medicine, mark the ego efficiency already in the first days of admission. Patients report a decrease in fever, relief of breathing, a general surge of strength. The disease passes faster if the medicine is drunk at regular intervals.

Is it possible to give Kagocel to children? Their parents' testimonies indicate that the recovery of children is faster under the influence of the drug. To do this, it is enough to give children three times a day on a pill (3 days), and then drink the medicine twice a day. With this treatment, it is enough to drink the drug for only 4 days.

If you give children "Kagotsel" for prevention, the child is sick much less often.

The main thing is to use the medicine only on the recommendation of the doctor and take it strictly at regular intervals.

? The doctors' comments indicate that the drug is recommended for adults 4 days three times a day to treat influenza and ARVI. And in the first two days it is recommended to take 2 tablets per reception, on the remaining days - one tablet. In this case, the drug "Kagotsel" will quickly and successfully cope with the disease.

The drug can be taken for the prevention of diseases, especially in the off-season. For this purpose it is enough to take 2 tablets daily for a week. Preventive course depending on the state of the immune system can last from a week to several months.

To get rid of herpes, the treatment regimen will be different. "Kagocel reviews of specialists are unanimous, it is necessary for 5 days to take 30 tablets.

Very often the drug becomes popular not when it is recommended by doctors, but when patients begin to notice the undoubted benefits of the drug.

"Kagocel" reviews from the patients received the highest. Most of those who took the medicine, mark the ego efficiency already in the first days of admission. Patients report a decrease in fever, relief of breathing, a general surge of strength. The disease passes faster if the medicine is drunk at regular intervals.

Is it possible to give Kagocel to children? Their parents' testimonies indicate that the recovery of children is faster under the influence of the drug. To do this, it is enough to give children three times a day on a pill (3 days), and then drink the medicine twice a day. With this treatment, it is enough to drink the drug for only 4 days.

If you give children "Kagotsel" for prevention, the child is sick much less often.

The main thing is to use the medicine only on the recommendation of the doctor and take it strictly at regular intervals.


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