Spinal cord: recovery from trauma, rehabilitation

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  • 1How is the recovery of the spinal cord after trauma?
    • 1.1Injury
    • 1.2Shake
    • 1.3Rupture of the spinal cord
    • 1.4Compression
    • 1.5Hematomyelia
    • 1.6Methods of treatment
    • 1.7Therapeutic complex
    • 1.8Massage
    • 1.9Surgical intervention
  • 2About recovery after spinal cord injury
  • 3Rupture of the spinal cord, can I stand on my feet, the consequences
    • 3.1Causes and consequences
    • 3.2Symptomatology
    • 3.3Spinal shock: what is it
    • 3.4Diagnostic measures
    • 3.5Treatment
    • 3.6Restorative measures
  • 4Injury of the spinal cord, video: rehabilitation
    • 4.1Complications after a spinal cord injury
    • 4.2Forecast
  • 5Rehabilitation after spinal cord injuries
    • 5.1Causes of spinal cord injury
    • 5.2Symptoms of spinal cord injury
    • 5.3Varieties of injuries and ways of rehabilitation
    • 5.4Treatment of spinal trauma
    • 5.5Rehabilitation after a spinal injury
    • 5.6Physiotherapy

How is the recovery of the spinal cord after trauma?

Skeletal injuries can be open and closed, with spinal cord injuries and without complications.

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According to a localized location, they can be in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, coccygeal.

Integrity of the spinal cord tissue occurs in both closed and open trauma. In general, there are lesions in the lumbar and cervical region.


A spinal cord injury is a very frequent type of lesion.It combines reversible, irreversible functional changes.

After injury, there is a complete conduction disorder (flaccid paralysis, failure of the pelvic area functionality).

Damage can provoke muscle hypotension, areflexia, and sensitivity disturbance.

Signs with a spinal injury are crushing, hemorrhage, which lead to a morphological break in the spinal cord, partial or complete damage.

The formation of pathomorphological changes can be of a primary and secondary nature.

At this stage, the external integrity of the spinal cord is not damaged, but the conductor processes will be destroyed.

The cerebrospinal injury has a different degree of severity, therefore, taking into account the resulting lesion, there is a risk of developing a neurological deficit.

Serious damage to brain matter provokes the occurrence of spinal shock. It affects the course of the disease.

It is a pathophysiological process characterized by a violation of sensory, motor, reflex activity.


Short-term failure of the functionality of the lower limb, manifested by a delay in urination. Trauma has its own symptomatology and refers to a stable type of injury of the spinal part.

The doctor examining the patient site visually discovers a hemorrhage on a localized site, a swelling, but the movement is unlimited.

Symptoms are many and can be manifested in different ways.

For example, a disorder of sensitivity, in this state the patient seems to be crawling along his body, then tingling and numbness are felt.

Violated work with the bladder, intestine, the strength in the muscles decreases. In some cases, diarrhea, flatulence, constipation may occur. Complete damage to the cerebrospinal area leads to a lack of sensitivity, movement, disruption of the integrity of bone tissue.

The most common symptoms are:

  • Loss of consciousness;
  • Weakness in parts of the trunk;
  • Back pain;
  • The problem with balance;
  • Difficult breathing;
  • The twisted position of the spine.

Rupture of the spinal cord

Accompanied by loss of motor activity near the lesion, in consequence can lead to disability. Traumatic illness is characterized by areflexia, arterial hypertension, paralysis.

The neglected form of the disease threatens irreversible consequences, so the timely detection of a gap is capable of preventing further development of the disease.

Dying of cells begins when the lesion is obtained.

But due to the fact that the neighboring segments have not lost the memory capacity, the restoring process is faster.

But it happens that after a complex trauma, the ways in which connection with segments are maintained are destroyed. In this case, the functioning of the entire body is temporarily blocked for an unknown period of time.

The main symptom of the partially broken spinal cord is spinal shock.

It is accompanied by autonomous work of the cardiac system, respiratory organs, disconnection of the damaged spine.

This state is called "stupor" in another way and according to medical practice, individuals with such a diagnosis do not live long.


The condition in which nerve impulses are blocked, or can stop transmitting a signal for a certain time. On the background of trauma, deformation and displacement of the spinal cord are observed. There is anterior, internal and posterior compression.

With anterior compression, the spine is dislocated, the bone fragment is broken, the segment disc is lost.

Internal causes swelling of the dorsal region.

But the posterior compression may be triggered by rupture of ligaments, the presence of another's element in the joint cavity or damaged by the ridge of the ridge.

Preceding the appearance of compression - skeletal fracture, hemorrhage, rupture of intervertebral discs, malignant tumors, infection. To exert a pathogenic effect on the spinal cord and aggravate the condition of the vertebra is capable of an arteriovenous vessel.

The affected area is caused not only by paralysis, devoid of sensitivity, weakness. Directly intensified pain syndrome, blood pressure.

There is weakness in the lower limbs, severe back pain, numbness of the legs, digestive system disorders.

A person can complain of rapid fatigue, profuse sweating, frequent urination, constipation. Over time, there is paresis, increased tendon activity, and retention of urine. These symptoms are very pronounced, so it is difficult to notice them.


It is a bleeding, in which blood can accumulate in the hematoma, or fill the component of the spinal cord.

It spreads through it, provoking destruction of nervous tissues, squeezing of motor ways and brain structures. Causes partial damage to the spinal cord, it can affect the entire diameter.

Accompanied by excessive outflow of blood into the space of the brain part.

The dead spinal cord as a result of hematomia is not renewed, but rather replaced by a new glial tissue with bone formation. Excess blood dissolves.

When the disease is broken temperature sensitivity, there is a lesion of the horn of the back of the spinal cord.

Develops a paralysis, accompanied by a decrease in muscle tone, atrophic changes in muscle musculature.

Hematomyelia of the cervical spinal cord has the spasmodic character of the paresis of the lower and upper extremities. Accompanies such an act violating urination, incontinence, sciatica.

Pathology of the thoracic spinal cord is characterized by paresis of the lower endings, root pains in the lumbar region. They can give pain to the legs.

With a violation of sensitivity develops peripheral paresis.

Methods of treatment

Modern rehabilitation methods can improve and improve the prognosis for the renewal of the musculoskeletal system and the early recovery. Physical rehabilitation includes:

  • Drug treatment;
  • Exercise therapy;
  • Massage;
  • Surgical intervention.

Drug treatment involves the use of medicines. Use hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic drugs. Hormonotherapy reduces puffiness, inflammation, painful shock.

To treat the infection process, antibiotics of a wide profile are used. Muscle relaxants of the central action positively affect the recovery of the traumatic state of the patient (Midokalm, Baclofen).

With spinal shock, Dopamine, Atropine, Methylprednisolone is used. The latter helps improve the blood supply to the spinal cord.

In the role of an antioxidant, vitamin E is used, and Relanium can help to eliminate complications and consequences of hypoxia.

Therapeutic complex

LFK is aimed at restoring the motor functions of the supporting system, strengthening the muscular body.

To avoid repeated damage to the exercise it is desirable to conduct in the pool.

The load on the back can be increased with time, further exercises are conducted in the gym using different simulators.

The complex of exercises is effective in the rehabilitation of injuries of the cervical spinal cord. They should be done with care, so as not to damage the nervous tissues. Exercise is performed under the supervision of the attending physician or instructor.

Let's consider some exercises:

  1. Take the position lying on your back, bend the feet, rotate them in a circle. Bend, unbend arms at the elbow joint, squeezing and unclenching the fingers of the hands. All classes are held at a slow pace for 4-5 approaches.
  2. Lying on the back to bend unbending legs in the knee joint, without tearing off the feet.
  3. Hands along the trunk, make a lift, lowering the limbs up and down.
  4. The starting position is the same. The arms are bent at the elbows, the legs are straight, elongated, it is necessary to lean on the elbows, bend in the chest area of ​​the ridge, without lifting the pelvis. Fix in this position for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 4-6 times.


People who have sustained a spinal cord injury are recommended to use a rehabilitation method, such as a massage. The therapy has a beneficial effect on muscle musculature, provides blood flow to the affected area.

Massage manipulation includes traditional massage. Perform it must only be a specialist.

The procedure is performed by slow, unsharp movements, without pressing on the diseased area. Easy manipulation of the massage therapist on it, you can rub it, but without a strong pressure.

It is desirable to massage the damaged area, do not use aggressive movements.

Surgical intervention

In connection with the indications, a method of surgical therapy of the spine is used. It consists of:

  1. Laminectomy;
  2. Skeletal extraction;
  3. Decompression;
  4. Corrections of vertebral disks.

The operation consists in removing the non-resident body, correcting the deformity, and eliminating pressure on the vessels. We also need to resume the anatomical structure of the spinal canal, the brain centers.

Contraindications are eliminated by intensive treatment for surgical intervention.

The cardiovascular system is optimized, the edema of the cerebral cortex is inhibited, preventive measures are taken to eliminate the infection.

A source: https://prospinu.com/povrezhdenie/vosstanovlenie-spinnogo-mozga.html

About recovery after spinal cord injury

Many doctors tell patients and their families that recovery is impossible after a spinal cord injury. This is not true. Recovery is the rule, not an exception after a spinal cord injury (SCI).

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Segment recovery

Most patients restore functions at a level of 1-2 segments below the injury site, even after the so-called "complete" damage to the spinal cord.

For example, a person with a C4 / C5 injury can have deltoid functions - and then restore the bicep (C5), wrist extensors (C6), and possibly even triceps (C7), after several months or even years.

Restoring the bonds with methylprednisolones

The second National Study of Acute Spinal Cord Trauma (NASCIS 2) showed that patients with "complete" spinal cord injury The brain, who did not receive high doses of methylprednisolone steroids, had an 8% motor function less than those who received this dose a drug. If the victims received methylprednisolone within 8 hours after the injury, they recover an average of 21% more lost functions. In contrast, people with "incomplete" spinal cord injury restored an average of 59% to 75% of the motor functions, if we consider the administration of high doses of methylprednisolone.

Restoration of postural reflexes

Most people with cervical or upper thoracic spinal cord injury are initially unable to control their torso muscles. However, most of them can regain control of the trunk of the body for many months or even years after the injury.

Walking and walking ability at TCM

Most people with "incomplete" spinal cord trauma will be able to recover and walk.

Recovery of functions for independent walking after a "full" spinal cord injury is very rare, but possible, in 5% of cases.

In the 1980s, less than 40% of people with spinal cord injuries had "incomplete" injuries, but already in the 1990s, already 60% of all spinal cord injuries were "incomplete".

Thus - the percentage of "incomplete" injuries increases due to advances in the treatment of SCI, which in turn increases the chances and percentage of people able to independently rise and walk again.

The conducted studies show that only 10% of the damaged parts of the spinal cord are capable of supporting essential functions, including movement.

Many people with a spinal cord tumor are often able to walk independently, although the tumor has damaged 90% of their spinal cord. This is due to the redundancy and plasticity of the spinal cord.

Several pathways of the spinal cord serve as initial or intersecting functions. Plasticity refers to the ability of axons to grow and create new compounds.

Therefore, complete spinal cord ruptures are rare, and most people with SCI still have some axons of the spinal cord - crossing the injury sites. This gives hope that even small regenerations of the spinal cord will restore the essential functions of the body.

Active transplantation of macrophages

In 1998, Michael Schwartz of the Weizmann Institute reported that activated macrophages obtained from blood, and transplanted into the spinal cord - it is possible to improve functional recovery in rats with spinal injuries the brain.

Proneuron initiated the first clinical trials to assess the feasibility and safety of macrophage transplantation in human spinal cord injuries. Preliminary data show that treatment is possible and safe.

All patients who had a "full" thoracic spinal cord injury received a macrophage transplant within 2 weeks after the injury. Three of the eight patients improved their state more than expected by 5%.

Clinical trials of the first phase continue at Erasmus Hospital in Brussels, Belgium. Phase 2 trials are scheduled to take place in two centers in the US.

AC and electric stimulation

In 1999, Richard Borgens and his colleagues at Purdue University reported that alternating current - Used on dogs with spinal cord injuries (PSM), promotes regeneration and recovery functions.

Clinical trials in humans began at Purdue University, which within 2 weeks after acute injury spinal cord received variable discharges of current, which improved their physical and functional state health.

AIT-082 (Neotrophin)

This is an analogue of "guanosine which can increase the number of neurotrophins, or nerve growth factors in the brain and spinal cord. Tests of this drug in patients with Alzheimer's disease showed a positive result.

Stem cell transplantation

Embryonic stem cells attract a lot of attention.

Several studies of human embryonic cell transplants have been conducted in Sweden, Russia and the US, that the transplanted cells of the embryo will be grafted into the human spinal cord, which can affect the recovery in patients. However, in part because of the fact that human embryonic stem cells are used, there are a lot of restrictions, prohibitions and contradictions for their use.

About Injury

Trauma of the spinal cord is a destructive factor not only for the injured person, but also for his family, friends and loved ones.

While there is a lot of information related to TCM available on the Internet, most of the material is obsolete or nothing.

This article provides answers to only a few questions for people who have experienced spinal cord damage for the first time.

Trauma of the spinal cord disconnects the brain from the body.

This leads not only to loss of sensitivity and control of motor functions below the fault site, but also can be associated with abnormal activity of the spinal cord above and below the injury site, resulting in spasticity, neuropathic pain and vegetative Dysreflexion.

Many of the functions of our body, which we believe - happen by themselves, such as the ability to go to the toilet, sexual functions, blood pressure and heart rate, digestion, temperature control and body sweating, and other vegetative functions can not only be lost, but be abnormal active.

Contrary to the prevalent view of spinal cord injury, recovery is the rule, and not an exception, an injury to the spinal cord. However, recovery takes a long time and can be slowed down or blocked by muscle atrophy when not in use.

Always, there is hope, new methods of treatment appear, showing a positive regeneration of the tissues and functions of the spinal cord. Some of them are currently at the stage of clinical trials, and many just have to begin clinical trials in the near future.

A source: http://nashput.com/blog_spin/rehabilitation_and_lfk/276-o-vosstanovlenii-posle-travmy-spinnogo-mozga.html

Rupture of the spinal cord, can I stand on my feet, the consequences

Damage to the spinal cord is a non-common phenomenon, because exactly it is under the reliable protection of the muscular corset and bones of the spine.

However, in medicine, there are cases of such trouble as the rupture of the spinal cord, which threatens with a mass of negative consequences for human health and life.

The pathology can end with a disability, since in the process of rupture the sensitivity and motor activity of the area, which is below the lesion, is lost. At the same time, the patient has clear mind and sober consciousness, he can be visited by unexpected attacks of hypertension, paralysis or areflexia.

There is a chance to correct any situation, if in time to assess the seriousness of the problem and timely start the diagnosis and treatment. In case of ignoring the problem, a person can start an irreversible process of consequences.

At the beginning of pathogenesis, directly affected and injured cells die, only then, due to lack of oxygen - neighboring to the affected area. That is why, delaying treatment of the gap, you can get an unfavorable forecast of doctors in the future.

Causes and consequences

Such trouble can only arise after a serious injury, when the load on the spine is so great that he can not cope with it. The reasons for the gap may be:

  • A fall. Due to an intentional fall or accident, you can not calculate the strength and damage the spine, the spine. Very often cases of falling from height especially during the summer period during active rest. Not observing basic security measures, holidaymakers in search of extreme entertainment, use tarzanki, rocks, cliffs for jumping into the water. Such hobbies can result in a fracture and, at best, confine themselves to imposing gypsum or a tire;
  • Car crashes, injuries due to sporting events, wrestling. On the roads and sports arenas, such situations are not a curiosity. Very often desperate and disparaging actions do not end in the best possible way, since they can leave a person with a disability;
  • Household injuries, accidents. It can be at home or on the street, and no one is immune from such accidents. In winter, many people suffer during ice, mostly older people, whose rehabilitation and recovery of the spinal cord is significantly prolonged due to age.

Sometimes a whole pair of spinal cord cells are damaged, the functions of which quickly pick up adjacent segments, distributing the load evenly.

But there are cases of destruction of the conducting paths that connect the various fragments of the brain together, ensuring their interaction and effective functioning.

Internal systems will continue to perform their work, but the human body will not have such an opportunity because of the spinal shock that results from the rupture. Sometimes these connections are so violated that the outcome is only one - lethal.

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The main and only symptom of spinal cord injury is spinal shock. Due to its appearance, not only the affected area of ​​the spine is disconnected, but the work of the whole organism and life support systems is disrupted. Palpitation and ventilation of the lungs occurs autonomously.

It is impossible to predict the duration of such a state, however, in medicine such cases are considered as a risk of a short life of the organism.

And even for those who manage to get out of this condition, predict a short and full of negative consequences of life, because complications for the body can be fatal.

Spinal shock: what is it

In this state, the brain simply turns off, the autonomous work of the heart and lungs helps the person maintain the body and life.

Previously, the spinal shock was regarded in medicine as a death sentence, a cure of this condition was impossible, there were no ways and means to get out of it.

A detailed study of the symptomatology, the cause-effect relationship makes it possible to draw up a clear plan of action for operational assistance.

Special electrical impulse therapy is provided to support muscle tonus, excluding atrophy and complete immobilization.

But in order to avoid amplification of symptoms, this therapy is not used immediately, but only after a while.

After the departure of the spinal shock, the human body is divided into two components: consciously controlled and autonomous. From this moment rehabilitation measures begin and restoration of functioning of all organism begins.

Diagnostic measures

At the beginning of the diagnosis, a neurosurgical examination should be performed by a specialist who must evaluate the patient's condition and make a prediction. Further, the condition of the spine is examined, the main lesion is identified, the degree of severity of the pathology and the duration of such a process are predicted.

With the help of a lumbar puncture, a measure of liquor pressure is measured, which is very important in the process of examination of the rupture. The same is done X-ray, so that the picture shows the deviations in the process of structure and functionality.

If necessary, they can perform liquorodynamic tests, myelography and other diagnostic procedures.


Treatment of this trauma should begin immediately after the first minute of brain damage, since this The pathological process develops very quickly, and the consequences of it are not only painful, but also dangerous for life rights. Only when taking operational measures there is a chance to remain mobile and not to remain in a wheelchair, because the nerve cells of the affected area die off every second, and there is no capabilities.

Due to rupture of the spinal cord, everything that is below the affected area stops functioning. The organs located in this area are almost impossible to restore.

That is why treatment starts with large doses of various drugs that promote artificial maintenance functions and life-supporting processes of the affected organism, then an emergency operative intervention.

During the operation, the surgeon removes all the particles that injure the affected area of ​​the brain, restores the lost blood supply. All measures are carried out very quickly for the efficiency of the process.

Restorative measures

In the course of recovery, it is necessary to restore lost functions of the body, to start the work of all life support systems, to restore the working capacity of muscles.

The recovery period begins with the departure of the spinal shock, but the nerve cells are restored earlier.

The chance that the lost functions of organs located below the affected area will be restored, is, but only if the gap was incomplete. If the injury was very serious, then there is no chance of a full recovery.

Restorative measures can be delayed for a long time, since this process requires time and patience, because the nerve processes can be restored very slowly.

Only after the first couple of months, the first results will be visible, the lost functions, sensitivity and control over certain processes in the body will return to the person.

Anything that does not recover during this period or does not begin to manifest can be considered forever lost. The average recovery period is about one and a half years.

If a complete brain rupture has occurred with the patient, you can not count on recovery, comforting the hopes of relatives. Any therapy in this case will be powerless in the struggle for human health.

Many of the functions will be lost forever and if they do not show themselves for 2 years, there is no point in fighting for them.

The person is most likely to be disabled, therefore, it is necessary to coordinate the actions for confronting blood stagnation and the occurrence of bedsores as effectively as possible. To do this, use special exercises or gymnastics.

In some cases, the sensitivity and mobility of the limbs is not returned through the fault of ineffective rehabilitation measures.

Therefore, it is important to inform the patient that he must concentrate all his forces to fight for a healthy the future, making an effort, not skipping classes of physical therapy, fulfilling all the requirements doctors.

In the other case, neither drug therapy nor physiological therapy will yield results, which will lead to muscle atrophy and complete immobilization.

A source: http://NashiNervy.ru/tsentralnaya-nervnaya-sistema/vosstanovlenie-posle-razryva-spinnogo-mozga.html

Injury of the spinal cord, video: rehabilitation

The prognosis of how recovery will go after a spinal cord injury is difficult to do.

But under the condition that at least six months after the injury there was at least a slight improvement, hope for some success.

If the state of the injured remains unchanged in the first six months, then there is less hope of recovery.

However, it should not be forgotten that the human body's capabilities are enormous, and there have been cases when the first signs of improvement occurred even after a year or two after trauma.

Complications after a spinal cord injury

There are a number of complications that occur when the spinal cord fractures and spinal cord injuries, and this:

  1. Difficulty controlling the activity of the bladder

The urinary bladder performs in the body the role of a "reservoir" for storing urine. The activity of the bladder is controlled by the brain, but the "transmitter" of his commands is the spinal cord.

With a CM injury, that is, a "transmitter the bladder control is interrupted.

These changes in the functioning of the body lead to the fact that in the bladder, and at the same time in the kidneys, there is a stagnation of urine, leading to infectious diseases of these organs and education in them stones.

  1. Difficulties in controlling the activity of the intestine

Despite the fact that the stomach and intestine of the patient works just like before the injury, the body can not control their work anymore.

However, the attending physician will explain to the sick and caring relatives how best to feed the victim in order to optimize bowel function during the rehabilitation period.

  1. Possible formation of pressure sores

Due to the fact that below the level of injury, the skin loses sensitivity (that is, a person does not feel cold, warm and especially pressure), in some places, bedsores (ulcers) can be formed, which are much more difficult to treat than prevent. Proper skin care will help to avoid this scourge.

  1. Problems with the circulatory system

Damage to the spinal cord very often leads to impaired blood circulation, leading to the formation of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

Another problem can be constantly high blood pressure.

However, there are methods to combat these complications, and the attending physician or nurse must teach these methods, people who care for the patient.

Often after a CM injury, if the thoracic and abdominal muscles have suffered, it becomes difficult for people to breathe, they have a cough and / or shortness of breath.

In this case, the victims with paraplegia (paralysis of the lower limbs), there are almost no respiratory problems, but those with there was tetraplegia (paralysis of the whole body) it is almost always difficult to breathe fully, and this leads to various diseases lungs. Fortunately, there are medicines and other medical approaches that can cope with this problem.

  1. Change in muscle tone

Not always, but it happens that a person injured by SM, is faced with a change in muscle tone. Such changes are of two types:

  • uncontrolled spastic movements in the muscles;
  • lethargy and relaxed muscles.

Usually, after the acute manifestations of CM trauma have passed, a person will more or less get used to his position and calm down, he begins to eat as he did before the accident.

However, if before his diet did not cause weight gain, because he was moving, now the old diet can lead to a set of excess weight and obesity, which, in turn, will cause the development of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

To eradicate this problem, you should talk with a nutritionist who will detail this diet, every day of the week, which will allow an immobilized person to get the right amount of calories and not to get better.

  1. Constant painful sensations

Some patients with CM trauma experience constant pain in the muscles and joints.

Such pains are called neuropathic and most often they are experienced by people with incomplete damage to SM.

That is, to some extent, pain is a good sign, giving hope for recovery. Sometimes such a pain is removed with acupuncture.

Depression visits almost all patients with spinal cord injury. This can be understood and it is possible to fight this. Usually a good work of a therapist and a properly selected antidepressant drug therapy cope with this problem.

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Recovery after a CM injury is a long and very laborious process, both for the patient himself and for people caring for him.

A person who has received such serious damage as trauma to the spinal cord faces a choice - to go with the flow and lie in his bed or try to give himself a chance to get back on his feet.

Usually, the neurosurgeon gives a go-ahead at the beginning of the rehabilitation measures. This means how much the surgeon is sure of the stability of the spine operated on by him, so early that he is allowed to begin rehabilitation.

Unfortunately, it is not always realistic, during the operation, to stabilize the broken spine so that the patient begins the next day to perform exercise therapy.

In addition, everyone regrets the victim who suffered such a serious injury and no less serious operation, and I want to give a person a little "to lie back so to speak for the restoration of forces - this is wrong decision.

If the rehabilitation physician has sufficient qualifications, he will find what to do with the patient even when he has just come out of anesthesia.

A source: http://spina-sustav.ru/pozvonochnik/travma-spinnogo-mozga-prognoz-i-vosstanovlenie.html

Rehabilitation after spinal cord injuries

Trauma of the spinal cord is a destructive factor for the patient and his loved ones. With a spinal injury, there is no realization of the movement function, the connection between the brain and the body is interrupted. However, not only the part of the body is injured above the point of damage.

Developed and uncomfortable sensations in the lower part, spasmodic reactions. Many body functions that occur without conscious control, such as bowel movements, urination, become impossible or occur spontaneously.

The rehabilitation clinic in Germany offers measures for the regeneration of tissues after a spinal cord injury.

The spinal cord looks like a cylinder, the diameter is equal, see. From it leaves more than 30 nerves, which stretch to the chest, stomach, legs and arms of man. The spinal canal is surrounded by a bone structure and a special muscular tissue that is designed to protect it from injuries and damage.

Causes of spinal cord injury

Damage to the spinal cord may occur due to:

  • falling from a height or an accident;
  • blows;
  • tumors;
  • aneurysm of blood vessels;
  • congenital and postnatal abnormalities in the structure of the spinal cord;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • infections.

Symptoms of spinal cord injury

The symptomatology of traumatic injuries of the spinal cord is expressed in different ways, the upper or lower part of it is damaged, often paralysis of hands and feet occurs (damage to the first and second vertebra). The patient also loses the ability to breathe independently, and he is forced to connect to the artificial respiration apparatus. The main symptoms include:

  • partial / total loss of sensitivity (the patient does not respond to changes in temperature and tactile sensations);
  • burning;
  • pain syndrome;
  • loss of control of the genitourinary system;
  • difficulty breathing.

There is another set of symptoms, they are called critical. These factors include:

  • curvature of the back / neck;
  • paralysis of some parts of the body;
  • loss of coordination;
  • a feeling of numbness in the hands and feet;
  • temporary loss of consciousness.

The main signs of disruption of the spinal cord include:

  • Distortion - this is a complete or partial rupture of vertebral ligaments without displacement;
  • bruises;
  • damage or fracture of the roots of the spinal cord, transverse / spinous processes.

Varieties of injuries and ways of rehabilitation

Rehabilitation of the spinal cord is complicated by, that the muscles eventually atrophy and can make rehabilitation impossible. But if in other pathologies of the nervous system, recovery can not occur, with spinal injuries it is necessary and effective.

  • Segmental. Often, patients after trauma require the recovery of individual segments. For example, a person can be afflicted with two vertebrae, responsible for the movement of the forearm or wrist. Rehabilitation will help restore their activity in 3-4 months.
  • Rehabilitation of bonds with methylprednisolones. It is used for patients who have a global impairment of the functions of the spinal cord and spine. If the patient receives a group of steroid drugs within 7-8 hours after the injury, recovery is faster and more efficient by 20%. If the damage was incomplete, and the patient received a dose of steroids in the first day, 50 to 75% of the lost functions were restored.
  • Postural reflexes. When the spinal cord is affected, it is difficult or impossible to control the movements of the trunk. However, after several months of hard work and training, you can partially regain control.
  • Straightness ability. After a spinal cord injury, patients can not move independently. Only 5% of patients achieve the ability to move. Chances appear if the injury was incomplete. In the process of rehabilitation, axons crossing the trauma sites can be restored. Even a slight regeneration gives hope for the rehabilitation of many functions.
  • Macrophages and their transplantation. Active macrophages are secreted from the blood and transplanted into the spinal cord. Studies have shown that rehabilitation is performed more successfully by 5% if the patient received a portion of macrophages within 2 weeks after the injury.
  • Stimulation by an electric current. The alternating current improves the patient's condition and promotes the rapid regeneration of tissues.
  • Neo-trophin. The growth factor of nerve cells increases the chances of recovery and promotes regeneration.

Treatment of spinal trauma

Rehabilitation after a spinal cord injuryIt is carried out only after clarifying the severity of the existing changes.

If there is a fracture of the spine, that is, complete damage to the spinal cord, the "fragments" from the bones damage the soft brain tissue, which causes the death of some of the nerve cells.

The rest is killed due to lack of oxygen or a self-destruct program.

Treatment and rehabilitation are based on what cells have been affected. The severity of the injury depends on how quickly and correctly rendered medical care.

Since after the injury occurs cell death occurs, specialists introduce drugs that prevent this process.

Next, an operation is performed, the purpose of which is to remove all vertebral fragments.

The next step is the restoration of blood circulation, since oxygen must flow unhindered to the injured part of the spine. At this stage of treatment it is important to maintain the muscles in tone.

Since the spinal cord is turned off during severe injuries, it is impossible to check the presence or absence of reflexes, the muscles are supported by electrical impulses.

After the end of spinal shock, the patient's body is divided into two parts: autonomous and controlled. Proceeding from this, a second, more prolonged stage of treatment begins.

Rehabilitation after a spinal injury

Rehabilitation after spinal trauma takes from several months to 2 years

Unfortunately, the restoration of the spinal cord occurs very slowly, and then, if there has not been a complete rupture. If the latter occurs, regeneration becomes impossible, and the patient's life changes forever.

Give any forecast and advise the typerehabilitationcan only the neurosurgeon after the MRI. In the event that cells regenerate, rehabilitation begins to include many factors at once, for example:

  1. Nutrition and compliance with the regime;
  2. Carrying out of diagnostics;
  3. Carrying out massage and physiotherapy exercises;
  4. Medicamentous therapy;
  5. Psychological adaptation;
  6. Physiotherapy, acupuncture.


The main importance during rehabilitation after traumas of the spinal cord is played by physical methods. The leading methods used in this direction:

  • gymnastics in the water;
  • idiomotor exercises;
  • a selection of body positions in which it will be convenient to perform exercises;
  • passive gymnastics;
  • devices designed to reduce friction.

Therapeutic exercises after a spinal cord injury perform many functions:

  • restores blood flow;
  • normalizes breathing;
  • normalizes the psychological state;
  • prevention of atrophy of extremities and bedsores;
  • development of compensation skills;
  • maintenance of muscles in tone.

At an early stage of rehabilitation after a spinal injury, classes for patients are performed lying on the back, abdomen or in a lateral position. Later classes are allowed in a pose on all fours.

In the later stages, the equilibrium is trained in the sitting position, then standing. At the closing stage, it is possible to hold the standing position or the straight-line with the use of supporting apparatuses.

The patient is building his own personal rehabilitation program after spinal cord injuries. The program assigns the following tasks:

  • toning of the remains of muscle mass;
  • active influence on adjacent muscles;
  • creation of substitutive functions in the body.

When preparing the program, the doctor evaluates the prospect of rehabilitation. The first task of rehabilitation measures is to provide the patient with self-service skills. This can help robot-assisted therapy.

If the patient has mastered walking with the help of support devices, the next step is moving with the help of bars and special shoes. After discharge from the health facility, the recovery continues at home, and walking is carried out using crutches, walkers, walking sticks, etc.

The success of the rehabilitation program depends on the efforts of the patient himself and the qualification of the doctor. The latter in German clinics is not questioned.

A source: http://www.klinikum-friedrichshafen.com/reabilitacija/reabilitacija-posle-travm-spinnogo-mozga.php