The knees hurt after training, what should I do?

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  • 18 reasons why knee pain after training - what to do and what to treat, if they ache and swell?
    • 1.11. Overtraining
    • 1.22. Age-related tissue changes
    • 1.33. Injuries
    • 1.44. Inflammatory processes in the joint
    • 1.55. Overweight
    • 1.66. Incorrect exercises
    • 1.77. Incorrectly selected shoes
    • 1.88. Genetic malformations or diseases of the musculoskeletal system
    • 1.9Take care of your knees in a timely manner
  • 2Why, after training, does the knee ache: what to do with the knee joint
    • 2.1Why there are pains in the knees
    • 2.2What to do to get rid of knee pain
  • 3Why there are pains in the knees after exercise (load): what to do, how to treat
    • 3.1Possible reasons
    • 3.2Symptoms
    • 3.3Diagnostics
    • 3.4Treatment
    • 3.5First aid
    • 3.6Medication and physiotherapy
    • 3.7Massage, exercise therapy and surgery
    • 3.8Prevention
  • 4What to do if the knees hurt after training
    • 4.1Causes of pain

8 reasons why knee pain after training - what to do and what to treat, if they ache and swell?

To the beginning of active sports or fitness we come with different natural inclinations, physical abilities, and sometimes with existing diseases or inclination to them.

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To exercise strengthened health, and not vice versa, individual selection of loads is necessary. But even with this condition, you can often hear complaints of pain in the joints.

And more often than others, the biggest and most complex of them is the knee. Why knee pain after training - what to do and what to treat? What caused this pain, can you get rid of it and how? Let's understand together.

Common talk about the fact that training through pain is the norm -a dangerous delusion.

Especially if it becomes regular or impassable and intensifies from occupation to occupation.

The reasons for the pain in the knees after training the legs and possible options for getting rid of suffering are several.

1. Overtraining

If you regularly experience sports overloads and still eat irrationally, you do not to avoid deepening degenerative-dystrophic processes in the most vulnerable joint of our body - knee.

After all, although it is a unique mobile structure that withstands the mass of our body and the load during movement, its possibilities are not unlimited.

Internal inflammation of the muscular and connective tissue of the jointcan, with careless attitude, result in complete destruction of cartilage and deformation of bones.

If the pains are of a regular nature, after each workout:

  1. Apply to the knees cold for 10-15 minutes, it will prevent swelling of soft tissues. The procedure can be repeated several times a day.
  2. Lying on your back, raise your legs above the level of the heart, placing a roller under the knees. This will remove the puffiness of the joint.
  3. Next morning, use painkillers and warming ointments and gels to relieve the pain symptom and activate blood circulation.

If the pain lastsmore than two days,it makes sense to take a number to the orthopedist.

Be sure to readwith 7 exercises from fat in the knees.

Important!Performing strength exercises inevitably injures the knee, but in a healthy person it is soon completely restored.

But overtraining - along with such factors as age, heredity, Infectious and inflammatory diseases, metabolic disorders, malnutrition - reduces ability to recover.

And pathological changes, gradually accumulating in tissues, can develop into a chronic disease, accompanied by constant pain.

2. Age-related tissue changes

Statistics are a stubborn thing, and it shows that after 30 years people suffer from knee injuries many times more often.The reason is simple - the body reduces the production of collagen.This is a natural process, and you can not argue with nature.

It can be recommended from time to time to take courses of gelatinous and collagen-containing drugs to restore cartilage, strengthen ligaments and bones, reduce pain in the joints.

Periodically pass courses of physiotherapy (electrophoresis, amplipulse, massage, etc.). All this, as you understand, should be supervised by an experienced and proven physician.

A good recovery resultshows the Taoist technique of "Walking on the knees recommended by Dr. Bubnovsky.

3. Injuries

Any mechanical damage to the joint - bruises, sprains, tears, bone injuries - require a doctor's examination.

Only he will be able to diagnose, find a problem, suggest an acceptable option for treatment or prevention.

There are times when you do not need training anymore, but urgent and serious treatment.

The area of ​​pain can be different.

For example,when stretched or brokenanterior cruciate ligament the knee, as well as the hip joint lose stability and become excessively mobile; cushioning reserves of legs, their ability to bend is reduced with full or partial trauma of the meniscus, stretching intermenarial ligaments.

Pain under the knee from behind can givetrauma of femur and jamming of nerve rootswith osteochondrosis in the lumbar region.

To prevent injury, do not forget:

  • About the warm-up before training and exercises for stretching the muscles and ligaments of the legs above the knees after it. Do not regret time, optimally - 10-20 minutes. This will help maintain the flexibility of the joint. But remember: severe pain is unacceptable, only a feeling of mild tension and burning;
  • On the immobilization of joints.The bandage of elastic 2-meter bandages will save your knees from many troubles. How to reel the leg, the coach will tell.

4. Inflammatory processes in the joint

Start the processes of inflammation can be repeated bruises and joint damage, infection, vitamin deficiency and other metabolic disorders, systematic physical overload, diseases of the nervous system, reduced immunity, hereditary predisposition, hypothermia, allergic reactions, overweight, smoking.

But in sportsmen inflammatory diseases more often -consequence of injuriesknees, as well as elbows.

This bursitis (inflammation of the joint of the knee, in neglected cases without treatment entails the atrophy of all the muscles around it), synovitis (accumulation of fluid in the joint cavity, which inhibits movement, gives fever and acute pain and leads to arthrosis), tendonitis (inflammation tendons).

In these casesself-treatment is unambiguously excluded.Do not pull with the treatment in the clinic - do not drive the disease into a chronic phase.

Compresses, ointments and lotions - only on the advice of physicians.

Especially it is not recommended to carry out treatment at home, if it is a child.

But for preventionvery good fit "Walking on your knees with 6 useful properties which can be found here.

5. Overweight

It should be remembered: every extra kilogram of fat deposits responds at the knee joint with a 6-fold load.

Do your physical training
, get acquainted with the complex of the 7 best weight-loss exercises for the week.

Watch for food, but do not overdo it with the diet. In pursuit of weight reduction, you can unintentionally "rob" your body of the necessary vitamins and minerals.

6. Incorrect exercises

Traumatic stress and pain appear if:

  • strength exercises are excessive and give a load on the knee joints, which exceeds the level of physical training of a person;
  • the athlete distributes the load inefficiently, while the friction under the kneecap becomes stronger and causes pain;
  • The technique of performing exercises in the gym is incorrect, for example, a typical habit of rising with the weighting to fully unbend the knees repeatedly increases the traumatic pressure on them.

To determine the cause, do a brief analysis:at what point in the training, during which exercise you started to bother your knees. Consider the technique and weight - if necessary, make adjustments or select alternative exercises with less stress on the joint.

Be sure to read the correct technique for performing such traumatic exercises as:

  • Squats;
  • Various Impairments;
  • Deadlift.

Also, if kneeling after training is constant:

  1. Exclude from training "hock" exercises, where both feet come off the floor - jumping, running, aerobic loads on the platform.
  2. Try to choose and perform exercises with less weight, but greater amplitude - this will improve the cellular nutrition of the joint and restore damaged structures.

7. Incorrectly selected shoes

If you perform dynamic exercises in poor-quality orthopedic or not your shoe size, setting your foot will be wrong, and the load distribution will be uneven.

Choose the right sports shoes.

8. Genetic malformations or diseases of the musculoskeletal system

The first can be attributed, for example,flat feet.It causes the kneecap to turn inward as it moves, which causes the person pain.

The beginning of the development of diseases can give untreated injuries in the past, complications after infectious diseases. As an example, we can citearthritis and arthrosis.

In the first case, the cartilage is destroyed, performing an amortization function and ensuring the sliding of the joint components.

Its consequences are gradually increasing chronic pain in the knee up to disability, deformity of the joint.

At first the knee swells up, the skin around turns red, it hurts.

But arthrosis begins with a crunch, morning numbness and limited knee action, progresses until the shape of the leg changes.

If you find yourself experiencing similar symptoms, without delaying,begin treatment.

Another 7 reasons to learn from the video:

What does it mean if the knee is swollen after training?

Puffiness and pain in flexion is a symptom typical of several pathologies. It can be:

  • injury;
  • exacerbation of arthritis or arthrosis;
  • inflammation of the joint.

In addition, that the knee is swollen, it can blush, hurt with pressure.

The character of the pain is also different - aching, cutting, pulling, and it can appear right after training, at night or in the morning, at rest or in motion.

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Also, you may have a fever, either locally or throughout the body. All these are symptoms that you will need to describe duringvisit to the doctorfor correct diagnosis.

Take care of your knees in a timely manner

Even if you are not at all worried about your knee joints, you need to take preventive measures so that this does not happen as long as possible. Even if you just crunch your knees very hard after training while flexing, that's an excuse. And if they are already sick - then even more so.

For prevention,load yourself gradually,without jerks, taking into account the level of physical fitness and health, "second wind" of beginners - not an occasion to overload.

Do not forget aboutmedical examinationswith repetition of the same uncomfortable conditions and about proper nutrition.

Eat foods with high contentminerals and vitamins,After all, then the necessary salt for the joints, microelements, and water are removed from the body.

Many fruits and vegetables, meat, fish and dairy products, as well as, -2 liters of waterin a day - and your knees will thank you for a long and trouble-free service.

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Why, after training, does the knee ache: what to do with the knee joint

Why do the knees ache after training, what to do in such cases? These questions are often asked by doctors and professional athletes, and amateurs. To give them exhaustive answers, you first need to understand what knee joints are.

In fact, these are analogs of mechanical hinges. The bony planes rub against each other, as a result of this the bone and cartilaginous tissue, with which the joints are covered, gradually wears out.

In the body, a special substance glycosaminoglycan is produced, through which the deterioration of worn tissues takes place. This process is facilitated by other natural substances - chondroitin and glucosamine.

When doing physical exercises and actively practicing sports wear of tissues in the joints is accelerated, and the process of glycosaminoglycans is much slower. The combination of these factors leads to negative consequences of various kinds and painful sensations in joints.

Knee joints are the most complex in their structure. They include the longest bones of the lower limbs, which serve as a lever. The knee joint consists of three bones:

  • patella;
  • tibia;
  • femur bone.

Why there are pains in the knees

After training, pain in the knees may result from:

  1. previous trauma (stretching, dislocation or stroke);
  2. disproportionate load;
  3. non-compliance with safety rules;
  4. improper exercise.

If the pain has arisen after the run, the first time, this phenomenon is quite natural and there is no reason for concern.

According to doctors and some coaches, the muscle pain that has arisen after exercise is useful and is an indication that the body has taken a sufficient dose of exercise.

If the pain has arisen in a trained person, its cause must be sought.

Pain in the tendons and ligaments can be triggered by trauma, which results in excessive stretching. Pain sensations within the articulation can be caused by arthritis, in which a large amount of fluid accumulates in the joint cavity.

And the pain, accompanied by swelling or swelling, can occur not only during movement, but also when feeling the joint.

Such pain can be a consequence of arthrosis. This disease due to repeated microtrauma is accompanied by destruction of the articular cartilage.

That's why pain can arise.

Any pain in the knee joints sooner or later. Especially prone to pathology are athletes engaged in:

  1. football;
  2. struggle;
  3. mountain skiing;
  4. tennis;
  5. gymnastics;
  6. power sports (lifting weights, bodybuilding, weightlifting).

Damage to the external ligaments of the knee joint is often caused by its unnatural position, which can provoke a partial or complete rupture. Diarthrosis is bent to the right and left, instead of moving only back and forth.

Pain syndrome can be caused by rupture of ligaments.

The joint thus becomes unstable, in relation to the thigh, the shin can move according to the principle of the drawer.

If the cause of the pain is knee ligament injury, for a professional athlete this is very serious, since his career may end there.

Damage to the meniscus is another cause of joint pain. Pathology can have a mechanical nature, that is, it is the result of direct action, for example, impact or prolonged abrasion of the knee joint.

In this case, the pain arises suddenly, after an unsuccessful movement. The joint can jam because of the fragments of the meniscus.

This situation is characterized by the fact that movements in the joint due to severe pain become impossible.

Knees can hurt after running, jumping or riding a bicycle. It is especially bad if the athlete has a lot of weight. If the cartilage is damaged, the movements are accompanied by a crunch.

What to do to get rid of knee pain

First of all, you should consult a doctor. The temporary measures of anesthesia include the use of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), including: ibuprofen, nimesulide, diclofenac.

The dosage indicated in the appointment should not be exceeded, since this drug group may cause a number of serious side effects, such as kidney failure and gastric bleeding.

Admission of NSAIDs should be performed within 15 days, after which the treatment should be discontinued, and the chondoprotectors should be left. The composition of chondoprotectors include glucosamine and chondroitin - substances that repair articular cartilage.

For glucosamine the following effects are characteristic:

  • stop the process of destruction of damaged cartilaginous tissue;
  • stimulation of recovery;
  • removal of swelling in the joints;
  • relief of pain syndrome and excessive joint sensitivity.

Chondroitin promotes the absorption of fluid by the cartilage. This fact is very important, since it is the liquid that provides the cartilage tissue with nutrients and is able to make it elastic.

Taking on the role of building material, chondroitin prevents the destruction of cartilaginous tissue and becomes in place of the lost. Despite the high effectiveness of treatment with hondoprotectors, their long-term use can lead to the development of diabetes mellitus.

If the ligaments and tendons are broken or stretched, you can resort to the method of heating the joints, but you can do this only if:

  1. from the moment of injury there occurred at least three days;
  2. the knee skin is not hot;
  3. there is no high temperature (local and general);
  4. the condition of the victim is satisfactory.

Articular pain in the knees, caused by training, today is treated with the help of special sports complexes. You can start the exercises only after the doctor gives you permission.

The principle of curative physical education is that when the focus of inflammation is removed, the muscles should not stagnate, they need to be constantly trained. However, it is prohibited:

  • squat;
  • perform flexion and extension;
  • walk for a long time;
  • exercise movements that lead to intense pain.

To begin such exercises for a knee joint is recommended in a prone position. First, the muscles of the hip are exposed to development. The limb should be straightened and raised until it is possible without pain.

Then follows the gymnastics, which strengthens the muscles of the foot. For this, they actively move their fingers and perform rotational movements with their feet. Lastly, knee muscles are developed. Do it with extreme caution.

In complicated situations, in which conservative methods have not yielded results, they decide to conduct the operation. The objectives of surgical intervention can be as follows:

  1. stitching of a torn tendon or ligament;
  2. removal directly from the joint or from the joint capsule effusion (accumulated joint fluid);
  3. removal of parts of the damaged meniscus;
  4. removal of bones or fragments of cartilage that fall into the joints and move into them (such a fragment is called the "joint mouse");
  5. dissection of adhesions, the formation of which was caused by joint inflammation;
  6. patellar fixation with surgical manipulation;
  7. removal of the Becker cyst;
  8. removal of necrotic tissues, resulting from any pathology.

If the knee joint has received significant damage, and it is not possible to restore it, resort to the method of endoprosthetics, which consists in the replacement of the knee joint by implant.

Eating pain in the knee caused by gonarthrosis, and this is most often found, treatment can be carried out using a variety of folk methods.

For example, a cold prepared from beef knees and hooves. Cook it should be until the meat itself begins to fall off the bones. The resulting jelly should be eaten before eating 100 ml each.

A source:

Why there are pains in the knees after exercise (load): what to do, how to treat

Sometimes people who are actively involved in sports turn to a doctor with complaints of pain in the knees after physical exertion.

Before answering the question, why knees ache after training and how to get rid of unpleasant sensations, the doctor will try to understand the cause that provoked such a condition.

After all, it turns out that not only high physical exertion can cause pain.

Possible reasons

Those who want as long as possible to stay healthy and attractive know that without physical exertion it can not be achieved.

However, going to the gym, people do not always start to practice correctly.

As a result, even the standard load causes painful sensations in the joints.

Another reason for discomfort in the knees is a reassessment of their capabilities and a departure from the recommendations of the coach, in pursuit of the rapid effect of the sessions.

But we must remember that increasing the intensity, frequency and duration of training, can lead to injury to the joints, muscles and ligaments.

In this case, in some people, it manifests immediately in the form of acute pain, while in others the result of trauma can make itself felt after a while, having had time to pass into a chronic pathology.

Injuries and high loads are not the only reasons for which knees hurt after training. Unpleasant sensations can occur in people who have joint diseases associated with a violation of metabolic processes in the body:

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More information about the symptoms and treatment of gout is told by the rehabilitation physician Sergei Nikolaevich Agapkin:

  • Rheumatism.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.

In elderly people, knee pain can be a consequence of age-related changes in their body, resulting in reduced collagen production. Negative affect the condition of the joints may be overweight.


The pathology of the joints can manifest itself differently. Therefore, you need to learn to distinguish when the pain in the knee joint appears as a result of the natural processes that accompany the performance of the exercises from the signs of pathologies.

The pain in the muscles after exercising in the gym appears due to the accumulation of lactic acid in them.

Usually, such sensations occur on the day after the workout, and is accompanied by a general body fatigue.

A person does not experience acute soreness. Over time, these feelings disappear.


Too much stress can cause micro-ruptures of connective tissue, which leads to stretching of muscles, ligaments and tendons.

To such a condition, inflammation may join or degenerative processes begin, as a result of which bursitis, tendenitis and other pathologies of the joints develop.

In such cases, the patient is disturbed:

  • Aching with flexion-extension of the joint and other movements.
  • Edema.

Anesthesia doctor Mark Yakovlevich Galperin and neurologist Dmitry Shubin deal with symptoms and treatment of bursitis:

  • Redness of the skin in the knee area.
  • Unpleasant sensations during the palpation of the joint.

Among people who prefer to actively engage in sports, the most common knee injury is damage to the meniscus.

In such a situation, the cartilage plate is damaged, and the pain is felt in the area of ​​the joint space.

With a rupture of ligaments of the knee joint, a person can not commit any movement by the knee.


However, having felt pain after exercising fitness, one can not exclude the development of joint diseases, for example, arthritis. It is possible to suspect rheumatoid processes by the following signs:

  • Symmetry of joint damage.
  • Stiffness of the joint in the morning after sleep.
  • Deformity of the limb.

The development of gout may be indicated by the presence of tofus, the inflammation of the thumb on the foot or signs of urolithiasis. Arthritis during an exacerbation is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Pain.
  • Redness and swelling of the joint.
  • Limited mobility of the joint.
  • Increase in temperature in the place of development of pathology.

Of course, the development of such pathologies is not associated with sports, however, physical activity can increase morbidity and aggravate the course of the disease. Especially large loads are dangerous for osteoarthritis, which is characterized by such symptoms:

  • Start pain in the morning or after a long rest.
  • Limited mobility of the joint.

In the video, the doctor explains why the joints crunch:

  • Various sounds in the knee (crunch, clicks, etc.).
  • Deformation of the joint.


To understand why the knee is hurting after training, the doctor will prescribe a comprehensive examination of the body. To do this, use:

  1. Blood chemistry.
  2. Roentgen of the knee joint.
  1. Arthroscopy.
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging.


What to do if the knee is hurting after the workout, the doctor can tell after the diagnosis. To the course of treatment brought its results and the pain disappeared, the patient should at this time exclude any physical exertion.

The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor and depends on the cause of the onset of pain, the degree of pathology and the characteristics of the patient's body.

In some cases, it may be necessary to fix the joint with an elastic bandage or other device.

First aid

If, after training, there is pain in the knee, it is swollen, and the skin becomes hot and red, you need:

  1. Apply to cold place for 10-15 minutes. This will make it possible to stop the development of soft tissue edema. To prevent hypothermia of the joint, the ice pack should be wrapped in a dense tissue or towel. It is advisable not to keep the cold compress around the knee longer than 15 minutes, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the nervous sensitivity of the skin in the joint region.
  2. Lie on your back and lift your leg, in which after training you have unpleasant sensations above the chest. Thus, it is possible to adjust the outflow of accumulated liquid in the knee. During sleep under the leg behind the knee should be placed a pillow or roller from the blanket.
  1. The next morning you can use ointment or gel with analgesic effect. Preparations for local use warm the sick joint and stop the pain. The components that make up the ointments can penetrate deep into the joint tissues and improve blood circulation.
  2. If soreness does not disappear after a few days after exercise, you should always consult a doctor who will conduct the examination and prescribe the necessary treatment. If the damage is insignificant, it is sufficient for the patient to use anti-inflammatory drugs that are capable of eliminating the pain that arises after training.

Medication and physiotherapy

To eliminate pain in the knee after training, use medicines. What drugs are suitable for this, and how long they take depends on the degree of pathology. Typically, doctors recommend such medicines:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen). Medicines of this group can be given in the form of tablets or ointments for topical use.
  • Decongestants.

How does the drug actovegin you learn by watching the video:

  • Chondroprotectors (Chondroxin, Arthron).
  • Preparations for vascular strengthening (Actovegin).
  • Vitamin-mineral complexes.

What pills to drink and how to smear a knee after a workout for getting rid of pain will tell the doctor after determining the diagnosis. Self-medication can adversely affect the patient's condition, especially when it comes to treating a child.


Physiotherapeutic procedures, which are prescribed together with drug treatment, help speed recovery. They provide an opportunity to improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the area of ​​the affected joint. According to the patients' feedback, effective are:

  • Electrophoresis.
  • Paraffin applications.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Balneotherapy.
  • Wave treatment.

Massage, exercise therapy and surgery

An important condition for the full-fledged treatment of pain in the knee, which can occur after training, is a course of physical therapy. To do this, the doctor will advise you to perform certain exercises that help to eliminate inflammation, strengthen ligaments, etc.

To relieve muscle tension and improve blood circulation in the area of ​​the affected joint will help massage.

If conservative methods of treatment did not help to get rid of joint pain, the doctor can decide on the need for surgical intervention. The purpose of the operation can be:

  1. Stitching of damaged ligaments or tendons.
  2. Removal of fluid from the joint capsule.
  3. Removal of parts of the damaged meniscus.

The video shows an operation for arthroscopic resection of the meniscus:

  1. Dissection of adhesions that can form as a result of inflammation in the knee.
  2. Removal of the Becker cyst.
  3. Fixation of the patella.
  4. Removal of necrotic tissues, which could be formed due to various pathologies.


To avoid the appearance of pain in the knee during or after exercise, it is important to follow certain preventive measures:

  1. Always follow the recommendations of the trainer during the sport and observe the safety procedures.
  2. Before the beginning of classes, undergo a medical examination, during which the doctor will determine the level of allowable loads, and also tell you what to refuse during training.
  3. Adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. In the diet of people who are actively involved in sports, there must be enough nutrients. It is very important that in the daily diet there is a sufficient amount of protein products, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as foods with high protein (kefir, cottage cheese, milk, various cheeses) and collagen (jellies, jellies, cold dishes and other dishes, which include gelatin).
  1. It is important to follow the drinking regimen and drink at least 2 liters of pure still water every day. In doing so, during training, a person needs extra fluid.
  2. Refuse bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse).

These simple rules will help to avoid various problems that can occur in the knee joint during sports training.

However, if there was no discomfort in the knee, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and begin a comprehensive treatment.

This is the only way to prevent the development of serious problems with joints, which eventually lead to disability.

Why there are pains in the knees after exercise (load): what to do, how to treat Link to the main publication

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What to do if the knees hurt after training

"Sore knees after training, what to do?" - a question many sportsmen professionals and amateurs. To answer it, you need to understand what knee joints are.

They are analogs of a mechanical hinge, the planes of which rub against each other, as a result of which the cartilaginous and bony tissues, from which the joints are composed, gradually wear out.

The body restores them through special substances produced by glycosaminoglycans. This process is facilitated by other body substances - glucosamine and chondroitin.

When performing physical exercises, wear of the articular tissues is accelerated, while the production of curative glycosaminoglycans is slow, which causes various negative consequences, accompanied by pain.

The knee joint is the most complex in structure. It consists of the longest bones of the lower limb, performing the function of levers. There are three bones in it: the femoral, tibial and patella. In addition to these, condyles form, many ligaments and articular bags.

Causes of pain

Pain in the knees after training can be a consequence of trauma (stroke, dislocation, stretching), improper exercise, non-compliance with safety rules during training or disproportionate load.

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If the pain occurred after the first run, most likely - it hurts unusual muscles to it, which is perfectly normal.

According to some trainers and doctors, the muscle pain that occurs after exercise is useful and indicates that the body has undergone sufficient necessary load. If a person runs constantly, you need to look for the cause of the pain.

Pain in ligaments and tendons can be caused by their trauma due to overexertion. Pain syndrome inside the joint may indicate arthritis and congestion in its cavity intraarticular fluid.

In this case, arising after exercise and accompanied by inflammation and swelling, the pain can be felt both during movement and when palpating.

The cause of it can be arthrosis, in which the articular cartilage is destroyed due to repeated microtrauma.

Any athlete encountered pain in the knee, especially it is typical for injuries associated with such active sports as: mountain skiing, wrestling, football, gymnastics, tennis and other, as well as with its power types (bodybuilding, lifting weights, weightlifting), which are characterized by a thinning of the cartilaginous surface, leading to arthrosis.

Injury of the external ligaments of the knee joint is often caused by its movement in an unnatural direction, which causes a partial or complete rupture. The joint then starts to bend to the right and left instead of just forward and backward.

Pain can be caused by rupture of internal ligaments. In this case, the knee becomes unstable when the shin with respect to the thigh can move on the principle of a drawer.

If the cause of pain is a knee ligament injury, this is very serious for a professional athlete, since it can put an end to his career.

Another reason is damage to the meniscus. It can be mechanical, due to its prolonged abrasion, or be the result of direct impact, such as impact and so on.

In this case, the pain appears abruptly, after an unsuccessful movement. Sometimes the joint wedges because of the wounds of the damaged meniscus.

In this case, knee movements become impossible due to severe pain.

Sore knees after biking, running, jumping. It is particularly harmful if the athlete has a lot of weight. If the cartilage is damaged, there may be a crunch when moving.

How to get rid of pain

For pain in the knees after exercise, consult a doctor. Depending on the problem causing it, he will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Temporary measures of anesthesia can be non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - diclofenac, nimesulide, ibuprofen, etc.

This dose should not be exceeded, since this group of drugs can cause a number of side effects up to gastric bleeding and kidney failure.

After taking NSAIDs during the crescent, it should be stopped, leaving only nutritional supplements, which include joint cartilage restoring chondroitin and glucosamine.

Glucosamine stimulates the restoration of damaged cartilaginous tissue, stops the process of destruction, and establishes metabolic processes. It removes puffiness, relieves pain and removes the excessive sensitivity of the articulation.

Chondroitin promotes good absorption of cartilage fluid.

This is extremely important, since it supplies cartilage with nutrients and makes it elastic.

Chondroitin prevents the destruction of cartilaginous tissue, taking on the function of building material, becoming a new analogue of cartilage tissue in exchange for the lost.

Although these supplements are highly effective, there is a danger that prolonged use of them can lead to the development of diabetes mellitus.

In some cases with a painful syndrome after training, the knees can be warmed up, but it should be done only after consultation with the doctor and with such diagnosed diseases as gonarthrosis or chondromalacia. In these cases, when heating the knee joints, their blood supply improves, and the pathological process slows down somewhat.

When stretching, rupturing ligaments or tendons, joints can only be heated after three days from the time of injury, provided that there is no high temperature (both general and local), the skin of the knee is not hot, and the condition of the victim is not has worsened.

There are a number of special therapeutic exercises from joint pain in the knees caused by training. The time when it is possible to proceed to them and which ones to perform, can be prescribed only by the doctor, depending on the type of violation detected.

Their essence lies in the fact that the muscles must necessarily be trained when the inflammation subsides.

At the same time it is strictly forbidden to perform flexion and extension, sit-ups, walk for a long time, and also make movements that make the joint pain more intense.

The session of such exercises begins in a lying position.

First, the muscles of the hip are developed, for this the limb should be straightened and raised as high as possible and does not cause pain while holding as far as possible.

Then follow the exercises to strengthen the muscles of the foot. To do this, it makes rotational movements, actively stir the toes. The development of knee muscles is carried out very carefully and last.

At reception of anesthetizing agents it is strictly forbidden to continue to train in former volume without decrease in loading.

An athlete or a person engaged in fitness, after a medical consultation, you need to talk with your coach, so that he reduces the load and corrected the technique of performing the exercises.

Perhaps he will come to the decision that the patient should stop studying at all.

In severe cases, when conservative methods of treating the problem seem ineffective, they resort to surgical intervention.

Goals can be as follows: removal of accumulated joint fluid (effusion) directly from the joint, or from the surrounding articular bag; stitching a torn ligament or tendon; deleting a fragment of cartilage or bone that has got into the joint and moves in it (such a piece of tissue is called a "joint mouse"); removal of a meniscus that was damaged; patellar fixation by surgical manipulation; dissection of adhesions resulting from chronic joint inflammation; removal of dead tissue sites, which appeared due to some pathologies; cyst removal Becker. If the knee joint has suffered so much that it is not possible to restore it, an endoprosthesis is prescribed (replace it with an artificial analog).

If the cause of pain in the knees is gonarthrosis (which happens most often), it is possible to treat one of the many folk remedies (after a preliminary consultation with a doctor).

The recipe can be such as cooking holodtsa from beef hooves and knees. To cook it it is necessary until then, it's time the meat will not completely fall behind the bones.

The result is a jelly, which should be drunk for half an hour before eating 100 ml.


Any trauma, like any disease, is easier to prevent than to treat later, for this reason, every athlete should adhere to some simple rules to avoid annoying pain with subsequent walking through doctors. The rules are as follows:

  1. Knees should be kept warm.
  2. The technique of performing physical exercises must be carefully observed. For example, many young people are engaged independently, without the guidance of a coach, as a result of getting themselves problems with knee (and other) joints. Under the guidance of a qualified coach, the athlete will be individually selected the proper load, he will also track the technique of training.
  3. Each workout must be preceded by a warm-up. Neglect it in any case impossible, because due to the pre-heating increases muscle blood flow, tendons acquire greater extensibility, respiratory and cardiovascular system. All professionals adhere to the firm belief that the lack of warm-up leads to injury.
  4. You should use orthoses - special bandages, designed to fix joints. They do not allow the joint to make movements at an unnatural angle and contribute to the redistribution of the load, thereby protecting the joints.
  5. The load must be dosed. For rapid progress, it is not worth pursuing, because excessive loads, until the exercise is completely exhausted, does not help, only increasing the risk of traumatization.
  6. If a knee injury or other trauma was obtained during sports, the first thing to do is wrap it up with a stretch bandage, then apply for help to a doctor who examines the knee and, after assessing the nature of the damage, will tell you in what time period it is possible to remove the bandage to avoid loosening up the joint.
  7. Before performing exercises with squats, you must carefully warm the muscles of the lower extremities through other exercises. Squatting, you need to pay special attention to the fact that the hip and the foot should certainly be on the same line.
  8. When riding a bicycle, you need to make sure that the rate of torsion of the pedals is the same. Having left for the difficult part of the road, the speed should be reduced, while continuing to pedal at the initially set pace.
  9. An excellent preventive measure against pain in the knee joints is a sufficient volume of consumed liquid. It's about water, which should be drunk about 2 liters a day in cold weather. In the heat and physical exertion, the volume of water to be drunk should be increased. Also vital for joints is the vital fatty acid omega-3, abundantly contained in fish oil and in linseed oil. These components, when used, perform the role of lubricant in the body if it lacks these fats, which causes abrasion of cartilage tissue.

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