Cyst of conjunctiva: description, symptomatology, treatment methods

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The appearance of some neoplasm on the conjunctiva, accompanied by uncomfortable sensations, may indicate the occurrence of such a pathology as a cyst. Coping with this type of problem can be done by applying an integrated approach to it. Conservative treatment rarely gives sustained positive results.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication
    • 5.2Surgically
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

The conjunctival cyst is an epithelial formation on the eye, filled with fluid. As a rule, it has a yellowish or pinkish tinge and it is easy to see at a visual inspection.

Example of a conjunctiva cyst


Cysts often occur after a previous conjunctivitis or scleritis, as well as after receiving injuries and mechanical damage. Other common reasons include:

  • Use of strong drops for a long period;
  • Infections of the organs of vision;
  • Congenital eye diseases (microfluvium and others);
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Parasites;
  • The effect of pathogenic bacteria on the sclera of the eyes.
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To prevent the onset of the disease, it is especially important to carefully observe personal hygiene and do not touch the eyeballs with your hands.


Among the most characteristic symptoms are:

  • One or more visible neoplasms on the surface of the eye;
  • Discomfort, dull pain, foreign body sensation;
  • Corneal opacity;
  • Lachrymation;
  • Redness;
  • Sensation of pressure on the eyeball.

Typically, education is easily diagnosed by visual inspection, but often requires detailed study.

Possible complications

In the absence of timely treatment and growth of the cyst, a decrease in visual acuity may occur, and the mobility of the eye is limited.It is often possible pain and discomfort associated with the inconvenience of closing the eyelids, as well as the sensation of sand or a foreign body in the eye.All this can be accompanied by abundant lacrimation and frequent headaches.

Often develops a pterygium or pingvecula. Chromosis of the conjunctiva is also possible.


The diagnosis is made after a detailed ophthalmologic examination.After this treatment is appointed based on the severity of the problem and the magnitude of the cyst. In some cases, it dissolves itself.


Drugs that promote direct resorption of cysts have not yet been developed. However, in therapy, auxiliary eye drops are prescribed to relieve inflammation and other symptoms. In addition, that reducing the rate of progression problems can be used by corticosteroids and antibiotics.Also, medication is indicated after surgery to prevent complications and relapses.

Drops Dexa-Gentamicin have an anti-inflammatory effect


The most effective method of treating conjunctival cysts is surgical.It is indicated for large and progressive growths. In this case, part of the epithelium of the eye is removed along with neoplasm under local anesthesia.

Small cysts are cauterized with a laser device or excised with a radio wave knife.Operations are conducted under local anesthesia and last for a short time. After applying these methods, the risk of complications is minimal.

Do not expect an increase in growth, since the removal of a larger cyst and the rehabilitation process can be more painful. The likelihood of a relapse in this case is also high.


Most often, this type of disease is diagnosed in children.Therefore, the health of the child must be carefully monitored. To avoid the appearance of a conjunctiva cyst and reduce the risk of its relapse, it is necessary to observe the following rules:

  • To pass planned inspections at the ophthalmologist;
  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene and do not touch your eyes with your hands unnecessarily;
  • In time, remove cosmetics from the face and eyes, including before going to bed;
  • Carefully monitor the expiration date of funds for washing and decorative cosmetics.

Exercises to restore vision with myopia

How to do the operation on the eye laser will tell this article.

Drops for the eyes from fatigue and redness when working at a computer are described here.


If possible, it is recommended to use makeup as rarely as possible.



The cyst of the conjunctiva at appearance can not only spoil the appearance, but also deliver a lot of uncomfortable sensations. Education reduces work capacity and prevents the conduct of a familiar way of life. However, this pathology is treated quite simply and practically painlessly. The most important thing in this case is to call the doctor in time. In addition, it is quite easy to follow the rules of disease prevention.

Also read about what is episcleritis of the eye and uveitis.

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