Hand hurts: right or left, from shoulder to hand

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  • 1Why the arms hurt from the shoulder to the hand
    • 1.1What is pain?
    • 1.2Diseases characterized by pain in the hands
    • 1.3Pathology of the wrist zone
    • 1.4Changes in the elbow joint
    • 1.5Diseases of the shoulder region
    • 1.6Cervical spine roots - pain in the arm?
  • 2Pain in hand from shoulder to hand treatment
    • 2.1Causes of pain in the hands
    • 2.2Osteochondrosis of the cervical region, intervertebral hernia
    • 2.3Inflammation of the tendon and elbow joint
    • 2.4Arthritis
    • 2.5Osteoarthritis
    • 2.6Bursitis
    • 2.7Rheumatoid arthritis
    • 2.8Diagnosis of pain in hands
    • 2.9Treatment of pain in hands
  • 3Why does the left arm hurt and what kind of doctor should I contact?
  • 4All about pain in the hands
    • 4.1Causes
    • 4.2In the joints of the hands
    • 4.3In the palm of your hand
    • 4.4In the shoulder blade and arm
    • 4.5From shoulder to elbow
    • 4.6From elbow to hand
    • 4.7In the fingers of the hands
    • 4.8Pain in the heart, giving in the hand
    • 4.9The arm is numb and numb
    • 4.10Treatment

Why the arms hurt from the shoulder to the hand

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With pain in the upper limbs may encounter people of different ages and occupations, women and men.

As the clinical practice shows, the frequency of patients' complaints with complaints of pain in their hands is only not much lower than with pain in the lumbar spine.

Usually one hand, which is "working suffers; In this case, the pain sensations can be characterized as sudden and acute as well as chronic, tormenting the patient almost constantly.

A person can feel pain of varying intensity in the shoulder, forearm or hand, it is often combined with loss of skin sensitivity, a sense of "running goose" (paresthesia), impaired function of the joints of the upper extremities.

These symptoms are not specific, that is, do not indicate a specific pathology.

Only their complex, coupled with appropriate diagnostic measures, is important for determining the underlying disease that formed the pain syndrome.

What is pain?

Before considering the reasons for the pain of the arms from the shoulder to the hand, it is necessary to understand what pain is and how it is formed.

This knowledge will help to understand the many types of pain syndrome localized in the upper limbs or extending (irradiating) to the shoulder or hand.

In addition, understanding the problem can differentiate and a variety of diseases that "generate" pain in their hands.

The final formation of pain occurs in the brain

The human body has a huge number of nerve endings that play the role of receptors, which are intended to capture both changes in environmental factors and processes occurring in internal bodies.

Among these nerve endings, the most important role is played by pain receptors, signaling the negative, destructive effects and processes in the body. Their main task is to warn a person about the danger, so that he stops or reduces his further actions the effect of external traumatic stimuli or improved the condition of internal organs (i.e., started treatment disease).

Pain receptors are divided into two types. Some of them, called mechanonociceptors, instantly react to mechanical displacement of tissues, that is, to a traumatic effect.

They are localized in the skin, mucous membranes, subcutaneous fat, on the surfaces of muscle fasciae and articular bags. Other pain receptors, chemonociceptors, react to chemical stimuli and to alter the oxidative processes in the body.

They are in internal organs, in the walls of blood vessels, in the skin and mucous membranes.

When the receptors are irritated, localized in the structural elements of the upper limb, the signal about ill-health first enters the spinal cord.

This explains the very first, motor, reaction to pain: a person reflexively jerks the hand, squeezes the elbow or brush, if the source of pain signals in them.

Then the information goes to the appropriate parts of the brain, where the "awareness" of pain as such occurs.

Negative emotions are part of the complex reaction of the body to pain

At the same time, a multicomponent organism reaction is formed, responsible for the development of pain syndrome in the hand.

Along with the protective motor movement, sharply negative emotions and the corresponding response of the autonomic nervous system develop: increases blood pressure, accelerates the pulse, faster breathing, improves metabolism in the affected area of ​​the pathology of the upper extremities.

Pain signals come to the brain in various ways, which determines the division of pain into two types:

  • Projected.
  • Reflected.

If the nerve fibers themselves are damaged, in conjunction with irritation of the pain receptors, the pain is called projected and is characterized by suddenness, severity and high intensity.

For example, if the elbow is injured, the elbow joint is injured along with the radial or ulnar nerve, and the pain extends to all forearms and brushes.

The same phenomenon occurs in the case of squeezing the spinal roots of the cervical spine: the strongest pain syndrome is noted in the shoulder region of the hand and gives below.

Reflected pain is formed somewhat differently.

This name she received, as the pain sensations are noted by the patient far from the source itself, and this is mainly internal organs.

So, with heart diseases, it is not uncommon to feel a drawing pain in the arm from the shoulder to the hand, along the inner surface of the limb.

Different mechanisms of pain signals formation and participation of two types of receptors in this process are explained by the variety of pathologies in which patients suffer from pain from the arms to the hand. Therefore, the causes of the pain syndrome can consist both in the defeat directly of the uppermost limb, and in the disease of any internal organs.

Diseases characterized by pain in the hands

The nature of the pain syndrome may not be the same for different pathologies.

A person complains either of severe and sudden pain that passes after a while, or to chronic aching, with a slight intensity, tormenting him for a long time.

In any case, one never has to endure these pains in the hope that they will disappear and not be repeated. If the arm or arm hurts from a brachium and up to fingers it is necessary to address immediately in an out-patient department.

Very often the pain syndrome in the arm is formed in carpal syndrome

In diagnosing the causes that lead to pain in the left or right hand, the doctor pays attention to many important points.

He clarifies the nature of the patient's complaints, the duration and parameters of the pain syndrome, its spread over various zones of the upper limb, the involvement of the fingers of the hand (this is important for clarifying the lesion of the ulnar or radial nerve). In addition, the specialist should determine the functionality of the shoulder, elbow, wrist joints, as well as the joints of the hand, to determine the state of skin sensitivity and reflexes. Of no small importance is the general condition of the patient: the presence of acute inflammatory diseases and somatic chronic pathologies.

In this specialist, along with the examination, additional diagnostics helps: laboratory tests and instrumental examination.

The patient is assigned radiography of the joints of the upper limb, according to ultrasound, computer and magnetic resonance imaging.

Ultimately, the patient is given a final diagnosis and an effective treatment is prescribed.

Diseases flowing with pain in the arm from the shoulder to the hand - this is a vast group of pathologies. In their differential diagnosis it is convenient to use a division into several groups. Each of them corresponds to a certain area of ​​the upper limb:

  • wrist zone;
  • the elbow joint;
  • shoulder and shoulder joint;
  • brachial plexus;
  • spinal roots of the cervical spine.

Pathology of the wrist zone

The most frequent condition, which manifests itself in pain in the hands, is called carpal tunnel syndrome.

Its synonyms used in medical practice are tunnel syndrome (although this concept is broader and is used not only in relation to the upper extremities), carpal syndrome.

According to research, the frequency of pathology reaches 10%, with the majority of patients - women aged 40-60 years.

Monotonous repetitive movements of brushes often lead to the development of pain syndrome

On the inner side of the wrist zone, a bundle of tendons of the flexor muscles of the hand and fingers passes directly under the skin. Below them in the tunnel, formed by bone elements and a transverse ligament of the brush, is the median nerve.

It is his acute or chronic damage that causes the characteristic manifestations of carpal tunnel syndrome and explains why the arms ache.

An acute condition is formed after trauma, and chronic - as a result of monotonous repetitive movements of the hands.

Therefore, carpal syndrome is very often diagnosed in representatives of such professions as musicians, drivers, computer users, cashiers.

Permanent trauma of the median nerve with a ligament or tendons leads to the fact that the patient has a left or right armache (depending on whether he is left-handed or right-handed).

In addition to the wrist syndrome, the hand can be very painful if the muscles (myositis), the tendon sheath (tendovaginitis), the periarticular bags (bursitis) become inflamed in the wrist and hand area. Of course, the wrist will hurt greatly, and the pain will radiate into the wrist and forearm, if the wrist itself is damaged by a trauma or is affected by arthritis.

With bursitis, the pain in the elbow can extend to the entire arm

Changes in the elbow joint

Pain originating in the elbow, almost always gives to the shoulder, forearm and hand.

Its source can be both the structure of the elbow joint itself, and two nerves, the radial and ulnar, which pass near the epicondyle.

Lead to the damage of these structures is capable of acute or chronic injury, as well as pathological processes.

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Therefore, all the diseases in which the elbows of the left or right arm hurt, can be imagined as follows:

  • destruction of the joint and damage to the nerve trunks during injuries;
  • inflammation of the joint (arthritis), followed by arthrosis;
  • inflammation of the periarticular bags (bursitis);
  • inflammation of the epicondylitis (epicondylitis), often accompanied by neuritis.

Each of these pathologies is characterized by other signs. So, with arthritis, the elbow area is edematous, sharply painful, the skin over it blushes. Movement in the elbow is difficult or impossible, and the person's health is worsened due to the syndrome of intoxication (fever, severe weakness).

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With epicondylitis and, for example, radiation neuritis, severe pain along the radial nerve reaches the hand and fingers, combined with a worsening of skin sensitivity. The hand itself pale, several swells, and the functionality of the elbow and wrist joints sharply decreases.

Diseases of the shoulder region

The source of pain, which often "covers" the entire hand, can be a variety of pathology of the shoulder region:

  • arthritis of the shoulder joint;
  • bursitis;
  • tendonitis (inflammation of the tendons);
  • myositis.

Arthritis of the shoulder joint - one of the frequent causes of pain in the hand

In addition, from the inside of the shoulder joint, in the axillary region, the major blood vessels pass and half of the brachial plexus is located.

It is his irritation that signals pain, if the patient has specific lesions of the thoracic muscles (small pectoral muscle syndrome, anterior staircase syndrome, upper chest syndrome holes). These pathologies, in turn, can be combined with compression (compression) of blood vessels, which affects the state of circulation in the hand and causes the formation of paresthesias, as well as worsens skin sensitivity.

Cervical spine roots - pain in the arm?

Each group of nerves moving away from the spinal cord is designed to innervate certain parts of the human body.

Several pairs of nerve rootlets leave the cervical region of the spinal cord, the lower ones directly responsible for the condition of the upper limbs.

Therefore, any disease that affects these roots can cause pain syndrome and changes in sensitivity in the hands.

These pathologies are as follows:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • spondylosis (displacement) of cervical vertebrae;
  • spinal hernia in the cervical region;
  • fractures and dislocations of vertebrae;
  • swelling of the spine;
  • tuberculosis of the spine.

Often the pain with these diseases reaches the fingers and is characterized by high intensity, and active or passive movements in the neck increase or decrease it. The characteristic localization of foci with reduced sensitivity of the skin indicates a lesion of a certain pair of spinal nerves.

A neurologic examination with pain in the hands helps to correctly diagnose

Many different pathologies can lead to pain in the hands.

Among them - such serious diseases as spinal hernia, inflammation, swelling or trauma.

Therefore, if your hands get sick, you can not delay applying for help, otherwise the pathology will progress and greatly worsen the state of human health.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/diagnostika/pochemu-bolyat-ruki-plecha-do-kisti

Pain in hand from shoulder to hand treatment

Pain in the handcan have a different character - as well as the reasons that caused it, can be different.

Thus, pain in the joints of the hands can occur due to inflammatory processes or degenerative-dystrophic changes in the joints or tissues that surround them.

Pain in the hands can also be muscular or neurogenic in nature, and it is seldom possible to determine the cause that causes them.

That is why the answer to the questions"The fingers are aching, what should I do?"or"Does the arm hurt from shoulder to elbow, how to treat?"it sounds like this: "We need to seek medical help!".

Only a specialist can assign all the necessary studies and correctly diagnose, according to which and decide what to do in this or that case.

Do not dismiss and think thatpain in the handwill pass by itself, because it can be a sign of a systemic failure in the body, as well as a symptom of the disease.

For example,pain in the left handmay be one of the symptoms that indicate heart disease. That is why it is necessary as soon as possible, it is better to turn to specialists!

Causes of pain in the hands

As already mentioned,causes of pain in the handscan be very different.

Often they arise due to injuries: severe bruises, fractures of bones, sprains and ruptures of muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Oftenmuscles of arms hurtdue to excessive physical exertion, which led to overstrain of the muscle fibers. In addition, pain in the hands arises because of:

  • diseases of the joints (arthritis, arthrosis);
  • diseases of the periarticular tissues (bursitis, tendinitis, epicondylitis, periarthritis);
  • pinching of nerves (tunnel syndromes).

Osteochondrosis of the cervical region, intervertebral hernia

Osteochondrosis of the cervical region and its complications, including the intervertebral hernia, can lead to pinching of the nerve, which departs from the spinal cord and provides innervation of the hand.

Thus, depending on the place of pinching, pain occurs in the right or left hand. It manifests itself as a chamber from the shoulder to the toes.

The method of treatment in this case is aimed at eliminating the root cause of the disease.

Inflammation of the tendon and elbow joint

Such diseases as styloiditis (inflammation of the tendon in the area of ​​its connection with the bone) and tendonitis (inflammation of the tendon itself) are manifested in pain symptoms localized:

  • in radiocarpal joint - radial styloid;
  • in the elbow area - elbow styloiditis;
  • in the area of ​​the shoulder or elbow - tendonitis.

Pain with stiloidite is lomiaschey, aching nature and increases with physical exertion. With tendinitis, in addition to pain, limited mobility of the joint, local edema and redness are observed.

Epicondylitis - inflammation at the junction of muscle and bone in the elbow joint is manifested by pain, which is localized in the elbow area and is accompanied by weakness of the wrist. It is strengthened by the extension of the fingers and the movements of the hand.


Inflammatory processes in the tissues that cause arthritis are manifested by night pain that occurs between 3 and 5 o'clock in the morning. Even at rest, pain does not stop and is accompanied by a local one:

  • redness;
  • edema,
  • increase in temperature.


Osteoarthritis (thinning and gradual destruction of the cartilage of the joints) is characterized by increased pain symptoms during physical exertion. The pain is accompanied by a difficult movement and crunching.


With a disease such as bursitis (inflammatory processes of the periarticular synovial bag), pain occurs in the elbows of the hands and is accompanied by their swelling. In addition to severe pain in the hand, which restricts movement, there may be local redness of the skin and a rise in temperature over the area of ​​the joint.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is manifested by pains that are symmetric in nature and affect small joints. The first clinical manifestation of this disease is the feeling of morning stiffness of the joints.

Diagnosis of pain in hands

If you suffer from pain in your hands, contact the CTEL clinic. Our qualified specialists will conduct all necessary studies and accurately determine the cause of the disease.

Correctly to diagnose specialists TSELT helps:

If necessary, clinical methods of research aimed at detecting infectious and inflammatory processes in the body may be prescribed.

Treatment of pain in hands

Methods of treating pain in the hands directly depend on the causes that caused them:

  • Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical and intervertebral hernia is aimed at eliminating the root cause of the disease and includes:
  • various therapeutic and diagnostic blockades;
  • intravenous infusions of drugs;
  • radiofrequency ablation of individual nerves or joints.
  • Treatment of inflammation of the tendons and elbow joint includes shock wave therapy aimed at stimulating blood circulation, eliminating inflammatory processes and pain symptoms.
  • Treatment of arthritis requires the elimination of inflammation, which allows you to minimize pain manifestations.
  • Treatment of arthrosis is to improve the blood supply of articular tissues and stimulate the synthesis of collagen, which eventually reduces or completely eliminates pain.
  • The treatment of bursitis is primarily aimed at fixing the joint in one position. It provides medication, as well as massage and physiotherapy.

Experienced specialists of the multidisciplinary clinic TSELT have modern technologies of treatment that will solve the problem causing pain in the hand, restore working capacity and improve the quality life.

A source: http://lechimsjasami.ru/boljat-ruki-v-plechah/boli-v-ruke-ot-plecha-do-kisti-lechenie.html

Why does the left arm hurt and what kind of doctor should I contact?

Pain in the left arm can be caused by muscle inflammation, degenerative changes in the joints, have a neurogenic character or be a very dangerous cardiac symptom. In the latter case, pain indicates a myocardial infarction, emergency emergency care will be required.

Each cause has its own localization, duration, intensity and nature of the pain. Some reasons are acceptable to establish at home and promptly begin treatment before the visit to the doctor.

Muscular or neurologic manifestations can be eliminated completely, but degenerative changes in the joints usually go into the stage of remission and may after some time again disturb, in this case it is important prevention.

Pain is a sign of inflammation, it signals a problem in the body. Depending on the location and nature, you can start preliminary treatment yourself, speeding up the recovery process.

Inside the spine is the spinal cord. In each intervertebral space, a pair of spinal cord spines are located, which are sent to the innervation of a specific part of the body.

As a result of dystrophic and degenerative destruction of the cartilaginous base of the disc, the channel lumen narrows. The nerve bundle passing through them can be impaired, as a result of which painful sensations develop along the course of the nerve endings.

The pain has a localization from the vertebrae of the cervical to the fingertips.

Changes in the intervertebral discs differ in degree of severity, as a result, the disease also differs, which leads to pain in the hand.

Degrees of disc damage:

  • Osteochondrosis is an initial lesion of cartilage.
  • Protrusion - protrusion of cartilage up to 3-4 mm.
  • Herniated disc - an irreversible lesion of cartilaginous tissue, possibly with rupture of intervertebral disc integrity.

In the first two cases, the pain is constant, noisy, with periodic exacerbations. It is easy to treat, corrected by curative gymnastics and other preventive measures.

With herniated disc treatment takes more time, often takes several months. After the main course of therapy, patients are sent to a sanatorium-resort or restorative treatment.

The pain is markedly harsh, often receding only after surgery.

The intensity of pain is variable. At the initial stages of osteochondrosis, fingers grow numb, a person does not even pay any attention to it, although it's time to take action.

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The first bells about the onset of degenerative changes in the cartilage are not even pain, but a feeling of discomfort and "twisting" in the shoulder and forearm. A sharp, throbbing pain, with or without movement, requires immediate medical attention.

If it is a question of an osteochondrosis or a hernia of a disk, then this is an infringement of a nerve. Qualified help is required.

Inflammation of the tendon (tendinitis) or its connection with the bone (stiloiditis) is accompanied by aching, persistent pain, a feeling of weakness in the hand, or even restriction of movements in the forearm. The soreness in the projection of the tendon is locally felt, the skin is swollen and reddened.

With tendinitis, the pain increases mainly with physical exertion. Unpleasant sensations along the tendon are determined by flexion and extension in the wrist, ulnar joints. Treatment requires an integrated approach.

Inflammation of the joint of the phalanx of the finger or shoulder is an acute process, accompanied by strong and intense pains, which are sharply increasing even with minor movements.

Acute arthritis involves local edema of the skin above the joint area, swelling and mobility restriction. Arthritis can only be confused with bursitis. In the first case, the joint itself is affected, in the second, the articular bag.

Usually bursitis occurs against the background of arthritis. Isolated bursitis is a very rare phenomenon.

The defeat of the same area with the inflammatory process has a similar clinical picture, therefore it is often taken as a single disease. The medical tactics of conducting such patients are somewhat different, but the principles are common in the pre-hospital stage in terms of drug treatment.

In part, too, damage to the joint, but non-inflammatory nature. Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cartilaginous tissue inevitably lead to the destruction of the joint.

The disease is of a systemic nature, that is, if one joint hurts initially, then the pain spreads later.

Osteoarthritis can affect small or large joints, as a result of which the left arm hurts in the projection of the elbow or shoulder joint or in the area of ​​the hand.

The intensity of pain can be different. Constant aching and shooting pains in the projection of the affected joint with lumbago along the muscles and tendons are concerned only during an exacerbation or in the late stages of the disease.

It is never completely cured, with proper complex therapy it is possible to achieve only a stable remission. Osteoarthritis is seasonal in nature, usually in autumn and spring.

Pain can build up after intense physical exertion.

Distinctive features of arthrosis from all other diseases is crepitation (crunching, scratching) in the affected joint during movements, stiffness in the morning or after a long stay in one position.

Patients in whom such a disease lasts for many years, have their own methods and principles of treatment, helping to avoid another exacerbation.

Osteoarthritis requires constant attention from the patient, treatment and prevention are carried out even during remission.

Tunnel syndrome occurs as a result of prolonged use of a computer mouse or any other work with a load on the wrist or arm.

After work there is a bursting pain along the nerve, which is pinched.

Usually it passes independently after some time or after a gymnastics and relaxing massage.

Violations of innervation at the wrist level will give aching pain of a permanent character in the wrist. Weakness and muscle fatigue, even with a slight physical stress on the brush - a distinctive feature of this localization.

At the level of the elbow joint, the ulnar, radial and median nerves are pinched.

In this case, the pain has a diffuse character, muscle weakness is felt, but the lumbago and sensitivity of soft tissues along the nerve are not excluded.

In a situation where the left arm hurts from the shoulder to the hand, we can assume the syndrome of the anterior staircase.

In the process, the cervical spine is also involved, at the level of the 6-7th cervical vertebrae.

Stiffness in movement, sharp soreness and muscle spasm throughout the entire arm, muscle weakness and cold brush indicate this syndrome.

Pain passes through all the nerve roots that come out of the intervertebral discs of the 6th and 7th vertebrae, so the pain the syndrome extends all over the arm, from the fingertips to the neck, including in the elbow fold with the inner side.

In case of a bruise, fracture, burn or any other damage, it is necessary to urgently consult a trauma doctor or surgeon.

In some cases, the pain in the left arm is not expressed in the first day, having an increasing character as posttraumatic complications develop: swelling, inflammation, etc.

It is important to exclude plexitis - a defeat of the brachial plexus, otherwise the consequences can be very serious, up to loss of sensitivity or motor function in the entire arm. Trauma at the level of the elbow gives a loss of sensitivity or motor ability up to the brush.

Pain due to problems with the heart is different localization, it comes from the chest and shoots both in the arm, and in the lower abdomen, the lower jaw.

A heart attack is accompanied by sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness and severe weakness. Usually the condition arises sharply, the pain is lightning fast.

Usually it all begins with a referral to the therapist. Even if he is not able to cope with the disease on his own, he will send to a specialized specialist by conducting a preliminary examination.

The cardiologist pain in the left arm does not treat, but will help to exclude a stenocardia or a threatening myocardial infarction. They are much more serious problems with the joints and soft tissues of the left arm.

When getting injuries and burns, you should immediately call the emergency room. Disturbed can also chronic injuries, for example, with the wrong fusion of the fracture.

Neurologist - all lesions of the spinal cord and nerve endings on any of the levels are treated by this specialist. With prolonged harassing pain, his consultation is necessary in any case.

The surgeon, even at the polyclinic level, is able to help: open the abscess, inject into the joint cavity or help in the treatment of the inflamed tendon.

Before visiting a doctor, you can conduct a number of independent diagnostic procedures that will help you to determine the symptoms of the disease.

The revealed reason will help to find out, how urgently it is necessary to address to the expert.

Pain associated with the heart or trauma requires immediate examination, but in the presence of chronic joint pain, you can enroll in a specialized specialist in a planned manner.

Methods of self-diagnosis:

  1. 1. The movements of the neck should be in full amplitude. If the pain increases or there are pulling discomfort in the arm when the head tilts or turns in the upper parts of the back, then the problem in the spine: osteochondrosis, spondylosis, disc hernia, infringement of the branch of nerve endings, e. The most common cause of pain in the left arm.
  2. 2. Pain that increases with movements in the shoulder girdle, speaks of shoulder arthrosis, arthritis, neuritis or damage at the level of the brachial plexus. The disease is not completely cured, goes into remission. At the first exacerbation, patients often take such pain for a heart attack, as localization and characteristic sharp lumbago are similar throughout the whole hand, up to the brush.
  3. 3. Any violation of sensitivity or mobility indicates the presence of neuritis. The level of lesion of the nerve bundle will show symptomatology. The manifestation of pain increases especially at night or in the evening.
  4. 4. Checking blood pressure with a tonometer and measuring the pulse will show whether there are any abnormalities at the level of the blood vessels. Loss and pressing pains in the hand, especially in the shoulder and forearm, can be a consequence of atherosclerotic lesions of the arteries. Risk group: smokers with experience, people with excess weight and high cholesterol.
  5. 5. It is necessary to scroll a few days ago and think carefully about whether there were injuries, hypothermia, drafts and other unobtrusive factors that could cause pain in the left arm.

In the medical institution, the doctor will offer you to take additional methods of research. The total clinical minimum for blood will show the presence of inflammation or impairment of the cardiovascular system.

Additional instrumental diagnostic methods are ultrasound of soft tissues of the hand, x-rays of joints, bones and vessels, MRI. Each of these methods does not exclude the other, they are all good for certain manifestations.

Psychosomatics of the disease the doctor sets at the time of the examination of the patient. The doctor will assign the most informative method for each specific situation.

Therapy of each individual disease is aimed at eliminating the cause. Even the treatment of the same disease often has different medical tactics. Doing self-treatment is extremely dangerous.

Some forms of damage can be treated only in the hospital.

Each patient should understand that early diagnosis significantly speeds up the recovery process and makes it more successful.

A source: http://spina-health.ru/bolit-levaya-ruka/

All about pain in the hands

Pain in the arm can be located in various places:shoulder, forearm, hand and fingers.

The reasons provoking it, are very different, ranging from trauma to problems with the heart.

The most common causes of pain in the hands are problems with joints and mechanical injuries. They require immediate medical treatment from the doctor, so as not to start the disease.

This article will discuss the causes and treatment of pain in the hand.


In the joints of the hands

What if the joints of the hands hurt? First of allIt is necessary to learn to determine the nature and nature of discomfort and to understand whether they require urgent medical attention. Joints can get people of completely different ages.

  1. In the brush.The hand is a very complex mechanism, painful sensations are often manifested here, and can indicate serious changes in the body. Rheumatoid arthritis is a joint disease, usually of a chronic nature. It is often characterized by the symmetry of the lesion: if the left arm hurts, then most likely, the right one will also hurt. Acute pain sensations, it usually does not manifest itself, the sensations, as a rule, are periodic and of medium intensity. Gout is a disease caused by the metabolism and causing an increase in uric acid in the tissues. Seizures are most powerful during sleep, the pain is strong and as if burning, it is very difficult to tolerate. Osteoarthritis - the defeat and early wear of the cartilage of the hands. Painful feelings are tolerable, dull, manifested brighter when practicing sports or other anxiety of a sick joint. Infectious arthritis is a disease of an infectious nature. When arthritis unpleasant sensations are constant, especially bright during sleep.
  2. In the fingers of the hands.The joints of the fingers are very sensitive and susceptible to a variety of diseases. Raynaud's syndrome is a disease characterized by numbness of fingers and pain. Polyosteroarthrosis of the fingers is a disease that causes most of the pain in the fingers. The pain symptom is burning. Rheumatoid arthritis. Pro-Arthritis is a disease characterized by redness and swelling of the joints of the fingers. Inflammation is asymmetrical.
  3. In the joint of the shoulder.The shoulder is a very complex part of the body, and one of its most important joints. Pain sensations can be caused by different reasons. Tyndenite. The pain is of an acute permanent nature, especially brightly it is manifested at night. Movement of the hand is constrained, and the disease is caused by excessive physical exertion. Bursitis. Painful sensations of aching, swelling and swelling appear. The patient can not fully move the affected hand. Mechanical damage of various nature, from the stretching of the muscle and ending with a fracture of the shoulder joint. Capsules. The pain giving away in the whole upper part of the hand, has a chronic character of the average periodicity. Inflammations in this case are rare. Arthritis. The pain is periodically exacerbated, in normal times it is quiet and dull. Stiffness of movements is observed. Osteoarthritis. Movement is also difficult, in later stages of pain acquires a sharp permanent character. Cervical osteochondrosis. Heavy illness, which is reflected by painful sensations throughout the arm area. When trying to turn the head or neck, they sharply increase. Plechelohepatic polyarthritis. Pain gives in the left or right hand, has a heavy burning character. If the disease is not treated, the muscles may become numb and atrophy. Osteoporosis. The disease, characterized by a weakening of the muscles, the pain increases with sports and physical education. Neuritis of the humeral nerve. A person may erroneously think that the joint hurts, although this is not so. The pains are acute, sudden and unexpectedly subside.
  4. In the elbow joint.Problems with the elbow joint are very common.
    Epicondylitis of the elbow joint. It is this disease that becomes the most frequent reason for going to the doctor because of pain in the elbow. They usually appear with strong overstrain, and the disease develops due to excessive loads on the hand (for example, when carrying weights). Particularly severe pains are disturbed by rotation of the elbow joint (attempts to twist or turn something). Reflected pain. In her hand, it manifests itself due to the defeat of the cervicothoracic region. It is usually not limited to the elbow joint, a person feels unpleasant sensations in the entire arm. The pains are disturbing both in sports and physical education, and at rest. Osteoarthritis of the elbow joint. Usually the pains are not very strong, they become aggravated when trying to move the affected arm. In later stages of the disease, the bones can swell and become softer. Arthritis of the elbow joint. The disease often affects neighboring joints, the pain is acute sharp. If the hand is swollen and feels warm, then this is one of the main signs of arthritis.
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In the palm of your hand

If the hand hurts in the palm, this can mean mechanical damage, fatigue of the muscles (most often the palms and fingers hurt the programmers, the people who print a lot).

  1. Giving pain from lesions of the cervicothoracic region. Various pathologies of the cervico-thoracic spine are often reflected in various parts of the arm. The pain syndrome is usually dull and aching in nature and rather simply annoying, which causes serious discomfort.
  2. Gout. Pain syndrome in the joint of the hand can be reflected in the palm of your hand. Very severe attacks, manifested due to drinking alcohol or taking harmful and fatty foods.
  3. Problems with the cardiovascular system. The pain in the left hand in the area of ​​the hand and palm often accompanies the acute pain in the chest - this is the first sign of a heart attack.

In the shoulder blade and arm

One of their frequent reasons for seeking medical help is pain in the shoulder blade, accompanied by painful sensations orloss of mobility of the hand.

There may be pain in the right hand, as well as pain in the left hand.

  • Diseases of the spine. They are characterized by bouts that are worse when trying to move and turn the body. Another symptom of problems with the spinal column is the partial loss of the mobility of the hands.
  • Neuralgia. With these problems, the pain syndrome is localized in the costal region, sometimes reaching the scapula. In the hand is rare, usually the limb just grows dumb.
  • Injury of scapula. Mechanical damage occurs when there is a strong fall or impact. Pain sensations are acute and with time only intensify. In the case of nerve damage, pain occurs in the right arm, if the right shoulder blade is damaged (pain in the left hand, if on the contrary).
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system. The pain is localized under the right scapula, gives in the left arm, neck. It is very sharp and sharp, accompanied by shortness of breath, sweating, panic. With these signs you need to immediately call an ambulance - most likely you have a myocardial infarction.
  • Aneurysm of the aorta. First, the pain sensations are localized in the back, then begin to give into the hand. The development of the disease is instantaneous, the pain is increasing, so you should immediately seek medical help.
  • Hepatic colic. If a person develops liver disease, acute back pain may occur, accompanied by numbness of the right arm.
  • Stomach ulcer. If it starts to hurt in the back, there is a numbness of the hands, this indicates an exacerbation of the stomach ulcer. The perforated ulcer is treated exclusively by surgical methods, its other symptoms are nausea, vomiting, a sharp rise in temperature.

From shoulder to elbow

In the absence of injuries, such pain syndromes are always alarming, although theircauses can be a lot of pathologies.

  1. Closed hand injuries. Remaining unnoticed, such a trauma manifests itself through acute painful sensations when moving.
  2. Inflammatory processes in muscles. Constant unpleasant sensations, exacerbated by sports.
  3. Neuralgia of the brachial nerve. Similar problems can be associated with the supercooling of the nerve and is accompanied by severe pain with heat in the damaged area.
  4. Diseases of the spine. If the hand hurts when trying to turn the neck or body, this is one of the signs of any disease of the spine.
  5. Diseases of the shoulder joint. Depending on the type and stage of the disease, the pain may be of a different nature. As a rule, they become aggravated during movements and at night.
  6. Diseases of blood vessels. In inflammatory processes in the vessels of pain permanent, only exacerbated in consequence.
  7. Accumulation of salts in the joints. With a large number of salts in the vessels there are pains while engaging in intense physical activity and turning hands.
  8. Giving pain. Initially localized in the thoracic region, it gives to other places, the most common pain in the left arm.

From elbow to hand

If the right arm (or, respectively, the left arm) is badly hurt in this area, thiscan be caused by a variety of reasons.

  • Overstrain. There is an infringement of a nerve with bones of a brush at long monotonous work by fingers. Most often, such a syndrome arises in programmers, artists.
  • Inflammation of muscles. Due to strong sports loads, pain in the muscles can occur.
  • Diseases of the spine. Lesions of the cervico-thoracic spine often give pain and numbness to the hands.
  • Diseases of the joints. Depending on the type and stage of the disease, the pain may be of a different nature, but, as a rule, they become worse during movement.
  • Neuralgia. Problems with the nervous system are often characterized by constant pain.

In the fingers of the hands

Such pains are most often associated with the diseases of the joints discussed in detail above,or with inflammatory processes in the fingers.

If the pain is accompanied by numbness of the fingers, then this is the first sign of carpal tunnel syndrome and Raynaud's syndrome.

Pain in the heart, giving in the hand

  1. Diseases of the heart. Often the causes of pain in the heart are such diseases as atherosclerosis, heart attack, angina. The infarction is accompanied by numbness of the hand and acute pains, angina (narrowing of the arteries) - increasing pain during physical exertion.
  2. Stroke of the brain. Such a serious disease can often be identified by pain in the heart and arm.
  3. Neurosis. Problems with the nervous system can be accompanied by pain throughout the body, including in the heart and arm.

The arm is numb and numb

Numbness of the hand is accompanied by painful sensations when moving in the case of joints, spine. Acute constant pain, accompanied by numbness,may indicate problems with the heart.

If the joints swell and become inflamed, this may indicate an acute ongoing infectious process.

  • Acute pain and numbness of the hands often occur with myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease.
  • Dull, constant pain, aggravated by movement or during sleep, indicates joint diseases.
  • Acute pulsating pain, increasing with time, is the first sign of a hand injury. A strong loss of mobility can indicate an acute closed fracture or dislocation.


Depending on the nature of the pain, a different treatment is prescribed.

Diseases of the joints are treated with drug therapy, in the advanced stages of the disease one has to resort to surgical methods.

Heart problems are treated at the cardiologist, in the case of myocardial infarction, immediate hospitalization is required.

Injuries treatsurgical methods, imposing bandages and gypsum, limiting physical exertion.

A source: http://zdorovya-spine.ru/boli/v-rukah/bolit-ruka.html