Tourmanian mat nougat best

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  • 1Turmanium mat: reviews of doctors
    • 1.1What is a tourmaline mattress?
    • 1.2Principle of action on the body
    • 1.3Indications for use
    • 1.4Turanian mats: Contraindications
    • 1.5Instructions for use
    • 1.6Advantages and disadvantages
    • 1.7Results of using a tourmaline mat
    • 1.8special instructions
    • 1.9Cost
    • 1.10Where to buy a mat?
    • 1.11Tourmation mat: reviews of doctors and consumers
  • 2Tourist mat Nouga Best NM-2500 (single)
  • 3"Nuga Best"
    • 3.1Products of this manufacturer
    • 3.2Overview of goods and the mechanism of their action
    • 3.3What is and how does the bed work?
    • 3.4Read more about Tumbler
    • 3.5Tourmaline as an active tool "Nuga Best"
    • 3.6Myostimulation as a method of treatment
    • 3.7Harm and benefit of this product for human health
  • 4Neuvita-Nuga Best Leipzig - NM-85

Turmanium mat: reviews of doctors

Methods of physiotherapy have found wide application in the treatment of many diseases.

They can be used both in combination with drugs and on their own, to prevent a particular ailment.

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To the means accelerating the process of rehabilitation and contributing to a more rapid recovery, and includes a tourmaline mate. The product is gaining popularity in Russia every day.

What is a tourmaline mattress?

Tourmanian mat is a modern development of scientists from Korea.

The product is made of tourmanship, which contains elements such as tourmaline, germanium and elvan.

These rocks are of volcanic origin and are used in the treatment of a variety of diseases. The mattress is easy to use and suitable for almost everyone.

There are several types of mats:

  • single, the parameters of the product - 190 x 80 cm, and the weight - 11 kg. The mat is intended for regular use;
  • double, length -190 cm, width -150 cm, weighs about 21 kg, is characterized by pronounced therapeutic effect;
  • small mat, the size of the product - 76 x 44 cm, and weight - 3 kg, it is convenient to use in travel and take with you;
  • turmanievaya sidushka (47 x 47 cm) weight, kg.

The size of the mat should be selected on the basis of individual preferences, but when choosing the therapeutic characteristics, contraindications should be considered and discuss the use of this product with the doctor.

Principle of action on the body

Tourman mate has a lot of useful properties, which it is endowed with tourmaline, elvan and germanium.

Tourmaline is a natural mineral that, when heated, exudes a low-frequency magnetic field and infrared radiation.

Its effect on the human body improves the functioning of the circulatory and hematopoietic systems, increases the defenses of the body, helps to get rid of many health problems.

When heated, it saturates the body with microelements, which are so rich in its structure.

Germanium refers to natural semiconductors. Has the ability to transfer oxygen from the environment to the cells of the human body. Has antitumor, antibacterial and antiviral effect.

Elvan affects the excretion of heavy metals from the body. Contains many micronutrients useful to humans, which, when heated, nourish the body. Its action is similar to tourmaline.

The principle of the mattress is based on the heating of ceramics from tourmaline. It is in this state that it begins to emit a magnetic field, infrared rays and anions. During the procedure, a person can sleep, read books, passively play on mate.

Among the therapeutic effects of the product are the following:

  • ionotherapy;
  • allocation of infrared and magnetic radiation;
  • influence on biological active points.

The mattress has an effect on the whole body, as the person lies on it, stretching all the way. A small mat affects only the part that it covers. The seat only affects the buttocks.

Indications for use

Turmanium mat, heated, has an effect on metabolic processes occurring in the body.

Indications for its use are all osteoarticular diseases, as well as diseases of respiratory organs, pathologies of the renal system that are not in the stage of inflammation.

A mattress is recommended for sleep disorders and malfunctions in the nervous system.

The product positively affects the body in case of gastrointestinal ailments, arthrosis of joints and osteochondrosis of the spine.

Indications for use are radiculitis and systemic joint diseases.

Apply mat in psoriatic dermatitis and other skin diseases, not having an infectious nature.

You can use tourmaline mattress for injuries and after surgical intervention in the osteoarticular part of the body. Sitting on mate is useful for many gynecological and urological diseases. Use the product is allowed with inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Turmanium ceramics, despite its healing properties, is able not only to cure, but also to harm, therefore, before using products from it, all contraindications should be considered.

Turanian mats: Contraindications

Products on tourmaline ceramics should not be used for spinal injuries, pregnancy, and children under the age of 14 years. Prohibition is any new growth in the body, both benign and malignant.

Do not use the product with implants, including pacemakers. It is not necessary to use mate in acute stages of infectious diseases, this is also the period of relapse.

Do not use the product at elevated body temperature, open wounds and if there is an inflammatory process in any area of ​​the body.

Tourist mat "Nuga Best as well as similar products of other companies, can not be imposed on the occipital area to people with hypertension.

Do not use the mat at all with intraocular pressure, if a person is in alcoholic intoxication or taking drugs.

Negative effect on the health of the use of a mattress with thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.

Instructions for use

Tourist mat "Nuga Best as well as mattresses of other brands, should be operated strictly according to the instructions.

The founder of the company Nuga Best Cho Sung Hyun advises to use the product in a monthly course, three times a day from an hour. The optimum temperature is 55-60 ° C.

So, the mat is used for prevention and in diseases of the pulmonary system, mastopathy, pathologies of the abdominal cavity and leg diseases, such as arthritis, arthrosis, fractures and trauma.

In the standing position the procedure is performed with convulsions, cracks on the heels, spurs on the leg, skin fungus and nails. Thus, you can get rid of excessive sweating in the limbs and accelerate recovery for colds.

Do not just stand on the mate, and actively stomping advise people who have diabetes.

To sit on a turmane mattress is recommended for urological and gynecological diseases. With painful menstruation, the product should be used three days before they start.

To lie on an hour on a back up to three times a day follows at diseases of a backbone. In case of malfunctions in the central nervous system, the mat is placed in the area of ​​the shoulders. The back of the head should not touch the surface of the mattress.

The travel mat is easy to use and fully adapted for home use. People of any age can use it.

Advantages and disadvantages

Use of this product has both positive and negative sides. So, the pluses are:

  • The use of natural materials in the manufacture of mat.
  • Ease of operation.
  • Ability to use at home.
  • There are several types and types of this product, and there is an opportunity to choose the most suitable option for yourself.
  • Positive effect on the musculoskeletal system.
  • Effective effect on the condition of internal organs.
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Ceramic tourmaline mat has certain drawbacks:

  • A lot of contraindications.
  • Obligatory consultation with a specialist.
  • Lack of clinical trials.
  • Prohibition of its use in diseases in the acute phase.
  • The cost.

There is a possibility of excessive sensitivity to the turmanium alloy.

Thoroughly weigh all the positive and negative points before use should every patient.

Results of using a tourmaline mat

A single-tourmaline mat, as well as products of other sizes, gives each patient a certain portion of infrared rays, which positively affects the cellular renewal of the organism.

In addition, the mattress improves blood circulation, saturates the body with oxygen, makes the vessels strong and elastic, and has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes. Increases immunity, stress resistance, reduces pain syndrome.

Promotes weight loss and faster wound healing.

special instructions

The mat of turmanium ceramics should not be used when folded. It can not be used by children without parental control.

The heating of the mattress is switched on by the control panel, which is equipped with a special heating indicator and allows you to set the temperature from 10 to 90 ° C. Before the end of the procedure, the mat must be disconnected from the power source.

The mattress is equipped with a protection system, so it can be slept overnight, and the foil pad prevents the product from heating above this level and protects it from magnetic radiation. Turmanium mat operates from the electric network in 220-230 B and 50-60 Hz.

The package includes:

  • mat;
  • temperature sensor;
  • cable for connecting the mattress with an electrical outlet;
  • Remote Control;
  • bag for transportation and storage.

Depending on the brand and model, the mattress package may vary.


Depending on the size and the manufacturer, the price of the tourmoney mat varies from , 00 to 6, 00 rubles. Double mats are the most expensive, but they affect the entire body at once. The price of single mattresses varies around 21-26 thousand rubles.

Where to buy a mat?

Tourmanian mats can be purchased both in specialized stores, and through Internet outlets. In the latter case, it is possible to run into a fake, but the choice of similar products in online stores is more.

Tourmation mat: reviews of doctors and consumers

A lot of contradictory opinions left itself with turmany ceramics. Doctors do not consider this tool a panacea for all diseases and are not advised to replace them with full-fledged procedures and taking medications.

In their opinion, this mat is able to provide only care for the spine. It gives the heat needed to relax the joints, improves blood circulation in this area and the functioning of the cartilaginous tissue.

Releases the clamped nerve endings.

All these factors have a beneficial effect on the spine, which, in turn, helps form a good immunity, effectively remove toxins from the body, fight infections and diseases.

Experts warn that one should be more careful with this product and carefully study all contraindications. Recommend to pass the examination, before operating the tourmating mat, reviews.

Users were divided into two categories. Some are completely satisfied with the result. They say that the mat helps to remove pain in the neck, back and waist, warms in cold weather, saves from rheumatism. With regular use, people suffer less from colds, immunity is strengthened.

Negative reviews of patients indicate the hardness of the coating, on which it is impossible to lie for long, high cost, the presence of contraindications. It is noted that this product can cause growth of tumors in the body. Some say that this thing is useful, but not necessary in the house.

A source: http://.ru/article/272800/turmanievyiy-mat-otzyivyi-vrachey

Tourist mat Nouga Best NM-2500 (single)

With all the characteristics of a tourmaline rug, the NM-2500 (single) has an invaluable advantage: thanks to its larger size, it can be used at night, during sleep. So, you save your time.

Thermal tourmaline mat can be put under the mattress on which you sleep, which will allow you to be exposed to infrared rays during sleep.

This will save the vitality of your body, which it directs to maintain the temperature of your body.


The secret of the hexagonal structure

The hexagonal structure of the tour nano-ceramics of Nuga Jinpum NS is the source of the safest bioenergy.

Turmanium ceramics is used to enhance the effect of long-wavelength infrared radiation and is a source of negatively charged ions
Nuga Jinpum NM-2500 is a mat of turmanium nano-ceramics, which is an alloy of tourmaline, germanium, elvan and volcanic rocks. These minerals are ground to microgranules and fired at a temperature of 1300 ° C. Nuga Jinpum NM-2500 !!!

Use of special silicon

For the first time in Korea, special silicon was used, connecting the tourmanship with an outer coating, preventing the release of harmful substances when heated.

Sterile nano-fiber made of silver

The use of silver nano-fiber protects the mat from contamination and bacteria, from the effects of heavy metals.

Anions and fiber based on wood

Negatively charged ions - anions, called air vitamins, create a favorable environment for sleep, and charcoal has antibacterial and deodorizing properties.

Protection against electromagnetic radiation

Use of non-magnetic rays that do not emit harmful harmful electromagnetic waves.

Autonomous heating systems

The use of special sensors eliminates the risk of malfunctions or fires.

The use of bimetal provides triple security

Due to the ultra-sensitive bimetal integrated in the heating panel, when the set temperature is reached, the automatic shutdown system operates.


The use of fiberglass materials provides heat insulation and prevents excessive heat consumption.

Blocking the negative impact of hydromagnetic waves

The use of turmanium nano-ceramics and special aluminum foil plates protects against the negative effects of hydromagnetic waves.


Minerals, as part of the tourm nano-ceramics contribute to sterilization, deodorization, increasing vitality and improving metabolism in the body

Useful effects of the use of the turmanium mattress NM-2500 S

  1. improvement of blood circulation;
  2. increase the ability of the blood to saturate with oxygen;
  3. strengthening of the walls of blood vessels;
  4. improvement of the respiratory system;
  5. acceleration of metabolism; excretion of toxins and toxins;
  6. painkiller and anti-inflammatory effect;
  7. decongestant and wound-healing action;
  8. prevention of diseases, including cancer;
  9. strengthening the immune system;
  10. stabilization of the nervous system;
  11. increased resistance to stress;
  12. normalization of sleep;
  13. improvement of the skin condition;
  14. slowing down the aging process;
  15. reduction of the subcutaneous fat layer

The large size of the NM-2500 mattress allows you to use it during sleep, which saves you time spent on recovery. The NM-2500 turmanium mattresses can be used by both adults and children, this does not require special preparation.

Product Features

Tournament ceramicsIs a high-quality alloy of tourmaline, germanium, elvan stone and volcanic rocks, made using sophisticated technology, including grinding the minerals to the size of microparticles, vacuum drying them, further mixing and burning at high temperature (1300 ° C).

When heated, tourmaline ceramics exhibit the following useful properties:

  • emits long-wave infrared (IR) rays, close to the natural thermal radiation of the human body;
  • creates a weak magnetic field around the seed; contribute to the formation of negatively charged ions (anions) in the air and ionization in the tissues of the body.

Long-wave infrared rays transfer energy of heat deep into tissues by several centimeters, promoting improvement of blood circulation and metabolism. Local heating causes relaxation of the muscles around the joints, increases blood flow in the tissues due to the release of blood vessels from compression caused by muscle spasm.

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This effectively relieves tension and pain in muscles and ligaments. In addition, the muscles begin to receive in sufficient quantities oxygen and the necessary nutrients, transferring them also to other joint tissues that do not have blood vessels. In the immediate vicinity of the tourmaline mattress, the same concentration of negatively charged ions in the air is achieved, either on the seashore or in the forest.

Negatively charged ions stimulate biochemical reactions in cells, which improves metabolism, the natural processes of blood purification are strengthened, immunity is increased, the work of the central nervous system.

In a double mattress, the NM-2500D mattress has the ability to exhibit different temperatures on its two halves. Also due to different heating of the right and left side of the ceramic such a tourmaline mat you can achieve the effect of a Russian bath or infrared sauna.


License number of the model: 5-232 Size: 1900 (W) * 800 (D) * 40 (V) Weight / Qty: 11.55 kg Power supply from the network: 220V 50Hz Power: 200W

Operating temperature: 30-70 ° С

Certification information

Certificate of conformity: No. ROSS KR.AI36.B57759
Conclusion of the FEZ: No. 003033.03.09

Production: South Korea

We offer to look cognitive VIDEO ABOUT THE PRODUCT:

Warranty period is 2 years.

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"Nuga Best"

At all on hearing products of the manufacturer "Nuga Best". Particularly popular are the beds of this company. They are worth, however, not cheap and can afford not everyone.

The manufacturer defines several items of medical products, which are produced by the same-name South Korean company. To the most famous products at the present time, you can include massage beds along with tourmaline rugs.

The rest of this company's products are less well-known, but they are also represented on the world medical market.

All Nuga Best products unite one common feature, within which they are manufactured using tourmaline ceramics, which is the main component that produces the claimed positive Effect. Let's consider more in detail the given production, we will find out, what contra-indications on its application are available, and also we learn responses of Elena Malysheva about "Nuga Best".

Products of this manufacturer

The modern level of development in the field of medicine makes it possible to cope even with chronic ailments that torment a person for a long time.

For example, in order to combat the manifestations of osteochondrosis, doctors recently began to actively recommend the bed of Nuga Best.

This device promises patients a quick cure without any complicated manipulations. True, many people are in doubt.

But mistrust may seem a bit strange, because even the presenter Elena Malysheva in her program presented a whole story about this device to the attention of the audience.

Products "Nuga Best" appeared on the domestic market about ten years ago. To date, it is established that its effectiveness is not as high as it was stated in advertising.

In many consumer reviews, there is an opinion that the admiration for these products is somewhat exaggerated. But for those who decide to experience this product, you should follow the recommendations exactly.

Comments on "Nuga Best" Elena Malysheva consider below.

Overview of goods and the mechanism of their action

So, the special rollers with which the bed is equipped, massage the back from the coccyx to the neck and knead the muscles, which helps to eliminate the blocks and restores the normal position of the vertebrae.

Tourmaline stones, which are placed under the bed mattress, along with the moving roller affect the biologically active points, which are located along the column of the spine.

This effect contributes to increasing the body's resistance to various diseases, as well as adverse environmental factors.

At its core turmaline stones have a relaxing therapeutic effect.

Heating of these stones causes the radiation of infrared heat, which warms deeply deep tissues, which activates blood circulation and improves immunity. The infrared heat of tourmalines is similar in properties to solar heat.

What is and how does the bed work?

It turns out that the bed "Nuga Best" massages the muscles, warming the tissue and acting on the biologically active points.

Undoubtedly, this effect is very useful for every person who has no contraindications to one of the such as massage and heating, as well as pressure on biologically active points.

Especially infrared heating of tissues is useful for people living in cold regions of Russia, for example, in Siberia, the Urals and Pomorie. Residents of such areas feel a lack of heat from the sun.

But it is necessary to take into account that if there is at least one of the contraindications, then you should abandon the use of the bed, since in this situation you can only get harm.

Read more about Tumbler

The foot massager called "The Second Heart" is also a product of "Nougat Best". This device produces massage, acting on the biologically active points, which are located on the feet.

Thanks to it, warming of deeply lying tissues also takes place.

Other products from Nougat Best, such as pillows, turman mat, rug and so on, only affect active points, warming the tissues through tourmaline ceramics, without providing a massage impact.

Tourmaline as an active tool "Nuga Best"

The developers of the products claim that tourmaline in itself is able to have a beneficial effect on the human body.

In this situation, manufacturers emphasize that the presence of this component adds to beneficial effect of Nuga Best products is also a therapy with stones, which is widely spread in eastern countries.

True, Western medicine therapeutic therapy with the use of stones has not been studied, and therefore the positive effect of various minerals on the body, unfortunately, is not taken into account. The Nuga Best cushion is very popular with the population.

In all products of the company, the main active tool is stones made of tourmaline ceramics. By means of rotating tourmaline minerals of relatively small size, massage is performed during the use of the bed, as well as the product "Second Heart".

Tourmaline stones are placed on some kind of mats or rugs, which are found in every Nuga Best product. These small elements exert simultaneous pressure on the biologically active points, causing the effect of relaxing therapy.

In addition, when heated, they give infrared heat to the tissues of the human body.

Another positive feature is that when heated, tourmaline minerals emit negative ions that have a positive effect on patients.

Thanks to this effect, natural regulation processes are restored, thereby improving the functions of all internal organs and systems. Also increases the resistance of immunity to all kinds of negative factors from the environment.

It is interesting to note that the heating of tourmaline ceramics gives the effect of producing negative ions, which is similar to that produced by Chizhevsky's chandeliers.

Myostimulation as a method of treatment

In addition, in a number of Nuga Best products, such as beds, a belt, a tourmaline mat and a foot massager, the method of myostimulation with electric current is used.

Such a method of exposure is hidden in small discharges of electricity, which is fed into the muscles.

Under such influence, the muscles begin to decrease intensively, the blood flow is stimulated, stagnant phenomena along with the blocks are eliminated, which contributes to the burning of excess fatty deposits.

It turns out that the effects of the company's products are provided only one and the same component in the form of tourmaline stones, but their the use on various sites of the body through various methods causes a wide variety of options use. Comments on "Nuga Best" Elena Malysheva interested in many, we'll talk about them further.

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Harm and benefit of this product for human health

The mechanism of exposure along with the therapeutic effects of Nuga Best products is similar to that of the use of various physiotherapeutic procedures.

However, as in the situation with physiotherapeutic procedures, products should be used with caution, since in one situation it can bring undeniable benefits, and in another, only harm.

Determine in what cases "Nuga Best" products are useful, and in which, on the contrary, are harmful, can only the attending physician who observes this or that patient for several years.

The doctor who examines the patient for the first time, unfortunately, is not able to take into account all the nuances that exist in the history of his diseases.

Also, you will not immediately be able to establish the characteristics of the body's response to various physiotherapeutic manipulations or medications.

Therefore, in order to objectively say whether Nuga Best will bring benefit or harm to a particular patient, it is necessary to examine a doctor who has been watching a person for a long time. Contraindications "Nougat Best" will be considered further.

On the basis of all of the above, it should be noted that Nuga Best products can be useful either harmful, as, indeed, and absolutely any medical intervention depending on the state of health rights.

In general, Nuga Best products are presented by manufacturers as an effective tool in the fight against a number of diseases.

But approach to their application follows, observing a certain caution, as in the case with any other physiotherapeutic procedure.

To date, relatively recently presented products of the company need a comprehensive study on the base of dispensaries and sanatoriums, as well as specialized departments working in the field of rehabilitation medicine.

Elena Malysheva's comments about "Nuga Best"

In the television program of Elena Malysheva, the device "Nuga Best" was twice demonstrated to the audience. The broadcast was broadcast in 2006 and 2009. But, according to viewers, this demonstration was more like an ad.

What is most surprising is the fact that Elena Malysheva herself the transfer did not properly comment on the possibilities of Nuga Best and did not leave any definite recall.

Instead, she gave the floor to invited experts, who talked about the incredibly positive effect of using an innovative product.

Later it turned out that a large number of people who bought the mattress "Nuga Best" and other household products not only did not feel any positive changes, but also complained about negative effects. True or not, we'll figure it out.

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Neuvita-Nuga Best Leipzig - NM-85

Turquoise mat NUGA NM-85


Turquoise mat NUGA NM-85 indispensable helper, creating comfort in your home.

It is compact and portable, you can take it on the road using the convenient bag that comes with it.

A special bronze fiber protects the mat from corrosion and blocks the negative effects of electromagnetic waves.

Principles of the action of the NUGA turmanium mat

When heated, tourmaline ceramics exhibits useful properties: - is a source of long-wave infrared radiation (DIL); - releases negative ions (anions);

- creates a low-frequency magnetic field.

Heat therapy DIL turmanian ceramics NUGA

Under the influence of tourmaline ceramics

- improves metabolism, stimulates blood circulation,

- blood enters the thinnest capillaries, giving your body vitality.

The building and regenerating energy of the DIL turmanium ceramics NUGA

- is able to stop the growth of "harmful" and "alien" microorganisms and cells,

- neutralize the effect of free radicals,

- to activate the renewal of normal cells of all organs and tissues.
Turquoise ceramics NUGA is also effective

- with alleviation of muscle tension and muscle pain.

Anionic therapy of turanium ceramics NUGA

Anions of touranium ceramics NUGA have the following effects on the human body:

- cell repair,

- purification of blood,

- improvement of the central nervous system,

- increased immunity,

- removal of pain during inflammatory processes. In the immediate vicinity of the tourmaline ceramic NUGA mat, the concentration of negatively charged aeroions is equivalent to sea or forest air.

Magnetotherapy of touranium ceramics NUGA
Ceramic turmanium mat NUGA creates a low-frequency magnetic field, due to this:

- Improves the saturation of body cells with oxygen and nutrients,

- immunity is strengthened,

- the autonomic nervous system returns to normal.

Modern man is constantly exposed to all kinds of radio waves, electric waves, is forced to experience the "consequences" of technological progress. All these factors negatively affect the internal magnetic field of the person himself.

Ceramic turmanium NUGA creates a magnetic field, similar to the natural magnetic field of the person himself, which can be used during the day with almost no restrictions.

All this complex gives wonderful, life-giving results!

Effects of the use of turmanium ceramics NUGA:

- improvement of blood circulation; - Increase the ability of the blood to saturate with oxygen; - prevention of diseases, including cancer; - strengthening of the walls of blood vessels; - improvement work of the respiratory system; - acceleration of metabolic metabolism; - removal of toxins and toxins; - elimination of pain and inflammation; - decongestant and wound-healing action; - strengthening the immune system; - Stabilization of the nervous system; - increased resistance to stress; - normalization of sleep; - improvement of the skin condition; - slowing down processes aging;

- reduction of the subcutaneous fat layer.

The ceramic tourmaline mat NUGA can be used by both adults and children, this does not require special preparation.

Advantages of tourmaline ceramic mat NUGA

- use of a natural palm extract that prevents deformation of the mat and is effective in repelling insects and viruses;

- Natural stone elvan has antibacterial and deodorizing properties; - the use of special silicon. For the first time, special silicon was used in Korea in order to combine the tourmanship with the outer coating; - protection against harmful electromagnetic waves. The NUGA mat is protected from harmful electromagnetic waves by using a special durable copper fiber and an aluminum foil plate; - autonomous heating systems. The use of a special coating eliminates the risk of malfunctions or fires.

- the use of fiberglass materials for insulation prevents excessive heat consumption.

- The use of bimetal provides triple security. Mat NUGA is absolutely safe due to faultless system of adjustment of the established temperature;

- Sterile nano-fiber from the smallest particles of silver protects the mat from contamination;

- Turanian ceramics NUGA does not have any contraindications for use.

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