How to treat pneumonia in children

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Pneumonia in a child - symptoms, treatment, causes

Inflammation of the lungs or pneumonia is one of the most common acute infectious and inflammatory diseases of a person. Moreover, the concept of pneumonia does not include various allergic and vascular lung diseases, bronchitis, and also pulmonary function disorders, caused by chemical or physical factors (injuries, chemical burns).

Especially often there are pneumonia in children, the symptoms and signs of which are reliably determined only on the basis of X-ray data and a general blood test. Pneumonia among all pulmonary pathologies in young children is almost 80%. Even with the introduction of progressive technologies in medicine - the discovery of antibiotics, improved methods of diagnosis and treatment - until now this disease is among the top ten most frequent causes of death. According to statistics in various regions of our country, the incidence of pneumonia in children is, %.

When and why can a child develop pneumonia?

Lungs in the human body perform several important functions. The main function of the lungs is the gas exchange between the alveoli and the capillaries, which envelop them. Simply put, oxygen from the air in the alveolus is transported to the blood, and from the blood carbon dioxide enters the alveolus. They also regulate body temperature, regulate blood coagulability, are one of the filters in the body, contribute to the purification, removal of toxins, disintegration products arising from various traumas, infectious inflammatory processes.

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And when food poisoning, a burn, a fracture, surgical interventions occur, in case of any serious injury or disease, there is a general decrease in immunity, it is easy to cope with the filtration load toxins. That is why very often after a child has suffered or is suffering from injuries or poisonings, pneumonia occurs.

The most common pathogens are pathogens - pneumococci, streptococci and staphylococci, and recently cases of lung inflammation from such pathogens as pathogenic fungi, legionella (usually after staying at airports with artificial ventilation), mycoplasma, chlamydia, which are not often mixed, associated.

Pneumonia in a child, as an independent disease that occurs after a serious, strong, prolonged hypothermia, it is extremely rare, as parents try not to allow such situations. As a rule, in most children, pneumonia occurs not as a primary disease, but as a complication after an acute respiratory viral infection or influenza, less often other diseases. Why is this happening?

Many of us believe that acute viral respiratory diseases in the last decades have become more aggressive, dangerous their complications. Perhaps this is due to the fact that both viruses and infections have become more resistant to antibiotics and antiviral drugs, so they are so hard for children and cause complications.

One of the factors contributing to the increase in the incidence of pneumonia in children in recent years has been the overall poor health in the younger generation - how many children are born with congenital pathologies, malformations, lesions of the central nervous system. Especially severe pneumonia occurs in premature or newborn babies, when the disease develops against the background of intrauterine infection with insufficiently formed, not mature respiratory system.

In congenital pneumonia, the herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, mycoplasmas are not infrequently causative agents, and with infection during labor, chlamydia, group B streptococci, opportunistic fungi, E. coli, Klebsiella, anaerobic flora, when infected with hospital infections, pneumonia begins on day 6 or 2 weeks after birth.

Naturally, pneumonia often happens in cold weather, when the organism is subjected to seasonal adjustment from heat to cold and vice versa, there are overloads for immunity, at this time there is a lack of natural vitamins in foods, temperature changes, damp, frosty, windy weather contribute to children's hypothermia and their infection.

In addition, if a child suffers from any chronic diseases - tonsillitis, adenoids in children, sinusitis, dystrophy, rickets (see. rickets in infants), cardiovascular disease, any severe chronic pathologies, such as congenital lesions central nervous system, malformations, immunodeficiency states - significantly increase the risk of developing pneumonia, weighed down its course.

The severity of the disease depends on:

  • Extensibility of the process (focal, focal, draining, segmental, lobar, interstitial pneumonia).
  • The child's age, the younger the baby, the narrower the airways, the less intense gas exchange in the child's body and the heavier the course of pneumonia.
  • Places where and for what reason there was a pneumonia:
    - community-acquired: most often have an easier flow
    - hospital: more severe, because it is possible to infect bacteria resistant to antibiotics
    - Aspiration: when inhaled foreign objects, mixture or milk.
  • The most important role in this is played by the general health of the child, that is, his immunity.

Improper treatment of influenza and ARVI can lead to pneumonia in the child

When a child falls ill with an ordinary cold, SARS, influenza - the inflammatory process is localized only in the nasopharynx, trachea and larynx. With a weak immune response, and also if the causative agent is very active and aggressive, and the treatment in the child is carried out incorrectly, the process of reproduction of bacteria descends from the upper respiratory tract to the bronchi, then bronchitis. Further, the inflammation can affect the lung tissue, causing pneumonia.

What happens in the body of a child in a viral disease? Most adults and children in the nasopharynx always have different opportunistic microorganisms - streptococci, staphylococci, without causing harm to health, because local immunity holds them back growth.

However, any acute respiratory disease leads to their active reproduction and with the correct action of the parents during the illness of the child, immunity does not allow their intensive growth.

What should not be done during ARVI in the child, so as not to cause complications:

  • You can not use antitussives. Coughing is a natural reflex that helps the body to clear the trachea, bronchi and lungs from mucus, bacteria, toxins. If for the treatment of a child, in order to reduce the intensity of dry cough, use antitussives that affect the cough center in the brain, such as Stoptosin, Broncholitin, Libexin, Paxeladin, then sputum and bacteria may accumulate in the lower respiratory tract, which ultimately leads to inflammation lungs.
  • It is not possible to conduct any preventive therapy with antibiotics for colds, with a viral infection (see. antibiotics for colds). Against the virus, antibiotics are powerless, and with opportunistic bacteria immunity should cope, and only when complications arise according to the doctor's appointment is shown their use.
  • The same applies to the use of various nasal vasoconstrictors, their use contributes to a faster penetration of the virus into the lower respiratory tract; therefore, galazoline, naphthysine, sanorin should not be used in case of a viral infection safely.
  • Abundant drink - one of the most effective methods of removing intoxication, dilution of sputum and rapid cleansing respiratory tract is an abundant drink, even if the child refuses to drink, parents should be very persistent. If you do not insist that the child drink enough fluids, in addition, the room will have dry air - this will help to dry the mucosa, which can lead to a longer course of the disease or complication - bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • Permanent ventilation, lack of carpets and carpeting, daily wet cleaning of the room in which the child is, Humidification and air purification with the help of a humidifier and an air cleaner will help to cope faster with the virus and prevent development pneumonia. As clean, cool, moist air helps to dissolve sputum, quickly remove toxins with sweat, cough, wet breath, which allows the child to recover faster.

Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis - differences from pneumonia

With SARS usually the following symptoms:

  • High temperature in the first 2-3 days of the disease (see Fig. antipyretics for children)
  • Headache, chills, intoxication, weakness
  • Qatar upper respiratory tract, runny nose, cough, sneezing, sore throat (it does not always happen).

In acute bronchitis with Orvy, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Minor increase in body temperature, usually up to 38C.
  • First the cough is dry, then it becomes wet, there is no shortness of breath, unlike pneumonia.
  • Breathing becomes hard, on different sides there are variously scattered rales that change or disappear after coughing.
  • On the roentgenogram, the intensification of the pulmonary pattern is determined, the structure of the roots of the lungs decreases.
  • There are no local changes in the lungs.

Bronchiolitis occurs most often in children up to a year:

  • The difference between bronchiolitis and pneumonia can be determined only by X-ray examination, based on the absence of local changes in the lungs. According to the clinical picture, the acute symptoms of intoxication and the increase in respiratory insufficiency, the appearance of dyspnoea - very much resemble pneumonia.
  • In bronchiolitis, the breathing in a child is weakened, shortness of breath with the help of an auxiliary musculature, nasolabial the triangle becomes a bluish hue, a common cyanosis is possible, a pronounced pulmonary-cardiac failure. When listening to a boxed sound is detected, the mass of scattered small bubbling rales.

Signs of pneumonia in the child

With a high activity of the causative agent of the infection, or with a weak immune response of the body to it, when even the most effective preventive medical measures do not stop inflammatory process and the child's condition worsens, parents can for some symptoms guess that the child needs more serious treatment and urgent examination doctor. In this case, in no case should not begin treatment by any popular method. If it really is pneumonia, it will not only not help, but the condition may worsen and time for adequate examination and treatment will be missed.

Symptoms of pneumonia in a child 2 - 3 years and older

How to identify attentive parents with a cold or viral illness that it is necessary to urgently call a doctor and suspect a pneumonia in the child? Symptoms that require an X-ray diagnosis:

  • After Orvi, influenza within 3-5 days there is no improvement or after a slight improvement again there is a temperature jump and increased intoxication, coughing.
  • Lack of appetite, sluggishness of the child, sleep disturbance, capriciousness persist within a week after the onset of the illness.
  • The main symptom of the disease remains a strong cough.
  • The body temperature is not high, but the baby has shortness of breath. In this case, the number of breaths per minute in a child increases, the rate of breaths per minute in children aged 1-3 years 25-30 breaths, children 4-6 years - a rate of 25 breaths per minute, if the child is in a relaxed calm condition. With pneumonia, the number of breaths becomes larger than these figures.
  • With the other symptoms of a viral infection - cough, temperature, cold, severe pallor of the skin is observed.
  • If the temperature is high for more than 4 days and antipyretic agents such as Paracetamol, Efferalgan, Panadol, Tylenol are not effective.

Symptoms of pneumonia in infants, children under one year of age

The onset of the disease can be noticed by the mom by changing the behavior of the baby. If the child constantly wants to sleep, become sluggish, apathetic or vice versa, a lot of naughty, crying, refuses to eat, while the temperature may slightly increase - mom should urgently turn to pediatrician.

Body temperature

In the first year of life, pneumonia in a child, a symptom which is considered to be high, not knocked down temperature, is different in that at this age it is not high, does not reach 3, or even 3, -3,. The temperature is not an indication of the severity of the state.

The first symptoms of pneumonia in an infant

This causeless anxiety, lethargy, decreased appetite, the baby refuses from the breast, the sleep becomes restless, short, there is a loose stool, there may be vomiting or regurgitation, a runny nose and a paroxysmal cough that worsens during crying or feeding child.

Child's breathing

Pain in the chest with breathing and coughing.
Sputum - with a damp cough, purulent or mucopurulent sputum (yellow or green) is secreted.
Shortness of breath or an increase in the number of respiratory movements in young children is a clear sign of pneumonia in a child. Dyspnoea in babies can be accompanied by nodding to the breath, as well as the baby blows his cheeks and extends his lips, sometimes there are foamy discharge from the mouth and nose. The symptom of pneumonia is considered to be the excess of the number of breaths per minute:

  • In children up to 2 months - the norm is up to 50 breaths per minute, more than 60 is considered a high frequency.
  • In children, after 2 months to a year, the norm is 25-40 breaths, if 50 or more, this is an excess of the norm.
  • In children older than one year, the number of breaths more than 40 is considered a shortness of breath.

The skin relief during breathing changes. Attentive parents can also notice the retraction of the skin during breathing, more often on one side of the patient's lung. To notice this, it is necessary to undress the baby and observe the skin between the ribs, it retracts when breathing.

With extensive lesions, there may be a lag of one side of the lung with deep breathing. Sometimes you can notice periodic stopping of breathing, disturbance of rhythm, depth, breathing frequency and the child's desire to lie on one side.

Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle

This is the most important symptom of pneumonia, when the blue skin appears between the lips and the spout of the baby. Especially this sign is pronounced when the child sucks the breast. With severe respiratory failure, a slight blueing can be not only on the face, but also on the body.

Chlamydia, mycoplasmal pneumonia in children

Among the pneumonias, the causative agents of which are not banal bacteria, but various atypical representatives secrete mycoplasmal and chlamydial pneumonia. In children, the symptoms of such pneumonia are slightly different from the course of the usual pneumonia. Sometimes they are characterized by a hidden sluggish current. Symptoms of SARS in a child can be as follows:

  • The onset of the disease is characterized by a sharp rise in body temperature to 3, C, then a stable subfebrile temperature of -3, -3 is formed, or even a temperature normalization occurs.
  • It is also possible the onset of the disease with the usual signs of ARVI - sneezing, choking in the throat, a bad cold.
  • Persistent dry debilitating cough, shortness of breath may not be permanent. Such a cough usually occurs with acute bronchitis, and not pneumonia, which complicates the diagnosis.
  • When listening to a doctor, scanty data are usually presented: rare variegated rattles, pulmonary percussion sound. Therefore, according to the nature of wheezing, it is difficult for a doctor to determine atypical pneumonia, since there are no traditional signs, which greatly complicates the diagnosis.
  • In the analysis of blood in atypical pneumonia there may be no significant changes. But usually there is increased ESR, neutrophilic leukocytosis, a combination with anemia, leukopenia, eosinophilia.
  • On the x-ray of the chest reveals a pronounced enhancement of the pulmonary pattern, non-uniform focal infiltration of the pulmonary fields.
  • Both chlamydia and mycoplasma have a feature that exists for a long time in the epithelial cells of the bronchi and lungs, therefore, pneumonia usually has a prolonged recurrent character.
  • Treatment of atypical pneumonia in the child is carried out by macrolides (azithromycin, josamycin, clarithromycin), because the pathogens to them are most sensitive (to tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones, too, but they are children contraindicated).

Indications for hospitalization

The decision on where to treat a child with pneumonia - in a hospital or at home, the doctor takes, while he takes into account several factors:

  • The severity of the condition and the presence of complications - respiratory failure, pleurisy, acute disorders of consciousness, heart failure, falls AD, lung abscess, pleural empyema, infectious-toxic shock, sepsis.
  • The defeat of several lobes of the lung. Treatment of focal pneumonia in the child at home is entirely possible, but with croupous pneumonia treatment is best done in a hospital.
  • Social indications are poor living conditions, inability to perform care and doctor's prescriptions.
  • Age of the child - if the infant is sick, this is the reason for hospitalization, because the pneumonia of the baby is a serious threat to life. If pneumonia develops in a child under 3 years of age, treatment depends on the severity of the condition and most often doctors insist on hospitalization. Older children can be treated at home provided that the pneumonia is not severe.
  • General health - in the presence of chronic diseases, weakened overall health of the child, regardless of age, the doctor may insist on hospitalization.

Treatment of pneumonia in children

How to treat pneumonia in children? The basis of therapy for pneumonia is antibiotics. At a time when there were no antibiotics in the arsenal of doctors with bronchitis and pneumonia, a very frequent cause of death of adults and children there was pneumonia, therefore, in no case should one refuse to use them, no folk remedies for pneumonia are effective. From the parents it is required to strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations, the proper care of the child, the observance of the drinking regime, nutrition:

  • Reception of antibiotics must be carried out strictly in time, if the appointment of the drug 2 times per day, this means that there should be a break of 12 hours between meals, if 3 times a day, then a break of 8 hours (cm. 11 rules how to take antibiotics correctly). Antibiotics are prescribed - penicillins, cephalosporins for 7 days, macrolides (azithromycin, josamycin, clarithromycin) - 5 days. The effectiveness of the drug is estimated within 72 hours - an improvement in appetite, a decrease in temperature, dyspnea.
  • Antipyretics are used if the temperature is above 39C, in infants above 38C. Initially, antibiotic treatment of antipyretics is not prescribed, as the evaluation of the effectiveness of therapy is difficult. It should be remembered that during a high temperature in the body, the maximum amount antibodies against the causative agent of the disease, so if the child can tolerate the temperature of 38C, it is better not to knock down. So the body quickly cope with the microbe that caused pneumonia in the baby. If the child had at least one episode of febrile seizures, the temperature should be knocked down already at 3, C.
  • Nutrition of the child with pneumonia - lack of appetite in children during illness is considered natural and the child's refusal from food intake due to increased strain on the liver when fighting infection, so you can not force a child to feed. If possible, prepare light food for the patient, exclude any ready-made chemicals, fried and fatty, try to feed child simple, easily assimilated food - cereals, soups on a weak broth, steam cutlets from low-fat meat, boiled potatoes, various vegetables, fruit.
  • Oral hydration - in water, natural freshly diluted juices - carrot, apple, weakly boiled tea with raspberries, rose hips infusion, water-electrolyte solutions (Regidron and etc).
  • Airing, daily wet cleaning, use of air humidifiers - ease the condition of the baby, and the love and care of parents works wonders.
  • No restorative (synthetic vitamins), antihistamines, immunomodulating agents are not used, as often lead to side effects and do not improve the course and outcome of pneumonia.

Reception of antibiotics for pneumonia in a child (uncomplicated) usually does not exceed 7 days (macrolides 5 days), and if bed rest is observed, perform all the doctor's recommendations, in the absence of complications, the child quickly recovers, but for a month there will still be residual effects in the form of a cough, slight weakness. With atypical pneumonia, treatment can be delayed.

In the treatment of antibiotics in the body, the intestinal microflora is broken, so the doctor prescribes probiotics - RioFlora Immuno, Acipol, Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin, Normobakt, Lactobacterin. Analogues of Linex - a list of all probiotics). To remove toxins after the end of therapy, the doctor can prescribe sorbents, such as Polysorb, Enterosgel, Filtrum.

With the effectiveness of treatment for general regimen and walks, it is possible to transfer the child from the 6th to the 10th day of the disease, the hardening to resume after 2-3 weeks. With a mild pneumonia, large physical exertion (sport) is allowed after 6 weeks, with complicated after 12 weeks.

Inflammation of the lungs in children: symptoms, treatment

Probably, every parent has repeatedly heard about such a terrible pathology, like pneumonia in children. And, indeed, it is terrible, as a result of pneumonia, there were lethal outcomes. This disease is extremely insidious. After all, it hides behind a bouquet of other colds of viral diseases in the form of SARS, tonsillitis, and bronchitis. Therefore, parents should clearly know how exactly pneumonia begins.

If you bring pneumonia to a critical state, then in this case, the child will need to be urgently hospitalized. According to medical statistics, about 10 children out of 100 people who turn to a medical institution with a diagnosis of "pneumonia" die from a fatal outcome.

Pneumonia in children

Inflammation of the lungs or pneumonia is classified in medicine as an infectious disease, at the basis of which lies in the penetration of various viruses, fungal pathogens, and bacteria.

It is very important to determine in time the source of the lesion in pneumonia, in order to prescribe the right treatment and therapy. Since one means can help one from bacterial pneumonia, but another from a viral one.

Classification of pneumonia in children

Pneumonia in children is classified into the following types:

  • Viral origin is the most simple and extremely light form of pneumonia. If there is a viral pneumonia, the child should not be particularly worried. To viral pneumonia, you do not need to use any medications, it can go by yourself, without outside interference.
  • Pneumonia of bacterial origin is eliminated with the help of antibiotics, that is, without fail - this is antibacterial therapy. Bacterial pneumonia develops against another catarrhal disease, but it is possible that it may appear as an independent pathology.
  • Pathology of fungal origin - this form is indeed the most dangerous in its origin. The cause of this pneumonia is the defeat of the lungs by fungi. Ironically, in young children, pneumonia develops as a result of ineffective treatment with antibiotics (that is, the treatment was carried out before).

The most common form of pneumonia is viral - it occurs in approximately 60% of clinical cases. Approximately 30% is due to pneumonia, manifested in bacterial form. Further, a very small percentage remains for diseases of mixed form or those whose causes are fungal lesions.

One-sided / bilateral pneumonia

Pneumonia is classified not only because of the onset of the disease (viral, bacterial, fungal), but also by the degree of defeat - one-sided and two-sided.

If pneumonia is one-sided, then the inflammatory process affects only one lung, and the second - healthy. With bilateral pneumonia, the disease attacks 2 lungs, and the situation becomes much more critical.

Pneumonia is considered a serious, infectious disease, therefore, it can be transmitted from child to child. It is this cause of infection that is most common in children of different ages.

Most often, in children, pneumonia is a complication of another cold which has already been diagnosed in the child. It can be angina, bronchitis, asthma, as well as sinusitis, pharyngitis or the usual cold disease. Most of these inflammatory diseases are accompanied by the accumulation of a large amount of mucus in the lungs. And, if this mucus does not come out, then in this case, more serious lung damage begins.

How the disease develops in young children

Consider the most common picture of the development of pneumonia in children. The child gets cold and at it or him diagnose ORVI. With any catarrhal disease in the upper respiratory tract, that is, bronchus, thick mucus accumulates.

If the child is small, then the musculature of the upper respiratory tract is not yet developed enough to cough up the accumulated mucus, as an adult can do. Thus, sputum accumulates in the lungs in sufficiently large amounts, which leads to a disruption in the functioning of the lungs.

In such foci, mucus accumulations gradually develop and multiply bacteria. With timely treatment in a medical institution, the inflammatory process can go through 5 days.

Symptoms of pneumonia

In order for parents to recognize pneumonia in their children in the shortest possible time, it is necessary to know that pneumonia begins with such symptoms as:

  • A strong cough that is permanent in nature;
  • A sharp rise in temperature. It is characteristic that if the temperature starts to knock down, then after a while it will rise again to the previous level.
  • The child has a cold virus disease for about a week and does not get better.
  • If you ask the baby to take a deep breath, then he can not do it, but only coughs, because his lungs contain a lot of sputum.
  • The child is externally very pale and painful.

If the pallor of the skin is replaced by a painful cyanosis, then this indicates that the lungs of the baby were struck by bacterial pneumonia.

How to diagnose a child with pneumonia

To put the most complete and accurate diagnosis for pneumonia in children, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician without fail.

The doctor should listen to the lungs of the child and give directions to the X-ray image. Also, it is necessary to pay attention to the child's well-being and the general physiological state.

Treatment of pneumonia depends entirely on whether the virus is inflammation or bacterial. For example, viral pneumonia can not be treated with antibiotics, in contrast to bacterial pneumonia.

But, again, antibiotics should also be treated with caution. Antibiotics are prescribed only by a doctor! Not the parent or pharmacist from the nearest pharmacy.

Features of treatment of pneumonia in children at home

Treatment of pneumonia in children at home is often permitted if the child is more than 3 years old and there are no serious complications.Pneumonia is an acute disease caused by an infection that is inflammatory and affects lung tissue. It is very important that the doctor as soon as possible put the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. If a child is allowed to be treated at home, then much depends on the parents and close relatives who take responsibility for caring for the sick.

Basic rules of home treatment

When treating at home, first of all the child should ensure complete rest and bed rest, especially in the first days of the disease, when the condition is very weak. If the child is hard to breathe, then you can put pads to make it sit in a semi-sitting position. Because of the high temperature, children will sweat profusely, therefore it is necessary to change often bed linen and bed linen. Personal hygiene should also be observed, if the child has not enough strength, then you can wipe it with a wet towel or napkin.

The room in which the children will be kept should be kept absolutely clean. The room should be regularly ventilated, but treated for this time from the room is better to remove, to prevent hypothermia. The temperature in the room should be within 23 ° C, we must try to ensure that the air is not overdried. Every day, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning, so that the microbes that are released during breathing, could not reproduce.

The patient's menu may not differ from that which was before the disease, but the food should be warm and preferably finely chopped so that the child can swallow it easily. Broths, meat, dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet. Food should be varied, nutritious, rich in vitamins.

Be sure to provide the patient with a plentiful drink that will save him from possible dehydration. In addition to the usual water, children will be useful to drink all kinds of juices, teas, decoctions and fruit drinks. Drinks should be moderately sweet, and they should be drunk in small portions.


Even if the doctor has allowed to leave the child at home, in any case it is impossible to engage in self-medication. Inflammation of the lungs is a very serious disease, therefore it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of a specialist. Otherwise, the patient's condition may deteriorate significantly, and then the treatment will have to continue in the hospital.

In order to fully cope with the infection, prescribe antibiotics. The drug is administered individually in each case. It depends on the age of the patient, on his general condition and on the pathogen that caused the disease. The doctor can prescribe medications such as Cefixime, Ceftriaxone, Azithromycin or Metrogil, they will need to be applied about a week. For the prevention of dysbiosis, the administration of such medications as Linex, Bifiform or Lactobacterin is prescribed.

To remove the inflammatory process, improve the sputum discharge during coughing and normal work of the bronchi, prescribe the use of bronchodilators and mucolytics. Often the doctor appoints in this case Berodual, Tussin and Pakseladin. Assign also the intake of vitamins C and B group. When the body temperature is normal, compresses can be used. To improve the patency of the bronchi, the patient can perform breathing exercises, which consist in the fact that the child repeatedly inflates balloons or soap bubbles several times a day.

When blood tests and X-rays show that abnormalities in the lungs have disappeared, doctors recommend that patients stay at home for about 10 more days, so that the body is fully restored. In this period it is very useful to conduct therapeutic gymnastics, which will appoint a specialist.

Treatment with folk methods

To complement the drug treatment and accelerate the recovery of the patient, often apply folk recipes that help cope with pneumonia. Patients are treated with badger fat. To break his unpleasant taste, you can add it to warm milk, a glass of which will be enough 1 teaspoon of fat. For the taste, jam or any honey is added, this remedy is applied up to 3 times a day.

You can prepare broths, for example, from licorice root, pine buds or fennel fruits. On a glass of boiling water you need 2 tablespoons of any collection, you need to insist about 30 minutes, then the mixture is filtered, heated and applied up to 3 times a day.

It is useful to use decoctions cooked from hips, bilberries, blueberries or black currants. For 1 cup of boiling water you need to take 1 table spoon of some berries, insist for about an hour and drink warmly up to 3 times a day. To increase immunity, you can brew tea from grass strawberries, cranberries, nettle leaves or currants.

To further prevent the disease with pneumonia, it is necessary to strengthen the immunity of children in every possible way.


This will help daily walks in the fresh air at any time of the year and in any weather. Hardening procedures should be performed with children. If the catarrhal disease does come, it is necessary to conduct timely treatment in order to avoid complications. You can treat pneumonia, most importantly - strictly adhere to all the recommendations of the doctor.

Inflammation of the lungs - symptoms in children

The phrase "pneumonia" and the term "pneumonia" are synonyms. But in everyday life people prefer to call the disease just pneumonia. The term "pneumonia" is used, first of all, by physicians.

Causes of pneumonia in children

Inflammation of the lungs is a fairly common disease, frequent in children due to the peculiarities of the structure of the respiratory system. As a rule, the disease is secondary, that is, a complication after the acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, bronchitis, intestinal infection, the cause of it are numerous bacteria, such as streptococci and pneumococci.

This is a common opinion. But not everyone knows that pneumonia can also occur after a fracture, after a severe poisoning and a burn. After all, lung tissue, in addition to the respiratory function, also performs blood filtration, neutralizing the decay products and various harmful substances that are formed when tissues die. Inflammation of the lungs in infants can also occur as a result of congenital heart disease, immunodeficiency, and in newborns - due to the ingress of the amniotic fluid into the respiratory tract during childbirth.

Symptoms of pneumonia in children

In children, signs and course of pneumonia directly depend on age. The smaller the child, the less obvious they are, like older children. Any cold can develop into pneumonia due to the fact that the infant epithelium, lining the airways, has a loose, loose structure, and it easily hosts viruses.

Sputum, which is assigned the role of protector of lung tissue, ceases to perform its functions. It becomes more viscous, as the body loses fluid due to increased temperature, and begins to clog the bronchi, making breathing difficult. In the foci of obstruction accumulate pathogenic microbes, and in this place inflammation begins.

The temperature of the body can be in the range 3 ° - 3 °, but it can rise to 39 ° and higher.

A prolonged cough, at first dry, and then wet, is almost the main indicator of the disease. Sometimes there may be pain in the chest, but at an older age, an ache in the body.

So, if, against the background of a common cold, the baby persistently holds the temperature for more than three days, it is advisable to call a doctor who will direct the child to an X-ray. Because it is with his help that the diagnosis of "pneumonia" is made.

Treatment of pneumonia in children

As with the treatment of the bulk of colds, due consideration should be given to the conditions in which the affected child is in treatment of pneumonia.

The air should be cool and damp. If you do not have a household air humidifier, you can use the simple method of placing water containers in the room and hanging wet terry towels on the batteries. Air should in no case be overheated, because so much more liquid will lose the child. Daily wet cleaning should be done without the use of chemicals.

The drinking regime must be observed very strictly to avoid dehydration and intoxication of the body. You can drink any liquid in a warm form to your child.

The temperature is below 3 °, as a rule, does not get off, so as not to interfere with the production of interferon, which fights the disease.

Both bilateral and unilateral pneumonia in children are treated equally.

The main drug treatment for pneumonia is taking antibiotics. Assign them in the form of tablets, suspensions or intramuscular injections, depending on the severity of the disease.

Parents need to remember that pneumonia in children, especially the breast, is a serious illness. And, if it is treated incorrectly, it is fraught with complications. In general, the treatment of young children is carried out in a hospital.

Inflammation of the lungs in children: symptoms and treatment of newborns and infants

  • Symptoms in children 1-3
  • Symptoms in infants
  • Treatment

Inflammation of the lungs is an acute infectious disease of the respiratory system.Inflammation of the lungs in children can be primary and develop independently or secondary, that is develop as a consequence of another infectious disease, transferred earlier, for example, sinusitis or influenza.

A child of any age, even just born, can get sick of this infection.Today, there are many medicines to treat this disease, so the disease can be called not so dangerous than a few dozen years ago.

However, it is not necessary to relax, since pneumonia is a serious illness that must be treated on time and correctly, so as not to lead to a fatal outcome.

  • The cause of the disease can be bacteria, viruses, fungiand all kinds of parasites. In the lungs of a child, these organisms are through breathing.
  • The main factors of the disease are viral infections, as a result of which the immunity of the child becomes weak.
  • Respiratory infectionsincrease the amount of mucus and reduce their bactericidal activity, and air enters the lungs not so clean and moist. All this kills epithelial cells and reduces the immunity of the baby, so that all microbes and viruses calmly penetrate the respiratory tract, leading to an inflammatory process in the lungs.

At infection, in the lungs there is an edema of the small bronchus, because of which the air enters the body badly. And it is here that the process of exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place. The gas exchange process is hampered and oxygen is supplied to internal organs in insufficient quantity for normal functioning.


A doctor who determines a child's lung inflammation should always determine the form and severity of the disease. Only in this way can an adequate treatment be prescribed that will give results and facilitate the treatment process.

Inflammation can be of several types:

  • Croupous- One lung is affected. Can be left-handed or right-handed. The baby immediately jumps to a temperature of 39-40 degrees. In the lungs and abdomen, pain is felt, a moist cough with phlegm appears, red rashes appear on the body;
  • Focal. It is diagnosed in children aged 1-3 years. It affects the entire area of ​​the lung. This form is considered secondary and appears as a result of the transferred bronchitis. The first symptoms are high fever, dry and deep cough. This type of disease can be cured only by prolonged intake of the necessary drugs. Treatment lasts 2-3 weeks;
  • Segmented. Partially affects the child's lung. When this child does not want to eat and play, sleeps badly, the temperature appears 37-38 degrees. Coughing can be practically non-existent, because of what often this type of illness is difficult to detect from the first days of appearance;
  • Staphylococcal. This type of infection infects newborns and babies up to one year. The main symptoms are shortness of breath, vomiting, coughing and wheezing with heavy breathing. ESR and leukocytosis in the blood test will be above the norm. With timely and correct treatment, the disease will begin to recede after - 2 months. After that, the baby undergoes a 10-day rehabilitation.

Inflammation: symptoms in children from one year to three

According to statistics, babies are more likely to suffer from inflammation.All this is explained by the underdeveloped respiratory system in children under three years old. The weight of the baby's organs is only being formed and developing, so they can not fully resist the infections. In children up to the age of three, lung tissue is not yet mature, the respiratory tract is small and narrow, and the mucous membranes are saturated with blood vessels, because of what instantly swell as a result of infection, which leads to a deterioration in ventilation lungs.

In addition, the ciliated epithelium still can not quickly remove phlegm, which becomes more numerous in the disease. As a result, the infection safely penetrates into the body, settles in the organs and multiplies, leading to severe inflammation.

About the inflammation of the lungs, parents can guess by certain signs and symptoms.If the disease does not recede, but on the contrary gaining strength. If the child's immunity weakens day by day and all the treatment procedures performed do not lead to the desired result, it is necessary to urgently show the child to the doctor and think about serious medication.


It is not necessary in such cases to engage in self-medication and risk the health and life of the baby. This can only worsen a child's condition, and time for quick and painless treatment will be missed.

  • Symptoms of pneumonia in children aged two and three years are the same.
  • Parents should identify them in the shortest possible time and urgently call the doctor at home.
  • Within 3-5 days from the onset of the development of a cold or flu, the child's condition does not improve, the temperature constantly rises and cough intensifies.
  • The child refuses to eat, does not sleep well, is capricious and does not want to do anything about a week after the onset of the illness.
  • The main symptom is a strong strangling cough.
  • There may also be shortness of breath and a small temperature, indicating an inflammatory process in a small body.
  • The child begins to breathe frequently and intensively, but can not breathe normally.


Children 1-3 years should do 25-30 breaths, at an older age the norm is reduced to 25 breaths per minute.

With pneumonia the baby breathes more often than usual.There is a cough, runny nose, fever and temperature. If more than three consecutive days the fever keeps, you need to take antipyretic drugs.

Inflammation of the lungs: symptoms of pneumonia in infants

Mom must constantly monitor the condition of her baby, as the inflammation of the lungs in newborns manifests itself immediately and it will be seen from the behavior of the child.

If the baby whimpers all the time, behaves sluggishly and indifferent to the world around him or cries all the time, does not want to eat and at the same time the temperature rises to the baby, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor.

Most often pneumonia is diagnosed in infants who are on artificial feeding. As well as this disease, children with diathesis, rickets and other diseases are susceptible.The main symptoms that talk about the inflammation of the lungs in infants:

  • Temperature. In the first year with pneumonia, the temperature may not be high, in contrast to older children. It can stay within 37 degrees, sometimes rising to 3 degrees. In addition, the temperature at this age will not indicate the severity of the disease;
  • Unnatural behavior. The kid behaves uneasily, reacts badly to others, refuses food and breast, while in his sleep he constantly turns and cries. Vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose and a strong cough may also occur;
  • Breath. The baby becomes painful to breathe. When coughing, purulent and mucous formations are prominent. There is shortness of breath and rapid breathing. Sometimes foam and discharge can go from the nose and mouth.


    The norm in newborns is 50 breaths per minute. From two months to one year, children make 25-40 breaths. If the number of breaths becomes larger, the baby may have pneumonia.

    You can also observe how the skin is drawn into the child during breathing. Usually this happens from the patient's lung. To do this, you need to undress the baby and see how the skin behaves between the ribs;

  • Cyanosisnasolabial triangle. This symptom is manifested by blue skin over the upper lip and under the nose. Especially the skin turns blue during breastfeeding.

Treatment of pneumonia in children

Children under three years of age who have been diagnosed with pneumonia can be treated both in the hospital and at home. It all depends on the severity of the disease and the condition of the small patient.

The doctor should identify the type of pneumonia, on the basis of which the risks of complications will be determined.

  • Inflammation of the lungs in children can be treated at home, if the baby is not intoxicated, not breathing and the work of internal organs.
  • In addition, the doctor should be sure that the child's living conditions will be favorable for his treatment and will not provoke complications.
  • In this case, the doctor must come to the patient every day until the condition of the baby can not be called satisfactory, but stable. If the child's improved condition lasts several days, the doctor can come to the patient once or twice a day.

Treatment of newborns and children up to3-хyears should be spent in a hospital.Also, under the constant supervision of doctors should be children with respiratory failure, rickets, immunodeficiency. Immediate hospitalization is carried out by children who do not experience any improvement within 1-2 days of treatment.

Children with pneumonia are assigned bed rest in a ventilated room with an air humidity of 50-60%.

  • The trunk and head of the child in a horizontal position should rise.
  • It is necessary to drink a lot, so that the blood liquefies and sputum forms, which removes the entire infection from the body.
  • A complex treatment is prescribed, the basis of which is antibacterial therapy.
Before prescribing antibiotics, it is necessary to determine the presence of allergic reactions to any kind of medications from the baby and its close relatives. Initially, a broad-spectrum antibiotic is selected, which the child will take up to pores until all test results are obtained and the pathogen and species are determined disease.

Usually, the course of taking antibiotics is7-10 days.In severe forms, the course can be prolonged. In addition, antifungal agents and probiotics with vitamins are prescribed to support the body and enhance immunity.

If antibiotics do not improve the patient's condition for two days, the drug is urgently changed to another. After the temperature subsides and ceases to rise, dyspnea and wheezing during breathing will also decrease, the treatment continues for a couple of more days. Reception of antibiotics is terminated only after the complete cure of the child.

In order for the sputum to leave the baby's body well, stimulating and coughing means are used, thanks to which the bronchial secretion is diluted and eliminated from the body.

To do this, use plant, synthetic and semi-synthetic medicines, the basis of which are medicinal plants.

Also, antipyretic agents may be prescribed:

  • Babies up to 3 months at a temperature of 38 degrees and febrile convulsions;
  • At a temperature of 39-40 degrees;
  • With toxicosis and poor condition of the child.

After recovery from a serious illness, the rehabilitation process begins, during which the child is prescribed curative breathing exercises, warm inhalations and chest massage.

The doctor must always monitor the condition of the baby and his internal organs.After recovery, you need to pass the necessary tests to determine the need to take medication to restore the normal functioning of all the organs of the child. During the year the baby should visit the pediatrician every month.

Interesting Facts

Every year, according to statistics, 150 million children aged 1-5 years and younger suffer from such an ailment as pneumonia. Of these, 70% of all cases are associated with viruses that can be treated without antibiotics, 20% are infected with bacteria, and only 10% of all diagnosed diseases require treatment in the hospital.

A doctor can determine the presence of pneumonia in a child according to the main signs, the results of a blood test and a lung X-ray. And first of all it is necessary to determine the causative agent of the disease. Dr. Komarovsky argues that pneumonia in children is not necessarily treated in a hospital.

Medical assistance is necessary only in the event of a child's poor state and if it begins to suffocate. There are specific symptoms in which you urgently need to see a doctor.

Dr. Komarovsky singles out a few:

  1. Cough became the main symptom of the disease;
  2. Impairment after improvement;
  3. Any catarrhal disease that lasts more than a week;
  4. Coughing attacks with deep breathing;
  5. Pronounced pallor of the skin;
  6. Shortness of breath and lack of antipyretic effect.

As it turns out, it is not always necessary to prick injections. There are many analogues in syrups and tablets, which also act effectively. Therefore, if a child can swallow tablets, it is not necessary to give him injections.

To prevent the disease the child must live and develop under normal conditions, eat balanced and walk more often outdoors.


SOS! How to treat pneumonia in a 2 year old child



Do not treat the baby with home remedies! It should be under the supervision of a specialist until the inflammatory process in the lungs is completely completed.
The main method of treating pneumonia is antibiotics. It is useful to rub the chest with a balm with eucalyptus oil. When coughing, expectorants are prescribed. In the hospital, the baby will be given procedures that can not be carried out at home.


Do you want to insure yourself here?? ?
I'm afraid that this is not a conference of doctors... Good luck ...


do not need to be insured, I'll do everything right in the hospital. Get well!

Natalia Yuni

1. Antibacterial (antibiotics)
2.Desinsibilizing agents (suprastin, tavegil,)
3. Expectorants (breastfeeding, mucaltin)
4. Vitaminotherapy (group B)
5. Physiotherapy

Alya Sh.

Watch out that they are kicking a baby! There are antibiotics from which they are deaf! (gentomecin)


Antibiotics, folk remedies can only be of help.


When pneumonia occurs, hospitalization is necessary to control the process! We were treated with antibiotics (pricked in the hospital) + then at home they drank summed + hilak forte and drank the syrup of the althea-expectorant potion.

Elen Kuznetsova

If you put in a hospital - you have to lie down. There are no folk remedies for pneumonia, you can only kill a child. Pneumonia is a bacterial infection - it can only be cured by antibiotics. Her daughter had 3 pneumonia. The first - in 1d. 2m. I ran to the hospital myself, without waiting for directions from the pediatrician. Also the hospital was not a fountain. Conditions - zero. Nothing - the child was cured. And the kids of those from 3 months to 4 years old were full. All were discharged with recovery. The truth is that I myself have been infected with hospital infection, then snot and throat treated for a week... But it was calmer for me that my child is under the control of specialists. And an x-ray, and a prick, and analyzes - all on grfiku.

Zaytsev Artem Valerievich

you are a mother or who even at the hospital save money

Ringed seal

you that, with an oak fell!!! !
In the hospital and there already specialists will be treated!
You yourself think, what folk remedies? Here we need a full-fledged antibiotic, and not lotions with weeds.


you can refuse hospitalization, but in this case you should have a doctor and a nurse who will come several times and make a baby an injection of antibiotics. there are no folk remedies for this disease.
Get well!))))


Definitely go to the doctor, self-treatment is very dangerous. Especially the child to treat!

little bird

treat pneumonia only in medical institutions. self-treatment in this case is very dangerous

irina salabai

Well people give! Yes, the man does not refuse to go to hospital. She explained that she wanted to insure herself - to find out how much more detailed that there would be any treatment or reserve option, there might be a folk remedy. Who knows what kind of doctors they have in "messy? The mother has the right to seek any sources to help her child.
... And you do not need accusations that the disease has committed, do you have it yourself that the children never got sick or you yourself?

Vera Ashra

This is dangerous, especially in Ukraine now swine flu swine with complications in the form of inflammation of the lungs. Be sure to prick antibiotics - streptomycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol or doxycycline, t. To eat the suspicion that pneumonia can be caused by pulmonary plague, and these antibiotics and plague, including treat. Follow up if after 3 days there is no improvement, then force doctors to reconsider the therapy. Ask this good doctor by phone. (he advises), his Ukrainian phone:
(067) 484-23-31
My name is Nazarov Mikhail Evgenievich and read these links (remove the blanks) about the symptoms

d u r d o m.i n.u a / uk / main / article / article_id / 1917.phtml

d u r d o m.i n.u a / en / main / article / article_id / 2000.phtml


in the hospital uniquely and recover

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