Diseases of the elbow joint

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Diseases of the elbow joint arise on the basis of traumatic, infectious-inflammatory and trophic changes. The proximity of the nerve trunks leads to the fact that nearby nerves can be involved in the damage - ulnar, radial and medial nerves. Traumatic injuries in this area more often than elsewhere are complicated by a violation of the circulation, in which The hand can save only early surgical intervention, impossible without early recognition of vascular complications.


  • 1Structure of the elbow joint
  • 2Traumatic injury
      • 2.0.1Injury
      • 2.0.2Dislocation
      • 2.0.3Fracture
  • 3Inflammatory diseases
      • 3.0.1Arthritis
      • 3.0.2Epicondylitis
      • 3.0.3Tendonitis
      • 3.0.4Fasciitis
      • 3.0.5Neuritis
      • 3.0.6Fluid in the elbow joint
  • 4Osteoarthritis of elbow joint - symptomatology and methods of treatment
  • 5Consequences of diseases

Structure of the elbow joint

In the formation of the elbow joint, the articular surfaces of the ulnar, radial and humerus are covered with hyaline cartilage. The joint is surrounded by a capsule, it is strengthened by four ligaments - ulnar and radial collateral, annular, square. In addition to the ligament bones of the forearm fixes the interosseous septum of the forearm, which is located in the space between the ulna and the radius and is attached to their edges.

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The elbow joint has a complex structure, in its cavity three connections are distinguished:

  1. Bone-eared- uniaxial block-shaped joint, which has a helical-shaped deflection of the surfaces.
  2. Bronchial- the joint, in which movements are made around the front and vertical axes.
  3. Proximal ray- a typical cylindrical joint rotating around a vertical axis.

Traumatic injury

The cause of traumatic injuries most often becomes a fall, because at that moment any person instinctively tries to insure themselves with an elbow.

To begin to treat a trauma it is necessary right after it is received to avoid development of inflammatory processes and adhesions.


The duration of treatment and the consequences of an elbow injury depend on the strength of the impact. As a first aid with bruises use ice and cold compresses, it is strictly forbidden to use warming ointments and rubbers. The first days after the injury you need to ensure complete immobility, after the disappearance of pain and bruising can begin to develop a joint. Usually the recovery period can vary from 14 to 45 days.

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Dislocation is the displacement of bones relative to each other, it can be accompanied by damage to nerves and vessels, ruptures of the joint capsule or ligaments.

The main manifestation is:

  • fixed in the wrong position of the limb, which can not be moved (when trying to set the forearm in the physiological position, the limb springs);
  • presence of acute impassable pain.

If such symptoms appear, you should go to the emergency room, where the doctor will perform the necessary examinations, including radiology.It is not recommended to direct dislocation independently, this can lead to aggravation of the situation.After reinforcement, the limb is fixed in a bent position with a plaster bandage or orthosis. Restoration of the motor activity of the limb begins only after removal of immobilization.


Most often, a fracture of the elbow is characterized by the presence of intra-articular trauma.

The following types of fracture are distinguished:

  • in the region of the lower epiphysis of the humerus;
  • in the region of the head elevation;
  • in the region of the upper epiphysis of the radial or ulnar bones;
  • combined fracture of the upper epiphyses of the bones of the forearm and the lower epiphysis of the humerus.

Treatment of the fracture depends on the presence of bias and fragments - simple fractures without displacement are immobilized gypsum bandage, and displaced and splintered often require traction or surgical intervention. The recovery period begins after the removal of gypsum and the complete fusion of the fracture.

Inflammatory diseases

The cause of the appearance of pain in the elbow can be a disease of inflammatory nature, affecting various structures of the joint.


Arthritis rarely has an isolated character, most often the development of this disease is the beginning of a systemic pathology of the musculoskeletal system of inflammatory nature.

Clinically, the disease manifests itself:

  • the presence of pain;
  • edema;
  • restriction of his motor activity;
  • the appearance of local hyperthermia (increase in the temperature of the skin) and hyperemia (reddening of the skin).
Specialists distinguish rheumatoid, gouty, infectious and reactive forms of arthritis, depending on the cause that caused the development of this disease.


Epicondylitis is a violation of the ligament joints, caused by the inflammatory process.

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Specialists distinguish two types of disease:

  1. External or lateral epicondylitis- the pain appears in the area of ​​the external humerus of the humerus, the cause of its development can be an unusual load (work in the garden after a long break or sports games). This disease is also called the elbow of a tennis player.
  2. Internal or medial epicondylitis (golfer's elbow)- The inflammatory process develops in the tendons of the muscles, which attach to the medial epicondyle. Pain can be determined by palpation of this area, and it arises with an active resistance to flexion of the hand.


Inflammatory process, which develops in the area of ​​joints of tendons with articular capsule, is called tendinitis.

The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • pain, aggravated by movement;
  • hyperemia and local hyperthermia;
  • tenderness during palpation.


The disease, characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process, localized in the muscular fascia.

Is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • the presence of pains of a trailing nature;
  • weakness of muscle fibers;
  • decrease in turgor (elasticity) and tone of skin in the elbow joint area.


The development of neuritis is caused by the infringement of nerve endings in connection with trauma and is manifested by causeless pain, not associated with movements in the elbow joint, the development of numbness of the skin, the appearance of a sensation of tingling on the skin forearm.

Fluid in the elbow joint

The appearance of fluid is the main manifestation of such a disease as bursitis and is associated with an elbow injury or infection in the synovial bag. Depending on the nature of the fluid, purulent, hemorrhagic and serous bursitis is isolated.

Treatment of the disease depends on the cause that caused it, and the nature of the course of the inflammatory process. Conservative treatment or removal of fluid from the cavity of the synovial bag by puncture may be indicated.

To remove a liquid at home it will not be possible, for this purpose it is better to address to the doctor, and methods of traditional medicine to use as additional therapy.

Osteoarthritis of elbow joint - symptomatology and methods of treatment

It is a degenerative-dystrophic process that develops as a result of circulatory disorders. The causes of the disease can become excessive loads, microtrauma, age-related changes in cartilage and metabolic disorders in diabetes, gout, obesity.

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Arthrosis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • presence of drawing pain during movement;
  • the appearance of a crunch;
  • restriction of motor activity.

As the disease develops, local hyperemia, hyperthermia and puffiness may join.

For the treatment of arthrosis, a medicamental or surgical method of treatment, physiotherapy, exercise therapy and massage are used.

Consequences of diseases

The consequence of untimely begun or inadequately selected therapy of diseases of the elbow joint can be:

  1. Development of posttraumatic contracture - a persistent limitation of passive movements. With improper treatment of injuries and some joint diseases, ankylosis (complete immobility of the joint) can become a complication.
  2. The appearance of ossicles most often develops during dislocations.
  3. The consequences of inflammatory diseases can become phlegmon, abscess, lymphangitis, purulent arthritis.

In order to prevent the development of complications of diseases of the elbow joint, when the first symptoms of various lesions appear, it is necessary to consult a trauma doctor, a surgeon or a rheumatologist.