Homemade Medicine

Useful properties and contra-indications of berries and blueberry leaves

Blueberries are bluish-black, tasty and healthy, contain many vitamins and elements necessary for the body. Bilberry grows in mixed and pine forests, berries appear in July. Article content: Why is blueberry good for the body? Nutritional value and caloric value of Is there any harm and contraindications? Ways of using in folk medicine Why is blueberry good for the body? Blueberries have antioxidant qualities, affect malignant neoplasms and do no...

  • 30-Jun-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Ginger pickled: the benefit and harm of the product

Marinated ginger has gained wide popularity in Russia due to the popularity of Japanese sushi, along with which it is served, although the first mention of the use of spices for more than five thousand years. The Japanese are convinced that the use of a pickled product protects a person from dangerous microorganisms contained in raw fish, and also strengthens immunity, prolongs youth, tones up, raises spiritual and vital forces. The birthplace of ginger is recognized as In...

  • 05-Jul-2018
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Homemade Medicine

The benefits and harms of kiwi for human health

The kiwi fruit has its name in honor of the bird of the same name, due to its external similarity with it. China is the birthplace of the fruit, but at the beginning of the 20th century the vines were brought to New Zealand, where the kiwis were successfully cultivated. Gradually the fruit has become one of the most popular in the world. It began to grow in Italy, Greece, Iran and other countries with a warm climate. Fruits can ripen after they have been ripped from the creep...

  • 27-Jun-2018
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Homemade Medicine

On the benefits and possible harm of barley porridge

The barley porridge was known to people even more than four thousand years ago. Many people are accustomed to seeing it cooked with milk or water, but we will not only give you a number of interesting and useful recipes for cereals, but also tell you about its beneficial properties. Article content: What is useful for a person? Nutritional value and caloric value Restrictions on use Cooking recipes Barley porridge with mushrooms Pilaf from a bo...

  • 03-Jul-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Useful properties and contraindications for dried apricots for men and women for pregnancy

Dried apricot is a dried apricot, in which there is no bone. To get 1 kg of the product, you need about 4 kg of fresh fruit. The favorable effect of apricots, of which make dried apricots and apricots, has long been noticed by residents of the southern regions. The apricot removes nuclei, heavy metals, strengthens the heart. Below, we will tell you how useful dried apricots are. The unique composition of The daily composition and dosage of The useful properties...

  • 30-Jun-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Benefits and Harms of Dill for Health

Dill is one of the most unique plants known even in the times of ancient culture. Then it was grown for medicinal purposes, like spice and as a flower. Many years have passed, but even now fennel occupies one of the important places not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology and medicine. Contents of the article: Useful properties for the human body Nutritional value and caloricity Is there any harm and contraindications? Methods of application in folk ...

  • 29-Jun-2018
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Homemade Medicine

On beneficial properties and contra-indications for human health

The rutabaga is a fairly infrequent guest on our tables. At the same time, the richest composition of the product makes it possible to use it not only in cooking, but also in medicine, because the rutabaga is an effective remedy for all sorts of health problems and serious diseases. Article content: Use of rudimentary Nutritional value and calorie content Possible harm and contraindications How is it used in folk medicine? Application in cosmetology ...

  • 28-Jun-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Celery stems: useful properties and possible contraindications

The useful properties of celery stems have been known since ancient times. To date, the plant is widely used in cooking, cosmetology and folk medicine. The curative effect of the vegetable is determined by a rich unique substances composition: Vitamin PP; amino acids - tyrosine, asparagine, carotene; iron; vitamin C( up to 8% of the daily norm); zinc; flavonoids; vitamin E; selenium; protein; cellulose; nicotinic acid; vitamin B1; pho...

  • 04-Jul-2018
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Homemade Medicine

Application of wax moth tincture in folk medicine - recommendations and doses

In folk medicine, interesting approaches to treatment with incredible tools are used. An effective remedy for some ailments is a tincture, the main component of which is a wax moth. This is a popular remedy in the people, which was originally used as a healing substance for bronchial, pulmonary and tuberculosis diseases. In the article, we will look at ways to use wax moths and a recipe, according to which tincture is prepared at home. content of the article: ...

  • 02-Jul-2018
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Homemade Medicine

What is the benefit and harm of red beans?

No matter what color the beans are, it is in any case the most valuable resource of vegetable protein, which is unobstructed by our body. But, if you approach the study of this issue most scrupulously, then we can say with confidence that the red beans have more advantages over their congeners. By the way, the protein form for all legumes is the same. Beans of thick, juicy red color have more benefits in terms of the content of microelements and vitamins. If we are talk...

  • 01-Jul-2018
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