
After a cold, my ears have been put in place.

After a cold, my ear fell! The cold had already passed a month, and the ear had not been postponed, the doctor said there were no traffic jams.Answers:Irene Nietzsche1. In the ear - otinum or otypax - 4 -5 days, or cotton wool with camphor alcohol, or a sheet of geranium, or a tincture of propolis. OPTION to take a teaspoon of vodka, a little heat to add there a drop of honey, so that it dissolves in vodka and is dripped several times in the ear or put on a fleece.2. If it does not cure for 1...

  • 07-Aug-2018
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Effective antibiotic for colds

Antibiotics for colds: indications and specific usesBy the term "cold" is meant a whole group of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which can be characterized by both the viral and bacterial nature of origin. As a rule, all diseases have a similar symptomatology, which in most cases is relatively easy to treat. But it does not exclude situations in which complications of the common cold develop, it is impossible to get rid of them without antibacterial drugs. Almost all people take anti...

  • 04-Aug-2018
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Cold tablets are inexpensive and effective

List of inexpensive drugs against influenza and coldsAlmost every person, at least once a year, suffers from a cold. No matter how strong the human body, it can not be fully insured against viruses and infections, especially if there is an off-season or winter. Producers for disease control offer inexpensive medicine for colds and flu. You need to know which ones are not just cheap, but also effective.Antiviral drugs are inexpensive but effectiveAll funds for influenza and cold are divided in...

  • 10-Aug-2018
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Than to treat a cold at a lactemia

Treatment of a cold with breastfeedingIn most cases, medication with breastfeeding is acceptable if the drugs are compatible with the feeding. But, of course, you need to be careful, carefully study the annotations to the prescribed medications and monitor the condition of the baby. First of all, it is necessary to inform the attending physician about breastfeeding, the age of the child and possible reactions to the medications. Proceeding from this, the doctor will select an acceptable metho...

  • 07-Aug-2018
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Inexpensive drugs to prevent flu and colds

List of inexpensive drugs against influenza and coldsAlmost every person, at least once a year, suffers from a cold. No matter how strong the human body, it can not be fully insured against viruses and infections, especially if there is an off-season or winter. Producers for disease control offer inexpensive medicine for colds and flu. You need to know which ones are not just cheap, but also effective.Antiviral drugs are inexpensive but effectiveAll funds for influenza and cold are divided in...

  • 10-Aug-2018
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Cold at 36 weeks gestation

The appearance of colds in the third trimester of pregnancyThe health of a newborn child depends to a large extent on the state of health of his mother, her way of life before and during pregnancy, as well as diseases that occurred in her body during the period of gestation child. The most common and common disease that many people experience every year is the common cold. Cold during pregnancy, the trimester is not as dangerous as in the first 6 months, because it was at that time that the f...

  • 08-Aug-2018
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How to quickly cure a cold at home

How to quickly cure a cold at home for the day: how to recoverEven an innocuous cold at first glance can be a long way to dislodge and disrupt the habitual way of life.Not to mention the likelihood of developing complications that require prolonged treatment with drugs, and sometimes with antibiotics.To learn how to cure a cold for 1 day, it is useful to read this article to the end.How can you defeat a cold?If a person is frozen, he must immediately get warm to prevent colds. Quickly warm yo...

  • 04-Aug-2018
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Lemon with honey for cold prescription

Does lemon help with colds ???Answers:Anastasia FayéLemon for colds is one of the irreplaceable remedies. It helps in all cases: on the one hand, a lemon is able to prevent a flu or cold, on the other - if the infection has already occurred - is able to facilitate and speed up the process recovery. What is so unique about lemon?Lemon as a remedy for coldsFor a long time lemon was famous for its antiviral prophylactic properties. Especially useful lemon for colds - as a generous source of vita...

  • 07-Aug-2018
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Treatment of the baby at the first sign of a cold

How to treat a child at the first sign of a coldColds in children in the period of viral epidemics - a fairly common phenomenon. With timely measures taken, the viral infection disappears in 7-10 days, if there is no accumulation.Instructions At the firstsignsthechildcreate conditions for him to fight the infection. Observe bed rest, virus infection can not be carried on legs, the body needs strength to fight it. Let the baby drink more. Grudnikkov pour water from the bottle. For an older chi...

  • 05-Aug-2018
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Tablets for colds and flu names

What pills to drink for coldsWithout a common cold and flu, there is not a single cold season. We spend money on expensive medicines, trying to quickly get rid of all the unpleasant symptoms, forgetting about effective and inexpensive drugs. Meanwhile, there are pills for colds, which are several times cheaper than the advertised counterparts. The main thing - to understand the mechanism of action of drugs, use them competently and purposefully.What pills to drink with flu and coldsDrugs that...

  • 01-Aug-2018
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