
External otitis symptoms and treatment in adults

Treatment of otitis in adults. Effective treatment of otitis Otitis is an inflammatory ear disease. In order to understand why the disease occurs and what processes are taking place, consider the anatomical structure of the hearing organ and the process by which it perceives information. Ear structure The human ear has a very complex structure, which can be divided into three sections: the outer, middle and inner ear. The outer ear is the auricle, which perceives sound waves, direct...

  • 22-Jun-2018
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How to cure otitis media

Otitis of the ear: types of otitis and causes of development Otitis in children Otitis in adults Treatment Ear Otitis is an ENT disease of the hearing organ, characterized by an inflammation of one of the ear sections connected together.The reasons for the development of otitis media can be very different, ranging from mechanical damage and improper personal hygiene, to serious complications arising from acute respiratory infections, influenza and colds.Few people know, but even a common runn...

  • 03-Aug-2018
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To heat the ear with otitis

Is it possible to heat the ear with otitis: thermal treatment as a kind of physiotherapy Types of heating Otitis is called ear inflammation. When otitis, the patient experiences pain directly in the ear, but the pain can then move to the temporal or occipital region and even sometimes to the area of ​​the teeth. Properly performed heating procedure, especially in the early stages of otitis, will help remove these symptoms. The question of whether it is possible to heat th...

  • 22-Jun-2018
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Purulent otitis treatment

How does purulent otitis occur and what is its treatment?One of the serious diseases is purulent otitis, the treatment of which requires a lot of time and money. You can not just give up on him, because the illness is accompanied by unpleasant, and sometimes unbearable pain.The consequences of purulent otitis media are very serious. It can be meningitis, damage to the mucous membrane of the brain, which will lead to bad symptoms and a significant reduction in life expectancy. Finally, the mos...

  • 25-Aug-2018
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The temperature at the otitis at the child how much keeps

How much does the temperature last for the baby?Inflammation of the middle ear, or otitis, is a fairly common disease, especially in toddlers. In most cases, the development of this disease begins with a rise in body temperature to a critical level of 39-40 degrees and severe pain in the ear.Naturally, every loving and caring mother tries as soon as possible to save her son or daughter from suffering and gives the baby various medications prescribed by the doctor. With correctly chosen tactic...

  • 13-Jul-2018
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Acute Otitis in the Child

Ear otitis in a child: symptoms, causes and treatment Ear otitis in a child occurs significantly more often than in adults. The reasons for this imbalance are obvious - they are associated with the not yet sufficiently strengthened immune system of babies, which is not yet able to actively resist the development of inflammation. External manifestations of the disease, depending on the type of otitis media, differ, and therapeutic approaches should also be different. What are otitis media...

  • 22-Jun-2018
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Discharge from the ear with otitis

Inflammation of the middle ear: symptoms and stagesUnpleasant and extremely painful manifestations of ear diseases are classified according to many signs, one of which is the location of foci of infection.Consider the possible types of otitis and examine in detail the symptoms of the middle ear.Types of otitis Outer, when the inflammation is localized directly in the auditory canal. Most often, it is diffuse, when the whole surface of the passage is damaged or in the form of a furuncle, if s...

  • 23-Aug-2018
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After an otitis badly hears an ear what to do or make

After a cold, the ear does not hear, but does not hurt. What to do (only not the doctor!)? A weak bolza is the ear of the bottom ...Answers:waisOtitis is an inflammation of the middle ear. It is caused by obstruction of the eustachian tube and stagnation of the fluid in the middle ear. Often its cause is the penetration of microorganisms from the pharynx into the Eustachian tube and the middle ear.Symptoms: Otitis is characterized by sudden and sharp pain in the ears, irritability, hearing lo...

  • 15-Jul-2018
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Otitis without fever in a child

The temperature at the otitis as one of the main symptoms of the diseaseThe temperature at otitis, which is a serious disease, is considered one of the main signs of otitis.Otitis can be acute or chronic.In acute form, which lasts two to three days, patients feel constant or periodic pain.Body temperature can rise to 38-39 ° C or higher.In addition to the temperature of otitis, there are other, no less pronounced symptoms, namely: severe headache and dizziness; nausea; hearing loss; feeling o...

  • 26-Aug-2018
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External Otitis Symptoms and Treatment

External otitis in children and adults: symptoms and treatmentAccording to official statistics, otitis externa, the symptoms and treatment of which will be discussed in this article, are carried by 5 people per 1000 people worldwide every year. In 3-5% of people, this disease is observed in chronic form.It was noted that, despite the prevalence among residents of all countries, this disease is more likely to be found in places with a warm and humid climate. In addition, the otitis of the exte...

  • 14-Aug-2018
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