Cataract: treatment with drops

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In most people after forty years, doctors diagnose cataracts. It is considered one of the most common eye diseases, while it is very slowly progressing. But despite this, this disease in a neglected stage can lead to damage to the optic nerve, which is fraught with complete blindness.

Therefore, cataracts must be treated. And what is this "cataract" and how to treat it, you can find out by reading this article.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

The lens of the eye is a transparent lens that is located in the space between the vitreous body and the iris.Due to its ability to refract light rays, it allows you to focus it on the retina.

In youth, the lens can easily change its shape, which makes it possible to see well both far and near. But the older the person becomes, the less elastic and transparent the lens becomes.When it has partially or completely become cloudy, talk about the onset of cataracts.

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The more cloudiness becomes, the worse sight becomes.

Types of cataracts, depending on the cause:

  • Congenital cataract;
  • Acquired cataract;
  • Star cataract;
  • Traumatic cataract;
  • Cataract, which has arisen as a complication after a disease;
  • Radiation cataract.
Types of cataracts

Other types of cataract:

  • Nuclear.It affects the central lens. Nuclear cataracts are found in many elderly people.
  • Cortical.In this case, the bark surrounding the crystalline lens becomes turbid.
  • Subcapsular.The front or back of the capsule may be cloudy. It is very rapidly progressing, and vision deteriorates much more than with other types of cataracts.
Types of congenital cataracts


There are many reasons for the development of cataracts. Among them, the following factors stand out:

  1. Genetic predisposition to this disease.
  2. Injuries of the eyes;
  3. Disorders of the endocrine system and metabolism;
  4. Various eye diseases, such as, for example, myopia or glaucoma;
  5. Taking certain medications, for example, statins;
  6. Poisoning by various substances, for example, mercury or ergot;
  7. Bad ecology and high radiation background in the place of residence;
  8. Irradiation of different etiologies;
  9. The presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, malnutrition)


The main symptom of cataract is blurred vision. The patient sees the surrounding world as if through a misted glass.

The further the cataract progresses, the more often stripes and streaks flash before your eyes, ghosts appear around the objects.A person begins to react painfully to light, complaining about objects that double in front of him. A patient with a cataract is difficult to read and write, manipulate with small objects.When the cataract has reached its maturity, the pupil acquires a white color.

Symptoms depend on the stage of cataract. There are four stages of this disease:

  • The first stage is the initial cataract.Opacification formed on the periphery of the lens.
  • The second stage is immature cataract.The turbidity also passes to the central zone of the lens. At the same time, vision deteriorates significantly.
  • The third stage is a mature cataract.The lens was completely cloudy. The person already does not see anything, but at it the light sensation remained.
  • The fourth stage is an overripe cataract.The lens begins to liquefy. It becomes milky white.

Doctors-ophthalmologists and ophthalmic surgeons say that twelve percent of people who have cataracts are rapidly progressing this disease within four to six years.Fifteen percent of patients develop cataracts slowly over a period of ten to fifteen years.And for most people, cataracts can develop from six to ten years.


Only a doctor can diagnose cataracts. But many people prefer to turn a blind eye to the health of their eyes, until it becomes too late.

Cataract can be diagnosed by examining the fundus.

A more detailed examination of the condition of the eyes allows biomicroscopy or research using a slit lamp.

Additional methods of cataract diagnosis include keratorefractometry (determination of the degree of myopia and hyperopia, radius of curvature of the lens, refractive force of the cornea), examination of visual fields, measurement of intraocular pressure, and so on.


Cataract treatment with eye drops will be effective, but only at the initial stage. The most commonly assigned funds are:

  • Quinax;
  • Taufon;
  • Drops of Smirnov;
  • Oftan-Qatakhrom;
  • Vitayodourol.

No drops contribute to the resolution of opacities in the lens, they only allow slowing the progression of cataracts. The sooner the treatment for the initial stage of cataract is prescribed, the more effective it will be.


Cataract is a chronic disease, which means that potassium must be used constantly.A person who has cataracts at the initial stage of development, doctors recommend dripping the drug up to five times a day. At the same time, there should not be major interruptions between treatments, otherwise the disease will progress further.

It is worth noting that drops for cataract treatment are safe for the eyes and in most cases have no contraindications.

The effect of drops for the treatment of cataracts is that they contain vitamins, potassium iodide, various antioxidants and other useful components that protect the lens from further opacities.In more neglected cases, drugs will be powerless, therefore a surgical operation is prescribed. It is the most effective method of treating cataracts, since the cloudy lens is removed, and an artificial lens is installed in its place.


The launched cataract leads to the fact that the lens greatly increases in size and prevents the outflow of intraocular fluid. This is very dangerous, because a complication such as secondary glaucoma can develop.


It is better to prevent the appearance of cataracts than to treat it long afterwards. But cataracts are most common in the elderly, because this is how the physiological aging of the body is manifested.

It is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle, to abandon bad habits, such as overeating, smoking, drinking.

Experts advise in the prevention of cataracts to try to protect the eyes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet and microwave radiation.

It is necessary to take with caution such medications that are aimed at eliminating allergies, combating depression, the emergence of unwanted pregnancy.

In addition, the amount of sugar in the blood should be monitored, since diabetes is one of the factors that provoke cataracts.



Cataracts are a very serious and dangerous disease, leading to poor eyesight or even complete blindness. It is very important to undergo an annual check-up with an ophthalmologist in order to discover the problem as early as possible and begin treatment. It should be remembered that without the permission of a doctor to prescribe a treatment in no case be impossible!

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